Sunday, October 23, 2022
The key to opportunity
Realize, precious hearts, that I refer to the reentering into Mother Russia of Lenin himself, protected by the international bankers and therefore allowed not merely to destroy individuals bearing the mantle of the house of Romanov but the entire representation of the divine right of kings—the representation of the living Christ within the hearts of those who inherit the mantle of God-government in the nations. -Morya, Pearl 25:7
The key to opportunity, beloved ones, is the fulfillment of the Law of your own being.Until that Law is fulfilled the next cycle of attainment cannot be opened for you….
Beloved ones, it is so important that opportunity not manifest among mankind as competition.Equality is the opportunity to rise to one’s own God-source in the administration and outpicturing of one’s own divine plan fulfilled.How important it is especially for those on the pathway of attainment that they are never competing with one another but only with their own momentums, striving to overcome and to arrive just a little bit ahead of the mark where they perhaps another time had failed…. The soft voice, the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit is the only presence of the creative force of life within you. Holding to and clinging fast to that vine of divinity will work wonders in the world of form for you. And whenever you are amidst the tempest, as beloved Jesus was in the boat and the sea roared without, remember that you can simply say “Peace, be still and know that I AM God!”And you can call to your Mighty I AM Presence, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood or an individual ascended being and say “Mighty I AM Presence, take command of that situation!” and know that all will be well. Then turn your attention to God and go about your daily activities. Do not feel that you must strive with opposition, for the forces of light, the power of Michael’s band and of all the archangels stand ready to go forth to do battle for you as you continue to press forward toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. Remember that, beloved ones, you do not need to struggle. The hosts of the Lord are encamped about you and they indeed go forth. And they are the conquerors. But remember that in this world you must always consider that the manifestation of God is sometimes of necessity tempered by conditions of time and space; at other times instantaneous precipitation is possible. Therefore expect the immediate but be willing to wait in patience in the possession of your souls (solar energies) for the fulfilling of the divine within you….
And so you must be willing to receive the offering that is given to you from on high, your cup must be expanded--the chalice of your heartflame. And this is an hourly process, it goes on continuously; and you must learn how to meditate while you are about your daily tasks--this is so important. To feel the attunement with the Holy Spirit at all times is something that was taught to me before I could be given the opportunity to bear the Christ and assist him in his mission.For if you are not in attunement with God at all times how can He act for you in time of danger or crisis or opposition? It means that in the presence of danger you must first make your attunement before you can receive assistance. In the life of a disciple there is not time for this, beloved ones, attunement must be ready as an armor, as a sword of truth….Attinement is therefore somewhat of a subconscious quality, it is begun with the outer mind, it is begun by its supplication, by prayer to the Holy Christ Self to take command and continue prayers and decrees of your heart throughout 24 hours. This is an important request and it should be made by you each morning before you even rise from your beds….Do not underestimate your service to the light then and realize that one with God is a majority for the entire planetary body. And this is scientific for we have proven it, we have demonstrated it. And by this Law the mighty Christian dispensation has come forth and remained to the present hour a mighty bulwark in the world of form. For it has retained the worship of the One God in the West and it has set at naught those forces of Communism which by now would have long ago taken over the entire planet were it not for the mission and flame of Christ and the focuses which we hold in the Western world….
Develop then that courage and determination that says “I shall not be moved!” and then go forth to conquer.
