Sunday, August 14, 2022
the Masses are misued
Blessed ones, the Masses are misused to enslave rather than to enlighten. Therefore I say, let the power of darkness go down in the church! Let the power of black magic go down! I, Mary, bring the judgment of the order of the Jesuits and black pope. Let their darkness and misuse of my light now be upon them!
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 31:40
I AM burning back the veils of ignorance of the Mother-flame and the power of that mantle and that office in your life. I AM Mother Mary and I am determined now that there shall be a binding of not only ignorance but of malice practiced within the Catholic Church—not alone by Jesuits and black pope but also by those who have ensconced themselves in Catholic universities, preaching intellectualism while causing their students to be indulging in vices of the sensuality and misuse of sacred fire as though this were normal and natural when it is only that which is natural to devils, for it is not even natural to the animal creature. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 25:45
Children of the light of Taiwan,
You cannot hold the line of world freedom in Asia—in your economy, in your government, in your industry or in your armed forceswithout direct contact with God through the blessed mediator, your own individual Christ Self.
Your souls are sent as survivors of an ancient battle between light and darkness where a handful of the children of Chin defeated a dragon of idolatry and ideology whose nucleus was death and the cult of death.
Understand that the dragons and beasts of the apocalyptic vision of John represent the momentums of individuals who have elected by freewill to ensoul mass movements of an energy veil, or e-veil, known today as World Communism but existing and preexisting as a force of anti-love (the cancerous consciousness of the seed of the wicked) before the flood of Noah, the fire of Mu and even the destruction of the planets Maldek and Hedron.
Great were the forces of the mechanical ones. Their spaceships were extensions of mother-ships, and their black magicians under Satan extended their material power through clones of themselves—chemical humanoids programmed with malintent to the destruction of souls of the standard-bearers of the Lord’s Christ.
Star Wars is no mere science fiction but the surfacing of subconscious memories of ages past when the evolutions of light and darkness as the wheat and the tares of Christ’s parable were strewn across the solar systems of this galaxy; and the battles of Lucifer’s fallen ones, waged against the teams of conquerors of Archangel Michael’s bands, were indeed a war of the worlds in the valley of the gods.
Earth bears record of their feats of power hurled against other feats of power as even the black magicians were divided against one another, expending the children of God in their planetary contests of “Who is greater and more glorious among the seed of the devil?”
The competition unto the death, as fallen ones locked horns in their power struggle for dominion of worlds, could be broken only by the Archdeceiver himself, that Lucifer who reunited the legions of darkness on the common theme of the common enemy: the Lord Christ and his legions. Seeing his blinding light and the imminent victory of the children of the Sun, their competition now became “Who could destroy to the death more souls with greater subtlety and deftness?”
The cunning cruelty of the Chinese Communists from Mao to Hua Kuo-feng and Teng Hsiao-p’ing derives from their fallen masters. These astral overlords control the chessboards and their pawns in governments bond and free, their goal being always to extend the line of their territory to include more and more of the ground of the children of light, challenging their right to evolve in freedom upon that ground.
Children of the light of Taiwan, you have held that line with the legions of Jophiel and Christine for many an aeon and many an arena of the time/space continuums! And your own Chiang Kai-shek, Madame Chiang and Chiang Ching-kuo have figured again and again as heroes and heroine of your legions of light.
The people of Chin both from the mainland and on the island of light are of an ancient evolution. They are bearers of wisdom’s scrolls dictated by Lord Lanto and Lord Confucius as emissaries of Cosmic Christs unto your root races serving on the second ray—the ray of the incarnation of the Word.
You once knew the message of Messiah as the message of your own inner man of the heart, exemplified in your sages. Now the Lord Christ as Savior and as Word incarnate must become the ultimate reality of each individual selfhood that you might see his victory through yourselves for freedom, God-freedom, in Asia and the world. For when he and his legions were attacked by Lucifer and his bands—and this did indeed occur as it is recorded in the Book of Life and in the annals of the history of these several systems of worlds—the children of Chin rallied and stood fast at their Thermopylae.
But the final act of the numerous scenes of Armageddon is yet to be outplayed, and the players East and West are even now rehearsing their parts and their roles. They choose again and again according to freewill, according to the light or dark motif of the heart.
But the great sadness of all sadness is that those who align with strategies of the fallen ones do so thinking they do God service, convinced as they say “beyond all doubt” that they have pursued the right course of action for world peace, world trade and the balance of power.
