Tuesday, October 25, 2022
broken by the fohatic key of our Word
Concerning the argument that Soviet preparations would warn us of a surprise attack, Van Cleave says “The Soviets probably would forego attack preparations that might improve their military strength if those preparations would also deny them the element of surprise. At the very least the Soviets should be expected to conceal or obscure such preparations by a combination of political and military deception.” -ECP, Pearl 32:27
Before the flood of Noah the world did function according to the current pattern, and I am certain that destruction must follow destructive acts. That the hand of the Lords of Karma has been stayed for so long is a tribute to the mercy of God. But by a like token the hand of nature and nature’s God will surely rise in course of time and no shades of night will men be able to pull down before their eyes to conceal the brightness of that glare. -Saint Germain, Pearl 8:41
Now it almost goes without saying that in this discourse on right will and wrong will, on truth and error we again wish to insert our warning that the smoke- screening which mankind raise again and again to conceal their wrong intents is practiced by the few whereas the many become victims. Almost everyone upon the planet at one time or another has suffered as the result of depredations of those wicked ones who plot and hatch their plots against every constructive endeavor. -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:25
O mankind, how lovely you are in your God-identity! And so it is with our prayer for the redemption of all that is beautiful and real about you that in this hour of mounting human affliction and distress the hearts of many will turn to my Son as a part of their real Self, as a part of their God-identity. His mission in life was not for self-glorification, but for the eternal glory of God. If men are able to perceive this glory in all, then all will find themselves identifying with such perfection as has never come to Earth before and the divine genius native to man will let fly out the window of life never to be anymore those elements of human distress that presently conceal the face of God from a weary and a hungry world.
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 15:33
And so I tell you in advance and I do not conceal from you that your fulfillment of this request will tell me many things. It will tell me if your heart and your determination can be focalized through all of your chakras and that you can bring the full forces of your being to bear upon conditions and that your appreciation of the ascended masters is not only in the period of dictations but will also be in that period when you have to work and work hard to manifest the attunement and necessary action of the Law. -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:28
O light in the heart of my beloved, I AM well pleased. For the journey of our souls for the converging of our souls is made possible by individual attunement with the spiral of Elohim. Golden spiral of light descending, golden-ratio spiral wending now from the heart of God and rising from the heart of Earth, convergence then of spiral ascending, spiral descending. And the point is the point of the elect of God.
So the Elect One cometh and it is the point of contact that will make that one definable and not remain undefined. And the Nameless One becomes the one so named after the hierarchical descent of our Lord Sanat Kumara.
You call me Father and so I AM. I AM also Son of Mother and Father. And yet I have neither beginning nor ending of days—as Melchizedek of old. Thus in walking with God at the moment when I was not in time and space I was at the convergence of spirals converging—ascending, descending—and the light of the ruby ray and the ruby itself became the prism and means for acceleration of ascension’s flame.
Thus were I not to ascend, other avatars could not descend and you, my beloved, could not ascend—all in the mathematical formula of Life. So the processioning of our souls and journeying in this hour of many souls of light—white-robed ones, angelic legions, consorts of light—is indeed for the celebration of the Word of God made flesh among you.
In the very midst of your members the light is burning. And the light of your heart is the discerning of the Elect One. He cometh as the Cosmic Christ by the name Maitreya, by the name Gautama or Jesus. Thus the decelerating light of avatars suspended before you is as a ladder let down for your ascent that you also might be positioned where he is.
Understand that the Lord of Spirits is the fulcrum of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, even the Person of your own Sanat Kumara. Thus all Christed ones in the lineage of the holy descent of God represent the Word incarnate, even the Elect One. This Elect One is the one who is positioned in that perfect polarity with Sanat Kumara.
In the far-flung universes the light flashes and, with the speed of light and beyond, touches hearts here and there so that many and myriads of myriads of hosts find themselves at this and that point of light as a mighty symphony is played and the vastness of the display of the starry ones reveals the pinpoint of the Son of man where I AM.