-Archeia Mary:12-31-1967 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
On July 11, 1613 o.s. sixteen-year-old Mikhail Romanov was crowned Tsar
Mikhail Romanov coronation chart via ephemeris shows Sun at 29 degrees 22’ Cancer. 304 years later the Romanovs abdicated which was on 3-16-1917 n.s., Sun at 25.25 degrees Pisces. Progressing this abdication chart forward to 2020 one adds (rate of solar progression 1 degree/year) 103.4 degrees, so progressed Sun is at 8.7 degrees Cancer. -r
The great struggle for mankind to amass wealth is so unnecessary. The beautiful intent of God is to release the fullness of Himself to all who will make necessary preparation to receive Him. He who has God has all wealth and cannot really lack any good thing. It is most regrettable but true that the minds of men are so overly prone to receive negative ideas of lack, originating in downward spirals of human misqualification that they suffer thereby the reverse of perfect supply which universal Law would bestow upon all. Perceiving to what end the struggles of mankind lead them I AM spurred with infinite ompassion to release a formula for greater supply to all. The simple rules of metaphysics concerning supply and demand do not always seem to work even when blessed students who are ever so sincere struggle so hard to apply them. This is of course one of the reasons why manifestation does not occur—simply because there is too much sense of struggle and not enough faith and trust in the accuracy of divine law. Dear hearts, unfortunately people do not, as beloved El Morya has often pointed out, apply the science of co-measurement to events. The idea of prosperity standing just around the corner does not appeal to individuals wondering where their next meal is coming from. They do not consider that God who feeds the proverbial sparrow has taken great care of them through millenniums of embodiments and has the richest blessings the universe can hold, ready and waiting to lower into manifestation in their worlds. There is a tendency toward despondency or doubt whenever fervent cries are uttered and no immediate response is self-evident.Co-measurement is a doctrine of patience. It contains within its idea of pure righteousness the law of cause and effect. This law demonstrates that out of experience is born understanding and compassion for men in various roles. The prince of former times, embodied as the pauper of the present hour, is able to feel a personal empathy for this strata of life. The reverse situation also has its attendant blessings, for the prince of the present era may fare better in performing acts of grace through wisdom gained from the pauper of the past. While no hard and fast element other than the law of karmic justice functions herein, it is a fact that the soul often expands under duress in a manner that might not be possible were no test in evidence. Men would often be unwilling to change lots with those whom they may almost envy if they knew the total dimensions the lucky person who has everything must absorb and cope with. So, beloved ones, the patience of Job is a great blessing and of greater value in cutting karmic cords than men may realize. At times there occurs the unfortunate feeling of resentment and blame which some people express in their hearts toward Deity when all does not go just as they expect--and this rebellion does not help their cause. Cutting themselves free from any feeling of resentment to any part of life is one of the first steps of faith which will open the door of understanding to the fullness of co-measurement and a release of karmic restraint which the great Law may have imposed upon them in order to assist the expansion of their souls’ evolution. When the ballast of human creation is released the healing “helium” of spiritual buoyancy raises feelings of men and women to new heights of hope and grandeur. The windows of heaven are then opened that a blessing they cannot contain may be poured out upon them, for lo, “the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee” (I Kings 8:27). O, blessed ones, how very great is the law of abundance. “I AM come that they might have life and that more abundantly” (John 10:10) is a wondrous affirmation whose power is indomitable. Affirming this statement in your heart, after shedding unwanted feelings of envy, doubt and despair, will raise the mind to a state of receptivity where God, the Mighty I AM Presence, can bestow the fullness of His treasures of light! I too am anxious to bestow upon all students and upon the dear world with its sleeping hamlets full of little children a new era of radiant hope and blessings in which every tiny babe of light may respond to the ministrations of love from his mother’s heart. I salute the mothers of the world and all womankind to call to their attention good fortunes which are already theirs and blessed opportunities which increase their dimensions each day. One day every son of heaven shall be able to hope for the treasures of a young prince because the knowledge that he is born in his heavenly Father’s house is early conveyed to him, and that the world is a brighter place because love has expanded so very much. O love that will not let men go, draw them back to the fullness of their divine consciousness which makes all men aware of the treasures of heaven’sspan and the love that would shower upon them as joyous golden sunbeams of power, spinning thought into a wondrous manifest reality of heavenly bliss. I AM your golden-hearted Mother of supply, (known as Lakshmi in India)
Fortuna, Goddess of SupplyOf all God’s wealth from realms on high, Release thy treasures from the Sun And now bestow on everyone Whose heart beats one with God’s own light The power to draw from heaven’s height Abundance to expand the plan The Masters hold for every man Attune our consciousness with thee, Expand our vision now to see That opulence is meant for all Who look to God and make the call We now demand, we do commandAbundant manna from God’s hand That now below as is above all mankind shall express God’s love
