Sunday, September 25, 2022
none may have a monopoly on the path of religious freedom!
Beloved Who Love Truth:
I AM a warrior of truth ever poised with shield and sword to bind error and to deliver the deathblow, piercing to the quick the dragons of unreality.
What price truth? And who is willing to pay the ultimate price to stand for truth as handmaid of the Lord of truth on Earth?
The soul can never rest until the error of the day and evil that is the sufficiency thereof is laid to rest. To be a chela of the flame of truth or a disciple of Christ who came to bear witness unto the truth is to stand on the line with the legions of truth, to march bearing the banner of truth, to ensoul the consciousness of truth. But above all, O truthful hearts, it is to advance the cause of truth.
One does not simply defend the truth that is known, but one must proclaim42 the15 unknown31 truth24 (=112=4 x 28) even as the apostle Paul declared to the men of Athens the truth of the unknown God whom they ignorantly worshiped.
Devotees of truth do not allow ignorance of the Law of truth to go unchecked in their presence. They fight for truth, they live for truth, they count not the cost. They pay the price, for they know that without truth there is no standard, no mediator midst relative good and evil, no plumbline to8 separate31 the15 real18 from25 the15 unreal26
(=138=6 x Logos23).
There are those upon Earth today who have given their lives to the cause of truth lifetime after lifetime. By their loyalty to the cause of truth they have earned the esteem of the Great White Brotherhood. In their service are legions of truth who defend them and their families. These embodied watchmen on the wall of the Lord comprise a legion of the cosmic honor flame.
In every nation they are known of us. In their bearing they carry an extraordinary sense of responsibility as teachers, civil servants, ministers of the Word and ordinary citizens who would rather hold steadfast to the truth than be popular. Their constancy and their integrity make them candidates for soul tutoring in the Temple of Truth, our etheric retreat over the island of Crete.
Now I have been called by Lord Gautama and the Lords of Karma to sponsor spring quarter 1980 at Summit University. From that chair of sponsorship I summon my legion of truth-bearers by the inner magnet of the Cosmic Christ flame of truth. Students of the ascended masters in attendance will, I pray, make special invocation each day for the cutting free of the legion of cosmic honor flame that they might enter the path of the ruby ray and ascension.
Men and women of the fifth ray are summoned in the service of Saint Germain to precipitate the divine plan in the governments and economies of the nations, in science and religion, and most especially in the field of education and all branches of higher learning.
Advancing on the course set before us by Cyclopea and the seven mighty Elohim, by the Great Divine Director and the Goddess of Liberty we would implement the plan of the inner and outer retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, of Mission Amethyst Jewel and of the service of the World Teachers through the flames of Gautama and Maitreya.
Our clarion call sent forth June 30, 1976 is to the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Devotees of the flame of truth are always revolutionaries for the reason I have already stated. It is not enough to stand still in defense of truth. One must advance its cause and its progressive, scientific unfoldment by empirical proof and by spiritual actualization.
To prove that truth is true in matter by the deductive and inductive methods is one thing. But to prove that truth is true in Spirit demands acceleration and advancement of the soul on the path of adeptship.
Those who care enough to prove to humanity that the higher law works, that the science of the spoken Word is indeed a science fear not to pay the price. What the avatars of truth have done you too can do if you are prepared to make the same sacrifice, the same surrender, if you are willing to enter wholeheartedly the path of service where selflessness is the measure of attainment.
Do you dare to launch out from the mainland of society’s norms into deeper mysteries of life? You have but to make the call and the Lord Christ himself will come to prepare you for the testing of your soul’s merit. In the wilderness, forty cycles of initiation await the soul who believes upon his word: The works that I do shall ye do, and greater works than these...because I go unto my Father.
The avatar of the age of Pisces awaits the call of the soul who recognizes that the promise of greater works is a necessary challenge which the Guru makes unto the true chela of his flame. The disciple who believes on the one sent, who waits upon the Lord and who keeps his mysteries in his heart is the disciple who will inherit the mantle of truth and who will wield it to reprove the error of the world.
