Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Drug Conspiracy, by Saint Germain
Beloved of my heart, Keepers of the Flame in every city of earth, I address you as my own and as the vessel of my flame of freedom.
Keepers of the Flame, Alpha and Omega have sent forth the call to us, hierarchs of the Aquarian age, and we have sent forth the call to the receptive heart of our own Messenger and chelas.
O receptive ones, vessels now held high, bearers of the light and of the receptacle of Peace, I AM come! I AM your Knight Commander. I AM the sponsor of America and the entire hemisphere. I AM the sponsor of Earth, and we together shall face this dark and foreboding plot against the souls of light and the entire human race.
Beloved ones, the story of these drugs—of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and all of the rest of the synthetic, fabricated drugs—is an ancient one. I pinpoint therefore the conspiracy of fallen angels known as the Nephilim gods and as the Watchers. I pinpoint their conspiracy to control the populations of the worlds, where they have spawned their experimental creation, their mechanization man. And therefore in order to control their laboratory experiment they have used all manner of devices.
Now therefore other nefarious powers moving against the evolution of life everywhere have seen fit to use mechanization man, computerized man—plastic man if you will—as trend-setters, jet-setters climbing after the gods and the fallen angels to tempt, to taunt and to hypnotize the seed of Sanat Kumara, the seed of Christ in embodiment.
Their end is manifold but it centers on the desire to steal the light of the threefold flame, to draw the lightbearers down into the valleys of the pit itself where they would engage in the practices of darkness. And therefore there are available fallen angels in embodiment to demonstrate the way—to provide the drugs, to direct the processing and to draw mechanization man into the entire conspiracy.
Thus those who are the glamorous and those who form the multitudes of mass consciousness exert a momentum that is planetary in scope to magnetize the lightbearers into their
practices of drugs and rock and nefarious deeds—and therefore karmically ally and align these lightbearers with the darkest forces of the pits of hell to draw these into the alliances, sexual in nature, that result in the bringing forth of life—life that is of darkness and of the pit which, combining with the seed of Christ, now gains a transfusion of light.
Thus by the serpent philosophy of the egalitarian way of all equality among all evolutions you find that the lightbearers have no sense of their worth or mission or of their God-determination at inner levels to lead all people out of the control of the fallen angels. Therefore they are lured into these alliances at all levels of crime and entanglements, and the seed of light is diluted: it is overcome, it is betrayed. And we will discover as we see in my transmission to you this day of a necessary
knowledge that this does result in the watering down of the total planetary Christ consciousness and the betrayal, one by one, of the lightbearers who ought to and must take their stand in life in this very century so that the true foundations of the age of Aquarius can be laid.
The dimensions and complexity of this problem and the extent to which it has been spawned on Earth have been noted well by that which has been presented to you. I desire therefore that you should realize that the forces involved in this particular conspiracy are as great as those involved in the fomenting of war, the international capitalist/communist conspiracyand the subjugation of all evolutions of Earth.
These enemies of all people—lightbearers and every evolution—are deadly and among the most deadly of all at inner levels on the astral plane. I, Saint Germain, tell you this with all seriousness so that you may understand that we would not ask you to take your stand and give your invocations on this situation without providing you yourselves, personally each one, with cosmic reinforcements—legions of light, legions of Archangel Michael, angels that form the retinue of the Great Teams of Conquerors and legions of Sirius—as well as those angels of Almighty God which beloved Jesus himself did call forth on Easter Sunday. Recognize that we have brought into position around you and your loved ones the reinforcements of light so that you may feel safe and secure in taking your stand in this sanctuary of the Holy Grail and elsewhere on the planet, at your altars and focuses, to daily challenge this drug conspiracy and the conspiracy of death and hell itself—for that in fact is what it is, beloved hearts of light.
It is no coincidence that I come in this hour of the three o’clock line today and that I come after the beginning of the Dark Cycle in Aries, so that you will understand that the original conspiracy against the lightbearers and the various evolutions and creations that began long, long ago with the fall of the fallen angels did begin and have its origin with a chemical manipulation, a genetic manipulation, and did come about not only through this vein of addiction and supplying of the people with all manner of stimulants but with other modes of conspiracy, thereby to limit the extent of the people to rise, to take dominion, to make contact with the octaves of light or to in any way challenge the fallen angels.
Since their fall it has been the goal of the fallen angels to keep in subjugation all evolutions and the planetary bodies they have invaded and to prevent them from rising to any form of equality, to contact the power of God, to learn the secrets of the Great White Brotherhood—which they themselves have
perverted from the beginning in their arts of black magic, war and witchcraft, necromancy and sorcery.
Beloved ones of the light, you can therefore understand why those in positions of power in this nation and every nation take such an exception to the rise of the children of light or to the true teachings of the I AM Presence. You can understand that these false hierarchies of fallen ones are positioned everywhere.
And therefore when you have the pronouncement of the Word of God and a religion such as I have released through this Messenger that will spell the end to death and hell and the binding of mortality, whose goal is the raising up of the true sons of God and the liberation of the soul, you can well understand when this freedom is proclaimed and practiced and in fact already achieved by many of our chelas (some who have ascended, some who are ascending, holding a very strong focus of freedom in the Earth) that therefore the mouthpiece and organization should be brought into disrepute by those who are determined to keep under control not only the masses of mankind and the race they have spawned that has been named Homo sapiens but also the lightbearers and especially those who have the path of the ascension before them.
And because they are the Christs in the Earth—as this Messenger is, and as there are other sons of light among you and daughters of God moving toward the full manifestation of Christhood—beloved ones, they [the fallen angels] would move to prevent that ascent and that clearing of the way. For those who do have the extraordinary manifestation of that Christ consciousness have also the power, which Jesus had, to convey that light and to intensify, magnify and truly transmit the momentum of the threefold flame, lost or waning.