I send light from the Himalayas to the Andes where the Masculine and Feminine Ray enter Earth respectively. I send light for the inner balancing of Earth in consideration of mankind’s karma and those changes that could come to pass. The balance of light that I am able to anchor within you because you have tarried to be a vessel of light and prepared your bodies is considerable indeed, and therefore for your most gracious attendance, for your listening grace I am thankful. As the sponsor of Saint Germain I am in search of those who will understand the mission, the great mission of my Son, and who will comprehend that the holding of the balance of light in the Earth depends upon those who hear the call and take it finally in this life as a serious election in the heart of Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ. Blessed ones, with physical vessels in the Earth who understand the meaning of the crystallization of the God-flame in this form we can move across the Earth and hold a majesty of light. As you become then pillars in the temple of the God who is on earth even as He is in heaven Earth can see the mitigation and transmutation that is called for in this hour. May you who have heard and understood go forth to manifest the dream of God for the Age of Gold! May you know that by perseverance and constancy you may enter into a relationship of trust with one or more of the ascended masters beginning with my Son Saint Germain. Realize, beloved, that the Master/disciple relationship, or that which is called the Guru-chela relationship, is one that can be sustained only by the flame of trust–trust in the guarding of the light. For the light is power and when it is not guarded but misqualified in an unguarded moment that light simply goes to feed the sinister force upon this planet. Thus when in a moment of anger or a sudden flash of envy the light given is turned to a lesser vibration there are always those Brothers of the Shadow waiting to take it from you.
Thus trust must be the hallmark of our devotion to those students of the light. We love all who take up this teaching, but to enter in to a guarded relationship whereby that light is transferred for the healing of nations we must then see a responsibility that is mature and that has the understanding that we deal with cosmic forces and it is the misuse of these forces that has in the past brought calamity and the sinking of continents. You live in an era, beloved, when ancient karma sown in rock and mountain, even of this vicinity, comes due for balance. Let it be balanced by a violet flame conflagration….
Would to God that the people who so love the light would capture this spark of liberty, this sign of the Godhead of creativity descending in the dawning hours of the age of Aquarius. Would to God that the people en masse would rise up to overthrow not only their karma but also their oppressors who keep them bound to a round of darkness in church and state worldwide. Beloved, the world is upon the verge of the ushering in of such an age of enlightenment! The gentle turning of each individual toward his God, toward his I AM Presence with that meditation and utter love, I tell you, in the twinkling of the all-seeing Eye of God you would see what change upon planet Earth!… I am known as the Great Divine Director, for I do direct planetary energies out of the mighty Blue Sphere above. Therefore light descends through hearts of gold. Through lovers of light I send light, light that you receive now, beloved, is a quickening and it shall work in your members for forty-eight hours from this moment. If during this cycle you will take these decrees and calls and give them as frequently as your life allows, I remaining with you will give you a charge and a multiplication factor not available in the ordinary sense. Therefore, beloved, it is by my love of Saint Germain and his love of your particular lifestreams that I give you my heart. All of heaven stands poised and waiting for the response of lightbearers of the world. Therefore in Saint Germain’s name I say to one and to all: lightbearers of the world, unite in the seventh ray and age!Establish thou it! For you are by reason of your embodiment on Earth the authority as to what shall take place upon this planet. I seal you in Saint Germain’s Maltese cross, the sign of your alchemy. May you pursue it and be God-victorious for all evolutions of Earth--my light, my love upon you always,
-Divine Director: 2-3-1988 at Phoenix via Messenger E C Prophet
Now therefore, beloved, your necessity for my Presence here does indeed have to do with our establishment of this entire retreat and ranch and more--[that] of the forcefield of the Great White Brotherhood on Earth. It has everything to do with the opposition [to your Christhood through the establishment of this retreat which comes] from all levels and all sides. For when in recent centuries has a retreat of the Great White Brotherhood become physical to be sustained by such advanced disciples as you are or as you are capable of becoming? I tell you, such a measure of light, such a high teaching, such a constancy of servants drawing forth our light, our Presence, our power has not been seen in many more centuries than I would care to tell…. Thus, beloved, as you balance karma and take dominion you will see how as the cup of karma decreases, the cup of dharma increases so that you always have a full cup, more and more of the dharma, less and less of personal karma, [and] therefore such a freedom, such a self-givingness, such an opportunity to lend to life your flame: this is the meaning of being braced by the dharma even as you embrace it…. Thus, beloved, seek diligently the alignment with the will of God, and call to me, implore me that that portion of my Alpha and my Omega may be to you the filling in of those gaps of memory or health or vision or constancy or harmony or knowing of divine purpose.