The call of the chela of the ascended masters unto the Great White Brotherhood to be of greater service to the light never goes unanswered. To every call asking to be prepared for higher service is the answer given with the testing of the soul. With each test that is passed the soul ascends the ladder of service, and each new rung brings opportunity to balance personal and planetary karma that hinders the path of service to higher truth.
When the individual’s level of surrender reaches its maximum capacity the initiations of the soul remain at that level until once again the soul senses its encumbrance by the cares and concerns of the lesser self and desires with deepest desiring of heart to surrender more of the lesser self in order to make way for the higher Self to truly live and move and have being within the temple of individuality.
When chelas call for the will of God to be made manifest within their lives the measurement of freewill is taken according to its commeasurement with the will of God. So is the revelation of truth given to the soul concerning karmic necessities and fulfillment of the dharma. The will of God is not unveiled to those who have no commitment to it. Likewise the fullness of truth is not made known to those who prefer a life of ease and human comfortability.
Thus increments of God’s truth and His holy will are presented only as the soul is able to receive them and in receiving them to retain its integrity, its harmony and above all its freedom of choice and destiny.
Now as you look upon humanity and gauge within your heart how much truth is not known, how much of God’s will has not been revealed you will understand that it is because this humanity has long ago rebelled against God’s will and rejected His truth. Until there is a change in attitude and a desire for higher consciousness the greater portion of reality and the Self-awareness in the Mighty I AM Presence cannot be given.
Midst the very absoluteness of this law comes Portia, Goddess of Opportunity, and Kuan Yin, bearer of mercy flame. Their messages are charged with hope and faith and charity to all. For by God’s gift of the violet flame through the blessed heart of Saint Germain the alchemy of change is in the air and everywhere the blessed representatives of the Holy Spirit deliver the love of violet flame to assist mankind in making right choices for truth and God’s holy will.
As mercy’s flame and legions of light soften the hardness of men’s hearts and make easy the option for transmutation, blessed Portia holds open the door of opportunity for a greater understanding of the options of transition from Pisces to Aquarius.
Thus the teachings of the ascended masters will expand and be spread abroad across the whole face of the Earth. And these teachings when brought to the attention of many sincere men and women who are truly desirous of the light and will make the necessary sacrifices (even when they come to understand more fully what these entail), will accelerate the righteous in their righteousness enabling many who are now enslaved in paths of unrighteousness to be converted by the law of truth unto the paths of His righteousness.
At Summit University we will continue to study Mother’s manifestos —rolling back! rolling back! error’s cover-up of masks of evil and manipulation of the people. Alpha and Omega have sent forth a light, the blessed Mother Mary is determined to multiply and intensify the chemical action of the fifth ray in society and human consciousness while I have determined to show the devotees of truth how to use the crystal sword and crystal helmet and the shield of crystalline light to enter the most intense astral vortices of the Liar and his lie and to handle the ramifications and repercussions of the aroused serpents as well.
The crystal ray is an energy emitted from whitefire core of the Central Sun that is used to complement the action of the all-seeing Eye of God under Elohim Cyclopea. Thus it is Virginia in the full feminine complement of the fifth ray who wields the devastating action of this light of the Maha Kali, the Universal Mother whose dazzling crystal light strikes terror in the demons who have sought to enslave youth and little children to their astral darkness and death.
I tell you, I AM standing in the Earth in the full flaming God-awareness of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness! Legions of light accompany me, and we are determined as God is determined to deliver that truth through the Messengers and chelas that will set free the captives of an age of materialism soon to be superseded by golden-age consciousness of immortal truth, freedom, peace and love!
Because the Messengers have always been willing to pay the price for the delivery of truth, because they stand and still stand in the face of misunderstanding and maligning of their very motives and mission, and because in the face of all of this the chelas stand staunch and true, loyal to the light and in defense of cosmic honor flame within the community of Camelot—we yet have a mouthpiece, we yet have a movement of lightbearers that can turn the tide. And we will stand firm on the power of our own press, in the printed and the spoken Word, to vindicate the light and lightbearers and to free God’s children everywhere from every form of tyranny over mind and heart.
