Sunday, October 16, 2022
a uning of all hearts
Be still and know your I AM Presence! Be still and know the great source, for the cosmic clock shall not become unwound. The great life-power of universal law will continue the creative round, and those who drop out of the holy place reserved for them by God--the place of sacred uniqueness that is the
uni-tie between man and all creation--will be but wandering stars to whom is reserved the mists of darkness forever.
-Mighty Victory, Pearls of Wisdom 42:51
James said that “a double minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8). Cyclopea and Virginia focus the purity of single-eyed vision which was lost when mankind partook of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Through the focus of the all-seeing Eye of God in the third-eye chakra in the center of each one’s forehead they radiate the truth of the original divine plan through a single green flame emitting the seven color rays of Elohim. This is a focus of the purity that ennobles man through the spiraling caduceus which, when raised and anchored in the forehead, is the symbol of his winged victory and his return to wholeness.
Seated among the twelve solar hierarchies, Cyclopea occupies the position of the ten o’clock line on behalf of the evolutions of this solar system representing the hierarchy of Scorpio and teaching the correct use of creative energies. As a member of the Karmic Board Cyclopea represents the fourth ray of purity. Cyclopea is also known as the Elohim of Music, and it is through the music of the spheres that Cyclopea governs the activities of speech, hearing and sight, focusing the rays of concentration and consecration to the evolutions in his care.
We know that the heart of man can contain the complete apocalyptic vision of universal splendor. Why then do men and women permit themselves to be satisfied with a lesser view? Is it because they have had no higher vision set before them? Is it because the apparatus of life, so beautifully formed to perpetuate physical life, have failed to make a pathway for the divine? Who is to blame for man’s failure to recognize his internal greatness which flashes forth from time to time in little splendid achievements in the world of form—now as energies released in a competitive burst of speed and then again with creative impact of an unfulfilled desire for transcendent expression? -Nada, Pearl 13:36
The fundamental principle of the interaction of life begins and ends in the heart of God, my beloved. The mantra "I and my Father are one" is basic to every human relationship. The need for the communion of hearts as source of creative and recreative flow is both vertical and horizontal. -Kuan Yin Pearls of Wisdom 23:8
This will be a uniting of all hearts then in a common grail of infinite activity, transforming the world into a place where the full domesticity of cosmic reality can become apparent to all as they understand the meaning of the use of sacred fire of creative will—of the creative essence, of creative law—the law of infinite love that is sealed in the heart of the divine will and guarded by the Divine Mother as She seeks to bring forth the cosmic manchild. And thus the fires of regeneration become the vehicle through which She serves.
-Morya, Pearl 62:4, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on February 22, 1970 at Colorado Springs,
There is no greater deterrent to progress than the isolationism that evolves out of the sense of separation from Life wherein the smallness of the ego, pitted against indeterminate odds, lurks in the shadows of uncertainty. The unforeseeable events of the future by reason of their opacity project little comfort into the longing heart which awaits some word from the creative mind of God, some foreknowledge of the depth of that love which God feels for each part of the vast whole of the cosmos in all of its immensity and greatness. -Saint Gerain, Pearl 5:34
And what is the goal? A creative experience of movement in the rhythm of Shiva. Shiva in the heart. Shiva in the heart! I bow to the Shiva in the heart of the chela! I bow to love! O now intensify, love! O love, purify wisdom! O love, purify devotion! O love, purify power! O love of Shiva, make thyself known this hour in the heart of the chela! -Lanello, Pearl 49:12, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 24, 1978 at Camelot, Los Angeles
The strains of the times are manifold. The manipulators upon the planet are many, and the skirts of the multitudes are spattered by their despairs. When we speak of the abundant life, we speak of the divine intent for every man; for locked within the very creative nature of man are the best gifts. He seeks without and to rob his fellowmen when he already has the treasures of heaven. Who shall hold him guiltless? -Morya, Pearl 13:52
By stripping human thought and feeling vibrations from the creative grace enfolded within each atom of the creation, the whole substance of life gleams, purified by eternal hands. Now this is as it should be! The grossest error, the most intense suffering—all are caused by an erroneous approach to pure reason. -Saint Germain, Pearl 5:33
O magnificent One! O praise! O glory! For the light-body of God has descended as cloven tongues. And twain appear out of the fiery ovoid of Being, and man perceives the Mother- ray even as he perceives the ray of the Father. I AM the immaculate concept held within the heart of God for each one upon this planetary home and for evolutions in far-flung worlds. I am that immaculate concept because I have chosen to embody the purity of God’s heart in its reflection of creative intent and great potential of life locked in the heart of each child born of the divine union. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 16:29
I find it necessary to speak this message to all who will come to this place on the path where they must make the effort in full fervor of the fire of the heart to transcend that former state of condition of Homo sapiens and enter in to the true walk, the inner walk with God–moving from the known quantity of the mechanics of a mechanical creation to the unknown realms of freeform and absolute God-freedom of the electron itself that is the sign of the son of God who is never out of alignment with God’s will or geometry and yet is ever new, ever creative, ever approaching the same equation with new input and new energy and moving on with the cycles [of God’s perfection, not man’s]!
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 33:49
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