Wednesday, August 10, 2022
takeover 1
Emboldened by these advances, rebel forces in Chile and elsewhere are fomenting against the more conservative and militaristic regimes and are moving against their reactionary forces to establish a greater freedom and a greater equality, not realizing of course that they play into the hands of takeover such as was already demonstrated in Nicaragua.
-Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 1, 1983, Pearl 40:31
And here we are given that final opportunity to say: A spiritual community together with a world body of lightbearers, all of whom descend from the lineage of Sanat Kumara, can and shall endure and they shall turn around the takeover of a planet by a power elite of this and other systems of worlds. -messenger ecp, Pearl 31:23
Blessed hearts, see to it that these, these, these shall not have died in vain. And therefore stand in the Earth in this hour to redeem their name, their service and their life by the call of judgment upon all those who have agreed to their takeover, including those in the United States, the president thereof and the Department of State. I say, that Department of State is also judged, whereupon let the woes be on them and all who are with them in vibration!
-Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 31:6
When times are critical we direct ourselves to the crisis and we wait for another occasion for our poetry, our song and our dance. At this hour, ladies and gentlemen, you must have the knowledge that the dark ones, the sons of Belial and of Beelzebub are conspiring in chambers in Washington, D.C. and in other cities of this nation as to how they can accelerate the plan for the takeover of your government which is “of the people, by
the people, and for the people.” -Morya, Pearl 61:12
Beloved hearts of light, in the eternal Self that you are now take an overview of Earth’s history. Look now and gaze upon the centuries since the departure from Eden and see the repetitious cycles of human infamy! Why, one can predict (almost when half asleep) what is the next maneuver of the power elite as they move with such a limited repertoire of schemes, even of takeover. -Archangel Gabriel, 27:30
And therefore there was a withdrawal of Saint Germain and of other luminaries who had led that civilization, after a great banquet was held announcing exactly what the form of takeover would be. Nevertheless though all heard of that conspiracy and all knew that “the dark one cometh,” yet with the withdrawal of those who kept the flame of that civilization to higher octaves the people fell prey to the sinister force of dark ones. Thus fallen angels have attempted to intrude themselves from time immemorial. -Archangel Chamuel, Pearl 30:59
Unless we stop them in the name of Almighty God we too will have abdicated even our right to decide the life or death of our nation. If we allow them to kill our nation, it may be suicide by proxy, but it will still be suicide. If this nation is destroyed by others because we do nothing, it will be just the same as if we had destroyed it ourselves. If we want to fulfill our destiny, it’s time we realize who the real culprits are and stop allowing them to use our nation as the means to their world takeover! -messenger ecp, Pearl 31:9
There are many ways that nations are conquered and one means is by foreign wealth and power taking over lands, banking houses and [financial institutions] that have to do with the economy of the nation. Another way of course is by superior intelligence, superior skill, superior mental agility, even the understanding of the strategies of takeover without a war being fought or a shot being fired.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearl 32:48
I tell you, beloved ones, the moving into the cities of this nation of the drug conspiracy is such a plague upon the youth and those of all levels, the underprivileged, that it is a cancer that if not stopped by dynamic decrees of the Keepers of the Flame will so continue as to be in itself a major cause of the weakening of the very fiber and fabric of society until a takeover of this country is accomplished almost without resistance. -Pallas Athena, Pearl 32:16
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