Thus, beloved ones, the key that comes by the anointed ones—and you should all accept your role as anointed ones and Christed ones merging with your Christ Self—is that key which shall undo this conspiracy which is interplanetary in nature and which has been put upon the people of this planet for millions of years.
Please understand the equation in which we draw the line that separates light and darkness. It is the line between the absolute Godhead dwelling in you and absolute Evil pitted against it in the form of these fallen ones.
I give this introduction to my message this day so that you will understand that unless you perceive this equation, and unless those who desire to overturn the drug industry worldwide perceive this equation and have the protection of the Brotherhood, there will no change come about. For this has been going on for thousands of years, and it is not a phenomenon of the twentieth century or of the 1980s but one that is brought to the fore once again to entrance those who are easily taken in; for they have used these drugs in previous centuries long ago in the mists of Atlantis, on the continent of Africa, in South Americaand ancient Lemuria.
Beloved hearts of light, when you consider the age-old conspiracy and you consider the fact that you are here, that I AM here, and we are together forming the solar ring of light by our very bodies and presence, ascended and unascended, you can understand that this truly is the stand of Almighty God for the victory of Earth. And unless you perceive it so, unless you have that perspective and that vision, you will not comprehend or understand the attacks upon your life, your loved ones, those associated with you, and you will not be serious enough to do your daily invocations to Michael the Archangel for your protection when you are engaged in this warfare.
Thus I, Saint Germain, must admonish you and warn you again that you who are a part of me, and I a part of you—as watchmen in this night of the astral plane and darkness erupting into the physical plane therefrom—must truly conduct your lives as holy ones of God, instruments of the seraphim who stand with you. And you must take care and realize that you have a thousand-percent protection of the Great White Brotherhood when you yourself sustain your God-tie to us, when you maintain your harmony and keep your daily vigil with the ascended masters.
You cannot be a sometime decreer or a Johnny-come-lately or those who dip into the fires of Camelot once or twice a year—and wage warfare with the sinister force. And therefore I do not encourage you to back away but to jump into the flame wholeheartedly and fully. And realize, beloved hearts, that the die is already cast and that your very acquaintance with this activity should underscore for you the necessity of your karma as well as of your soul’s edification to take the full cup of Christ Jesus who said “Indeed, you shall drink of my cup.” Understand that the full cup of the path of the bodhisattva was drunk by Jesus before you. I myself drank it fully many times, as did those of our bands ascended. Therefore we admonish you to realize that when you come to a station of the cross—or in this caseto a line on the cosmic clock of one of the initiations of the path of the bodhisattva—and it is tough and it is difficult and it is demanding, realize that you are scaling a wall of light and you are scaling a wall of darkness, and you are there facing and encountering that initiation which must be passed. Before you is the light; behind you is the enemy—and therefore, you must keep moving toward the Source.
We are with you all the way Home. But we are not able to win your victory for you. This you must do by following the very explicit instructions in the science of the spoken Word and in the protection of your life.
We are there to assist you. We understand when you fall and stumble. You may make a mistake. You may, perchance, become discordant or misqualify energy. But you have the perpetual call of the hour. You have the Jesus’ Watch. You may instantaneously call upon the law of forgiveness, cast the entire matter into the flame, invoke your tube of light and reinvoke it, and reestablish, in profound love and gratitude, your tie to me and to the All-Father.
I reiterate therefore this entire matter of the basic and fundamental principles of the Law which are the first teachings of the Keepers of the Flame Lessons that you might understand the seriousness in which we are engaged and the deadliness of those forces that will not give up, will not say die and will surely be a part of those who are cast into the Lake of Sacred Fire to be consumed.
You are dealing with the ultimate forces of death and hell. You are dealing with the lieutenants and representatives of fallen ones who have already been bound and judged and taken. You are dealing with interplanetary and intergalactic conspiracies! I tell you, it is so. Those who have come to this planet to use it as an experimental station for all manner of creations and manipulation thereof have, in some cases, actually come from galaxies beyond this one.
Thus we are at a crossroads, beloved hearts. And the Great Law has turned and the cycles have turned and the universe has opened and Sanat Kumara and the entire Hierarchy of Light stand with the sons of God in embodiment on Earth. And when you make the call and you are consistent your call then counts for the binding of this force wherever it appears in the matter cosmos.
I tell you, it is so! And I ask you to cast into the sacred fire all doubt and fear and records of death and even the projections of the fallen ones, in this very moment who would tell you that it cannot be so that so vast an endeavor should surely come to pass and require the victory of your own sacred heart.
Well, I tell you, beloved hearts, it is so! And if you will understand that there is no time and space, and that all these things can be compressed into a very narrow band of the physical octave, when I tell you that you have all lived for hundreds of thousands of years and experienced and observed this scenario, being caught in it yourself, you must realize that it is trueand that I speak the truth.
And it is for no ordinary purpose that you are called together in this hour, and you ought to cherish it as no other opportunity you have ever had in cosmic history. For this opportunity is not only the opportunity to banish from these worlds every threat to the lightbearers and to all evolutions who may seek and find union with God, but it is also the means to your own victory and the glorification of God within you and your return to the Heart.
This very endeavor of challenging drugs falls on the lines of initiation of the bodhisattva. Those who would become one in the heart of the Buddha and the Mother must understand that these initiations must be taken as they are given.
Therefore you understand, beloved hearts, the nature of the return of the Dark Cycle in Aries. The return of that karma, beloved ones, involves every conspiracy of the luciferian ones against this earth and all others. You can understand that Aries is the line of God-identity, the point of affirmation—“I AM THAT I AM”—which each and every one of you ought to make in this very moment to quiver the ethers with your God-realization!
[congregation responds in unison:]
Therefore understand the nature of the conspiracy and analyze it with the astuteness and ingenuity of your own Christ mind, for you are indeed capable. You have been well-taught by the masters and the messengers and your own Christ Self. Therefore see what on this planetary body is moving against the full identity dwelling bodily in the sons of God, what moves against the awareness and the recognition by the soul of fullness of the light and Spirit of the Almighty One.