There is a mystery concerning the Elect One. The moment of your meditation upon God, my beloved, may reveal the Elect One right where you are. And in the moment of self-possession of the Elect One you will find the light will steal its own and take from you that you might not own the Self as the Elect One but realize that by grace he cometh. By grace the face of Maitreya is seen. By grace the image of the Lord Christ—even the Keeper of the Flame of your heart—doth appear. And the appearing is the very movement of energy of a cosmos.
The moment of capturing the Elect One is the very moment of the evanescent quality of the dove—now lo, the gift of love among us! Let all celebrate the apparent Word that is here and there, yet neither here nor there.
The koan of the Zen becomes a riddle of life—where to find me where I AM. Well, of course I would be at the Class of the Archangels in the midst of the elect and righteous and faithful who gather even for strengthening of the four corners of our bands and legions of light—even of Uriel, Michael, even of Gabriel, Phanuel, even of the blessed one, Lord Zadkiel.
My heart’s love, we rejoice to see the hour of the appearing of the fulfillment of prophecy. Let the Word of Sanat Kumara unto me become the bible of this segment of Summit University. Let my own dear heart, Lanello, expound upon its mysteries and meaning, for this beloved fellow indeed played a part in the ongoingness of the Word and certification of the mystery unto all life.
I AM grateful to be a part of the issue of God and the moving stream of the Spirit of prophecy East and West. For it is a living Word and a message borne unto me by angelic bands, by angels of light, archangels and then again in face-to-face encounter with the Ancient of Days. The mysteries imparted unto me are proven by the very strength of my own encounter with the Watchers, reproving them and rebuking them in the name of the Lord.
Blessed ones, any and all sons of God who come reproving them must truly be enfired by His rod of energy and light, by the authority of His Word. Therefore unto the elect and righteous is given the promise of the sacred name of God, even that name which has been cast out of the temples and sanctuaries of those who ought to be in the full effulgence of divine grace from on high but whose leaders—wolves24 in14 sheep’s27 clothing47 (=98=7 x deals14)—have taken from them the sacred name.
Blessed hearts, you have heard that name of God as JEHOVAH, I AM THAT I AM. This principle of being is the whitefire core of your own mighty I AM God Presence. When qualified by the name of the Ancient of Days it truly expands, geometrizes and extends dimensions of being throughout the quivering cosmos. And even the stars are agitated at the pronouncement of his name.
The name of God then has its progressions from Elohim out of solar fires and hierarchies. But the name that is the central diadem of the entire Great White Brotherhood is truly Sanat Kumara—Sanat Kumara, known in other manifestations as Karttikeya and the Word itself, as the Faithful and True.
Known in angelic tongues and unto the prophets of old—this name Sanat Kumara is a signet, a sign and an ensign. Each and every letter of the word relates to other names in other dimensions, blessed hearts. And these names, sounding by the infinite crystal of light, blessed ones—this name, passing through shafts of energy and golden spiral, intensifies by a cosmic crystal. And therefore not only the name I AM THAT I AM but the name Sanat Kumara has been taken from the people East and West. Thereby ye know that in the temple where this name is given and proclaimed and recited there is the gathering of the elect and of the righteous.
My own blessed heart flames, I bow before the light of the seven archangels. I bow before the light of Sanat Kumara. Will you not also give praise unto the Lord with me?
Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara!
Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara!
Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara!
In the sacred mystery of the crystal then you discover the meaning of the power of the name. Unto the Lord Jesus Christ there was given the name Maitreya, Gautama, Sanat Kumara and even of the other Holy Kumaras. And therefore he bade the disciples that whatsoever they should ask the Father in his name it would be granted.
This came, my beloved, at the end of the mission when truly his sacred heart contained the fullness of that point of light of the convergence of golden-ratio spirals ascending and descending. Therefore the name Jesus Christ through the name Sanat Kumara, as an engram of the crystal of the Ancient of Days becomes the sign and power and means whereby many are saved. They are saved because of the cosmic connection of the very descent of Hierarchy.
