Saturday, October 22, 2022
Of course because for each lifestream its own Holy Christ Self is the All-knowing-mind of God, that Holy Christ Self always sees and knows the future probabilities of its embodying outer self—seeing both the light and shadow which are scheduled (by karmic law) to appear. However, opportunity is always given to the embodying one to make things right through various contacts provided with persons, places, conditions and things which, if the soul is alert enough to accept and use, will make his way easier and move the soul forward into more and more light. Of course as the outer self occupies each new physical body the bands of forgetfulness form the veil which shuts out the past and future from outer consciousness.
-Maha Chohan, Pearl 2:12
“Facing the light there are no shadows on my pathway” from the very moment wherein the newborn infant draws into his little form his very first breath such a one becomes a living being facing the light of day in this physical world for the first time. From that moment on, more and more apparent as the years proceed, does that individual’s daily life- experience compel him to face persons, places, conditions or things. That which he sees there (and therefore accepts as truth concerning them) determines the course of the flow of his very life! -Morya, Pearl 2:32
Of course we always hold inviolate in our minds that immaculate concept (God-image) of the divine plan we are fulfilling in whatever project we serve. So when working with mankind (in whose realm human shadows sometimes attempt to interfere with or delay the manifestations of perfection) we give absolutely no power of any kind to such shadows but wherever possible when the great Law will permit it -we simply pass the violet transmuting flame through that shadowed substance and raise it into pure light. -Moryam Pearl 2:27
Desiring to increase the span of shadows in the darkening world and to bring mankind under bondage, the black brotherhood has tricked individuals and organizations who believe themselves to be servants of God and has caused instructions to be issued through them signifying changes in the names and divine offices of many of the great masters. In reality these names have not been changed nor have these offices been changed, for the term of the offices has not yet run out.
-Divine Director, Pearl 9:40
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