Monday, October 10, 2022
a sophisticated science devoid of love
But “God” is not merely an empty name. When you utter the name I AM and feel that it refers to the finite self alone or to your name or fame or personality this then is devoid of God-intent. For when you utter the name I AM it is intended to epitomize the fullness of the divine identity so that you no longer feel the frustrating sense of separation from the eternal principle of life but that you, as an individual monad, become comforted by the gracious flame of life which expresses through you and is as much a part of you as anything could ever be. For you could never become as identified with any condition or principle as you can with your own beloved mighty I AM Presence. -Saint Germain, Pearl 59:21 via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on October 14, 1962 at Washington, D.C.
Beloved ones, man in his search for God is also an archer, and he draws the bowstring of his attention taut and releases the arrows of devotion in his search for love straight back to the heart of God. Before the arrow can be retrieved in either case there is a path to be traversed, a journey to a destination and a victory to be won.
The plan of God is quite simple, but it requires time and the pressure of acceptance by every lifestream. The Giver gives His gift, and the recipient must accept, utilize, cherish, adore and rejoice in the perfection of that gift that is entrusted to him as a pearl of great price.
-Elohim Heros, 12-30-1962 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 50:23
The question may therefore be asked by every disciple “how can man know?” And this is a valid question for every serious student on the path of Christhood. In directing ourselves to the question of Being we must first of all ask each individual to voluntarily silence the carnal mind, with all of its stored-up error, pent-up pride and resistance to the unfoldment of divine truth. And here we speak of human mentality devoid of higher consciousness that is always enmity against God and His Self-knowledge precisely because it has no Christ Self-awareness -Jesus Christ, Pearl 6:45
For many years the so-called orthodox religions have used ritual and form, together with spoken mantras. In the West these have been called responsive readings, for they require the response of the congregation, or audience participation. In some instances the prayers of mankind have become vainly repetitious and devoid of meaning; but I for one would rather see individuals involved in rote than enmeshed in the wrong kinds of vocalized expression. -Saint Germin, Pearl 11:24
I would point out to you the development of the Catholic Church. I would point out the accomplishment of edifices, of cathedrals, of works of art in every nation, in every city. And yet I would show you the emptiness of the churches, the failure through ignorance, through depriving mankind of the knowledge of the Christ. And so there is a structure that is devoid of the Spirit in many areas, but not all. -Portia, Pearl 61:8, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1974 at Anaheim
And in those who hunger for the truth and righteousness of the Law she foresees the filling of the aura and of the centers with goodly virtue. But those whose auras and chakras are already filled with miasma of mechanization are sent empty away—devoid of the Holy Spirit. And so Mary, by her acceptance of the covenant that the I AM Presence had made with Abraham and with the seed of the Christ that he bore, became the instrument of the culmination of the Christ consciousness in the sons and daughters of Israel. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 17:47
3. The saying “Pride goeth before a fall” is adapted from Proverbs 16:18: “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Elizabeth Clare Prophet, in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, teaches: “There is a story in the Apocrypha of the New Testament—religious writings that have been handed down from early Christians but which have not become a part of our Bible—that God created [sons and daughters] in His image.... He sent forth Christed ones and He said to His angels: ‘Now I have formed man out of My own image, out of My own likeness. Therefore this image is Myself incarnate. Now therefore worship the image of God.’ [But] ... Lucifer... refused to worship the image of the Christ, the reflection of God across the vast cosmos.... The [prideful archangel] became jealous that the Lord God did not require that the creation worship him. We see the mark of the fall then as ambition, pride, egocentrism. And this mark of the fall as it is spun into a veil, into a mist that surrounds the ego, becomes an intellectual rationale, a philosophy that is devoid of God in the center. It becomes a materialistic science that needs no God. It becomes intellectual reasoning. It becomes a self-sufficiency that says: 'I don’t need God. I can do it better than God.' (240-41).