Make your lists and begin your decrees, beloved ones. For by the specific decrees concerning this subject you will draw from your causal body into physical manifestation truly that light which shall hold the balance in the Dark Cycle. We are moving toward that moment, and we desire to see it come to pass. Yet it is not so yet, for the wise ones must bring into the physical dimension the content of their causal bodies, bringing to bear, upon the very challenges of the moment and the hour, that light.
Thus when you have attained to that degree we trust Helios, guarding the sanctity of this gate of the three o’clock line to the New Jerusalem, may bring forth his own announcement on the subject of the holding of the balance.
Therefore from this hour to the moment of his speaking in the Heart let us work together. Let us be together! Let us be the Grail. Let us be in this sanctuary and let us understand the true vigil of the hours which is required. Beloved hearts, these fallen ones must be bound hourly. And there must be directed into the very dweller on the threshold behind them the most intense calls and the fiery furnace of the Almighty One.
Recognize that the revenge and the lashback and the vehemence of these demons, these false hierarchies and those who occupy positions of power in the world will be something that perhaps some of you will be surprised to see; and others of you will consider that you have never before seen such opposition to your lifestream.
Beloved ones, it is important that you realize that the planetary drug conspiracy will oppose everyone and every move made against it. Realize that this opposition comes subtly—in other ways unrelated to your call and your stand, in ways to move you away from the center of light and to the necessary continuance of invocations once they are made.
Beloved hearts, if you can imagine an army on a
battlefield—the battle cry is given and the sound to fire is heard resounding from the General, all engaging in a warfare...and suddenly after an hour each one considers other things that must take up his attention, going to his home or farm or leaving the battlefield—understand that the opposing army will only chase and pursue those who retreat and overcome them.
Realize then the principle that I wish to illustrate, and that is: once you have placed yourself in the army of light, there is no retreat, for to retreat is to admit defeat and is to invite the overcoming by the enemy itself.
Therefore I ask that each and everyone of you admonish each and every other one that you serve as a reminder in the full power of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and the reminder of all of these teachings which we have given. For the testing of the hours is upon you. And when you have fulfilled and been able to meet the testing of the Dark Cycle in Aries you will have the momentum of overcoming on the entire twelve lines of the clock, beloved hearts, that dweller on the threshold of your own subconscious that fully and finally may be dismissed and bound by you by the power of Almighty God in this very life!
I promise you, beloved hearts of light, as I stand in this hour and as Portia stands with me, that if you will stand steadfast and meet this oncoming darkness and overcome and not be deterred and not stray and not leave the center of light and not leave the Holy Grail or the purposes to which you have set your heart in the service of this community, I will therefore stand with you in the full overcoming of your own dweller. And I will also stand with you during this period of meeting the challenge of drugs in America and the world.
And therefore I offer my reward, my service, and my protection. And I allow you to see that which it is from the beginning unto the ending. For, beloved hearts, truly this drug conspiracy of marijuana and cocaine, of alcohol and nicotine, sugar itself upon the youth of the world is killing many a fine heart and soul, setting them back decades or lifetimes.
I desire therefore that you will understand that the conspiracy of the fallen ones and the curse pronounced against the white man is a curse pronounced against the seed of Christ. It is a curse pronounced as the judgment of the fallen angels, and it is a judgment pronounced against the progenitors of the eternal Christ.
How is this so? Beloved hearts of light, the fallen ones, by taking their revenge against the Inca, against the empire and the head thereof, did bring about their judgment through the Christ light in the people of the Incas, did bring about their judgment by those evolutions who were overtaken by fallen ones.
Thus a great crime was committed against a people who occupied the continent of South America. That crime had its judgment, and that judgment (the cursing of the white man) should be upon the seed of those who perpetrated the deed. But those who perpetrated the deed did so at inner levels—the tools of the false hierarchy who knew full well that the judgment that would be upon them would also come upon the seed of Christ (also embodied as the white man, as they had induced that seed of Christ to intermarry with themselves.
I speak of the seed of Belial embodied in the white race itself that has moved against nation upon nation in the process of taking over the world. And I speak therefore of the intermingling among those of the white race of the seed of light and darkness. Thus, beloved hearts, when there is compromise by
intermarriage of the seed of Christ with the seed of the wicked—both being of the white race, the seed of light also suffers.
This curse pronounced is not only a judgment of the Law but also a curse of black magic by the seed of the wicked (transferring their culpability to the seed of Christ). And therefore that curse is come to pass because it has never been broken, never been checked. And the full force of the Godhead dwelling in any son of God on Earth has not, to this moment, challenged it or overturned it. It is to this end that I have come, for there is truly a superstition and a sense of revenge upon all the descendants of the Spanish conquistadores by the descendants of those people who did suffer needlessly under the conquests of the Spanish in South America.
Let it be understoodtherefore that this curse has indeed come upon the middle class and the white man of America and the Earth through that very deed. And you can understand that history is tarnished; history is replete with acts and deeds that come full circle and therefore take the lives of the seeming innocent when they are in their very bud and blossom.
Realize therefore that the vulnerability of the people who succumb to cocaine in every race is also conditioned by prior neglect, prior agreement, prior consent in some form (great or small) of allegiance to their own carnal mind, allegiance to the dweller on the thresholdand allegiance to those fallen angels.
Realize then, beloved hearts, when you give your
allegiance to your Holy Christ Self and the voice of conscience within you, when you stand with Almighty God—and still stand—and to the best of your knowledge and ability and awareness do not compromise the love of your Christhood, the wisdom and the power of your Christhood you are protected against the wiles of the devil and of these serpents, these fallen angels in embodiment.
But when there is a giving away of the portion of the self—a little compromise here and there because it seems harmless (and that word harmless is among the most dangerous words in the lexicon of the English language)—then, beloved ones, you leave yourselves open to the inroads of karma and subsequent depriving of yourselves of more of your consciousness because you have agreed and acceded to giving a portion of it away.