-Sanat Kumara: 3-31-1988 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
Kartikeya (a Sanskrit appelation for Sanat Kumara) that immigration which is that gratitude in the hearts of mankind
is the immigration of souls of light immigrating to planet Earth from
starry heights. Come forth, O avatars! Come forth, O Christed ones!
Earth is a manger, Earth is a cradle prepared to receive the incoming
one. -Lanello: 12-18-1973 at Puerto Varas, Chile via Messenger ECP
If you choose then not to hallow the ground whereon you stand, to
hallow the words of your mouth and the light of your body, if you choose
not to walk in the dignity in which you are chosen and that you have
chose, beloved hearts, I fear there is not much beyond what has already
been done for you that can be done….By the very dignity of God where you are you must stand and determine
that what you say and what you do and how the course of your life un
folds will be according to that highest purpose….And we do not suggest that you desire or attempt to convert the alien
in your midst–the “Canaanite” or these who still worship dumb idols and
the dumb idol of themselves….
Blessed ones of God, you are called to be apart of those who come (to the light). And you must realize that today
there are forces working not only in the immigration service but in the
intelligence service and the secret services of that nation, [the
United States], and there is a growing network worldwide-a determination
on the part of the Christian movements–every sect and mainline religion
joining one anotherdetermined to wipe out the voice of truth that
comes through you and this Messenger and the Teachings and the very
dictations themselves. Do not underestimate any of these forces. We work night and day; we
work through you and your call. And you must understand that their
determination is the see to it that the lightbearers who are of the I AM
race, who are “Americans” from their very origin in the Central Sun,
are not allowed legally to enter that country and to remain….There is no
nation on Earth where the international capitalist-communist conspiracy
is more advanced in the free world than in the United States.
-Archangel Michael:12-6-1985 in West Germany via Messenger E C
One should sing a hymn to selflessness in the rays of the Sun
as a bird does in its own way of expression, knowing the future day on
which it has been decided that the migration is to start. -Morya: Community 1926
Nature must balance what mankind refuse to balance. The beings of the
elements, the beings of nature and Elohim take command in that hour
of initiation and they must effect planetary transmutation through
cataclysm if mankind fail to make the invocations, to make the
concentrated action of light within themselves that is necessary to hold
the balance….This torch, this light is passed from the Great White Brotherhood, from the ascended hierarchy to those who will take it, to hose who will seize it….In every age it is the few who hold the balance whereby
transition can be made….(Yet) it is no longer possible for the few to
hold the balance for the many; therefore at this moment Hierarchy is
contacting their chelas to see if the many will respond to hold the
balance so that Earth can pass into the new dispensation without a total
disruption….If the Earth is lost it creates an imbalance in the planets of the
solar system. If more and more planets go the way of the lefthanded
path, soon the solar system is cast out of Hierarchy, and that affects
this sector of the galaxy, and so on. We find that the lightbearers in every age are like the little boy with the finger in the dike holding back the water until help comes.
This is the meaning of the path; it has been going on for a long time.
We have a sacred opportunity, we have a sacred commitment–let us
consider then as we commune together as the days pass the meaning of
Hierarchy and our role in Hierarchy.
-Messenger E C Prophet: 7-3-1975 at Mt. Shasta
So long as humanity will not accept the power of eternal life they will have the power of transgression active in their life in a physical way, destructively creating those conditions they are sending out to one another and creating a havoc as far as the divine plan is concerned
upon Earth. -Elohim Arcturus: 11-22-1970 via Messenger Mark
Many sons have come from Venus through the ages, and daughters wise. They have been leaders in the fields of religion and science, art, mathematics, industry, architecture and in laying the foundations of golden ages and civilizations. Some have built the etheric cities of light that are a part of the Earth in the etheric octave and others have taken embodiment and have built [cities of light on Earth] in golden ages past….
