Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Saturn and Uranus, the decisive battle
Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the four planets in Capricorn that began the current cycle of returning karma to the Earth with their conjunction of February 22 to 23, 1988. The effects of this conjunction will be felt for decades if not for the entire century to come. -messenger ecp, Pearls of Wisdom 33:10
The energies of freedom are anchored in the seat-of-the-soul chakra located approximately midpoint between the navel and the base of the spine. This is the place where the action of the seventh ray of transmutation can be magnetized. And through this ray the misdemeanors of the soul enacted through a misuse of energies of all chakras can be transmuted, their molds (thought matrices) melted down, and the energies used again for the building of more noble forms and for the filling of those forms with noble ideas and their corollary actions. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 17:44
Now I release the ruby ray for all who would have it from my heart—for the melting down of hardness of heart, for melting down of barriers and shells behind which you have hidden because you yourselves have felt that same rejection. This is their desire to stop you from loving purely, wholly, freely, fully! -Serapis Bey, Pearl 24:25
Inasmuch as the Lord of the World has placed the Omega focus of his retreat over the Heart, you must also assume that he does expect qualified chelas to arise out of this Community of the Holy Spirit. And as necessity is the mother of invention and you have risen to the occasion of providing a blanket, a forcefield, a grid of light whereby beloved El Morya could be unbenched, so in the very process of that striving you have generated a spiritual heat to melt down certain recalcitrant human energies and consciousness. -Archeia Mary, Pearl
Therefore let men seek the further development of solar power. Let them seek the correct use of the reserves of oil, natural gas and coal and all that can be derived from the sea itself. For, beloved ones, unless there is the 100 percent assurance that these nuclear power plants will operate and function in absolute safety unto the people it is therefore the vote of the Great White Brotherhood, the Darjeeling Council and the Lords of Karma this day that such nuclear power plants ought not to be installed and those that have been installed ought to be shut down. -Lord Himalaya, Pearl 54:10
1989 does give to you an opportunity for Self-realization you could not have known before in this century or [in] many preceding it. And as 1989 is the gateway to the final decade of this century may you know, beloved, that it is also with the breaking up of the old order the opportunity for the breaking down of those elements of selfhood that have hitherto stood between you and your God and not allowed the Christ to enter in fully as the true identity of your individualized being. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 32:3
Yes, beloved, if you are to succeed as a Community of light to spread this message abroad, your love must become so great as God’s love [is great]. And you must recognize [that] God is love within you. For by the very fervor of love continually pressing out, of love desiring to be love [love does] melt down all barriers to [effect] the mighty conversion of the Holy Spirit. [This conversion] begins with your own soul and then reaches out to those whose hearts have been as stones--and stones toward ye all--and yet whose hearts can truly be melted by love. This is love with a capital L! It is not possessive love. It is not human love, although it does endow human love with the fire of purity. -Rose of Light, Pearl 33:22
Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925, 2.4.1. When Uranus strains the rays a new step is affirmed. Through many discoveries, many shiftings, many perturbations, many researches aiming toward investigation of highest energies, many astounding attempts of research into psychic energy, investigations of properties of a ray and of spatial irradiations humanity will be affirmed in its new researches. ... Yes, yes, yes! Thus does the ascendance of the ray bring an unavoidable shifting. Thus do the rays create!
Infinity1 1930, 334.
When Uranus draws into coalescence the currents of subtlest energies it may be said verily that Uranus confirms all manifested paths and that its currents impel evolution forward. Thus the currents of the luminaries quicken the march of events, and the spirit of our Uranus accelerates the movement of the chain of evolution. Thus acute are the angles of correlation. Powerful are the Sun's rays at a direct angle and likewise the attraction of Uranus. A fiery assimilation then takes place. It is a very serious time. Uranus is acting! We are preparing that step.
Infinity1, 1930, 336. Uranus, possessing the properties of subtle energies, transmutes other energies. Great is the occult power of the rays of Uranus!...the manifestation of the rays of Uranus evokes varied tensions, and the epoch of the rays of Uranus is under tension through its correlation with the Cosmic Magnet. Yes, yes, yes!
Infinity 1 1930 338. When a battle occurs between Saturn and Uranus the aspiring Agni yogi, suffused with the rays of Uranus, feels all the currents of cosmic tension. That is why the Agni yogi so intensely feels the present battle. Uranus, entering into rulership, strongly evokes the tension of the opposing forces.
Infinity 1, 1930 356. The decisive manifestations will occur in the battle of Uranus with Saturn. Therefore although many currents are difficult, they are of much benefit.
Brotherhood 1937,
373. Strong are the rays of Jupiter; they further the rapid diffusion of the forces of Uranus.
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