Tuesday, October 4, 2022
orthodoxy hurdle
It is the hour then when we from the ascended and unascended state can bequeath to you and the world the profound teaching and a great deal of it that will surely last through the age of Aquarius for many souls who [through this organization] will find freedom from the locked chain of orthodoxy. -Lanello, Pearl 34:15
But when you take the disciples and subtlety of the carnal mind then you realize that their killing of Christ has been the most deceptive of all and it is not recognized for what it is—sympathetic love. So are they seen establishing a rigid orthodoxy that was not the original perception of Christ...come in every stage and state of the path of bodhisattva to bless the people here and there and throughout the continents. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 28:38
But in the hands of those of only a physical awareness this teaching has become an orthodoxy shrouded in the limitations of their own minds. Therefore it has become a dogma. And it has become a prison house for some. And those without the Holy Spirit have not been able to succeed in applying this truth to the victory of their souls but in fact in its misapplication have made serious karma as they have denied medical assistance and care to those in need. Thus the dilemma, beloved, of being a scribe for God and a reformer and of bringing to the forefront truths with which the many are ill-equipped to deal. -Theosophia, Pearl 33:25
Therefore we will come. We will deliver at the Fourth of July conference and we will bring the threads from the beginning to the present so that you can see what was the founding principle [of each of the world religions] and where that religion has gone, stifled in orthodoxy, stifled by those who have moved in who are not of the light and who have created a structure that no lightbearer can pass through. -Morya, Pearl 35:19
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