Monday, October 24, 2022
disrespectful, self-indulgent
To you to whom [the violet flame] is given, to you who have these priceless pearls I would say, be not found wanting as they were, overindulgent in the knowledge of the Law in place of its wisdom, indulgent in psychism as a false mysticism or idolatry as the worship of the many instead of the One. But rather enter into the fullness of the light of the seventh ray and wax hot and let the Earth become hot with the all-consuming flame, the violet flame itself. -Lanello, Pearl 24:62
When have people ever recognized the coming of cataclysm? Do you think there would have been a loss of life in the days of Atlantis and the coming of Noah, or in Tibet, or in Pompeii, or on Lemuria, or at any hour when there has been cataclysm had the people attuned to the signs of warning? Why is there loss of life? Is it not because in the hour just before the cataclysm people are most self-indulgent and least aware of the great God-flame within them, and therefore they do not feel the rumblings in the inner planes long before these rumblings manifest as earthquake beneath their feet. Long before the Earth opens up to swallow them there is that indication at inner levels precisely because the Lord God is just. And unto the just and righteous there is the opportunity given for preservation of life in the temple and of the soul.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 21:6
Therefore the casting of man into outer darkness where his own unhappiness shall cause many to cry “Let the mountains fall upon us and let the hills cover us” shall bring about—in the terror of outer darkness—a greater yearning and more diligent seeking for the light. The ministering legions of heaven have sometimes felt that the mercy of God has almost seemed to pamper the indignities man has inflicted against His holiness. It has seemed almost as though the universal and infinite love of God in His outpouring of grace has been too indulgent of man and his inharmonies. Actually the time allotted to the span of infinite mercy and grace has not been so long as some might think. For the Law functions according to the accurate law of recurring cycles. -Morya, Pearl 7:15
Do not indulge in setback or in the indulgent idea that if you cross the line and break a commandment of God or break a promise to a friend, that somehow it will not matter. By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned or judged. See then that there is a higher purification of the spoken Word, and let there be the dividing of the way. -Elohim Arcturus, Pearl 46:22, April 3, 1996 at RTR, MT
And I have said to my twinflame in this hour that she must go after you and after you and after you and remind you again and again that this civilization is often an indulgent civilization especially in the United States. Do not be indulgent children, beloved. It never pays. Work hard and work harder. Have good times, rejoice but go back to your center. For I desire to see you ascended in the light with glories upon glories upon you and the Holy Spirit with you.
-Lanello, Pearl 45:2, July 1, 1997 at San Diego
Whatever the conditions of injustice if the people of the world determine that they will bring forth God-justice, they will find the path that must and can be followed. But if you are to remain an indulgent civilization--and this civilization is indeed an indulgent one--and if you ignore the great ones, the seers, the pillars in the Earth, those who know what is coming upon the planet, then what shall happen?
-Archeia Mary, Pearls of Wisdom 40:53, December 24, 1996 at RTR, MT
Children of the heart of the Sun, I have come to transfer to you an incomparable blessing--one that you require. And I find that in many matters you are superstitious, self-indulgent and inattentive to the word already given, disrespectful of our vessel and non-listening to the voice of your own heart.
The hour of a transfer of light is come. Let those who are ready receive it, for the Word is selective. -Sanat Kumara, July 3, 1983, at RTR, MT via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearl 42:12
Consider then the prophecies of Nostradamus. Go back and look at them and see what they are, for they are pointing to the present and to the future. May you also delve deeply into the levels of the etheric octave of your own etheric body. May you also be taken to the inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood that you might be shown the records and what is the potential for disaster and when and how and where. Be the watchmen on the wall, beloved ones, for this is a time of clear seeing. It is not a time to be self-indulgent but to place one's attention on the concerns of the Great White Brotherhood.
-Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Pearl 45:51, October 14, 1996 at RTR, MT
Perhaps those of the United States may be called the most indulgent people in the world. Well, beloved, they also are among those who are the greatest in the world in industry, in divine love and in the fervor of religion. But alas, they do not have the true religion of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 45:44, October 13, 1996 at RTR, MT
Watch and pray. For each thrust of rightness and right use of the Law is a thrust that is a challenge in the very teeth of the rebellious ones, the defiant ones, those who disobey the fiats of the Lord because they have not His love in their hearts. -Godfre, Pearl 55:15, December 28, 1973 at Mexico City
O what a tangled web is woven by those who deceive themselves by their prating about love and kindness and harmony, and yet beneath the surface of that is the very hatred of the Child, the very hatred of the Father-Mother God as these defiant ones purvey their socialistic psychology that is the very undermining of their offspring. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 31:84,
November 27, 1988 at Chicago
numerology: self15-promoting55=70,
75; 70+70+75=
5 x indulgent43.
fanatic27 + indulgent43 + insane26=96=3 x defiant32. 43+32=75=
defiant indulgent75.
“When23 the15 end14 is10 lawful21 (=83), the15 means16 are15 also11 lawful21 (78).” -So wrote the Jesuit (H. 8) Busenbaum26 in 1650. 83+78+34=195=5 x vain19).
(-Kuthumi) The end is covert takeover63; the means are Duffy clique (or Bausenbaum26 clique31=57), reactionary57, hypocrisy57. 57+63=120=test10 x lost12.
31deify (deify the procedure of the carnal mind).
The lost soul/spirit of Lenin had managed to be anti-Christ as a Sanhedrin member,
anti-Father as Loyola, anti-Holy Spirit as Lenin; as Anton LaVey he was anti-Mother. The Duffy clique through their tie to both Duffys are on that very course, augmented and/or originally instigated by a wedge of Darkness.
They shall not pass!
94.229; 57/1.618=
21.771; 13.46; 8.31; 5.15. Adding some words that fit numerologically we get in this phi (golden) ratio series: Ma5, aum8, deal(s)13.5,
stealth22, pillage35, reactionary57.00*, 94=, icy19 + monopolizing75.
*or Duffy clique or Putin clique or Busenbaum clique.
-r., siskiyou county, ca
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