They are brainwashed so to think, they are indoctrinated so to be. Some are the programmed computers of the strategists of world conquest, soothing the fears of the people with their self-esteem as the archarchitects of a world utopia.
The children of the light in all of China are one indissoluble union. Their oneness is their origin in God yet to be realized in their orientation of God-freedom, their culture of the Mother and their victory in the light. While the masterminds of world dominion think they arrange and rearrange power and anti-power by diplomatic maneuvering the two-edged sword of righteousness forged of ‘molecules’ of souls East and West keeps the way of the Tree of Life for the children of God bond or free.
As the subsurface rocks of the sea part the most deliberate waves so the rock of Christ in the consciousness of the embodied servant-sons and daughters of freedom, jutting out from the bedrock of reality, parts the astral currents and astral hordes.
The sons of dominion march by another route. It is the direct route of the descent of the light of the crystal cord from the I AM Presence to the altar of the heart. It is the direct route that connects the Mind of God to the mind of man, bypassing the byways of human reason and problem solving.
We come bearers of the amethyst jewel—the seventh-ray solution for the seventh age, the seventh-ray freedom for the seventh dispensation. Let noble knights and ladies volunteer their individual amethyst crystals of the heart for Saint Germain’s three dots—Taipei, Vancouver and Mexico City. Let diplomatic relations be established between Camelot and the lightbearers of the nations. Let outposts of Morya’s realm confide the mysteries of the Holy Grail as two by two twin flames in love witness unto the nations.
Let the counterfeit Illuminati, imitators of the Round Table and of the mystery schools, carve up the Earth with their secret diplomacy and their trading in souls of light! Saint Germain and Morya have never lost a fight! They hold the timing of the victory and they know their chelas whose time has come.
I AM Gabriel, emissary of the councils of goodwill of the Great White Brotherhood. I come from Darjeeling where I have attended closed sessions on Project Amethyst Jewel.
Let representatives of the courts of heaven be ministers with portfolio, presenting their credentials by their light and by their record of attainment. Let them be received extraordinary and plenipotentiary, their expertise in God-government and God-victory gained through the enlightenment of the “little book” and Everlasting Gospel and the tutoring and testing of their souls by the Guru Mother who surveys the seas that cover the Motherland and penetrates the hermetically sealed alabaster cities of the deep.
From the flame-room of the central altar of Mu and the twelve surrounding temples come the emissaries of God-government to Earth. They stand with the righteous, the tolerant, the patient and the meek who, emboldened by the Word, endowed by its mysteries, will bear then holy grail to the nations and serve his body and his blood to those who have lost the memory of higher consciousness—those children of light of Asia who stand steadfast in the battle and who will now win by enlightenment of the Cosmic Christ.
Enter Lord Maitreya into the halls of China.
Pearls of Wisdom 22:3
John the Baptist was confronted by the Pharisees and Sadducees, who came in their cunning to be baptized of him. They22 desired the initiation of light but would21 not13 give25 obedience44 (=125=5 x trick25) to that light. Lifetime after lifetime they had rebelled against the Law—they who had been cast out of heaven with Lucifer by Archangel Michael and the hosts of the Lord.
They knew all too well that with the coming of the Son of man in the Person of the Son of God the final judgment would be upon them. But in the meantime for thousands of years and thousands of rounds on the karmic wheel of rebirth they had learned to use the light and to abuse the light without giving answer to the Word incarnate.
Now his time had come and his herald was before him, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah as the voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Make straight the paths of the descent of the Son Jesus Christ who has come into his temple to judge the twelve tribes of Israel and to initiate the loving, the obedient, the humble servant-sons in the Personhood of their own Christ Self!”
And the people of Jerusalem and Judaea and region of Jordan went to receive the initiation of the baptism—the confessing and cleansing of sin in Jordan. And there followed them the seed of the Wicked One—now the murderers of the prophets, now imitators43 of12 prophets45
=100=10 x test10). For so long had they grown accustomed to deceiving and being self-deceived, regaling in the absence of the Lord’s anointed, that they did not figure on the God-power of reincarnated Elijah, great Guru of Elisha, who had “come again” as the messenger of the Promised One.
Note, O chelas of the prophets holding the line of light against darkness mounting in the twentieth to the twenty-first centuries, note well the difference in the action of the impersonal and personal Law. The sacred fire that proceeded out of the mouth of John the Baptist was the denunciation of personalized evil, embodied evil, by the Person of Absolute Good, the Person of God.
