Thursday, October 20, 2022
be enamored of the flame; arts of Spirit or arts of flesh
As the physical Sun of this system of worlds shines on both just and unjust, who bask in its benefits, so is every individual facet of the Godhead a sun of radiant splendor which is intended to convey a blessing of lesser magnitude—one which is beneficial as well as necessary to the advancing soul who must be content with little splinters of God until he is able to demonstrate the ability to assimilate more of the Infinite Sun. This spiritual light which is often ignored by the multitudes so surfeited in mortal doings is earnestly sought by an ever-increasing few who one day will engulf those presently engaged in materialistic seeking, as the golden age of spiritual adventure is more fully launched.
It has been our thought to quicken the pulse of the youth of the world as the first step in preparation for giving of greater opportunity extended over a longer period of time in order that the challenge of life might become a spiritual one. Yet those who walk in darkness that they might commercialize the credulous have thought otherwise. They prefer to ensnare the youth of the world with all glitter and glamor of the physical world made available through modern science. Merely to make match with them by purveying religious teachings cloaked with glamor is not the answer. Rather it is necessary by contrast to sustain great individual islands, focuses of the mighty threefold flame resident within individual lives in manifestation—great pools of devotion upon whose banks many may sit and receive the silent benediction of higher octaves.
Thus we can by the power of right example enable men to shed egocentricity and act to teach from purest motives. We can indeed assist many in all age groups to purify their worlds until the inner teacher shining through will be able to guide the hungry ones to the feet of their own God Presence where heart and soul are indeed filled with the bread of the angels. Nothing else will suffice. Whereas we may from time to time utilize material engines whose patterns were derived from the wisdom of God it is to the inward attunement and realization of God individually that we turn for the salvation of every man.
The barriers separating East and West have lessened, it is true, but mounting conflicts continue between nations, threatening to stay the sweet cherub hand of opportunity as souls wend their way towards Shamballa. A city of hope is perceived behind the dream of each precious seeker who desires to leave behind him as a heritage for all mankind some striking resemblance to the Creator’s image.
City and state architects of past and present have not all been lacking in humility and the desire truly to serve, for there is more virtue in the world expressed by men and women in avenues of public service than the average person is aware of. Leaders in all fields are often criticized and condemned when people scarcely know what they are really like or what they seek honestly to do.
I think we could well say, and rightly so, that multitudes have unwittingly sought to outpicture God and to follow Him in the error of their own ways. There is a way that seemeth right unto man, and the end thereof are the ways of death. True understanding of the Creator is but glimpsed by the few, and many there are who are the confused children of His heart. Many have listened to the voices of discord and debate, seeking to turn postulation against postulation until negation and stagnation of mind and spirit result in spiritual desolation and broken spirits. Thus do the blind lead the blind and both fall by the wayside.
The strands of our compassion are daily binding up the splintering world. The many needless fractures of personal and national friendships shattered by greed, misunderstanding and ignorance must be repaired and the old boundaries of the Ancient of Days restored. Thus measurement becomes commeasurement—a cosmic impetus—and true judgment is rendered by a careful sifting of fact and gracious attunement. Crumbling temples, long-dead antiquities may challenge the archaelogist’s mind and even seem a clever gambit to the curious, but our wish is for the old, profitable harmony in its pristine purity to be rediscovered as faith and goodwill to all.
The field of the Lord, planted in a consciousness of pure beauty and compassion is ready for the harvest. The golden fruit of hearts dwelling in pure harmony is ripe. The peal of freedom’s bells ought to be heard in all lands. The true meaning of life, of God and of religion should be sought, understood, and cherished. The intellectual men and women of today so frequently confuse themselves with a myopic theology that they cannot convey even a portion of truth to others. The perfect image of the divine plan remains undeciphered; and since men cannot read the hieroglyphs of divinity they cannot impart knowledge of reality to others.