The more you are enlightened by us and by the teachings of the ascended masters the more you enter into your own Christhood, the more you take accountability for your thoughts and feelings and for your deeds, the greater the stand you take for the light and the more light you therefore feel upon yourself—the more you realize just how important it is to protect that light and your Christhood.
Those who reach the peak of Everest and the challenging mountains of the world know the dangers of the last mile, the last five miles. Beloved hearts of light, those last few yards before your victory are among the most dangerous of all because they necessitate the securing of that which you have gained as well as the strength to attain the final crown of victory. To sustain that which you havetherefore becomes the challenge of Keepers of the Flame, which is why we have written on our lessons: “Hold Fast What Thou Hast Received.”
Now therefore, beloved hearts, I come and ask your concerted and undivided heart-fire attention and God consciousness with me as I implore, before the altar of Almighty God, the breaking of this curse and all who have reinforced it. I ask youtherefore to kneel before your Father.
Almighty God, our Father, the one supreme God—Elohim!—I, Saint Germain, stand in the Earth and with those who are the mystical body of God. We come before Thy altar and before Thy throne. In the name of thy beloved Son with us, Christos, we implore:
I call also to all Christed ones and children of the Father worldwide whom I touch with the fire of my heart—to give their attention now at inner levels to this universal and planetary prayer.
Our Father, one in heart, one in the heart of the Earth, we call forth light! light! light! Break the curse! against the seed of light on Earth! Break the curse! of cocaine, marijuana, heroin, PCP and all other
chemicals known on this planet and those yet to be introduced which have already been introduced in past ages.
Elohim of God, Almighty Father, we summon now the legions of light and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood as cosmic reinforcements in the heart of the Earth. And I, Saint Germain, declare that in my heart as in Thy heart this curse is now fully finally broken by the Godhead! And this breaking of the curse shall be implemented by these Keepers of the Flame daily in the call of judgment, in the binding of the curse, in the binding of the dweller on the threshold of that curse!
And therefore I say: Father, release the dispensation of light for the protection of the warriors of light and peace who march with legions of seraphim and angels and Elohim. Let there be raised up reinforcements on Earth who will take their stand and bear that light, that blinding light of the shield of the Godhead and of the mighty sword invincible of cosmic truth.
Helios and Vesta, representatives of the Father/Mother God, I, Saint Germainwith Portia, now agree to hold in the Earth with Keepers of the Flame the balance against this conspiracy out of the pit of death and hell.
In the name of Almighty God and by His grace, fully ensconced in His flame, we stand in this hour to challenge the entire drug conspiracy of planet Earth, to challenge every soul beset thereby who is of the light to
Leave it at once, depart from it, turn your back on itand run for the Sun! Run for the Sun! is our cry and our call to every lightbearer on Earth! Now depart from the dark places and hellholes and astral pits! Remove yourselves from the fallen ones who are the purveyors of drugs and rock that go hand in hand and draw you down into the very darkness of hell.
I, Saint Germain, stand before the altar of Almighty God. I speak from the altar of the Holy Grail. I speak into the very heart of the flame of the ark of the covenant and I summon the Word of God in this hour to slay thereforethe entire planetary momentum of the dragon that gives power to the beast in every form of drug conspiracy. And I call for the empowerment of my own in this hour that they may send the call, and that that call may count, beloved Father, as my own call.
I ask that my heart and flame and being once again reinforce them and that when they give their calls on this subject and the subject of World Communism and the international capitalist/communist conspiracy it shall be done! And it shall be turned back! And they shall no more occupy the temples of the lightbearers! And all evolutions of Earth shall be free! And the angels who are the reapers shall come and Bind these fallen angels! Bind the fallen ones in embodiment, and take them for the hour of their final judgment and their second death!
And therefore I, Saint Germain, plead before the Father for the acceleration now and shortening of the days for the elect once again and for the binding of the conspirators of darkness in every walk of life, aborting life at every age—in the womb, in our children and youth in those decades when the souls of light ought to be pursuing the Mighty I AM Presence but engage themselves in pleasure-seeking and entertainment and titillation of the senses.
Beloved Father, hear our call, for we are one in heart. We are one in Thy starfire magnitude in the Earth. We are determined to present planet Earth as a planet God-victorious in the flame of freedom.
And therefore, Father, I present to you this day my beloved Keepers of the Flame worldwide who are standing with me and in celebration of my own ascension do take their stand this hour by the cosmic flame of freedom and by cosmic reinforcements to challenge evil to the very core, and absolute Evil, by the power of the absolute Godhead with them whom they know, beloved Father, as the Mighty I AM Presence.
O beloved Father, receive my own. Receive those who are the forerunners of the age of Aquarius. I call forth grace and protection and enlightenment as well as God-happiness and the understanding and tutelage of their hearts by Lord Maitreya in the path of the ruby cross.
I call unto you, beloved Father, to now give to us and these holy ones in embodiment that fire that is able to consume by the spoken Word those who are the infamous, those who are the destroyers, those who are the seed of the Murderer and the Liar who come from beneath whose end shall surely come.
Our Father, we beseech you in one heart that their end shall come now and in this hour—before it is too late, before too many of those Christed ones which we have invoked and blessed are come forth and their light stolen and their lives destroyed. Therefore in honor and memory of one soul of light passed from the screen of life this very week I say, let us remember all souls of light and all individuals no matter what their level of evolution—all who have passed from the screen of life at the hand of World Communism and the international drug conspiracy and the capitalist conspiracy as well.
Let them be remembered, our Father. Let the saints who are at inner levels be remembered. Let those who have had to reembody scarred and burdened and who have again come under this conspiracy also be remembered. And let the legions of light penetrate deeper and deeper into the astral plane and rescue those souls this day!
