Friday, September 16, 2022
Uriel on terrorism and its roots
Ho, angelic hosts of light from the Sun!
I, Archangel Uriel, salute you in the dawn of the eternal Christos. O hearts aflame with resurrection’s fires, know that the I AM with me is the I AM with you. And by the link of light we are one, and heaven and earth are not separate. But the intensity of the Logos passing through the light, I AM THAT I AM, is truly the perception of the All-Is-One of the mystical body of God.
Truly in this light of our Lord, beloved, be seated now, mindful that you sit in the seat of Christ-authority that comes only from the divine spark, the threefold flame of your heart whereby truly you are ignited unto eternal life.
Ones sent for holy purpose, I come with my mission of the Lord’s Judgment as always. I am now walking in the (physical) streets of Jerusalem. I am on the path of the sorrowful way. I place my feet, and angels with me, throughout this city. And we come therefore for a purpose, beloved hearts. By the Holy Spirit sent by the Lord Christ, we come for the rebuke of those laggard elements throughout the Middle East who have
perpetuated an ancient rivalry in their terrorism, in their retaliations, in their stealing one from the other.
O beloved hearts of light, the Lord God has decreed this day “Thus far and no farther! They may no longer call themselves a chosen people who choose to destroy life and to incite life.” They may no longer call themselves Abram’s seed, beloved hearts of light, whether through Sarah or whether through the bondswoman. Beloved ones, know the Lord and understand that the inheritance of light is not by flesh and blood but by the descent of that light and the fervor of the heart and striving of soul.
Therefore we say, angels of light do gather for the binding of this international conspiracy against the light. And those who care not and with wanton destruction incite this murder or commit it—both are equally guilty. And the world dares not point the finger of judgment upon those who are the real culprits in this hour.
Therefore I, Uriel, shall now point the finger, and it is the finger of the living God. And it has descended before. And this finger does write, and it writes again, “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.” Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting, and therefore the Judgment be upon thee this night!
And in this night of the Dark Cycle of returning karma they shall not escape. They shall not create barriers, whether of dollars or of oil or of conspiracy or glad smiles or justification by any means. Let the hordes of death and hell be so forewarned. For ye are bound this day! And the Lord has sent me that by the power of the Word His Judgment might rest in the physical octave and be borne in your hearts and you might see and know that the Earth is the Lord’s!
And whereas there is no international solution for world terrorism, the Lord God Almighty does contain that solution. And angelic hosts are ready to deliver it day upon day and night unto night as you offer the confirming Word. For here below in the footstool kingdom, beloved hearts, you must ratify God’s will and His ordinances and His holy Word and realize that freewill is being outplayed in every area of the world and every arena of political and economic action.
Thus the Lord Christ came to the darkest area of the world. He came there to rebuke the darkness, and he rebukes it this day. And he has sent me to determine that the conspiracies of laggard evolutions shall not be allowed to encroach upon the entire planetary body and carry out their crazed designs of total destruction for the revenge of their blood, which is not the blood of Christ but the blood of devils who have incarnated.
Beloved hearts of the living Son, know that this Earth has many mysteries. And lifewaves there are of light, and tares among the wheat have determined to snuff out the Christ in these little ones. And therefore we see this form of abortion aborting the divine intent for the city of God—that Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem that is the City Foursquare of the map of the entire North American continent.
And you know whereof I speak. And you know the lie that has gone forth to destroy and disrupt the balance of forces in the Middle East. Beloved ones, ever and anon it has been that these dark forces have sought international control and sought to make the world carry the burden of their karma and their darkness. “Thus far and no farther!” saith the Lord.