Blessed ones, understand then that the names of the ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood who are chelas of the Great Guru, Sanat Kumara, represent in their own right that instrumentation, that connection and that special facet of the cosmic crystal that will precipitate, will crystallize certain virtues of the Ancient of Days which they themselves have held as treasure in the heart.
Behold the sign of the ruby ray. Behold the sign of the figure-eight spiral as this year, the first of the decade of 1980, is a concluding cycle—step one in the initiation of the eighth-ray integration with God. Thus the archangels come. Thus we come.
We come to deliver a sacred fire and a holy Word, my beloved. We come in the very midst to accelerate this integration that your vehicles, receptacles of light, might be prepared for the grace of the Lord of the World on New Year’s Eve. For the commencing of the very next cycle is indeed a pressing forward and acceleration and even ascension’s flame intensifying out of the heart of Serapis Bey.
We have delivered unto you a mighty Word in this hour. And as the Word of the book called Enoch has transferred from hierarch to hierarch descent and out to your heart through the Messenger, the mysteries of that book have also been delivered in and through and between the lines of the sacred gift. My precious hearts, these are for your assimilation. And I will be with Lanello to deliver this sacred fire unto you and the unlocking of the keys in that little book that are so necessary for your own translation. Have you considered the hour of your translation? Have you considered a single drop of the blood of Christ as the distilled essence of ruby ray? Have you considered crystal fire and your own entering into the Law of Self-transcendence whereby God is magnified, God is glorified where you are?
The translation need not be a change of garments out of the physical octave! The translation is that I might enter in and be the white-robed figure of your heart, that I might become a part of the Maha Chohan where you are, delivering even the mysteries hid from the wise from the very foundation of the world.
Consider the mystery then which is cause of no small wonder unto the children of the light—that the Watchers themselves should be refused mercy in the great day of judgment. How is it, you cry out, that these fallen ones might not somehow return to the courts of heaven and to sacred communion with the sons of God? Blessed hearts, I will tell you.
Understand then the mystery which is so clearly written in my book. These Watchers came down lusting after the daughters of men who themselves were defiled and entered into the defilement of holy angels. These daughters of men were the very ones who were the offspring of the Nephilim—Nephilim who had descended even before the hour of the Watchers for the violation of the seed of God. And in their lust for power they themselves took the seed of God and combined it with the seed of animal and therefore produced neither a god nor a man but a devil incarnate, even the evil spirits. Thus these daughters that were the offspring became focalpoint of verily what has been called ‘animal magnetism’—the animal element of the Homo erectus and magnetism even of the Great Central Sun Magnet that is contained in the holy seed of holy angels.
Thus without authority these fallen ones established the enthronement of the carnal mind. They created not god, not animal, not man but what has been called a kind of man—a race of mankind hewn out of the rock of light and yet enslaved by the lesser creation.
And whence cometh the lesser creation? It is also the product of genetic manipulation. And therefore one can look back and further back and discover these self-styled Darwinians who, in the very origination of the evil of their hearts, determined to enslave the Christic light gainst whom they rebelled in the courts of heaven.
Thus there are levels of rebels called fallen ones. And the Watchers represented a class all of their own who responded to the lust of power, to the mockery of God to the entering in of the misuse of the life-force itself.
Beloved hearts, these fallen ones have never, never in eternity—to the very present hour of my speaking to you—repented of their deeds. They therefore have stolen the essence of sacred fire and in it sought to deify the lesser self—to enthrone it and to dethrone the Godhead and its entire Hierarchy.
Against the absolute misuse of Life itself there is no forgiveness, there is no mercy. For to forgive would be also to endow that creation with a permanent place in God’s own Being. But this perversion of God cannot dwell in God. And therefore it cannot dwell anywhere.