Our Father Alpha, our Mother Omega, we call. We are one in Thy heart. Heaven and earth meet in this hour. In this consummation of the Word at the altar of the Holy Grail there is the oneness of Spirit and matter. And souls aflame with the victory of light enter a new consciousness of their own Christhood as they draw down from their causal bodies now that light that has never been seen on land or sea—that light in the lighthouse of being, that light which can descend the crystal cord and be the staying action of the world tide of darkness and which can consume utterly the Dark Cycle of returning karma in Aries.
Beloved Father Supreme, I seal this prayer in the heart of the Cosmic Christ and in the hearts of the faithful and true everywhere on Earth. I seal this prayer. May it come forth. May it bud as the pink rose. May it bud and blossom in a Cosmic Christ awareness.
And let those who are on the verge of coming into proximity with our teaching, beloved Father, now also receive the gift of protection and ministration of the legions of Archangel Michael and his flaming blue sword. Let them be drawn into the awareness that they may utter the Word, even in this twenty-four-hour cycle—I AM THAT I AM. For, having so said, legions of light in the service of the I AM THAT I AM, even in the service of the name of God and the I AM Presence, shall run to their side and protect them until they are securely anchored in this light.
In the name of Almighty God, in the name of the God of Freedom whose Spirit I AM and represent in this era I, Saint Germain, seal this prayer in the souls of the lightbearers worldwide and in their Christ Self.
Our Father, we attend Thy answer and Thy coming to us in the person of Helios. We shall be there in full force for Thy holy cause, beloved Father. In Thy name, Amen.
Hearts who kneel in prayer, hearts who kneel with Godfre and Lanello, I bless you. For as sure as Godfre contacted the Goddess of Liberty and was contacted by this blessed being, so each one of you has for us that equal value of the patriot, the sponsor, the daughter, the son of our own hearts. Therefore see how by your reception of the Electronic Presence of the Nessengers Godfre and Lanello, you also can count for the victory of a nation and many nations.
Understand this commeasurement with God—not an equality of the evolutions of Earth but a coequality of opportunity with the sons of heaven. And your Christ Self is every bit one with the Cosmic Christ and therefore worthy of the divine response. And your soul as the bride of your Lord is also worthy, as the handmaid of Almighty God, of the approbation of your love. Recognize this indispensability of your lifestream and your true cosmic worth. And in that recognition, beloved hearts, rise now and stand in the sun of your Godhood!
Precious ones, the fervent prayer of the righteous and faithful has never gone unanswered, is always rewarded and does always have the victory. Let it be realized that on all fronts as you stand in the very center of the circle of Aquarius—in the center that is the dot of my own causal body—and you daily face the twelve lines of the clock twice in the twenty-four-hour cycle, all with which you deal are those conditions and practices, beloved hearts, that require the maximum light and maximum strength of embodied evolutions. Concerning this point I would now address you. Therefore be seated.
Beloved hearts of mighty fire and living flame, from time to time it has burdened a mother’s heart to see how those very law enforcement agencies, groups of concerned citizens, truly the leaders and representatives of the people when contacting this light and service have spurned it, have been unwilling to accept our helping hand through our community effort—indeed, have spurned association lest their names be tainted.
Beloved ones, we come to comfort the Messenger and chelas regarding this gap in the apprehension of the people and even those who are the enlightened ones concerning the true path and teachings of the ascended masters. Truly the hour is late, and there is not time to be concerned whether or not you are accepted, whether or not you are misjudged, criticized or condemned for being “a cult.” For if you should be set back or burdened in your hearts by this phenomenon which is a daily one, you would lose, beloved ones, the necessary timing of cycles.
I admonish you to forge ahead, not to be concerned even with those who represent the federal or state governments of your nations—and this nation—who themselves are but people, and who have been indoctrinated to believe that there is something strange, an aberration or an “offbeat” practice that is taking place here.
Those sincere souls that you view daily who desire to move against what we have called the capitalist/communist conspiracy or drugs or other malefic conditions spawned out of hell that come as absolute Evil are not able of their own efforts to
accomplish their ends, though they think that by organization, by movements, and by more money they will be able to solve any and every problem. Not a human effort but a divine one! And the sword is a sword of the Spirit. It is sharper than a two-edged sword—that which goes forth out of the mouth of the mouthpiece of God, who is your own Christ Self or the Messenger thereof.
Beloved hearts, that which you are able to accomplish by united effort is the very taking and binding by the Lord’s hosts, in answer to your call, of the deadly demons, false hierarchs and black magicians of long-standing moving at the physical and astral planes against the people. When these forces and conditions and the dweller on the threshold thereof are removed, those who are the constructive individuals in society may accomplish good. And so it should be.
Yours is the joy and path of those who become the unsung and unknown heroes of the age. Your reward is with you, and your light banner shines across the galaxies. But expect no welcome cooperation or helping hand from the world, for there is a gap between this science and its understanding and most of the educated people of the nations.
Now if we were to exact the requirement that they could not have your help or ours until they should have the enlightenment and accept their responsibility in life, I tell you, all should be lost in the meantime. Their evolution will take sometimes centuries—and sometimes it can be accomplished in the twinkling of an eye. We cannot predict the human consciousness, but we also see the handwriting on the wall of the evolution of the souls who are constructive and yet blinded by their own intellectualism and their own sense of socialism as well as society.
Therefore, beloved ones, be unmoved and undeterred. For the more diligently you pursue this work and these calls the greater the necessity for oneness in your community (which you understand as the mystical body of God worldwide), the greater the necessity for harmony and the greater the necessity to accelerate.
Be not burdened therefore at that which is the reaction of individuals who, though they have touched the hem of the garment of the community and may agree with its purposes, do not have the inner fortitude when along come the fallen ones to move against them—come those in embodiment who deliver their poisonous lies. You may call for the protection of constructive individuals, but this I tell you: you may not allow yourself to be delayed or deterred in your own service by attempting to move others into the position of disciple or chela when they are not ready.
