Friday, October 7, 2022
the fourth woe from Alpha
But alas, with the many responsibilities of our chelas some of these projects so key to the Darjeeling Council have been set aside. One and all wonder “How can we tackle so many issues? How can we deal with so many problems?” It is almost an avalanche of problems descending through the media to your hearts.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 26:50
And therefore the call went forth long ago from the heart of Joshua: “Come apart now and be a separate and chosen people!” When the avalanche of human karma descends and the seed of the wicked who know they have karma cry out to the mountains “Fall on us, fall on us!” for they desire to die rather than to face the Lord’s judgment, it is then, beloved, that you must indeed be out of harm’s way. -Saint Germain, Pearl 30:66
Hail, O Alpha’s Sons and Daughters!
I AM come. I AM Alpha here and in you. And I deliver unto you this day my love, my love, my love! [43-second standing ovation]
Again the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing. But I the Lord do hold them in derision. Therefore let us laugh today, let us laugh tomorrow and let us laugh again!
For though they seek to take from you the geothermal waters of the Divine Mother in the Earth, I tell you, they shall never take from you the waters of everlasting life which I bring this day and which My angelic hosts now offer you as the cup of cold water in Christ’s name and more–as the elixir that you might quaff and know that I am urging on the points of light and cells in your body to move toward the ascension in the light! [27-second standing ovation]
Now stand very still and receive the beloved seraph who loves you, who knows you, who attended your birth in the Great Central Sun. Can you imagine [that there is] such a seraph who has known you since first you opened your eyes and saw the Beloved and saw your God?
So that one, that precious one now hands to you each one this cup of the elixir. Drink then, beloved ones. It is sparkling and ready. [22-second pause] Every lightbearer in embodiment upon Earth who has raised himself or herself to a certain level, with or without this Teaching, shall also be served this drink during the hours of rest. Now then, beloved, be seated for the assimilation of the elixir and My Word.
There are some things that are to be endured in the Earth and there are some things that cannot be tolerated, nor by God nor by His sons and daughters. Therefore I am grateful that you are in the Earth in this hour. I have placed you here, beloved, but that which I could never do is to force your freewill or your hand to become devotees and disciples of Alpha and Omega in this life.
You were surely God-taught. You were surely received before Our altars in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. You were shown the possibilities and karmas and pitfalls and your weaknesses and your strengths and actions of past lives that did take you apart from the way, the straight and narrow way, and how you would confront them again [and that] you would be tested, you would be initiated.
Now then the angel of the Keeper of the Scrolls stands before you. And in a moment and in a flash you can already review this life and see how you came upon or, I should say, how there came upon you fallen angels, cunning. And they have purveyed their drugs and all manner of illusory experiences, drawing you into the byways of the misuse of the light of your seven chakras.
That which they most desired to pervert in you, beloved, was and is the chakra of the Divine Mother. For it is the fount of life on Earth and the fount of eternal life that rises from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown and is activated and crystallized and sealed by the descending light of your I AM Presence.
Because therefore you call to your Mighty I AM Presence daily and hourly, and some of you even awaken realizing you have been making the call in your dreams–beloved ones, because of this we have not stressed to you Kundalini yoga. For you are accomplishing the goal by the merging of the light of the descending action of your Mighty I AM Presence and the rising action of the Omega-flame within you. And by the force of the descent of the Alpha- flame in you, the Alpha flame does magnetize and draw up the Omega. And therefore you find that there is a regulating and there is a balancing, there is a strengthening of chakras.
And if you follow the diet of the Messenger, [which is the diet] of the Eastern adepts [adapted to your needs and life-style], beloved ones, you will know the strengthening of the corresponding organs and you will know that I, Alpha, with Omega will place more and more of Our flame in each part of the body and especially those parts that have the greatest strength.
Therefore know your strengths always, beloved. They are a chalice for Our coming. And I speak not only of physical strengths but character strengths–the strengths of mind, will and heart. And also know your weaknesses and determine what is your greatest weakness, beloved. Then go after it and remember that it will also be related to the weakest of your organs.
Thus you must bring up the whole manifestation of the four lower bodies. This We seek. Each one must become his own pyramid of life. Each one must raise up that coil of ascension flame depicted in the book of Djwal Kul.
Yes, beloved, come now and understand where you have faced the fallen ones and where they outdid you because your teachers were not in embodiment and at your side from your earliest birth and from your childhood. And then again when you have had teachers you have chosen to ignore them at a certain stage of your life and you would learn your lessons by experimentation and experience.
Beloved ones, it is understandable that there are some things that must be learned by experience. Otherwise we should all be placed in a box; We should place you in a box and open it up when you are twenty-one years old!