I AM Uriel, Archangel of the Sun. I AM in the flaming presence of the Son of God. I go before him in this city and throughout North America that the light and the power of the resurrection flame might be raised up in all people of light [in order] that they might be quickened into the awareness of those coming events upon Earth so prophesied by the Lord Jesus Christ himself—
Not because prophecy itself is a predestination but because men and women of goodwill who are the lightbearers in the Earth and the very salt of the Earth may read this handwriting on the wall and see to it that by their freewill espoused to God’s own holy will, espoused to the living Christ, they may intercede—they may play the role of intercessor to secure then innocent life and to bring forth a bastion of protection, which as you can see, beloved ones, can never occur through material means. For only the Lord can give protection to the innocent against inroads of death and hell.
And so I marked well in the mind of the Messenger this place in Rome, the very exact place where this massacre took place. There they stood, Messenger and company, on that very place. And so in the mind and memory is etched that spot and realization in the heart of the Messenger—“There but for the grace of God go I.”
And you see what protection the mighty archangels will afford the servants of God when they make the call. For by freewill the call must be made. For we are archangels serving the will of God in the Great Central Sun and we come to serve the sons and daughters of God! But we may not by the Law of God intercede in your life or interfere unless you surrender that human will and say “Not my will, but Thine be done. O Lord, come into my life and help me!”
Beloved ones, where lightbearers have given the calls to Archangel Michael and the call for the tube of light there has been protection. Thus may all the world take up Archangel Michael’s Rosary as the defense in the Day of Vengeance of our God. And this vengeance is come upon mankind as the returning planetary karma of these fallen angels [embodied] in the midst thereof.
And I say, no lightbearer—not one of these little ones—deserves to be taken from the screen of life. And yet, for the false pastors and false gurus of East and West they have not known how to call upon the name of the Lord. And it is written “In that day they shall call upon the name of the Lord, and they that call shall be saved.”
So it is written, beloved hearts, and so it is the Law. In the name of the Christ Self of all people you may invoke God-protection for the righteous and acceleration of the Judgment of the seed of the wicked and those devils in embodiment who prey upon life.
And what is their course? And what is their goal? It is anarchy. It is chaos. And mercy does not abound, for these peoples have not accepted the descent of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. And they yet dwell in the “eye-for-an-eye” and “tooth-for-a-tooth” sense of God-justice. And they have set in motion causes of darkness that will never end unless there be some giving, some coming to the table of God, which is truly the Round Table. For the square table always ends in confrontation, but the Round Table of the Mystery School of Camelot is where the divine resolution of the Holy Spirit does take place.
And those who are without mercy do not have the grace of God. And the grace of God is brought to men’s hearts by holy angels. What shall we say then when we offer our way and our recourse to Him to these ones? What shall we say when they will have none else but revenge and retaliation one to the other, whether it is in the Middle East or Southeast Asia or on the playgrounds of life everywhere on Earth? What shall we say when the mercy of Christ, delivered by our heart and hand, is rejected? We must withdraw, for we must respect free will.
Therefore the rejection of the mercy and grace of the Lord and Savior results in each individual having to come to grips with the forces he has set in motion. And there does not stand between him and his returning karma the great Mediator of the Word who is Christ the Lord. With the advent of the divine Mediator there is mercy, there is hope, there is renewed life and opportunity. There is the opportunity to be washed clean from sin and past lives as well as the sullied garments of this embodiment.
What would you do if you could not implore the grace of God in your life? And yet, beloved, know and understand that there are relentless races of dark ones upon Earth who desire much more to have revenge and will take the consequences of their spiritual suicide pact. They have been told that they will be received by Allah or by Abraham, or whomever, in committing these deeds of the perpetuation of murder.
I tell you, they listen to false hierarchs and fallen ones who are the impostors of the true and only living God of Israel whom the archangels universally represent. We are the angels of the Lord’s Presence and therefore where we stand is the I AM THAT I AM. And therefore we have said in the person of Archangel Michael “Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”
Do you understand that an archangel may hallow space and time? Do you understand when you stand with the archangels, there is holy ground? For the Lord is with us and we are His emissaries and we have been so ten thousand times ten thousand years and longer.