As we muse on this seeming dilemma here in Shamballa, more confusing than the war in Vietnam do we find the war-torn battleground of the human psyche. The struggle to rise out of trespass and sin into the resurrection and life of God occurs daily among the masses in the religious community. I am grateful to say that at times hope does invade the hearts even of the most callous, including those who have said “There is no God.” Many of these, fallen in battle at the scene of their passing, reach up with sudden tears to embrace the Creator. Thus life goes on, fashioned from the Sun to spin day by day new and beautiful garments over the world. The Lord God is the Lord of the whole Earth, and all religions that have truly sought to provide a pathway to His heart have striven to manifest the blessed assistance which the seeking heart requires.
Discipleship has always required dedication, and today the need remains great. We say, let no one lay down his life in vain, but let all seek that holy wisdom that is like a patina of gold upon the mountain’s summit. Let the purple hue, transmutation’s balm, glow and emanate the message of our Brotherhood both near and far. Infinite mercy and understanding open the heart’s door to the talisman of ever-present love toward all.
In the bond of the heart’s expanding love I enfold all who stand ready to embrace peace and diligently pursue the means to sustain it everywhere with honor.
I AM Gautama Pearl 9:9
May I also remind that to mankind living in the world of form the Law itself, even cosmic laws of divine justice which are operative on this planet may seem at times somewhat harsh. Now actually there is no callousness present in the divine law itself but an ever-present divine solicitude, and that which may appear severe is but the returning current of the karmic boomerang of whatever was sent out at some time by the one upon whom the law may be acting. -Saint Germain, Pearl 3:3
Mankind have circumvented the mind of God by their rebellion against His light, His eternal Son incarnate. And therefore there exists a warp in this civilization because the great stream of God’s consciousness has been bypassed. And therefore the foundations of life have been built not upon the mind of God but upon that moonlike reflection that is but the decay and corrupt version of the original pristine purity of the electrode of His being.
Children of the Sun, God will not convey to the heart unruly, calloused, that is apart from His will even the tinest morsel of sacred wisdom. Therefore with all of thy getting get surrender to the will of God that thou might be the instrument for the wisdom required for the fulfilling of the Law in this age.
I AM Apollo. I have sponsored your coming to the City Foursquare. I have promised you that if you would carry the vision of Montessori International, of Summit University and of all that would be fulfilled through the two witnesses that I would summon the necessary supply from servants of the Most High God. I have kept my promise to you, and I am keeping that promise to you. But I tell you, beloved ones, to so sponsor you and to provide what has been provided is but a morsel of the dispensations that could be forthcoming if the band of devotees called Keepers of the Flame would place the highest prize upon wisdom and would become once again earnest students of the great teachings of the Law.
The discipline of self is indeed worth all effort, for once you have carved in the chalice of being the golden-light magnet of the Central Sun and you have raised your being and been kissed by the flame of Helios and Vesta you will see how the mind of God will become your own. And then there is nothing that is too hard for the Lord who has established Himself within thee.
Do you understand then that every problem that besets mankind may be dissolved by the great mind of God? But the moment mankind are apart from that mind they see only the conditioning which leads to more and more error, compounded and compounded, until men give up in despair. And instead of receiving the deliverers of the hosts of the Lord they welcome with open arms the enemy, the fallen ones, and they jump into the jaws of the enemy and accept their solution which is not solution but only a dis-solution of their very own souls. Alas indeed he who determines to live outside of God can count on the dissolution of his soul–and that not by God but by the forces of illusion which he has allowed to hang upon his own Tree of Life until the grid and forcefield of being is alchemically neutralized by the manifestation of illusion itself. Let us have the yellow diamond of the Mother. Let us have souls who will follow the Word of the World Teachers, who will hearken unto the plea of the Lord of the World and Kuthumi. But above all let us have souls who are willing to be gentle instruments of the wisdom of God–not resisting each turn, each request that is made of the great Law, but following as gentle flowers blowing in the breezes, as electrons in the rhythm of the ascending and descending cycles.
I am come then to convey to you the desire to be whole by the will of God, the desire to come into a new consciousness whereby surrender is not a struggle, but whereby you see beyond surrender to the joy, the utter joy of the contemplation of being and then the action of that being. Wisdom is an unguent, for it heals the sores of ignorance, illumines the soul as to the nature of being. And when this illumination is present then all laws and all regulations and all commandments and covenants of the Creator are as soft as down, as soft as movement in starlight. And there is no rubbing up against then the will of the Creator in resistance because of the false idea that the perpetuation of petty wants of the little self is the preservation of identity. This is one of the original lies.