I have determined to take this opportunity offered unto me by the grace of Almighty God to be at Summit University to place my Electronic Presence in the teaching centers and at the altar of every Keeper of the Flame who will signal to my legions and to me that we are welcome by having the focus of my image (recently sent to you with the notice of spring quarter) at the principal place of your daily devotions.
I AM determined, for God has willed it so—and beloved Vesta has stood with me this day in the blazing glory of her God-determination—to set the captives of Earth free from the manipulators. For all that opposes the truth, be it personal or impersonal forces and forcefields of negation, must be, shall be rolled back and bound by the hosts of the Lord in answer to the fervent calls of initiates of sacred fire and devotees of truth!
Legions of Vesta are joining the ranks of the bands of the cosmic honor flame, and we are determined to place an offering on the altar of beloved Omega in the hour of summer solstice. That offering, my beloved, is a planet Earth that shines brighter by the presence of emerald ray and crystal light, whose four lower bodies have been bathed in the springtime of resurrection’s flame and the full intensity of the light of vernal equinox.
We enlist the support of Keepers of the Flame everywhere to expose and transmute! expose and transmute! expose and transmute! all that hinders the light of the indwelling Godhead in the blessed Christ Self from manifesting and expanding through threefold flame within the hearts of God’s children.
We deem the greatest lie manifesting on Earth today, the most tenacious and having the greatest tentacles into the very souls of the people, to be that of dialectical materialism—the seeds of Marx and Lenin and the entire false hierarchy behind the World Communist movement. As gross and as subtle in its grossness is the companion lie of the international conspiracy of fallen ones who, through banking houses and certain key capitalists and their monopolies, have determined to feed the beast of World Communism until it devour the very souls of the children of light.
In this polarity of anti-God you see manifesting the anti-Guru and anti-Chela forces of these several systems of worlds. This is the anti-Father and anti-Son that arrays itself (as the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast) against every newborn child of light, every innocent soul who is about to take its first step on the path that leads to the life everlasting.
The end product of these amalgamated forces is war and the war entity worldwide. And the reason that there is no resolution to the problems of the Middle East or to international terrorism and kidnapping is due to the fact that the cause and core of the lie of anti-Guru and anti-Chela must first be addressed.
Therefore let the seven o’clock vigil of Keepers of the Flame be directed to the cause behind the conditions that have produced the stalemate in Iran, the war in Afghanistan and the spawning of Marxist regimes in Africa and elsewhere. Let us tackle the most insidious serpents first, not last, and let us do so under the aegis of our Lord Sanat Kumara using his Ritual of Exorcism to bind the Watchers and their godless, soulless creation who have perverted the science of the fifth ray and of the all-seeing Eye of God to8 erect24 their33 monolithic55 mechanization66 concept31 and to pit it against the divine image of the sons and daughters of God.
In Christ-truth we shall prevail! Truth is the all-power of God to make things right! Truth as the flaming sword in the right hand of the delivererss of the people is invincible
and always God-
-Pallas Athena, Pearl 23:10, July 4, 1976 at Washington DC via Messenger ECP
Lotus-flames of living truth, I send you to set the captives free!
Thus it is the new dispensation of Aquarius. Thus it is understood that there must be a new definition of freedom of religion. There must be a new understanding by those who founded this nation and have moved forward in their Protestantism, in their Catholicism and in their Judaism that in this hour none21 may12 have18 a1 monopoly44 on11 the15 path18 of12 religious52 freedom39
(=243=9 x 27), that the way made plain must be acknowledged to be made plain by the one God and the I AM Presence of that individual and the beloved Holy Christ Self. -Godfre, Pearl 29:35
Look to the right not nor to the left—but up into the very face of your own I AM Presence. And there determine to follow the Lord, there determine to serve, there determine what part you will play in the building of the Inner Retreat and what part you will play in holding of the balance in El Salvador, in Nicaragua, in Cuba, in the Caribbean and in all places where voodoo, witchcraft, superstition combine with World Communism. And lulled to sleep by the capitalist monopoly the people themselves are neither here nor there. They are hardly even in the physical plane but dwelling rather at an oblique level in the astral plane they consort with hordes of darkness and bring forth no good thing. Therefore there is darkness in the Caribbean. Therefore there is darkness in South America. -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:34
The manipulation of the free market and free governments of nations through monopoly capitalism or corporate socialism will not work. It destroys individual creativity and snuffs out fires of hope that ever rest in the heart of the individual as the desire to be self-sustaining in God. What will work? Well, I say, that remains for you to discover. But I will tell you this—it begins with the fundamental principle: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap; and its corollary: whatsoever a man soweth not, that shall he not reap. -Saint Germain, Pearl 23:7
I AM here for the turning of worlds.