Thus, beloved hearts, for the world bodies who have made their declaration against drugs—including this nation, its president, and many people—I ask your intercession and your prayer. In order for them to succeed your work is absolutely necessary. And I tell you, without this encounter with Christ (with Maitreya as Initiator at this altar) concerning these issues, the world could not move forward and would not be in a position today of a certain balance that has been held and therefore a certain continuing opportunity to the lightbearers to rescue the souls of light.
I remind you that Mother Mary herself has had no end of involvement in this very process. And by her very presence and oneness with many millions there is the holding of the balance of the World Mother in the Earth, giving you once again renewed opportunity with Kuan Yin and the Karmic Board to intercede and bring the teaching and enlightenment to many.
Realize therefore that the action for the cutting free of the lightbearers is one of the most important calls you can make daily, in addition to the challenging of those forces that beset their very identity and Godhood on the line of Aries.
Realize therefore that if it were possible for the fallen ones, the self-declared enemies of the Church Universal and Triumphant, to destroy this movement, they would do so. It is their all-consuming obsession, as they are possessed by demons out of the pit day and night, to find ways and means to discredit not only the messenger but every individual disciple, everyone who takes his stand for the Cause and for the Light.
Beloved ones, love one another as you have never loved before. Stick together, as they say, through thick and thin! For you will find that the most loving servants and the sweetest hearts of Saint Germain are truly bowed down by that opposition.
Do not let the critical thoughts of the demons enter your mind that a fellow chela who is bowed down must be so bowed down because of his karma or because of his failure or his inattention to the Law. I tell you, beloved ones, far better to extend the right arm of strength and courage and a heart overflowing with love than to criticize one who is truly striving and one who has spoken full support with heart and mind and action of our community and our endeavor.
We of the ascended masters treasure every soul who has aligned himself with our cause. And we are most concerned in this hour to summon angelic reinforcements of individuals who have not quite seen that it is dangerous to position oneself on the periphery of the movement when one has aligned oneself with our cause. It is necessary to secure greater protection, therefore, to all who agree with me and with my cause. And I ask those of you who see and know to have full compassion upon those who are one with you in spirit yet separated by the distances of world karma and personal challenges and family affairs and burdens and responsibilities of their professions and businesses.
Beloved hearts, there is a wide, wide world body of co-workers who are a part of this movement—those who have studied our teachings, even the publications of The Summit Lighthouse—who are absolutely one with your heart and the heart of the messenger, yet you do not see them. They may not appear, but they stand, at inner levels, staunch for Truth and Freedom. These souls of light must be cut free, must be assisted. Just as you move against the fallen ones who move against them, so you must pray with positive momentum and the full power of your Godhood for the lightbearers of earth. I ask, therefore, that the balance of your marathon in honor of my ascension be consecrated to the drug problem, to World Communism and its judgment, and also to the freeing of my own.
The Dispensation of My Ascension Anniversary
For, the dispensation of my anniversary, <14> beloved hearts—I am most grateful to announce to you from the heart of the Great Divine Director and Alpha and Omega—is for those souls of my heart who are not in this activity to be cut free and drawn in. And this dispensation must be implemented by your call, as you understand, “as Above, so below.” For once the dispensation is given, it is not fully and finally physical until those who are in physical embodiment make it so.
Therefore, in gratitude for calls already given and to the Great Central Sun for my own ascension in the Light and Opportunity, I lay this bouquet of violets from the heart of Alpha at your very feet.
Beloved friends of freedom, ones eternal in the Light, heed the words of our messenger. This is my beloved daughter. Hear, therefore, her word and know that her counsel is my own concerning these matters of placing greater attention upon your own vessels and body temples, your own Christhood, defending yourself against the encroachments hypnotic of all substances taken in or projected upon you.
Heed the call to come up higher and recognize that admonishments made, great or small, whether from the altar or in private, must always be considered in the light of my own presence with her, my own teaching, and in consideration of the fact that these pinpoint your personal karmic evolution and the greatest necessity of your souls to respond to initiations.
I do not have the time nor does the messenger have the space to always explain why the admonition is given, why the instruction goes forth. And therefore, the trust comes from the Father to me, from myself to the messenger, and from the messenger to your heart. There is a trust in the Word and in the communication. There is a trust in the sense of timing and cosmic cycles. There is a trust that Almighty God working through us, one and each other and our common loaf of Christhood, does deal with those necessary situations as the Great Law has determined.
Much that we know is not necessary to convey, for the Darkness is vanquished and the Light appears, and it does not require dissecting. It is better that your attention be upon God than upon the evil that is at the gate, for thereby we bypass also the untransmuted fear, anxiety, and doubt that could come upon you by too much knowledge of the dark ones.
Therefore, look at the direction, the tenor, of our word and understand that when it is given, it must be responded to; for we await to give the next word when you have assimilated and obeyed and accomplished that which we have sent forth. Our word cannot return unto us void. Therefore, it is the Father’s trust in the embodied sons and daughters that has sent forth the decree: My word shall not return unto me void! For my word shall go forth, kindle the fire of the hearts of my own, and be returned by a mutual love, multiplied and abundant!
Beloved ones, the economy of the nations is upset as much by international crime as international Communism and the capitalist conspirators. The upheaval in the abundant life of the people is clearly illustrated this day. And thus, you understand when we speak of the economies of the nations, it is not only to goad you to a study of the correct philosophy of economics, but to awaken you to the realization that the true economies of the nations cannot function when there are those who do not play according to the rules of the game of Almighty God—the betrayers of the people who destroy their life, their livelihood, their crops with their illicit drug trafficking, with their engaging them in war and rebellions and insurgence and Communist revolutions, or by the taking of their labor in channeling it into the monopolies that act in their own name and design and not for the good of the people.
These factors are the x factors that bring about the fall of the whole house of cards of nations—not merely a false philosophy of economics, but the manipulation of the flow of supply and demand between Almighty God and his children, and then between people and people. Therefore, let the international bankers also be judged! Let the fallen ones be judged and those who justify, with their serpent logic, the engagement in this drug traffic.