And I call then to the staff of the Messengers to set forth those tomes of wisdom that are already entitled at inner levels The Exposure of the Lie. Let these lies be exposed, for the moment they are seen for what they are, you will find thousands of souls of light walking free, passing through the prison doors; for no thing on Earth evermore will be able to hold them confined to mental bondage, emotional tyranny. They will simply dissolve from the very midst of their captors, and they will be found in contemplation in the great shining Sun of his own Righteousness.
I come then with a quickening of illumination. Let that illumination be for the softening of the mind so stereotyped, so programmed that you can scarcely enjoy the wondrous interchange whereby you are almost entertained twenty-four hours a day as you receive the impressions of the mind of God. For God Himself is so eager to convey to His sons and daughters His contemplation of the infinite. And therefore those who have the mind of God are perpetually aware of the movement of that mind and the vast contemplation of the creation that was and is and is to be.
I come then with the mighty Scroll of Life. And upon this scroll are written the names of those who have in many thousands of years passed the initiations of obedience to God’s Laws and therefore stand to inherit in this moment a portion of that mind of God. I announce to you this initiation so that you might feel the urge to quickly place your atoms and cells in alignment with God’s mind so that you too might receive in each successive cycle those increments that are to be given before the year 2001.
Consciousness is moving rapidly in this age. Children come into life, and they have received dispensations for more and more activation of illumination’s flame. Simultaneously there is the judgment of those who have misused that flame, and they are removed from this system of worlds, and the energy they have misqualified is sent back to the Great Central Sun as a mighty reservoir of wisdom’s flame that can be invoked by you and drawn forth for creation once again.
Therefore let this scroll–many thousands of names that are written thereupon–be now read by the Keeper of the Scrolls at the Royal Teton Retreat. Each of your names is written in gold, penned there originally by the Keeper of the Scrolls himself. And so then as you individually are counted among those who have not resisted the calling of God and of the Messengers you will find the tingling, the quickening, the acceleration of wisdom in the chakras. This you will perceive at inner levels; and by and by without, you will find new ideas, inventions, creativity, but above all that great ingenious quality that rejoices to figure out how to make the will of God work regardless of the circumstances that have been contrived against it.
Sometimes it is like working through a Chinese puzzle to be able to make the will of God coincide with human life and all of its demands and obligations. But I tell you, when you place first things first you will find the clouds will be put aside and the direct ray of Almighty God will be upon your head and you will see the clear single path whereby your entire life can suddenly be changed, moved about and you may find yourself in different
circumstances more advantageous to the acceleration of the release of the wisdom of God.
Souls who love Camelot, I come in Morya’s name, and I come to dedicate a flame. Let Camelot come again, and let it be in your very heart! Let it be the burning, joyous movement of Morya, of Mother and Merlin and Lanello! Let it be Saint Germain in the full glory of the alchemist of the age! Let it be you yourself–a knight, a lady of the flame which title you may earn by distinguished service to the court of the ascended masters. Let us have striving! Let us have goals! Let us have tournaments! And let new life be born upon this continent! I release the joy—rippling of illumination’s flame, the joy of angels, elementals and sons and daughters of God this day for the coming again of Camelot and for the children of the Sun marching upon the spiral stairway into their own God Presence I AM.
So now let the angels of the Keeper of the Scrolls present to each one upon Earth who has earned this a greater blessing and increment of the mind of God. And let all who realize that this can be won go forth from this conference with the sense: I will have my soul liberation! I will have my joy and victory! for God has spoken to me personally this day and offered me His mind in exchange for my will to be within His will. So I will love and love and love until the melting and dissolving of that substance permits me to stand in the very presence of Apollo himself.
Beloved ones, swim through the galaxies with me! Swim through a golden sea! Come as I show you all the world’s in yellow! All the world’s a golden light when you are attuned to the mind of God–bright with hope, bright with meaning and understanding and the compassion that comes from wise dominion.
O blessed, O blessed ones, how blessed are you that you may rejoice in this hour for the coming again of our Camelot, perceived now as the yellow diamond from the mind of Buddha that can indeed be in the hour of your ascension the gem of your attainment, the focalpoint of your meeting Morya in the will of God and Morya propelling you into the arms of Elohim.