Thus in the hour of the harvest, my beloved ones, there comes forth the intensity of light that calls unto itself. And by accelerated speed of light passing through the golden-ratio spirals ascending and descending there is produced then the separating out of all misuse of the very seed of Christ! And thus this creation that is neither here nor there must cease to be. For in the very beginning it has chosen not to be but only to propagate the antithesis of God who is Life—which is death and death consciousness.
My own beloved hearts, if my words have not made plain this mystery whereby the great day of judgment and second death has become a requirement of the great Law of God, then I say, pray for discernment. Pray for an understanding heart. And allow me with ten thousands times ten thousands of His saints to keep company with you until, by fasting and prayer, you might also be taken up by the archangels to behold that one, that Ancient of Days in his glory, in the rivers of fire, in the pools of living water, in the transcendent light in all of its movement. And then you will begin to understand how the creations of men and multiplication of mechanization man and inbreeding of Watchers and Nephilim with this creation cannot endure.
Even so, beloved hearts, the holy angels undefiled have also come down to inhabit these bodies that you now wear, to be ministering lights shining in the midst of the people and providing the way out for the children of the light. Therefore angels of light undefiled are called even to the mount Sion. There they surround the Lamb. And they are found also in relationship to the Lamb positioned in a golden-ratio spiral. For it is the key, beloved, to crystallization of light in matter and to the crystallization of that light which is in matter unto Spirit—which has been called sublimation or etherealization or the ascension itself.
All is acceleration. And therefore the ascending and the descending angels are the bearers of this light which they also carry via the golden spiral—the golden spiral of the mind of God that emits from the throne, that emits from the grace even the crown of Lord Gautama Buddha.
Blessed hearts, you will understand then, considering the very nature of the offspring of this seed of the wicked, why it has been declared from the very beginning and by all prophets that of those who are of the seed of God and the children of the light, those who are the holy angels who wend their way in physical bodies to minister unto the souls of God’s children—that it was spoken that it is not lawful for them to intermarry with these fallen ones or evil spirits that they have produced, even the giants who came forth.
These giants, as men of ‘renown’, were giants because of the immense power of the seed of God held by the angels who rebelled against their first estate. Thus you see, by an act of free will holy angels were involved in the endowment of evil spirits with a certain ratio, a certain rate of life and propagation of life. And this itself was also a spiral and became a spiral that gave unto the animal creation that perpetuity in matter that has gone on and on and on as the human race which self-identifies as Homo sapiens.
Blessed hearts, consider then the warning of the dear SaviorJesus: What fellowship hath light with darkness? He was speaking of the seed of light and seed of darkness and that these must never be combined and that each child of the light has the responsibility to resist this magnetism of the animal-self that emits from the fallen ones. For this magnetism perpetuates the lusts of the flesh, the desires thereof and the intense desire of the Watchers themselves to continue in their own creation that seed of light which they must continue to steal, generation after generation, to perpetuate their nonexistence, their existence outside of the hallowed circle of the Lord of Spirits and his Elect One—truly the hallowed circle of Sanat Kumara and the chela who occupies the position of Cosmic Christ.
Thus, beloved hearts, even those proud spirits who are cast into outer darkness continue to exist in outer darkness. And therefore much of planet Earth has become that state of astral existence—outer darkness itself. And you can enter quarters where you may be convinced that even in the physical octave you are dwelling in the depths of hell itself. And it is so because of the auras of these Watchers described as “clouds.”
These clouds, I am certain you understood, are vibrating forcefields of energy that have this magnitude of the light left over from this angelic evolution which they had before they fell and before they were judged. Thus, beloved, these forcefields of magnetism are extensive. And therefore55 they22 influence44 (=121=11 x see11). And therefore they have an attraction of silvery substance of the moon and moon- consciousness that is a part of the Nephilim. And these vibrating forcefields are able to influence entire cities and nations.