Beloved hearts of freedom, I am ready to go to the heart of the Great Central Sun for another dispensation and another, that the lowest of the low and the darkest of the dark ones be bound and judged and removed from the physical as well as the astral plane. You can imagine that the removal of the fallen ones from an evolutionary coil and spiral involving millions who are intertwined with them is no small task of the archangels and the elemental beings. Therefore, the violet flame and the sword of blue flame and Astrea’s circle and sword of blue flame do come into play when Lord Shiva is summoned for the removal of the dark ones. For, you see, the withdrawal of their momentum of karma—the records of karma and their entanglements with lightbearers—has caused cataclysm in the past; and we do not risk it in this hour.
World Transmutation for the Separating of the
Lightbearers from the Dark Ones
Thus, massive world transmutation—such as you are accomplishing with this violet-flame marathon—must be the softening and the period of the separating out of the lightbearers from the tentacles of the dark ones, preceding the full and final removal of these ones and their own consciousness of Death and Hell being cast into the lake of fire.
Understand that this is why your calls must be relentless, must be concentrating on the very eye of Serpent, on the very core of their plots and conspiracies, and why you must rise to a new dimension of your I AM Presence and Christhood with the giving of your decrees—why you must place yourself there physically by strong visualization, by bodies filled with light because they are not toxic, because you are not fallen asleep from your own toxins and the taking in of impure substances.
Fasting the Seventh Day for a
Violet-Flame Flushing Out of the Cells of the Mind
Thus, the need for fasting is one which we have said from the beginning. For the resting of the seventh day is the resting of the physical body and the lower vehicles of consciousness by that fast which can easily be accomplished when you have a momentum on it. Even the taking of juices and other liquids that sustain you during work hours is better than eating solid food during that twenty-four-hour period when, therefore, the angels of light come with transmutation and the violet flame to flush out the cells of the mind.
Beloved hearts, when you concentrate on the clearing of the brain and the brain cells and the nervous system by the correct uses of fruits and vegetable juices and herbs, you will find that there can occur a greater oneness of the Higher Mental Body (Holy Christ Self) with the mental body and the physical counterpart.
And remember, beloved hearts, that consciousness is throughout the body temple and not only in the central nervous system or in the brain. Realize that your consciousness is in the spinal altar and in the Kundalini fire and in every cell of your being and in your chakras. And that God consciousness is able to hold a fire, an all-consuming fire, for the cleaning up of the earth and also for the wisdom of the Buddha that tells you the way to go.
Beloved ones, sometimes when we speak and you are nonresponsive, the only reason is that you have allowed yourself to become too toxic, too filled with substance and therefore not sensitive to our call. We desire not to see a movement of fanatics but the most well-balanced and well-rounded body of servers whose example may truly be an example to those whom we would draw into this teaching. Heed, therefore, our Word and take our suggestions for the manifestation of that community of the Holy Spirit which truly is the real city set on a hill that cannot be hid. <15>
Let your light so shine in the eye, the heart, and the body temple. Let the fervor of your spirit recognize with all wisdom that which is taking place. Let your hearts go forth as the brooding Mother and as the fire of Kali to bind these devils.
Though you have joy and happiness together, though you may form a circle of fire and dance in the sun and in the starlight, may your hearts ever be vigilant and never forget those who suffer the burdens of World Communism and its terrors, World Capitalism and its conspiracy, and the drugs besieging the temples of our own.
In the re-creation of the Spirit, I bid you enter the joy of my heart. This joy that is full is yet a perpetual vigil. It is the very quality of joy itself that does not fear to experience the burden and the pain of others. Thus, I speak of a laughter that is guarded, a recreation wherein the mind does not take its eye from the serpent’s den and therefore always knows the moves of the fallen ones.
In the midst of your joy, affirm “I AM WHO I AM.” And in the midst of your laughter, let the rolling laughter pealing from angel hosts be the swallowing up of the deadness and the dead seriousness of the death entities and their death drugs.
One thing they have never settled: the fact of the matter is, there is no death! and they do not conquer, ultimately. Only in the mayic plane of the astral, only in the dark night do they seem to hold sway and cause pain and anguish to the departed and the family and the mother and the brothers and the sisters and the friends.
Beloved ones, let every such occurrence be a profound lesson on the path of Christhood and the defense of Truth. Let the lesson not be lost, yet let the illusion of death be consumed. Therefore, let us celebrate life, and let us send our legions of freedom to assist those who find themselves suddenly in another octave so unnecessarily.
Heart of Darkness of the Drug Conspiracy: The Suicide Entity
Blessed ones, I would tell you that the entire drug conspiracy is aided and abetted and embodied by the suicide entity. All who partake of these drugs commit the first in a series of steps of self-annihilation—the single step toward suicide. And they have calculated their thirteen steps of suicide as the antithesis of the path of the bodhisattva. The first indulgence, the first drink, the first entering in is the preliminary stage of the development of the addiction. And they also begin in the breaking down of the heart, that that heart might become the seat of darkness and death instead of light.
Therefore, let us cast out that heart of darkness, and let us bind and judge those literary agents of the pit who have come in this century to produce a literature that is not worthy of being read or studied except for the motive of exposing the wiles and the ways of the devil. Everywhere we see in art, in music, in literature, and in philosophy this desecration of the abundant life.
Initiations under the Hierarchy of Aries—at the East Gate
The sign of Aries is the sign of the saint who is joyous and joyful in the abundant life. And therefore, the sign of Aries is the mastery, the God-mastery of that abundant life which begins with the defense of the full freedom of the soul in God and Christ and that soul’s Godhood entirely manifest in the soul, the body, the chakras, and the being.
Toward the integrated personality of God we direct our sermon and our admonishment. Toward the toeing of the line of the new birth of Aries, we declare Sonship in the coming of Helios. This is the place of birth of identity and this is the point of God-mastery.