Worlds have been turned by the fallen ones until they are in14 direct32 opposition58 to8 the15 original49 manifestation56 of12 living37 Word24 (=185=5 x ambitious37). From out the heart of the Creator the Word is manifest. And that Word does now reestablish the inner blueprint of the will of God for everyone.
Out of that will is born the wisdom to know self as God. And in knowing self as God is born the gift of love.
Therefore as we descend into the heart of the Earth—that is, as we accelerate our nonphysical matrix into the physical matrix—the auric emanation of the planetary body quivers in the bow of the Great Archer. And there is a trembling as there is the inner adjustment. And there is a profound turning over of worlds as the pockets of consciousness are self-emptied by the living flame of love of all that opposes this divinity manifest within you.
Realize that opposition58 to the hierarchy of Scorpio as blindness and absence of spiritual vision is10 a self-15 centeredness50 that14 eclipses34 the15 light29 (=225=9 x folly25) of the sun of the I AM Presence. Some are more aware of the self and all of its extremes or extremities than they are aware of the I AM Presence.
Therefore let the great Sun of light descend. Let it expel from ego-centered consciousness that lesser self that has10 assumed19 the15 seat9 of12 authority47 (=112=4 x intent28) where only the Christ Self may dwell. In the fullness of joy let there be an elimination of the vagaries of alienation! For alienation is the original separation of man from God through fear, through doubt—fear in the existence of God leading to self-doubt and thereby doubt in his own existence.
The self-importance of the humanness must be revealed as that which does deter the soul from the grandeur and nobility of true being. Perfect love then must be in the clear-seeing of the one Universal Self, at once in us all, there that point of light to be adored, to be expanded for the creation of worlds!
I AM in the infinite light of cosmic freedom. I AM extolling the virtue of alignment with inner reality that the dark veil (that is an imitation of the veil that hung in the Holy of Holies in the court of salutation of the priesthood), the veil of ignorance, the veil of rebellion, the darkness of death itself which is alienation from Life, be consumed by our love!
The cosmic forces of love gather for the binding of anti-Self that is born in the heart of the liar and fulfilled in the heart of the murderous intent. Anti-love then is the ultimate manifestation of insensitivity to life that is seen in mechanization man or in those individuals who have abdicated their identity and therefore become a castaway. You have seen such individuals in the short film that you viewed this evening.
This was not a film of the youth of America but of a particular brand of individuals who have come forth into incarnation and whose maturity brings them to the age of youth and yet they are old souls. These are not children of the light nor are they burgeoning sons of God but literally vacated temples full of demons and discarnates that stalk the world and therefore must be dealt with by the cosmic Law of Love that abhors the vacuum—knowing well that if that vacuum be not filled with love it is filled with hatred, human hate and hate creation, beloved ones, that comes out of the envying of that Presence of the I AM that is true being!
Wherever there is light manifest as joy and abundance and success and victory there29 comes19 envy21 of12 the15 not-Self28 (=124=4 x deify31). Thus you see personified in some of those interviewed the essence of the not-Self. You would be mortified to see the residual nucleus of your own carnal mind untransmuted, but in these responses you see the ultimate end of self alienated from God that is the synthetic self or carnal mind.
When that synthetic self first appears it appears to have many qualities that are benign, even constructive. And therefore people say: “Well, he’s not so bad after all!” But by and by in the progression of cycles one sees the ultimate end where the beginning is not founded upon the rock of Christ and true relationship through Christ of each one’s soul to the beloved I AM Presence.