Before all multitude gathered at Jordan he told them who they were: a “generation of vipers,” the offspring of the Serpent. He exposed them as fallen angels who fell from grace and from serving as ministers of fire on the right hand of God with his Christ. Cast out of heaven, they would soon be cast out of earth by the blazing light of the Son of God.
Now they sought not to amend their ways, not to reconsider and to confess that living Christ. No indeed, they22 sought27 to8 steal12 the15 light29 of12 the15 prophet45
(=175=trick25 x 7) by posing as children of God. He knew that they were trembling before the oncoming light and that “the wrath to come” would be the light of Alpha and Omega dwelling bodily in the incarnate Word as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
John the Baptist wore the mantle of the Lamb, the same mantle he had worn as Elijah, denoting the office in hierarchy that carries the authority of the Word and the judgment of God. He had been his messenger then unto all of Israel, and he was his messenger reincarnated.
He demanded of the Pharisees and Sadducees “fruits30 meet16 for21 repentance,”
47=114 good works on the ledger of life, a record of good karma that would compensate for bad karma and therefore be the necessary and acceptable offering unto the Guru, a token expression of allegiance unto the Law whereby the Law might then increase the light of the supplicant. But they had not the good works meet for repentance, for their works were done in evil.
What is evil, what is good? The good work is the work done to the glory of the I AM THAT I AM in love, unselfed love, purest love for the Person of the Son. And no other work will count for grace except that work that is done to exalt the Most High in the lowly places of earth and in lowliest hearts of men.
The evil work is the misqualification (mist-qualification, hence illusion ) of the light of the Trinity and the Mother manifesting as the substance of sin, causing the soul to be out of alignment with the inner blueprint of the Logos—the image and likeness of God—the I AM THAT I AM out of which the soul was created and in which it will now be re-created first by water of John, then by fire of Jesus.
He told them not to rely upon their supposed ancestral origins in Abraham, for they themselves had sinned (made karma through disobedience to the Lawgiver and the Law) and they would bear the burden of that sin (karma). And they would not be allowed to place that burden then or now, my beloved, upon the sons of God. He knew they were not of the seed (the Christ image) of Abraham, even as Jesus Christ would declare:
“If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham. But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God; this did not Abraham.
“Ye do the deeds of your father...If God were your Father, ye would love me; for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but He sent me.
“Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word.
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar and the father of it.”
My beloved, heed, O heed the warning of John and Jesus: He who loves not the Christ in the Father’s incarnate servant-sons, in those whom He has anointed with the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost cannot be of the seed of Christ; therefore he is the seed of the Devil—the offspring of the Evil One, that Lucifer who first deified evil and then became the personification, or personhood, of that deified energy veil.
John the Baptist set aside the law of human heredity and human genealogies as capable of transmitting the Christ mind, declaring that God is able of these ‘stones’—the common genes of the common people—to raise up true children unto Abraham’s Christ consciousness of God the Father.
The child is neither good nor evil because of his parents but because the Lord God has endowed him with a threefold flame that burns on the altar of the heart and with the gift of free will which the child has used justly, wisely and well in previous lifetimes.
The ax that is laid unto the root of the trees is the ax of the Law wielded by the Person of the Lamb incarnate. The tree is the symbol of individuality, male and female. In the son, the daughter of God the Tree of Life does manifest the fruit of good works within its branches, ring upon ring of the causal body. And the tree trunk is the Christ Self through whom the soul is rooted in the bedrock of reality, nourished from below by the currents of Mother Earth as from above by the Spirit currents of the Father.
But the seed of the Wicked One have been cut off from the I AM THAT I AM. They are without causal body, without rings of fire, without the Christ Self or the root of knowledge in the Law of the Word. When the all-seeing Eye of God scans their auric field in Spirit and in matter, in Alpha and Omega and reveals not the good fruit of works in the Holy Ghost, therefore through the Person of the Son of God the ax of the Law is laid unto the cause and core of error, and truth herself in the Person of sacred fire hews down and casts that fruitless tree into the vortex of all-consuming love.
No wonder the Pharisees and Sadducees conspired with the council of the Sanhedrin to put Jesus to death after the soul of Elijah had come in the Person of John and they had refused to acknowledge his authority or to witness unto his light but had done unto him whatsoever they listed. For John had told them that the Christ would come with fan in hand to throughly purge his floor and to gather his wheat, the children of God, into the garner. He exposed them as the chaff and told them that the Lord Jesus Christ would burn that chaff with unquenchable fire—Spirit fire, Alpha/Omega fire.