-footnote in a Pearl of Wisdom
The fifth ray of science and of healing love has been trampled upon, has been covered over with misconceptions and misplaced faith—faith in matter devoid of Spirit. Matter is only the cup of Spirit. And unless the cup be filled with Spirit, matter is incomplete. Therefore chemistry alone cannot convey healing, but chemistry endowed with love may convey a certain aspect of healing in the physical temple. -Angel Deva of Jade Temple, Pearl 63:15, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1975 in Anaheim
As I embody the victory of the feminine ray, so my light of victory consciousness must not penetrate where evolutions are devoid of the victory of the feminine principle and therefore would receive my ray only as a ray of annihilation. -Justina, Pearl 41:20, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1978 at Pasadena
If you love the Master, you will infuse the Pearl with your own momentum of devotion to the Law and to the teaching. And this together with the worded release will unlock the light of the causal body of the Teacher. Some will try to take the teaching without giving of themselves. These retain a mental awareness and a mental attitude. They are devoid of the Spirit; their cups are empty. Having received nothing they have nothing to give. -Morya, Pearl 18:15
Now the resistance to the incarnation of the Word becomes the densification of the creations of the not-Self. Now the incoming Christ must first push back the boulders of human pride and outwit the hostility of the modern Herods as they (the fallen angels incarnate) have purveyed a cult of anti-Life legitimized by the snobbery of a sophisticated science devoid of love and the blessed imagery of the humble manger scene. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:50
Their strategy is to preempt the office of the Son of man in the earth (the matter sphere). And thus they have set themselves up as pretenders to the throne of grace, perverting the path of the fifth ray into materialism and mechanization devoid of the Spirit of living truth. They have sponsored the laggards and wayward evolutions of the children of disobedience to intellectual pursuits, securing for them the most prestigious professional positions and posts of leadership in international affairs. They have courted the children of Mammon and promoted them into prominence in circles of commerce, banking, government and industry where they therefore through them still control the destinies of most of the citizens of Earth. They shall not pass!
-Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:46
Their God is the human god, their philosophy is humanism, their emphasis is on human relationships devoid of the Christ. Thus the soul’s interaction with the living God, the blessed I AM Presence, is replaced by the substitute self. Not only neglect but many layers of volcanic ash, hardened, calcified, have separated these lifewaves from the origin of the Word. The periodic eruptions of the anti-Self, amassing greater control over human consciousness, only widen the gulf and harden the heart against interaction with the blessed Mediator. -Saint Germain, Pearl 23:7
The heights of Lemuria and Atlantis when devoid of the Mother-flame came tumbling down. Only those who have the power to endow matter with a flame can successfully use technology to conquer matter. And those who have not the flame build in vain. -Morya, Pearl 25:56
Why, beloved hearts, if it were left to the people of this state alone, very little of the world’s heritage would be preserved here except perhaps in those centers of learning where many have come from other parts. And therefore you can see that there can develop in a people a certain satisfaction with their environment and a simple daily life devoid of an accelerating momentum. -Saint Germain and Hilarion, Pearl 25:68
Suddenly the void is filled not only with stars but with beings of light, the warmth of love, consciousness, the feeling of being known and recognized by so many friends in so many octaves! And suddenly no longer the vacant cathedral stripped of saints, devoid of angels, but now the vaulted sky does present chorusing the Hierarchy of Light and spiral staircases and etheric cities and castles and retreats and all those things one can imagine in one’s dreams as a child of a fairyland that perhaps exists only in the heart but, for children, truly lies somewhere beyond the rainbow. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 27:4
1. The Pure Land. According to the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism a Pure Land (or Buddha-field) is a spiritual realm or paradise presided over by a Buddha. A Pure Land is first conceived when a bodhisattva, out of compassion for sentient beings makes a vow that after he has attained supreme buddhahood he will establish a Pure Land where conditions will be ideally suited to the attainment of enlightenment. The most famous Pure Land is Sukhavati, the Western Paradise of the Buddha Amitabha. As related in Mahayana sutras Amitabha established this Pure Land for all who would simply invoke his name in faith or, according to one sutra, live by certain precepts and perform good deeds. In A Survey of Buddhism, Buddhist monk and scholar Sangharakshita explains that Sukhavati may be “thought of as a kind of cosmic Sangha, unthinkably vaster and infinitely more perfect than the institution which is...its shadow here on Earth. One who [is reborn] in this spiritual kingdom is free from evil destinies; he has no more to fear a tormented being. Problems of food, clothing and means of livelihood perplex him not. His whole concern is with the attainment of enlightenment.” The Pure Lands are described in Buddhist writings as beautiful abodes, rich and fertile, inhabited by gods and men; they are devoid of all pain or sin as well as problems of everyday existence. Traditionally these paradises are believed to actually exist geographically but they are also seen as representing aspects of the awakened mind. According to Buddhist teaching there are countless Pure Lands; and it is believed that another Pure Land will be brought forth by the Future Buddha Maitreya. -footnote in Pearl 35:68
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