We have much to say to you at this conference concerning the alienation of a planetary body from the octaves of light, from the home of the God-star, from the heart of Elohim. We come to heal the alienated self that feels uncomfortable in the presence of Father/Mother God and yet is self-destroyed outside of that presence!
How often have we heard the cry of youth of inability to communicate with parents. And therefore they go out and find for themselves another world, another life. It is the plane of alienation. And therefore because there is absence of communication with Alpha and Omega—because there is that absence, beloved hearts, there is no finding of the soul hid with Christ in God. There is no entering in to perfect harmony with the Mighty I AM Presence except with one’s own inner reality.
O that God-reality is that which you all are seeking to put on but do not necessarily understand how it is one’s self at the same time as it is that other Self with whom you converse and ought to communicate. And if you do not, you see, there is a blocking of the rising light of being entering in to the Holy of Holies.
O living Word of sacred fire, angels of the victory of love, come now and ignite these hearts and let them keep a votive light of love! For as our teams of love’s conquerors go forth now for the binding of anti-love manifestations across the face of the Earth we would have you meditate upon the symbolical and actual flame that in this flame you might once again know that our God is a consuming fire and that consuming fire is the Almighty Love. And the love angels gather to consume the greatest momentum gathered, in all planetary history, of anti-love. So be it.
Ritual of the Flame:
The Light of Living Love
Let us light the light of living love.
[Messenger lights a taper from a candle burning at the altar, passes the flame to Edward, who passes it on to the congregation.]
As you pass these flames from heart to heart, O precious ones, see how the candle displaces the dark.
Look at the holy light that ascends from the base in the will of God, that fiery blue light. See how it ascends in illumination’s flame! Visualize now the central flame as a fiery pink and your own Christ Self as illuminator of the Word. Visualize now your own Christ Self as the wick continually releasing the essence of a holy oil that burns and keeps the flame of Life.
Let all who are assembled everywhere in Camelot in this hour light the light of love. Let our message now be the contemplation of this flame.
See it now as we hold our own candle. And know that the single flame now can expand and expand. New dimensions appear. And you must visualize the entire planet Earth centered in your single flame with the Christ Self holding the point of the Cosmic Christ consciousness for all the Earth.
As we multiply our meditation, one by one by one onward, we see how each individual’s fortification of the flame creates another matrix of the all-consuming love-fire around the planetary body. Understand, my beloved hearts, that this flame which is in reality the essence of your own heartflame is a threefold flame of Life which we now qualify with violet flame for the turning of worlds, for the turning of the mighty action of this world.
Let the flames be passed quickly across this campus that all might simultaneously receive angel messengers of love and cherubim of light.
What is the greatest point of alienation upon the planetary body? What is the greatest conglomerate of anti-Christ? It is the point of alienation that begins with the anti-Self and then becomes the false hierarchy’s version of the community of the Holy Spirit. It is World Communism where the individual is elevated for his humanness and where the state is founded upon the interaction of the human consciousness devoid of the flame of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore we are Heros and Amora! Therefore we come in the great victory of God- flame.
As we turn, as the Earth turns so there is the turning of worlds. And our flame does meet now the unwinding, decelerating spiral of the military empire of the Soviet Union and of every nation, including Red China where Communism prevails as a way of anti-Life!
The death that stalks the Earth, beloved hearts, is an emanation of the stench of World Communism! It is a product of the passivity of America receiving the intensely active and vicious force of anti-life.
That which has pitted brother against brother in Poland (and members of the Soviet empire donned with Polish army uniforms, moving against the people) is absolute alienation from love- fires of a mutual inheritance in the Father/Mother God. It is the jealousy of the Nephilim and fallen ones cast out of heaven by the edict of Almighty Love!
As the world is turning so our fire now meets in the very face this decelerating spiral of World Communism and that entire momentum whose physical inception in this century begins in 1917, even the hour of Fátima. So that entire momentum that goes back into the farthest centuries of world history does come now to be touched by the igniting of the flame of your heart, one with the Cosmic Christ.
