Friday, September 23, 2022
Saint Germain solves the RTR riddle point-blank
If I should summarize however the greatest dangers upon Earth, I should say that in the macrocosmic sense it is undoubtedly World Communism—fed, ignited, increased by world27 monopoly44 capitalism40 and banking30 houses24 (=155=5 x deify31). And secondly I would say that the false hierarch of oneself, the dweller-on-the-threshold, is the greatest single threat to world freedom when we are dealing with that synthetic42 self15 of12 our18 best10 servants28
(=126=2 x a house divided63, or 2 x vainglorious
63). For these two forces tie into one, cause grief to chelas and are an open door for the anchoring of the same darkness that is the tyrant in Moscow or Peking.
A tyrant is a tyrant is a tyrant, beloved hearts. If15 one16 lives22 in14 your25 breast20 unchallenged52 (=164=4 x self-tyrant41), it might as well be in the macrocosmic sense the world tyrants. The inroads to your lifestream from deadly forces of outer space and even beneath the earth have been discussed, but these are not retained because they are too unreal and remote—except of course when you are burdened and no other call will give answer except for the binding of the spacecraft of the Nephilim gods that still seek to overturn the human race and to control all movements of peoples and of their minds toward freedom.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 48:43, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1983 at RTR, MT.
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