Well, beloved, that experiment of Skinner never did work, never would work, but the fallen ones attempted it as one more means to drive the children of the light crazy. Yes, beloved ones.
Therefore I tell you you have chosen the world to be your guru. And I ask you: how many here this day are through with having the world as your guru? [“I am!”]
Well, it is a wise choice, beloved ones, for you have seen the world long enough and in long embodiments. But even in this one a certain amount of pain has been necessary to wean you from temporary pleasures of the world. And of course you have had to be weaned from placing your trust in other individuals who would suddenly abandon you, taking with them the members of your family, your children, your belongings, and never be seen again! And you in dismay have said “How can this be?”
Well, it is because you have trusted in the flesh and you have not first trusted in God. Had you trusted in God, beloved ones, things might have turned out better. And that is the lesson you should have learned.
There are some karmas that you must balance personally and that cannot be balanced in any other way. If you come upon such a karma, go for it, drive into it. Use your mighty sword! Be diligent, give it your all! If necessary, lay down your life and take it again. Give all of your strength each day. Be restrengthened in the night and go for it again and again until you hear the mighty holy angel of God: “Blessed one, you have accomplished this karma. It is fulfilled, it is concluded. You may now step [out of this situation] and move on with your life if it is your choice.”
So, beloved, We recruit you where you are and We say, if you truly desire to receive the training of the Gurus of Maitreya’s Mystery School, We shall give it to you as never before. You must understand that neither the Masters nor the Messenger shall interfere with your life one iota unless you request it, unless you implore us and determine that you would like direct contact and direct disciplining and direct love whereby you can be quickly delivered of certain elements of your lifestream that perhaps you are not even aware of yourself.
Therefore, beloved, if you will address your letters in writing in the physical octave to Me and to My beloved Omega and to the Messenger stating what level of chelaship you would desire wherever you might live on Earth or whether you enter this Community as a chela, so then We shall begin Our course. Whether at inner levels or on the outer simply depends on how much the Messenger is able to give on a one-to-one basis.
You can understand this, beloved, for there are thousands upon thousands upon Earth who are yearning for this relationship. And We, Alpha and Omega, bring you the message this day that in consideration of the Messenger and of yourselves We shall place Ourselves in position through the Messenger that she might tend to the many not necessarily physically, personally but by a mighty action of heart and mind and by a certain [soul] tutoring [at inner levels]. For, beloved ones, there are certain elements [of karma/psychology] in everyone that must be dealt with. And therefore you can do this as tens of thousands [of chelas] and come up another step. Thus there are gradations and grades for all.
Beloved ones, you may have wondered why the Messenger has not spoken to you directly about many things. It is because you have not made that commitment in physical writing that you desire that Guru-chela relationship. Therefore I can tell you when you desire to have this the Messenger will not spare the rod or the love to bring you to that very centeredness in the heart of your own God Presence.
One thing I will tell you: the Messenger has no desire whatsoever to possess you but to bring your soul to Us. Therefore you may accept My Word and place your trust in Me that you can rely on your Messenger to assist you all the way home! [39-second standing ovation]
Please be seated.
Beloved ones, I address you now on matters of global concern, matters that must be dealt with by the Hierarchy of Light and by yourselves. Your success in dealing with these matters does depend on the Guru-chela relationship that you keep. And, of course you know that the beloved El Morya, beloved Lanello are the ones closest to you in this octave through the Messenger.
Therefore I speak of My coming on the occasion when I pronounced the three woes–Woe! Woe! Woe!–and I told you, beloved, that these are the woes of karma and that these woes that descended are woes of violation of light of Father and of Son and of Holy Spirit. And I did state to you, beloved, that one day, one day (and that day known only to Me) I would release the fourth woe.
And the fourth woe, beloved, is the woe of the descent of the karma of misuse of light of Divine Mother and Her seed. The hour has come therefore for those violators of the body of woman and of her children to receive their judgment.
Blessed hearts, all have had opportunity abundant to come to the defense of woman, to come to the defense of soul–soul who is the feminine principle and potential to realize the fullness of God. Yes, this opportunity of ministering unto the souls of male and female and child, of son and daughter of God and every level of evolution upon the planet has been given. And I say, beloved, of all things in the Earth that which is most neglected by all is the individual soul.
Then there is the persecution of the child, the abuse of the very Christ in the body of the child and therefore the defilement, or attempted defilement, of that Christ being formed and descending into that temple.
I speak then of this portent of the fourth woe, but I would first speak to you now of certain things in Earth that have changed.
You have seen the receding of World Communism. Blessed ones, the trees of World Communism have been topped. But the trunk of the tree and root of the tree has not changed, has not lost its vitality. Therefore beware, for your representatives in the West desire to believe all lies of the Liar and even to accept all murderings of the Murderer.
