Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Gracious ones,
Gracious ones, persevere! And you shall win! ...
The thought of merger with the divine ought to be a blessed goal wherein all can shine. Competition
58 and10 vain19 spirit37 of12 egocentricity
72 have18 no11 place19 in14 our18 disciplines56
(=344= 8 x Egyptian43) for one must work unswervingly for a purpose and devote oneself to the fulfillment of that purpose. The power to see the Promised Land vouchsafed of old to Moses as he came out of Egyptian bondage..., to persevere in the present hour when the drabness of appearances and seeming slowness of pace does not temper the zeal of the fire of the heart;...and they22 (unpersevering74) could19 not13 find24 within38 their33 souls14 the15 power32 to8 seek13 (water22) although38 it11 may12 have18 been17 nigh29, even19 at3 hand18=392=8 x 49. ... and if we are to act the part of those who believe in the rewards of the Most High God, we must see His mercy as enduring for us, a flame of compassion that tempers circumstance to ability and power to manifest the law of victory for each one.
...the psyche of man, the soul, remains the same. You are you; and it is your25 destiny33 to8 climb23 upward29 the15 walls13 so7 perpendicular70 and10 slippery48 as2 to8 be7 impossible47 to8 a1 mountain35 climber37
(=416=16 x yours26), so that you can climb up out of the cup of mortal density and a lack of realization until as you peer over the brim and behold mighty cosmos whose throbbing heart is all around you you will not be staggered by the vision which you see but will say “I as God will win and persevere!”
You must rest in the arms of Almighty Bliss. You must be consumed by the fires of victory and be willing to relinquish your hold upon that parcel of ground which you claim as your own....(Beholding) the raising power of the great Sun may in some cases (aid to) tremember the lofty and ancient Egyptian call “Holy art Thou, O Aton, Thou God of Oneness!”
In the concept of monotheism the greatness of the Most High was spread abroad throughout the land; and the gods and demigods of the past fell as ashes. We are reminded of the great test of Baal when the call went forth unto God on high and the fire came down and licked the altars at the request of the great prophet. Now we say unto you all, the time has come when the fires of heaven must be kindled anew in this age that the age be not dust and ashes, that the drabness of the challenges of science and knowledge depart from men in a pursuit of the understanding of the great purposes of Being which framed the worlds.
The world was not framed for better motors, for more efficient machines, for more deliberate diplomatic manipulations. The world was not framed for individuals to exert the power of mastery over other lives by subtle controls and hypnotism, by hypnotic influences of advertising marts and those who study how they may control mankind. The world was framed not only for a destiny that transcends this world, this Earth, this great terrestrial globe turning ‘neath the Sun but it was framed for an immortal ascendency of all phases of life into the great cosmic purposes that shall dawn one by one as manifest markers upon the miles of progress for all.
The very solar system in which you live was intended to raise itself into new dimensions of cosmic progress;
and light upon the mountains was intended to be transmuted and translated as fire of the individual’s heart whereby the great magnet of the ascension in Christ consciousness as a halo of great
whitefire light around that one would raise physical form, mind, soul, breath, the allness of individuality into the arms of the Central Sun....
In the interval between thy acts, pause to consider their effect upon others....
To act as God, confessing all to Him
And committing all to Him,
Thus to persevere and win!....
To8 know18, to8 do10, to8 dare19 (=71);
To8 hold21 communion’s46 sacred23 prayer38
With24 God17 alone20 (=197)....
Shut14 out11 all7 wrong32
And be7 alone20 with24 Him21.
Thus14 will20 all7 mortal25 clamor28 die18,
Confusion44 fly16 (=208=8 x Spartan26; 208+197=405=9 x 45),
And peace be born that day, that morn.
Rejoice! Mourn no more,
For life at hand defies
All that which is unreal.
Life demands you feel
The beat of sovereign51 heart25 (=76=4 x who19);
The feet of Christ impart
The power to cleave the mountains apart
And be that which you see.
I AM the Lord thy God.
His word is Law,
His rod is power;
His word by grace will sin devour.
His power reaches out to win
Beyond doubt the ascension flame,
Flashing forth now in act, in vow,
In compassion as you plow a furrow straight,
Parting the land for fruit and flower
And hope beyond debate.
You must hold that vision fair,
That holy vision flashing through the air
That shows that heaven’s here,
Not far away.
O grateful ones, you run this day
To win, to persevere!
I thank you and I commend you
Into the watchful care of the Holy One
Who shall neither slumber nor sleep
But shall keep you ‘neath His feet
That raised you
Up through the air in spiral fair
To hold His hands in reality’s prayer–
A goal that’s won, a spark to Sun
Applied as light that ends all night,
And brightness shines forevermore!
I thank you.
-Serapis Bey, 2-20-1962 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet,
in Pearld of Wisdom of Sept. 1972
28.5 as anchorpoint of a phi ratio series:
28.5 x 1.618=46.113; 74.613; 120.726 ;
28.5/1.618=17.614; 17.624/1.618=10.892; 10.892/1.618=6.73; so this phi or golden ratio series runs, with words via numerology count:
cat(s)6.7, see11, god(s)17.6; deceit(s)28.5; enticements46, silliness37 x 2=74.6; 120.7=4 x sullenly30.
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