Would you not care to be introduced at the courts of heaven as a chela of Elohim? [Audience answers Yes.] Beloved ones, this is a goal and you can attain it. And if in this life you come to understand the meaning of being a chela of Elohim as El Morya himself was, you will see how much power you can receive as a son and a daughter of God. You will see just what can be given to you once you have received the mind of God. Why, it is the full power and authority of Elohim for the creation of worlds. And is not Camelot a world of your creation as co-workers of God and the Brotherhood? Is it not the work of sons and daughters of light ascended and unascended? See then how you will live to behold the handiwork of God in you, and how you will see coming true the prophecy of your becoming a co-creator with the Most High.
See then that you are diligent–not in hiding from the Messenger, for this becomes the first obstacle upon the path for so many who cannot understand how they could receive the disciplines of the ascended hosts through a mere physical manifestation. Be not caught by the latticework of physical manifestation but be7 enamored39 of12 the15 flame19 (=92=4 x Logos23). And do not be fearful to ask the Messenger to expose your human consciousness. Do not fear the exposure, for it is a white, cool heat of sacred fire that strips you of that darkness more quickly than the surgeon’s knife if you are not possessive of that darkness. And instantaneously you are free. Be not concerned then that the Messenger will find you in your naughty ways. Be concerned that God will find you, that God will isolate you, that God will love you enough to take the Messenger out of her pathway to find you in your naughty way and to expose that substance which is in no way a real part of you and which the Messenger ever beholds as illusion. Standing before your great God-free being, the Messenger always knows who you are, and therefore you do not suffer loss. And yet these chastisements are for your own separation from your own not-Self, and therefore they must come. And you must understand that without a representative, the very moment when you need the Word of the Lord God is the moment when you will subconsciously erect the barrier to His Word because it is human nature to be frightened of the exposure of that which is unreal.
So, beloved ones, be grateful for Hierarchy and run to ask that question of the one whom you can perceive—“Show me what is not real!” And then when you have accepted the intercession of the Nessenger you will find that as quickly as you can mount the path of attainment you will come to that place where you will receive other teachers. And you will find that the ascended masters will welcome you into their retreats because you have seen fit to bow before the one who is but a transparency for the Eternal Flame.
This is the meaning of the Guru-chela relationship, and it is nothing to fear. The Messenger can hardly wait to be removed from that place where she stands between you and the ascended hosts. It is her desire only to step aside. But she is also conditioned by the great intensity of the light whereby we are very much aware that if you were to receive that light directly, it would harm the very delicate fabric of your being and would dissolve also a portion of your soul self along with the not-Self. And therefore you cannot come too close to sacred fire. Therefore we have Hierarchy.
Do you know, beloved ones, that the power that is upon me this day and that I have sealed as a mighty yellow sphere around the Messenger could not be contained within your chakras without damage to those centers? Understand that there are lifewaves upon Earth who could not even receive the increment that you have now received this morning. And so you also must be the go-between and remind the children of God on Earth of their obligations to rid themselves of the infestations of demons and discarnates whereby they cry out against the teachings, the activity and the Mother of the Flame.
They therefore must stand in your presence, and if they cannot pass through you because they do not acknowledge the Christ within you, then they will not be able to see the Messenger or the ascended masters whom she represents. And there are those who never ever come before our sacred fire, who are barred from our retreats because they have not received you personally as a child of God. And therefore inasmuch as they done it unto the least of these my brethren they have done it unto me.
You are Hierarchy! You are the Hierarchy of wisdom’s fount, and through you we test the souls of mankind. As you are willing to hold that position in Hierarchy so also accept that one just a step beyond you is able in this moment to give you so much more than you have even been willing to receive because of that subtle ingredient of human stubbornness where in truth you have not totally submitted to the will of God or to your own correction by the wisdom already present and anchored in the Messenger.
Ponder then my words, for I see many who reach for the stars and have not yet even plucked the star in their own backyard. So let it be that you avail yourselves of opportunity. As Jesus said “Work while ye have the light.”