Thus you see, beloved, those who love and those who are receptive and those who would receive these souls of light must take up spiritual arms again and in this very court which as you know has the great cathedral [of illumination’s flame] superimposed upon it. You must also make the calls that these individual lifestreams–now free, now released by Sanat Kumara to come here–may enter, may be loved, cherished, educated, supported and brought to the place of the divine mission.
Many, many souls are determined to see to it that the foundations of a golden age of Aquarius of Saint Germain and Portia are laid in the physical octave. They have the vision and they hold it of the great beauty that has been in past ages and that may come again. They are fully apprised and alert to all conditions of potential war and upheaval in the planet and yet they are unmoved. They are unmoved, beloved, because they have the peace of which the Great Divine Director spoke: the peace of inner wholeness.
See how necessary it is then by whatever means it takes for you to reach that point of equanimity so that you may receive into your life or family or community a soul who is whole. [It requires] that you yourself or the collective community have a chalice of relative wholeness–of maximum wholeness–so that children might not be set back by those who have up to this hour ignored the admonishments to tackle the sublevels of being. Precious ones, these souls can do much for this Community, for America and for every nation. They can do much for education and for children.
Treasure then this opportunity and even call that you might all be and remain watchmen on the wall of he Lord….may you watch and be observant for the protection of life and the minds of all people. May you gather in your separate committees and spheres of influence and areas of talent and tackle one by one the problems [arising from] the saturation of the minds of the youth with all manner of dark forms.
…the separation of those on Venus is not without pain. These evolutions are high adepts, beings of great symmetry and light; they have demonstrated great talent in bringing forth the music of God. They are highly evolved and yet they have their mandalas, they have their schools and families. Some professors in the universities there will leave and others must rise to fill their places. These professors have been loved for many centuries, as time goes. And so you see, attachments do form [even in higher octaves].
But I can tell you one thing: the greatest attachment of all of every son and daughter of light on Venus is to Sanat Kumara himself, to his great love and his great sacrifice. And they see all that he has given to the evolutions of Earth and to all of the sons and daughters of Venus that have come [to Earth in past ages to sponsor the children of light here]. And they desire to see that this entire exercise that began so long ago for the restoration of the fire of the heart to the evolutions of Earth shall not be incomplete, shall not be left undone.
And they are absolutely determined especially before your own determination to see to it that Sanat Kumara’s great experiment in freedom shall not be lost, nor that of Gautama Buddha nor that of all who came in their lineage, including all the bodhisattvas who have risen from Earth [who were originally of] the evolutions of Venus. Yes they are absolutely determined that all that they have done and achieved and given to the world shall not be lost and that the children of the light shall not be lost and that souls on the astral plane who might be lost–as Mother Mary in her wisdom has warned–might be saved.
Thus beloved, see then how your courage begets courage and how that which you have become and sustained can draw to you greater and greater reinforcement as brothers and sisters and friends of light from many planetary spheres are determined to be here on Earth now in this century and in centuries to come to make good all that was begun and to fight the battles to the finish against those who would take from Sanat Kumara his mighty due….
But I decree in my office as Lady Venus that the love of God and the creativity of God and the seraphim pure and the reinforcements who have come from cosmic heights to engage in this battle, who now have petitioned God to stay here, might surely right some wrongs. Yes I decree that all of these put together in the presence of my sponsorship and my office might surely right some wrongs and make the difference and purge the Earth of the deadly trafficking in drugs, [so burdening] the bodies of the youth. Yes beloved, everywhere you turn on the twenty-four lines marking the divine plan on the Great Divine Director’s clock there is another problem, another challenge, another seemingly impossible situation….
Believe in the sacred fire and let it accrue to your chakras until you yourselves in the pursuit of your dharma and your karma also obtain adeptship and the siddhis. –Lady Venus, 1-3-1993 at RTR, Montana
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