Thursday, September 8, 2022
code-cracking (18+39 =57, same as Duffy- clique57)
It has been a long road to travel in code-cracking which certainly once brought in a device called computers in Britain dduring WWII when the Nazi u-boats were strangling that island and matters getting more critical. Radar had an origin on the eve of WWII. But the German code machines were complex: both French and Polish specialists had made insights/inroads into the German military and diplomatic communications codes. There were many thousands of personnel trying to figure the encoding method. The Germans knew they were ahead; their understanding had led to using cypher wheels, each wheel designed to rotate to the needed letter or other mark. So a 3 wheel encoding device could make alot of variants. Early in1943 as I recall the British were able to capture a u-boat off of Egypt and get the great prize: a German code machine intact thanks to fast action on the part of British marines and some kind of difficulty on the part of the German submarine crew trained to be sure the precious code machine could not be captured. But the sub was on the surface and could not dive.
This helped the British alot. Still, the combinations possible are so immense. It would take some kind of computing device to deal with so many combinations. Alan Turing was perhaps the key figure in Britain working on this, of course with a team. They managed under the great pressure of British shipping going down as the u-boat net closed tighter upon the island and as the German airforce was engaged more on the Eastern Front. So there was a window but it took computer birth/ development. Thus many German codes were broken.
Now I have combed through the material from RTR that I could locate. I happened in spring of this year to turn to numerology as an experiment to see if I could learn something from that angle. It was somewhat exciting going walking and noticing, say, how a number of words count to 18, path, love, real, etc. I kept on; I needed something to help crack the barrier of mystery that to me was the RTR. It’s a place in Montana where a staff I guess I surmised were employing a kind of strategy/tactic, maybe a code-like mode. I did not really know what, though. I was somewhat desperate since years keep rolling by and it seemed the inside story of RTR was somewhat dark, maybe layered. What could shine the light? Well, the Teachings of course, priarily. Still, so many Teachings~ How to sift through, what are the themes that are most crucial? That was not so easy at all. I do use a computer; I do know a bit of cryptology; there are many possibilities in life. So where does one start, anyway?
Well, thanks to various ex-staff at RTR the focus seemed to be largely upon Peter and Neroli Duffy who came from Australia apparently in 1989 to RTR, joined staff, with Neroli rising to be a President after Gilbert Cleirbaut before Mother’s retirement at the millennium’s start. So there was the background. There was a kind of trail.
Fortunately there was a drama in Moscow involving an RTR team on 8-29-03 and there was a tape recording of it, not welcomed by RTR, though, who for some reason did not favor an open discussion or invetigation as to what even happened at Moscow. This then became a watershed event for this activity and there were many many repercussions. One might ask though whether after 19 years what does it matter? This is similar then, in my estimation, to the hardening of orthodxoy in terms of Christianity in the early centuries of A.D. It took a long time for Mother to be able to trace and to publish what early Church Fathers did in terms of karma, reincarnation and the like. So Christianity was a kind of state religion from then but the mystic undercurrent still ran. So 19 years is not a long piece of time.
Where did numerology stuff take me? Well, Duffy comes to 26, which is double 13. 39 is triple 13. Deceived is at 39. Then there is “spiritual director” which is 44 + 47=91 when you count it up. Looks like a prime number maybe? I hapened upon Maitreya’s Pearl 10:10 wherein he mentioned “carnal22 mind22 calcination47” (numbers added of course). That comes to 91, and since peter+neroli+duffy is 28+37+26=91, I thought this was significant. It was Peter's choice to push this "spiritual director" stuff upon himself. It is not my invention; it is not Morya’s invention either at all; “spiritual director” comes from the Duffy clique. So? Well, yeah, so?
Many moons pass. Days, weeks, hours, seconds. In the plane of mystic life time is not the crucial element. But man is presently involved in time/space and so one wonders “how long”, how long is this examination going to take? A mystery, but of course truth awaits.
Is anyone capable of getting there? Some think so. I think so. It takes elbow-grease though and some quiet, some courage, some tenacity, some hostility to compromise and the slippery slope of a wedge26 of darkness that might well take our measure, eh? We might be faced with opposition maybe. Could be. But you might not know that fact if you don’t go one-on-one with life- potentiality, the call of destiny, not dust. You might not know much without elbow grease.
Serapis in a Pearl no doubt taken by Mark who you might remember was in the line of pharoahs of old as Ikhnaton who followed his dad who was—? Serapis. Yeah, but so what? Serapis in a Pearl stated: “vainglorious63 apostles26 of12 orthodoxy54”. numbers added; why? because i do numerology as a tool to try to resolve some problems, that’s why. So 63 is neroli duffy; 26 is duffy; orthodoxy is at 54, same as peter duffy. yeah? yeah. hmm.
Another one: impure37 action26 funnels28—this from Gautama Pearl. impure is at neroli; action is at duffy; funnels is at peter. So? yeah, So! Either one looks for clues or does not look, does not care. I could continue. Did Mother continue for centuries or not? Did Mark continue for centuries or not? I tink you know.
Due to the anomalies extant at the RTR, communication from the field to and from RTR is not necessarily a two-way street. I email people so I know what the pattern is as it pertains to me. Now many people in the 2003-4 period were emailing, this was just before cell phones came in. There were tons of interest via email then. But RTR was very terse. Let me give an example, only one. As Neroli was a key figure, this concerns her. She responded at 1 a.m. MST to an email I forwarded to RTR asking for their comment. The email was a detailed one from Ian Scott and concerned RTR affairs in great detail and clarity, reported in apparently objective mode, by Ian Scott who also mentioned his wife as a party to the facts or story reported in the email of early 2004. Not faavorable to the Duffys, let me add. But the point is: what did Neroli email back to me? And then what? Well, she said “It didn’t happen.” I did not ask her whether it happened though. I asked for comment. That was all she said, obviously implying Ian Scott either was or she supposed or preferred to think was in illusion, deceived, both words count to 39 I might add. 39 or 3 x 13. She however did not say either word. There ws no follow-up except that as I was emailing various people, I thought it best to send her reply email out in case people were interested—I did so and only one person commented back to me, a guy from Portland who was a Communicant and very interested in the whole situation. It was a wry comment he sent. That was it.
I did not promise you a whole rose garden out of this quest that a few of us have undertaken. I believe there are two sides to a story or drama, one toward light and the other not so. Some of you can do math. I will offer this: 13 and its multiples are very likely involved. Jesus could be called a 13 in a mandalla.
Then one has the darker version of a circle of 12 with centerpoint that can be termed the 13th point. This is elementary but I mention it. It has to apply here though because the issue concerns Summit Lighthouse, not just RTR, am I correct? Do you read me? I tink you may. -r.
Okay, do a little mathwork that might help you get perspective if you are so inclined. Try 13 and its multiples. Maybe you will find a clue. This is feastday of Virgin's birth, over.
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