Be it known then that though the outer colorations may change, the beast of World Communism is far from dead in the Earth. It is a mentality, it is a vibration and a state of consciousness that has been long on the Earth, far antedating its present manifestation in this century. Thus though Lenin unfurled it and though Stalin intensified it, yet there are those, many in embodiment today, who at heart still maintain that focus of World Communism.
There has been major change in the Earth. Do not think that it has not been by the action of the invocation of light, for it has! And since My prior coming you have accomplished many labors by long hours of giving of decrees here and in your Teaching Centers and, therefore, much has been cleared in the Earth of the fallen ones.
Yet on the other hand those in positions of power who enjoy that power, who know that their day is through have not in any way responded to the light nor to the seven archangels nor to the message proclaimed to them by the seven archangels of the consequences of their deeds.
Neither the President of the United States nor the Congress has seen fit to put in place the necessary defense of this nation. And therefore, beloved, there is a vulnerability that continues, and it continues for the breaking down of defense itself and the continuing trust [on the part of the people] of those who are not yet Christ-identified and far from it.
The byword of the Brothers and Sisters in White, beloved, is “Trust no man, trust no woman.” Therefore, whom do you trust?
You trust the divine spark and the God within each one. And to that God [you bow] and with that God you make contact, beloved. When you come upon individuals who have long ago snuffed out the divine spark, who have long ago squandered the light, who have denied the soul potential to be and therefore draw their energies from the masses of the people whom they control, what is there to trust in them?
I speak of the leadership of East and West and of every nation! And I speak of those in the leadership at all echelons and compartments of society. There is no nation that has a corner on these Nephilim gods, beloved ones.
And you see in this hour the great mistrust of the Congress of the United States by the people. Well, beloved ones, when the new recruits come in as they will be elected I remind you: trust no man, trust no woman, but trust in God and invoke that God!
And if you want to see real God-action through your representatives in every nation upon Earth, then I say, do not fail to exercise the decree for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold. For that carnal mind, that not-Self, must be bound that the great Tao may act through them, that the sefirot may act through them, that the I AM THAT I AM may act through them, that the Lord Christ, the Lord Krishna and Inner Buddha might act through them!
There is no assurance of light acting through anyone who is not a devotee or through anyone who is. It is not guaranteed unless either that one who knows of the decree [gives the decree] or others give that decree for him or her. The binding of the not-Self provides the greatest freedom of choice to the soul, to the heart and to the very goodwill of many servants of God in government.
One day they promise this and the next day they take it away, and that is because of the influence of lower levels of being. Therefore this call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold accomplished by yourself on yourself and loved ones and all lightbearers of Earth is the single greatest, most effective call you can make for world change and for the putting of the brake on the downward course of civilization. Therefore I tell it to you.
And I say to you you must know who your representatives are on every issue. You must know who will be making decisions for you and when. It then becomes your spiritual responsibility in this octave, in Our name and in the name of the seven archangels to call for binding of all forces of darkness that would interfere with [your representatives in their] bringing about the manifestation of the will of God.
It is not that you wish to interfere with their freewill, beloved. It is that you desire to liberate their mind and heart and soul to receive the will of God and to act upon it.
Let not your prayers then be prayers of malintent, of manipulation–not that they are, for you are dispassionate and objective in your calls–but understand that where the individual [representative of the people] is [through ignorance] not free to affirm the rightness of the Law of God and man and how it is to be interpreted, that individual is [subject to] making karma.
You as angels in embodiment, and many of you are, and you as sons and daughters of God must stand in the defense of life and attempt to uphold those individuals who could be making good karma, who have a good soul and a good fire within them yet do not have the sure and certain understanding of what they must do nor the vision nor inner knowledge. Therefore knowledge above all, as you have been told, is the key to the saving of a planet.
Now therefore, beloved ones, it is indeed a time of great transition. It is a time when, more than ever, people cannot find leaders. They have no confidence in those whom they see. They take the one that is the least evil, not finding one who is God-good.
I understand this, beloved hearts, and I tell you if you cannot find that person whom you seek, then you must become that person yourself! Is not that what the whole world is telling you in this hour? [So you must say to yourself:]
“There are no examples. Therefore I will not look here or there. I will become the example by the grace of God and in true humility of Alpha. I will become the example!”
Blessed ones, there are not sufficient role-models. Become them! I urge you to consider that calling and to remember, though you think no one sees your good deeds or your bad, when you are a soul tied to the Great White Brotherhood your soul is seen by every other individual on planet Earth and everyone on planet Earth does take his step and his stride from your step and stride.