This is a moment for you to contemplate how the single flame of life of your own heart can make all the difference from death unto life in the planetary sphere. This is not a game but a reality. For truly the Son of God Jesus Christ came to the point of revelation that his own heartflame was sufficient for an entire world and an entire dispensation!
And so mid the darkness of the dark ages of Nephilim conquests there it has been the causal body, the Cosmic Christ consciousness of that living Savior Jesus Christ representing all of the sons of heaven that has held and still held for the hour when you too would be born! Do you feel it, O my beloved hearts?—that moment of birth of true awareness that not the lesser self but the greater Self which is the only Self is truly God and is truly able to be the flame of love that consumes this antagonism against the love of God that is World Communism.
The synthetic society—it crumbles from within! For our flame is placed in the very core, in the very inception of the lie, in the very point of the perversion of the binding of the soul of God and the soul of man in the religion of all religions which is Oneness, Be-ness and the living Word!
My beloved, I take you into the aura of Elohim. We are the divine Us! We are the Oneness! We are the Father/Mother God! We are Alpha and Omega!
You may visualize us now in this moment in the form of our spherical body—one body of light whirling now as a mighty t’ai chi. The action of sacred fire whirling and turning is a mighty turning of a world concentric and congruent with the earth body.
And you hold the light. You hold a candle. And it is a flame of love that becomes a flame of freedom. You can hear the crackling of inner fire. You can hear the consuming of astral beasts of prey. You can hear the consuming of all that moves against the people of light!
Earth is engaged in a fiery pink and violet conflagration in this hour, my beloved. And the intensity of the buildup to this moment has been great upon your own four lower bodies and those of the Messenger. And we have utter compassion for you and devotion to your hearts and to your temples where the Lord Christ is truly welcome and where you keep the flame of life burning.
This is in truth an actuality of reality in the very midst of the great God-flame, in the very midst of worlds. And I tell you, simultaneously in the Central Sun of the planetary body there is a point of whitefire at its inception. And that point of whitefire is the beginning of a spiral of Elohim of the Fourth Ray that will be released on the morrow for the replacing of all that is consumed by love with the whitefire purity of the Mother’s presence, Cosmic Virgin Omega, releasing a spiral of whitefire for the victory of planet Earth!
Therefore let us keep the vigil of love. Let us tend the fire through the night. Let us keep a vigil burning. Let us give our invocations to the mighty love-flame. Let us sing the songs of love! Let us be with the seraphim of God! Let us know the meaning of the heart, the burning fiery heart of a single cherubim! For this night it is open to you to be one with the cherubim of God—thou and thine own twinflame in the oneness of cosmic spheres, in the oneness of the I AM Presence, reproducing in this night the whirling sphere, the fiery pink electrode, the whirling sphere of Elohim unto God.
Let us then vow before the altar of the Almighty that twinflames of love in heaven and on earth merging as sacred fire will duplicate and reduplicate the fiery intensity of Elohim and become a part of the transformation of worlds!
O living flame of sacred fire! O redundancy of God in the great multiplicity of light in the causal bodies of those who are light-bearers of the planet! O see the millions of votive lights that are kept now at inner planes with you by the saints robed in white! See them in this hour, O beloved. For a world and many worlds ignite the candle of love!
We are the Keepers of the Flame!
We are the Keepers of the Flame!
We are the Keepers of the Flame!
We are the igniters of the light of a world!
In the light of Shamballa I came, and I stand with you! And the lo, the Word that I AM is come. And the fullness of the glory of the Sun of thine own Mighty I AM Presence is nigh! And the living flame of mighty life-force is activating, radiating a peculiar light, a certain energy radiation from the Central Sun of the planetary body. And it permeates and it radiates as a fiery electrode. And it dissolves harmful influences of radioactivity throughout the planetary body, all misuses of the earth element, all misuses of the air and sea.
Precious ones of light, there is such an action by the chemical ray of love of the cleansing of atoms and the stripping of electrons! There is the cleansing to the very core that is inviolate in the name of God of all misuse of the great victory of love in molecules of manifestation.