I AM the light! and I AM the light incarnate in the Messenger. I AM the light incarnate in the chela. And I AM in you the rippling of far-off worlds for the quivering of Earth and her evolutions.
Gently, gently rock the cradle of the soul.
-Elohim Apollo, Pearl 21:20
When we consider callousness32 of12 human21 heart25, how19 it11 idly23 follows30 after23 practice39 of12 the15 principle57 of12 cruelty31 (=344=8 x resentment43) we remind that in every case the cruelty man expresses to his fellowmen will return unto himself. We remind that in every case the benign action of correct understanding, of correct culture will also return unto the self. Thus man is either harbinger of his mortal destiny or the delight of universal Law. -Morya, 13:41
The callousness of those concerned only with gratification of senses is indicative of their emotional immaturity and lack of understanding of the larger concerns of life. Those who are concerned with the mandates of the Almighty are also concerned with getting on with the purposes of Life. They do not wish to experience further delay and frustrating dalliance of a purposeless existence. Their discontent–the hallmark of true progress–is almost an aberration in the eyes of the world. They are restless of soul, eager to find the answers they seek and not unwilling to place personal peace last and divine knowledge first. As their Wayshower said “I came not to send peace on Earth, but a sword.”
-Maitreya, Pearl 14:41
dogma has motivated many, but many without dogma have been motivated by the pure focus of cosmic love within the garden of their heart. Technologically endowed, they are spiritually like dried chards. But the power of love will revive them. This cannot be found in the crassness of carnal mind. Words of callousness and swearing bring to the consciousness of man the knowledge of pits of darkness, astral hells that men fear. -Elohim Heros, in
Without internal harmony that is the direct child of perfect love there is no resolution to international terror or threat of nuclear war. And while abortion itself seems to me the supreme act of anti-art it does beget the callousness that year by year has a lessening sensitivity to the art of angels and the art of God that fashioned the perfect image out of which you were sculpted in clay.
-Paul the Venetian, Pearl 27:3
Men14 are often content with limited aims. They stagnate24 in14 (=52=2 x hide26) pools of human energy, of old13 and10 horrid45 momentums34 of12 masquerading57 discord36 of12 others31 (=250=10 x vapid25), literally glued to tyranny of the senses. Astral seepages occur, and the toes of the emotions are stepped upon. The callousness of men’s hearts slows the beat. Putridity abounds where generosity and movement should occur. -Morya, Pearl 13:39
Holiness can be the lot of every man regardless of what has come to pass in his life to bring about the condition of unholiness. But let all be forewarned: there is no trifling with the Creator or with His Law. Life is a beautiful gift; it is also a solemn responsibility. It is a joyous ringing in the halls of being; it is the laughter of the soul in springtime; it is the poetry of the Spirit by the fireside in winter; but it is never a callousness toward man or nature. Life never defies the perfection of nature or nature’s child; it never mocks those who try or scourges those who are struggling on the brink of the hill. Life is living–not in a careless or degrading spirit but in the joy of victory for every soul and in appreciation to the Creator for everything that He has made. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 14:47
O beloved and beautiful souls, let the light of God’s Presence shine forth from your heart and mind and from your aura. Do10 not13 harbor35 feelings41 of12 resentment43, callousness32, indifference71 (=242=11 x beacon22). Cast them down in the name of God! Then shall regenerate Christ consciousness flood your being with light, and the mercy of God be a beacon upon the hill that extends to all men and women the newness of hope realized in the divine plan fulfilled. -Kuan Yin, Pearl 15:5
From one to another the balm of Gilead flows. In the hand of man as a gift lies the grace of God. He can bestow it upon his children, teaching them the graces of the Spirit or he can allow them to become victims32 of23 callousness32 and10 cruelty32 of12 the15 world27 (=183=3 x 61). They can be schooled36 either39 in14 arts13 of12 Spirit37 or15 in14 arts13 of12 flesh23 (=228=4 x Duffy clique57). And it is according to these matters that humanity have so ordered their lives as to in this day be in peril, because19 peril33 comes19 from25 their33 own16 carelessness40, their33 own16 state9 of12 ignorance50 (=305=5 x 61), their wisdom in things earthly and their ignorance in things heavenly.
-Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 27:21
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