Tuesday, September 13, 2022
numerology: bad7 entanglements50=57. putin, duffy26 + clique31=57= reactionary. phi ratio series: 6.2, 10, 16, 26.00, 42, 68, 110. sad6; test; take10; stop, false16; putin, blacklist, conceal, hide, duffy, decoys, subvert, spoil, noise26; nothing, tormented, brazenness, whiplash42; hard22-heartednes46=68; 110=black11 x test10. .............
lured into these alliances
Doubts and fears that assail mankind are the antithesis of true faith and therefore because of the fact that they are plagued with doubts, individuals think of fear and thus enter into a fear vibration and then they feel that somehow they may not reap a harvest of good things unless they seize for themselves a ripe and full manifestation of the world’s brands of goodness and happiness. There is a pattern of negative interweaving betwixt the divine and the human, and this is the pity of it all, for individuals who pursue God and realize His blessings have the knowledge and understanding to extricate themselves more and more from the world’s entanglements; whereas those who pursue the world do lack in understanding and become more and more involved in the morasses of human personality consciousness wherein thoughts of what he or she said or did seem more important than “Thus saith the Lord!” -Archangel Michael, Pearl 7:39
Perceive then how wrong human thought is. All religion which men do easily accept teaches that heaven and God are common goals to be earnestly sought. If heaven is then a glorious goal, it should be the first and foremost objective of all. Therefore heaven—or a state of oneness with the mind of God now—is to be preferred above all human entanglements, pleasant or otherwise. If it is to be preferred, then all must conclude that pursuit of just earthly pleasures is in itself but a lesser role and somewhat a waste of time! Now faith is God’s gift—to be diligently sought. It is the needed panacea for both East and West! It creates a climate of ease where men become quite naturally God-centered in all that they do. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 4:2
“Be still, and know that I AM God!” is a fiat which you may enter into daily and, in the consummate entering in thereto, find your freedom from all entanglements which mankind release.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 60:18
Thus by the serpent philosophy of the egalitarian way of all equality among all evolutions you find that lightbearers have no sense of their worth or mission or of their God-determination at inner levels to lead all people out of the control of the fallen angels. Therefore they are lured24 into22 these21 alliances31
(=98=7 x deals14) at all levels of crime and entanglements, and the seed of light is diluted: it is overcome, it is betrayed. And we will discover as we see in my transmission to you this day of a necessary knowledge that this does result in the watering43 down20 (=63) of the total planetary Christ consciousness and the betrayal, one by one, of lightbearers who ought to and must take their stand in life in this very century so that the true foundations of the age of Aquarius can be laid. -Saint Germain, Pearl 27:32
The dark ones continally seek to involve mankind in overconcern for externalities—political, personal, social, private—and in preconceived notions about the future of man or the future itself. These overconcerns often prevent man from taking the precise action which would free him from entanglements. Yet the dark ones weave their net most skillfully, and their snares have caught many unawares. But if the world be full of darkness, there is more light in the universe than all darkness of the world multiplied by the nothingness that it is. Those who as insects live out a cycle that in the cosmos is of less concern than a katydid will find that all of their seemingly great ideas come to naught. -Morya, Pearls of Wisdom 9:11
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