Beloved ones, those who do not perceive the sacredness of [human] life, because life is God shall not pass, shall not deprive the glorious resurrection of the evolutions and lifewaves of Earth! The Lord God Almighty has decreed it!
We the archangels descend, attending the year 1986. And we summon you, soldiers of Christ, members of the army of the Faithful and True, the Word of God. We summon you and we say, the sharper-than the-two-edged-sword —the power of the spoken Word—will summon us.
I say to every one of you: Try me! For I AM Archangel Uriel of the sixth ray of the Lord Jesus Christ. I go before him in the fullness of the Judgment and in the fullness of the resurrection. Call to me and you will see that the Lord has truly decreed “Thus far and no farther! Either the lightbearers of Earth must rise up and be the chalice of this living flame and determine to deny the power of evil, else freewill of the laggard evolutions will have their day.”
Now the Lord has decreed it. Now we have spoken it. You then must confirm it and see to it that all of the Earth and her evolutions do have your prayer and that there is the dividing of the way and that there is a stripping action of the fallen ones of all that light they have stolen from the altar of God and misused against God’s holy people.
Beloved ones, there are lightbearers in the Middle East. There are lightbearers in Israel, in Jerusalem and in every Arab nation. And these lightbearers are the oppressed, burdened by the customs and darkness of their false leaders who have led them into a frenzy of a war of revenge, retaliation and darkness.
O children of the Sun, shall we all lose our souls fighting over the patch of Earth when the Earth is “the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”? Can any man claim the land, the sea, the stars, the Sun as his own? Is it not enough to claim the light within his heart as the light that God has bequeathed to him?
After all their lives are short enough. Is not somehow the eternal kingdom worth everything and the sacrifice and the laying down of arms? May not Jew and Arab and Christian embrace one another? Or else are they the false ones who are of the
synagogue of Satan? Are they not the real? Shall they not then be unmasked? And shall they not be known by their deeds and by their words and by their insults or their praise unto the Almighty One?
Blessed hearts of light, I appeal to you, for you have been assembled from all areas of the world. You come from all nations. You sit together in love—Jew and Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, those who have been atheist, those who have been Moslem. You are all here in this very congregation! And through your hearts I direct light now back to the congregations and nations out of which you have come forth in the true understanding of the I AM race and of America where all differences and shades ought to disappear in the mighty torch of the Goddess of Liberty and her initiation of your heart by the threefold flame.
Therefore I say, let bigotry and fanaticism and religious persecution and bondage cease in America this day! For these are the very seeds that beget hatred that begets terrorist
activities and violence. You then who decry the actions of those beyond this nation must clean your own households and now embrace the mighty flame of tolerance and compassion.
Let love abide. Let love abide for the Eternal One who has sent His prophets and saints, who has sent the Lord into your midst. And agree to agree together on the truth itself. All men can and should agree on the foundation of truth that life is sacred. When life ceases to be sacred then all sins proceed
therefrom—abortion and maligning, desecration, molestation.
O beloved, archangels have vowed before the Great Central Sun in this twenty-four-hour cycle to go forth, to work through whoever shall work with us and call upon us. We are here and we are determined. And we know that the Dark Cycles can be turned by those who exercise their freewill in the science of the spoken Word and enlist the company of angels.
O children of the Sun, remember in every world religion the angels have been eclipsed and therefore you have been stripped of your intercessors. These are your companions, your brothers, your sisters, your servants.
We are in your midst. We are sent to perform this work. We can do the job! We are trained! We are professionals! We know how to bind the demons! Only call in the name of God I AM THAT I AM, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and stand fast and behold the salvation of your God! Stand fast and see the healing of the nations and fall of tyrants!
It shall come to pass! It shall be! I have spoken it in the name of God and Jesus Christ, in the name of your
heartflames, in the name of these little ones. It is spoken and the Word goes forth. It is the Word of Christ. And this Word shall not return unto him void.
In the flame of Peace know I AM THAT I AM.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearls of Wisdom 29:16
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