All substance is the substance of God. Through all of this we pass through our mighty candle of love. And there is a continuation of the unwinding of all coils of World Communism until we come to the cause behind the effect—and that is the Nephilim support by the amassing of the wealth of nations to put all of this light of lightbearers behind the World Communism momentum. And therefore we now pass the torch of divine love through those fallen angels, the Watchers, and the godless that control the supply and economies of the nations and then through all of those who misuse the freedom of the Word to integrate in that truly free market of life.
Thus the free market economy must be claimed, must be determined to be independent of the fallen ones who have created their monopolies in the intent that all the people of light should then bow down and go to work for them where they have failed to work the work of Christ. Thus the anti-Christ, the anti-love is seen in the marketplace. It is seen in the inferior consumer goods. It is seen in the tremendous profits that are raked each year in supposed celebration of the Christ Mass as the innocent and the not-so-innocent allow themselves to be milked of their light and their energy.
Blessed ones, when commerce becomes a cutthroat competition, when some amass inordinate wealth at the expense of others and at the disruption of the flow of the abundant life—here, here is the hatred of the seed of God and of the Mother! Here is the envy. Here is the perversion of love-fire.
See how the alignment of Aquarius and Leo, of Taurus and Scorpio forms a mighty ruby-ray cross. See how the action of love-ray is the answer, is the answer to, resolution of the economic problems of America and the world! See how the third century of America’s destiny which began in 1976 is truly the resolution of love-fires of the Holy Spirit. And this is that which is unresolved—the use of creative fire, the presence of the Holy Spirit.
And what is the foundation of love? It is honor. It is mutual respect between all parties. Therefore understand that the foundation of a successful and healthy and growing economy is mutual trust brother to brother, and the people of their government, and the governments of the nations of one another—the trust then of the very mechanism for the creation of the flow and supply of money hand to heart, heart to hand.
Understand that the abuse of love has brought the economy almost to a screeching halt! There then must be the reactivation of creative fires by love! And the cancer of World Communism and World Socialism that has sought to spread its tentacles in America is always spread by death consciousness and by the sense that someone else should pick up the tab—whether it is the government or whether it is by crime, robbery or such criminal activities carried out by the Mafia whose presence in the land is also an anti-love manifestation.
You begin to see then that almost every anti-love manifestation upon the planetary body is that action which seeks reinforcement through organization. Whether it is street gangs of youth who are these incarnating ones, many of whom are without soul substance or integrated identity in Christ, or whether it is in industry or whether it is in the coming together of banking-houses—without their mutual reinforcement they could not present a presence in the land of anti-love.
Thus in truth the community of the Holy Spirit worldwide is a body of love, a mystical body of love. And the very strength of that body is able to overcome and to turn over and inside-out all of the worlds of darkness, all of the gathering forces of pro-abortion.
Abortion is the cutting-off of life. It is anti-love. And it happens everywhere in all sorts of situations, not only in the abortion of the human fetus. Every abortion of the Word of God is an anti-love manifestation. Every denial of free expression of the holy angels among men is an abortion of heaven’s descent to earth.
See then how these forces always organize in numbers, for those who carry anti-love have the significant mark of cowardice. And therefore they cannot stand alone. For in a one-on-one confrontation it is the right hand that holds the torch of love that always wins! For love is the only power. And there is no power in human hatred or in the hatred of fallen ones.
Believe it, my beloved—and affirm it! For the fallen ones continually affirm their power, and they demonstrate it through the misuse of \love-fires at the heart of the nucleus of life.
Thus perversions of nuclear energy misused to enshrine the death cult are also a manifestation that is the perversion of the flame that you hold in your hand. Realize that those that gather and move together in terrorist activities or in amassing weapons of warfare gather for destructivity—gather, for they must reinforce their malicious intent.
Since love is the foundation of community and of all interaction of souls, the organization of the Great White Brotherhood in heaven and on earth is the highest manifestation of love therefore pitted against the lowest form of vibration ever seen, which is in the aforementioned movement of World Communism.