Not very many fallen ones or Watchers can actually hold the consciousness of millions of people in their grip, especially their own slave race which they have positioned here and there among the races of men. Realize then that such influence is indeed ungodly. And now you may understand the source of what Mother has called ‘aggressive mental suggestion’. It comes as an emanation of these forcefields of the Watchers.
Remember those who were the leaders who fell are listed as having been two hundred in number. And the propagation of their seed is now everywhere in the Earth. And there are many that are in the streams of all races; and they are considered as second- and third- and fourth-generation Watchers, but nevertheless each has interconnectedness with these forcefields of their auras described as clouds. You can look over the large cities of the Earth and see these floating grids and forcefields about which Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director have told you.
Now I point out whence cometh these mass entities—floating grids and forcefields where there are clinging every form of demon and foul spirit who come forth and emanate from the Watchers themselves. For, astrally speaking, they give birth to those demons even without physical manifestation.
Therefore you may see, as a very immediate example, the recent attention of the people of this city to the crime wave. This murderous intent of Satan and his ministers proceeds directly from the Watchers and from this lineage of descent.
Have you noticed, blessed hearts, that the best of the people of light on Earth have not been able to check terrorism abroad or the increase of crime in the United States? By the aura of Archangel Gabriel terrorism has been stayed to a certain extent in America. But the crime of murder is due to the tolerance of the people in their very midst of leaders who appear on the outer as having great eminence but are whited sepulchres themselves. And it is their forcefields, unbeknownst to the many that are the generating centers for insane crime, sudden murder, even the murder of an entire family and then of the self in suicide of the perpetrator of that crime occurring on Christmas Day when the Watchers do multiply the force of Satanic rite.
Blessed hearts, did you not hear in the reading that these fallen ones and Watchers are concealed from the people and appear only in the hours of the slaughter of the people?—and until those hours they appear to be respectable members of society. Of course they see to it that they are never implicated in crime. But lesser manifestations, the robot creation, the insane, embodied evil spirits and even now and then a child of light gone astray through chemicals, through drugs, through manipulation becomes the instrument of these vast—and I use the word vast specifically to describe the interconnected forcefields of the Watchers.
You remember that they were not content to be alone but made their pact and their execrations (which were indeed cursings of men and of the sons of God) together. Thus you see their consciousness reflected in the ordinary coyote and other animals who travel only in packs and are cowards alone. Therefore realize that this vow and pact, this sorcery taken by them effected the interconnectedness of their forcefields. And they always act in concerted measure nation by nation.
You see therefore that the cooperation of fallen ones as heads of state, in the community of international bankers, in manipulation of the economy and education is almost as though it were conducted as an orchestra. Well, it need not be because, you see, the very brainwaves of these computerized automatons, abiding in the bodies that still bear resemblance to the giants of those days, simply send their thoughtwaves. And they register simultaneously with a simultaneous intent upon all.
All of this explanation can be summed up in the simple words: birds of a feather flocking together. They are indeed, blessed hearts. And they are as a blanket covering the Earth and holding back lightbearers.
I come because I am well pleased in your incisive exercise of the science of the spoken Word. And I said to the archangels and to my Lord Sanat Kumara: would it not be well for me to deliver to the Keepers of the Flame on Earth this understanding of the presence of the Watchers, the nature of consciousness and specifically of their interconnected auras and computerized consciousness? Therefore now when you give your invocations for the judgment you can realize that this iron hold which is also reinforced by extraterrestrials, visitants from other systems in their most advanced scientific vehicles—this then presents an iron band that must be challenged and must be broken. And therefore it is written: I will break them with a rod of iron. I will dash them in pieces.
It is as though, with iron and brass, they had created a prison house extending as a grid around the entire Earth. And how is it broken? It is broken by the fohatic key of our Word—by the release of light from our heart, as the heart of God is also the heart of Mother in the Earth. It is broken by the light of ascension’s flame within you!