Therefore, we declare war, on the line of Aries, against suicide, murder, death, the Liar and the lie, and every attempt to destroy the full flowering of the identity of every member—potential and present—of the Church Universal and Triumphant. We stand at the East Gate of the City Foursquare and our Royal Teton Ranch to receive every one who would enter the initiation of Maitreya, Cosmic Christ of the Sun on the three o’clock line.
Thus, no coincidence that your messenger must be born under this hierarchy and grapple with the initiations of the hierarchy of Aries and the onslaughts of the fallen ones denying the Light of Aries. This preparation throughout her embodiment has brought to you, therefore, a messenger who is indeed alert to the wiles of the sinister force moving against the identity of your individual soul and the soul of every Christed one on earth. You ought to be grateful for the very conspiracy of Light of the Great White Brotherhood that has conspired to bring your own lifestreams into a certain dominion of the Aries line—as you are holding that line for this cause and for the Lamb of God under your own birth sign.
May you bring the strengths of your own initiations and God-mastery now to hold the balance. For the Sun rises in the east. And out of the East coming unto the West is the Son of man within you! And your own Christ Self does rise on that line—and your initiation unto solar heights! Therefore, beloved ones, we face the challenger of that line and we return to our marathon on this conspiracy of cocaine.
In the invincible light of freedom I salute you, freedom-fighters of the ages! Your cosmic reinforcements are nigh, even at the door. Let us open the gates! Let us open the hearts and receive them, for truly you are a part of the army of the Faithful and True and the legions of light. And our victory is a permanent victory—a victory for eternity.
This know: that each day your victory over the beast is a permanent victory for every lifestream on Earth. Now count the Cause as ultimate and your life its instrument.
We are one to the ending of cosmic cycles. I AM in the heart of Alpha and Omega, and in this moment I ascend to the Central Sun anchoring there your efforts on Earth. I am grateful for the balance you hold that I might now take this hour to enter the Central Sun and therefore provide a greater fulcrum of light for the victory that is your own.
I AM forever and forever the Ascended Master Saint Germain. By the grace of the Great Divine Director, Almighty God and my Keepers of the Flame I serve and I stand!
(invocation by the Messenger:)
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun, beloved Father, in Thy name I AM THAT I AM, in the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, in the name of the only begotten Son of God, the universal Christ with us as the Immanuel, the Lord Our Righteousness, our own beloved Holy Christ Self, we ignite these flames in the presence and the very living person of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, the God of Freedom to the Earth, in the name and presence of beloved Portia, his divine complement, and the power of God-justice in our midst.
We call upon the twinflames of Alpha and Omega, the Father/Mother God. We call upon our own causal body of light and the full power of the Godhead dwelling with us and in us bodily in this hour.
O Great Central Sun Magnet, hear our call and answer. Beloved God and Goddess Meru, Lord Himalaya, Vaivasvata Manuand the Great Divine Director, now intensify our love of freedom and violet flame of freedom in our midst and the mighty crusade of the seven archangels to deliver the youth of the world from all drug addiction, the possessing demons and discarnates and false hierarchy of the drug conspiracy.
Beloved Archangel Michael, prince of the archangels, Archangel Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel: we call upon your forces of freedom and mighty light-rays in this hour to stand in the Earth in defense of the freedom of the soul, the mind and the heart of our children and youth and those of all ages who have been enslaved by the marijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP entities and devils.
We declare this day—with beloved Saint Germain and Portia, in the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, the Darjeeling and Indian Councils, the Council of the Royal Teton—our God-determination to reverse the tide and roll back the entire planetary momentum of the drug conspiracy.
In the name of God I AM THAT I AM we demand the action of sacred fire in this hour! Bolts of blue lightning from the heart of the Great Central Sun! Pierce now the very cause and core of the Liar and his lie, the Murderer and the murderous intent, and the fallen angels who have brought this travesty against the seed of Sanat Kumara and the Woman clothed with the Sun, and the Divine Manchild who is Christ the Lord with us and in us in this hour!
We demand the action of sacred fire! We call forth the light of the Great Central Sun. Bind therefore the cause and core of the drug conspiracy against the body temple of the living Word of the Mother with us! Bind the cause and core! Expose it now in the name of the living Word!
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother, Amen.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Saint Germain, beloved Portia, we call to your heartflames now. Beloved Leto, Legions of the Great Central Sun of Alpha and Omega, Helios and Vesta, Jesus Christ—we call to you, beloved Council of the Royal Teton, beloved God and Goddess Meru:
Take us now in our finer bodies in the etheric octave—one with our own Christ Self, our soul wed with the Mighty I AM Presence—to those very points of darkness of the devils and creatures out of the pits of hell who have come forth to destroy our children and our nation through drugs.
Beloved Justinius and Legions of Seraphim, exorcise the planet of the devils incarnate who are the betrayers of the innocence of our children through drugs, child abuse and molestation! Bind the sex, drug and rock entities by the concerted effort of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, ascended and unascended. Bind them by thy power, El Shaddai, Elohim and mighty hosts of the Lord.
Legions of light of beloved Helios and Vesta, angels of the Lord, the Mighty I AM Presence of every child on earth, bind and bring before the judgment seat those who grow, prepare, manufacture, trade, sell or distribute marijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP. Bring to light, bind and judge those who launder the money made in drug trafficking. And in every place and point where individuals are a party to this conspiracy and a part of the money beast and drug beast let the light of the Great Central Sun Magnet consume the evil forces devouring our youth, our freedom, our life, our civilization.
We demand action now! We place our bodies there and our Christhood. We place our causal bodies and Mighty I AM Presence. And by the visualization of the third eye, by the power and
determination of the heart, by the science of the spoken Word we therefore decree for the binding of the dweller on the threshold of the international marijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP conspiracy. [Give decrees 20.07 and 20.09.]
-Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 29, 1984 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 27:32
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