Understanding the perspective of worlds as we hold the Earth in the embrace of our love-fire, realize, beloved ones, that every act of every so-called Communist, every activity organized of World Communism is the personal affront of your personal Christ Self! World Communism is the direct and specific anti-Christ of your own God-free being! It is the most virulent force that opposes the church, the publishing, Teachings and individual rising of the soul. It is all-out and total rebellion against the Laws of God, the Laws of Hierarchy, the true law of brotherhood worlds without end.
Inasmuch as you hold the light of a planet in your heart and hand in reality you can understand why you who are torchbearers are the greatest threat to the entire world establishment of Communism. See and understand that your Saturday evening service to Saint Germain is a service which you give gladly in defense of the integrity of your own being. It is not an evening in which you raise up swords against some distant foe, imaginary and not quite defined. It is not something apart from the personal Armageddon in which you are engaged where daily and hourly you must affirm Christhood. For any affirmation contrary to that Christhood is a statement of World Communism and puts you in alignment with it by vibration!
Now you see the alienation of youth of America and the world and of all people from inner reality is already the manifestation of World Communism! It is in America! It is in the so-called free nations! Wherever there is a death cult there is Communism—specifically the Soviet type of Communism and the more radical type of Maoist Communism.
The death cult stalks when you deny your own integrity and God-harmony, when you become out of alignment with your Mighty I AM Presence! Each moment out of alignment is a moment of alienation. And it is one moment too long for your self-indulgence in something other than the great God-victory of your soul!
Realize then how vulnerable is this nation to the take-over of forces unseen of World Communism. Realize it as you look abroad in the land and find so few who maintain this flame.
Imagine if you had to hold this candle twenty-four hours a day. You could not put it down, but you would have to hold it. It would remind you of how important is the constant return to the attention of that flame. Knowing the power as well as the inherent danger of fire you could not avert your gaze, you could not fall asleep.
Realize then that as the enemies of light do not slumber, neither does the Almighty slumber nor sleep. And He that keepeth Israel is the keeper of this flame who perpetually meditates upon the flame of thy Life.
Hail, Gautama Buddha, keeper of the flame of Life!
Hail, Sanat Kumara, preserver of the opportunity for Life!
Hail, Maitreya, teacher in the path of Christhood!
Hail, Jesus Christ, wayshower to all disciples of truth!
Hail, Saint Germain and El Morya!
Greetings to the beloved Messengers Godfre and Lanello!
Blessed be the Keeper of the Flame, the Maha Chohan, and all chohans of the rays!
Blessed be every lifestream for whom the sanctity of this flame of Life is greater than all other considerations!
Blessed is the Keeper of the Flame who places first and foremost in daily life the working of the work of love as a sacred fire perpetually burning!
In the intricacy of the love matrix we come. We hold the flame for Earth. And we continue, lo, these twenty-four hours as our all-consuming light will penetrate deeper and deeper into the very psyche and soul of lightbearers—burning there the entities and demons of the death culture in drugs and in misuse of sacred fire, burning away at the entrance into the temple of our beloved those demons that assert the self-will of anti-Christ and cunningly pose as the real Self and the real will of the individual so much so that if it were possible the very elect should be deceived.
How the apostle sent forth the warning! How the living Christ Jesus sent forth the warning!—that to be in the vanguard of light demands the joyous overcoming of the discipline of love.
O courageous ones, I draw you now into the very heart of hearts of the secret rays. For this is where the love-fire leads! Thus the candle I extinguish symbolizes the extinguishing of the outer experience as you pass through the love-spiral into the fiery core of love’s own secret rays. This is the house of the heart, the sign of Leo —going within to become supersensitive to all of life everywhere, to respond to the needs of all life everywhere, and in responding to become responsible citizens of cosmos.
Citizens of cosmos, ensoulers of worlds! receive the commeasurement of love and fear not the giants—specters of self-doubt, robbers of thy light. The giant specters of the night are not real! They cannot remain in the living flame.
Now, lullaby of love, sing to my children! Sing to the offspring of Elohim! Rock them in the cradle of the secret rays as they prepare to take their leave of the physical octave and join Elohim at inner levels for the expansive nature of love and our instruction therein. O hosts of the Lord, make them know the Self as Elohim.
-Elohim Heros and Amora, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1982 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 25:11
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