Do you understand, beloved hearts, why Serapis Bey has sought and gained for you such dispensations of light of the pressing out of whitefire that you might see that the rod of iron is the rod I raise of Omega light in the negative polarity of the matter universe and that your own Kundalini fire is the essential element as ascension’s flame rising within you—gainst which all of the armaments abuilding, all of the forcefields, all of the computers and mechanizations of the Watchers cannot prevail?
Truly it is purity’s light. Truly it is white fire! It is inner action of ruby ray coming forth as a laser beam out of ascension’s fire that is able to bring challenge and judgment unto the Watchers.
There is much that has been told to me by Sanat Kumara that is not written, that was not written. Fragments that are preserved are keys to a great throne room—and beyond the throne room, archives of records of the speakings of Sanat Kumara.
Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara!
Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara!
Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara!
All things are in readiness—cycles, starry beings, Elohim, the convergence of golden-ratio sun- centers, the togetherness of your light, the descent of the God-star Sirius in the Person of Surya and Suryal, the very imminent manifestation of the physical focus of the Great White Brotherhood in the Earth in that Inner Retreat aborning in the heart of Maitreya.
All things come together, all things work together for good to them that love God and are the called and appointed out of His own choosing. Therefore I paint for you a mighty mural of the hosts of the Lord—winged angels, tiny cherubim seated on rings of light, perched to observe the alchemy of your own soul’s laboratory and you the alchemist therein working out the problem of being.
Our anticipation is of your own devotion, devotion of love—how the key of love itself erects a latticework that all can climb, even the little child. The latticework is the veil of the Cosmic Virgin and a giant net that will save the littlest star from perdition.
How devotion weaves together the body of God! How devotion reveals the sacred mystery! How it is the rejoicing of the saints that the hour of his perfect love is come!
I pray diligently for your understanding and I seal you in my own aura—the same Electronic Presence in which I sealed my own children long ago. And the impress of my Presence has never left the seed of Abraham upon earth. Thus your memory of me as one in the lineage of the Father personages brings us ever so close in the hour of the consolation of Israel. <53>
May our heart’s love be of comfort and good cheer to each and every one. The sign of my coming is also the sign, one of many, of your own star appearing. <54>
Let us remember, then, that truly the name Sanat Kumara shall be and is the ensign raised up as a sign to all peoples and nations. In the sacred fire of that name, I seal you with the mantra that will be for you, when used, great gain:
Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara!
Messenger’s Benediction:
O Secret Love-star of God’s desiring, O ruby ray of infinite fire, deliver now the sealed ampule of our love to each waiting heart and let it remain sealed until the aura of devotion become a conflagration of ruby ray in the heart of love for Mother and for Manchild, of Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
O blessed Mother Mary, seal the love of the Secret Love-star as that portion waiting to be delivered unto the one who discovers himself the Elect One in the service of the Lord of the Spirits of the Great White Brotherhood.
With the sign of the cosmic cross of whitefire, angels of Shiva, come forth and dance. Angels of whitefire and ruby ray, be for us this night the performance of the dance of the golden ratio of our God.
Helios and Vesta, in the name of our beloved Father and Son, Enoch, we salute thee!
-Enoch , via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1980 at Camelot, L.A.,
Pearl 24:5
This is a relentless force. I can tell you then by mid-January when this magazine is in the newsstands across the nations and when you have also sent copies to all whom you care to send them to, this magazine will be in the hands of the KGB, the Council of the Sanhedrin, Communist Parties of Europe, those who serve the Pope, those who are of Protestant councils. Those who are ministers, those in the religious echelons of life will take careful note of the exposé, of calumny within the Church to conceal the mysteries of Enoch and the knowledge of the fallen angels incarnate. -Morya, Pearl 25:7-33 (?)
. I have said enough. Still I ought not to conceal the gift of God which He bestowed upon me in the land of my captivity; since then I zealously sought Him, and there I found Him and He kept me safe from all iniquities (as I believe) because of His indwelling Spirit, who has worked in me till this day.
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 28:15
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