Who are the Pharisees and Sadducees, then and now? By now you should have guessed, my beloved. They are the left and right, the plus and minus of human good and evil. Assuming their positions, pretending to be in opposition to each other, they merely polarize the misqualified substance of the energy veil to suit their purposes which are always to deny the validity of God-good in the one whom He hath sent and in the ones chosen by God to believe on the One Sent and to anchor the light of his Spirit in the planes of matter.
The messenger then and now is the One Sent and the believers are those who sustain the light of the Spirit in the souls of humanity through the blessed Mediator personified in the anointed messenger.
Every believer is an electrode of the light of those who have reunited with the Spirit of I AM THAT I AM—the ascended masters. Every believer is a disciplined one of the Master’s Presence, the unascended chela of the Guru ascended. But he that denieth before men the messenger of the Word (who is as a shaft of light leading unto the greater light) shall be denied before the angels of God—shall be denied the collective Christ consciousness of the ascended masters, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
Thus the chela’s affirmation or denial of the messenger of the Gurus determines his relationship to the Gurus; likewise he who denies the Christ in the chela also denies the Gurus and their messenger. And the chain of being, Alpha to Omega, throughout rings upon rings of the Gurus and their chelas, is one universal order of Life. He who breaks a single link in the chain breaks the whole chain even as he who offends in one point of the Law is guilty of all.
John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ came to affirm the hierarchy of heaven, the hosts of the Lord of whom they were a part and whose representatives they were. They were the One Sent to awaken the embodied children of God to their opportunity to be joint-heirs of the Christ consciousness which they bore. And all who would accept that opportunity would become as they were—disciples of the Ancient of Days—bearers of the Holy Grail.
It is the intimacy, the unspeakable love of this Guru-chela relationship of which the Sadducees and Pharisees were envious—the estate of the Son sitting on the right hand of the Father which they22 had13 lost12 through43 pride34 and ambition38
=142=2 x 71. But they would not relent, they would not repent, they would not confess the light which they both saw and feared in the Lord’s anointed. For if they should bear witness, the children of God should be converted to their origin in the same light, and the Sadducees and Pharisees would lose their control over the people both in the synagogue and under the rulers of the Gentile nations.
“Show us a sign! show us a sign! show us a sign from heaven!” they cry in the marketplaces, taunting, even tempting the Son of God to come down from the throne in Spirit and deal with them in their forcefield which they have arranged in the yin and yang of matter in order to arraign the souls of light. But no sign will ever suffice these fallen ones, neither the abundant testimony of angels and their evangels—the ascended masters and their messengers and chelas—nor the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and of saints East and West, nor the witness of their own prophets.
Not the miracles of Elijah and Elisha come again in John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ. No, not the ascension of Elijah in a chariot of fire or the smoting of the waters of Jordan by his servant-son Elisha. Not the sign of Horeb’s height or Sinai, the tablets of the Law or the miracles of Moses midst the Egyptians. Neither Words nor Works nor vibrations from the upper room where the Lord is gathered with his disciples for forty days or forty years or forty centuries.
He healed the sick, he cleansed the lepers, he raised the dead, cast out devils and rebuked30 blind23 leaders28 of12 the15 blind23=132=33 x 4) and continues to do so through his embodied servants. But though they witness unto the truth forever and a day, those Pharisees and Sadducees will not receive a sign—not from heaven, not from earth!
They demand a sign of God the Father only to tempt the Son: “Command these stones be made bread” was the Devil’s plea for the sign of phenomena in his attempt to cause Jesus to abrogate the covenant twixt Father and Son. In this manner even the children of Israel, themselves tempted of fallen ones, chided with Moses to tempt the Lord, murmuring against him, almost ready to stone him. And the Lord bade Moses to strike the rock because the people tempted the Lord.
Nevertheless, Moses himself bore the karma of his rebellion against God’s commandment in the desert of Zin. For he allowed his anger to be aroused by strife of the congregation and willfully sought to sanctify the Lord before their eyes which it is not lawful for a messenger of God to do. Even so, the water came forth from the rock and it too was the sign denied.