All the Earth watches the devotees of light. So do the forces of death and hell. You are indeed seen, beloved! And where you are a light that lightens your home and your town people know it, even though they may not know you or see you. They sense your presence and know that in your town there is a soul putting on her Christhood. And therefore they sleep easier at night because you are there.
I say, beloved, and I implore you as your Father: Do not let the people down. Do not let the people of Earth down and do not let Us, your Parents, down. For you can make the difference! Yes, beloved, you can make the difference but you must do it! It is not enough that I tell you you can. You must do it!
And doing it somehow becomes a fuzzy proposition and you allow the forces to stop the physical actions, to stop the conclusion of projects that have come forth as a gift from My mind to your own. And you see the project, [and perhaps you start it,] but you do not bring it to completion; and therefore it is aborted, it is stillborn.
Blessed hearts, if it is a right idea, then see it through and give your decrees and come what may, do not give up! The key here is to determine that it is a right idea. And this you must do by your meditation and decrees to the Great Divine Director, to Cyclopea, to El Morya, to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
Angels of God, take your positions now at all points in the Earth! Cosmic reinforcements, rings of seraphim, legions who have come, you have surveyed the Earth. You have received unto your bodies of light the photographs, the recordings on film and sound-tape of all that is taking place where you stand. We therefore have for Our archives in the Sun of Helios and Vesta and in the Great Central Sun recordings of all that is taking place on planet Earth at all levels.
This is a necessary reading taken by Us when We are, as you would say, physically present in Earth. We take Our readings also from higher spheres. But this is a specific reading, beloved, where We shall be able to view, as you would view in your motion picture theaters, the sound, the aura, intent, mind and record of all that has been recorded.
Blessed ones, understand that when such a thorough review of a planetary home and system is taken cycles are indeed turning, and in this hour We are seeking what is the greatest mitigation that can come and what is the judgment that will not be turned back. Therefore, beloved ones, I ask you to stand. Please keep silent.
Powers of the octaves, powers of the octaves, powers of the octaves, release now the fourth woe!
Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe!
Therefore there is the descent into the Earth in this hour of the judgment of the persecutors of the Divine Mother and Her seed and of the souls of light and of the children of light–the persecutors of the Divine One in every temple on Earth, the persecutors of Atman and of the living Christ and of the Inner Buddha.
Therefore you who have embodied this persecution of the Divine Mother, I declare to you as I place My Electronic Presence before every one of you on planet Earth–on the astral plane, etheric plane and in the mental belt–I declare before you:
Your judgment has descended! It is sealed in your four lower bodies. It is sealed in your record. It is descending now and in this hour as I speak. Mark and note it well!
Therefore the judgment has descended. And you who have again given liberty to woman to murder her child, you who represent millions upon Earth who agree with you–you stand guilty before mankind and all aborted souls on the etheric plane. You therefore shall come to judgment, for you have committed the murder of God and it shall not stand!
Therefore it is done. And I Alpha seal this judgment. And you will not remove it! You will not dodge it! You will not displace it! You will not in any way extricate yourself from the hold of Alpha’s judgment!
Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe!
In the four quadrants of the Earth I release the light of the Dhyani Buddhas for the fixing of the judgment:
Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe!
Therefore know, beloved, that when buildings fall all around you and avalanches descend and continents shake you must stand fast in the very pillar of your God! And as I said in My former address, when the fourth woe descends it is time to get thee up into the mountain of God.
I AM Alpha. Those who bear my light are sealed, protected, nurtured, tutored. There is no ongoing dispensation for those who are not servants of light. But unto those who become servants of light there is the grace complete, necessary to their victory in this life or a succeeding life where their karma does not allow [it in this one].
This is the pledge of Alpha. Do not doubt it but take advantage of it. For I AM here. I AM Brahman. I AM the Atman. As Above, so below, I AM your Self.
-Alpha, Pearls of Wisdom 35:33
How long, how long can Elohim, therefore, hold back the avalanche of the descent of civilizations worldwide?
You are seeing it everywhere. Do not become ho-hum about what you see, for what you see is truly the most dangerous aspect of a world in transition. And instead of [seeing a world] going up, [you are seeing] a world going into [the spirals of] self-disintegration. Look all around you and see the bodies and minds that are disintegrating….
Beloved hearts, it must be so, for I am a serious professor. I am serious in my art, for I see the world slipping down the drain. I see the avalanche of the dark ones and astral plane, and I see many souls being lost daily.
I do not expect you to have the vision of the hierarch of the seventh ray. Therefore I give you some of it. And I trust you will no longer block that vision by clogging your chakras and your bodies with heavy foods—one more round of ingesting that dense substance, retaining the weight you do not need. You see, the enlightenment and true seeing and true spiritualization must come because your cell-centers are filled with light unobstructed. -Lanto, Pearl 35:27
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