Thursday, September 15, 2022
Nevermore was there a cause so great, so espoused by the tears of the beloved Mother Mary and her heart’s fire. Nevermore since the American Revolution has there been a cause that so concerns the nations and ascended masters. Beloved ones, the facing of the tyrant of the Soviet Union now becomes the world enterprise of lightbearers everywhere. Therefore I say to you: lightbearers of the world, unite! [27-sec. applause]
-Saint Germain, Pearl 29:64
Let all of your members, all of the components of the flowing stream of your consciousness converge at the point of your I AM Presence. Thus present yourself the living vessel, the receptacle, the sacrifice for saving of this nation. One with God is the majority. And when God is in you no tyrant may prevail in any land. -messenger ecp, Pearl 28:13
They have come in the name of this and that tyrant. But, blessed hearts, where is the union, where is the fruit of their conquest, where is the light that ought to shine from every nation, from every heart, from every head of state? With or without the royal houses there has been corruption, there has been betrayal of the people and there has been—until this very retreat—a sense of division. -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:38
I kneel before Almighty God this day. I kneel before the altar of freedom and I ask once again for those dispensations of freedom. I beg you, Almighty God, not to say no to me, for I am your son of freedom and I have brought with me to your altar sons and daughters of freedom. And if, O God, all dispensations that I have called forth have been misused by mankind and if, O Lord, you will not hear my plea, then I say, hear the plea of these embodied souls! Hear their cry, O God! Receive their causal bodies and know that I no longer stand alone on Earth, but there are those with me who will not surrender to tyrant’s will, who will surrender only to God. -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:50
And thus upon the planetary body the perversion of religion has been the perversion of the Father image as a tyrant, as an anthropomorphic god, as a god turned upside down and backwards whom man ignorantly worships as the blind follow their blind leaders. And thus now comes forth the ray from the heart of Alpha to correct the false religions of the false hierarchs, to challenge them in the name of the Word, in the name of the Christ! -Leto, Pearl 16:39
Beloved ones, God is no tyrant. Your Mighty I AM Presence is no tyrant! I would say that your Presence has been most lenient—the Presence of Life has been most lenient to all mankind. But although the Presence has given men their freedom they have not enjoyed God’s universe with that freedom simply because the freedom which they have enjoyed they have made into fetters. It is the intention of God to see to it that those fetters are cut and that mankind are set free from every condition that binds them to the continual round of rebirth and that they experience those cosmic initiations which cut them free from the power of death. -Maitreya, Pearl 27:8
You see, they were left to face the tyrant king. And Henry must live with himself and his image and the world. Karma decrees therefore, and karmic law, that when individuals reject the representative of the Christ—which for that moment I was before pope and king and France and England, and soon all the world—when that messenger is rejected then the light is withdrawn and they must then overcome the darkness by their own devices else be swallowed up by it. -Morya, Pearl 29:17, referring to Henry 8th and a previous embodiment of the same soul.
I will say it again, for it needs saying though it has been said during this conference: desire your God-mastery. It is lawful as long as you do not raise [up] the human as tyrant, as long as it is the God-flame that [you raise up to] displace that human tyrant. So it is lawful to desire [your God-mastery] and to get it to the glory of God and to determine you will have it each day and that you will not forever and forever again dip down into the sorrows of Satan as seeds planted in the folds of your garment like briers and burrs that cling to your clothing as you pass through the woods -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 33:31
Now then comes the intensification as cycles turn and the warmth of this new love does become a penetrating heat. This penetrating love of the Cosmic Christ I incarnate is the singular essence that is able to dissolve seeds and layers of that which is anti the Christ, consuming, then anxiety and fear, absence of self-worth (a most dangerous and degrading state), self-condemnation, abuse of power, the tyrant ego so consumed of itself that it consumes all in its wake and yet is asleep and knows not that it is tyrant (also a most dangerous state). -Jesus Christ, Pearl 34:41
I the Maha Chohan stand in this congregation of those pursuing the path of Almighty Righteousness. And I come with the sword to deliver the Woman and all her seed throughout the Earth from the15 tempters35, the15 vultures30 themselves who would bring to pass the resurrecting of the past to besmirch the screen of the present in attempt to hinder40 the caravan24 of12 light29 (=200=5 x hinder40). This has cut8 off18 the15 path18 of12 sainthood40 for many a soul of great virtue over thousands of years of the (by9) standard27 plots19 and ploys24 (=190=10 x vain19) of the fallen ones.
-Maha Chohan, Pearls of Wisdom 26:45
Our words are so tender, they are so vital, they are so necessary. Each Pearl of Wisdom has its special message from the heart of Hierarchy; but unless18 hardness34 of12 heart25—as greedy hands that would open the envelopes so swiftly to receive self-good—is10 changed33 (132=4 x inner33) to folded hands of love, invoking for self and neighbor the presence of gratitude, of orderly change, of Christine beauty and the upholding of our banner of light great shall be the delay to a hungry world waiting for the sunrise of peace, industry and perfection in the golden age. -Surya, Pearls of Wisdom 13:32
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