Always disputing, always denying, the Sadducees remain the spoilers41 midst20 every30 generation54 of12 lightbearers61=218). Their doctrine is a doctrine43 of12 denial27 (=82+218=300=10 x 30). They are the religious rationalists of then and now. Do you think, little children, that they really disbelieve in the angels and spirits of God, who are the ascended masters? Do you think they really disbelieve in the miracles of the Anointed One? Do you think they really dispute the Law and Spirit of the resurrection?
Now learn of an archangel, for the children of God must become “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” They are the wise serpents. They once formed a ring of fire around the Central Sun. They knew God face to face and they rebelled against the Law of the One, the Law of Love. They knew and know the angels, for they themselves are fallen angels. They tremble before the ascended masters and their messengers, and they know that only the miracles of God are able to thwart their conspiracy of Absolute Evil pitted against Absolute Good appearing as relative good and evil.
They have seen the resurrection—o yes, they have! They have seen the spiraling of sons and daughters of God back to the Great Central Sun, back to the heart of Helios and Vesta. But all this they deny. They are the deniers of superconscious Being (one’s own higher consciousness—the Mighty I AM Presence sealed in the successive rings of God consciousness of the causal body) and of the eternal existence of the soul before and after the finite span of birth and death in time and space.
Operating midst certain councils of the elders, of the Sanhedrin and priesthood, the Sadducees are one with them in vibration—one and the same, and their beginnings and their endings are the same—the same death spiral that began when they denounced the Lord God Almighty and His hosts as the legitimate hierarchy of the Spirit/matter cosmos.
Their priesthood is the anti-17 priesthood 58 (=75), the counterfeit of the order of Melchizedek. Knowing as they know the inner Law of the great Three-in-One, they know that the knowledge of the Law will be the liberation of souls throughout the matter sphere and that with that liberation will come their own ultimate end, the second death of fallen ones in the final judgment before the Court of Sacred Fire on Sirius.
They are not the Jews of today as you know them, but they have invaded the synagogues of the Jews even as they have invaded the Catholic church, the Jesuit Order, the Protestant churches and the mosques of Islam; and their seed has penetrated all races of Earth. Saying they are Jews or followers of Christ or those who come in the name of Allah, they are still of the synagogue of Satan. By their fruits (their vibration and their soulless eyes) ye shall know them!
They carry neither the affirmation of the Word nor adoration of the Woman clothed with the Sun. From their lips pass not the Our Father nor the Hail Mary. The Mother of Christ is anathema to them, for she is Creator in matter even as God the Father is Creator in Spirit.
They are the protesters; with the descendants of the Pharisees, the offspring of the Sadducees go about protesting this and that in church and state, inciting the people in mass demonstrations and ignorant denunciations of the living Word. In the time of Jesus the Sadducees were noted for their material wealth and their spiritual poverty. Reincarnated today they assume every convenient stance as social or religious reformers, even mouthing the teachings of the great Teacher while busily, nefariously and secretively codifying the anti-teaching as laws of church and state.
Enter the fundamentalist Jews, Christians, and Moslems as legalists32 of12 the15 decade!22 (=81) They follow the tradition of the scribes and Pharisees. They22 would21 sit12 in14 Moses’17 seat9 (=95+81=176=8 x they22). They would seize the power and authority of the Law and Lawgiver. They would bind the children of light with their religious custom; but their fanaticism, their anger, their holy terror and their hatred in the presence of all who have the Holy Ghost exposes them as spots17 in14 their33 feasts16 of12 charity39 (=111=3 x connive37).
“Woe unto them! For they have gone in the way of Cain,” believing in a God and in a religion after their own will, who have never known the true redemption of both the body and blood of Christ. And they have run “greedily after the error of Balaam for reward,” who acting in the name of God would curse God’s children who have sinned instead of extending to them the chastening of His intense love and the call unto that repentance which is the return to the Law and Grace of God through the atonement that becomes the at-one-ment with resurrected Christ. These are they which “perished in the gainsaying of Core,” denying the authority of Moses as God’s chosen spokesman and intruding themselves blatantly into the office of the priesthood of the Levites.
The fanaticism displayed by these modernized cults of scribes and Pharisees is always present when the Law is denuded of both Person and Principle of the Holy Ghost. Little children, observe! Where there is violence there in the midst of the people are the seed of the Wicked One, the violent ones inciting them to denounce their faith and their hope in the Person of Charity who is always present in the true shepherds of the people.
Ponder my wisdom, for it is the wisdom of the universal Father and the universal Mother. Then know yourself as the offspring of that wisdom and be the harmless doves of their twinflames of Spirit.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearls of Wisdom 22:8
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