Saturday, August 6, 2022
monsters of misdirected purpose; highly clever
The pages of history are full of the downfall of tyrants and overthrow of monsters33 of12 misdirected55 purpose38
(=138=6 x surly23). Failures and successes in many fields draw recognition while the average man moves into the burial ground of mediocrity. Nothing is further from the plan of God and nature than these counterfeits56 of12 the15 golden30 mean15=128=4 x defiant32. -Saint Germain, Pearl 5:31
Those whom Christ commands to take up their ‘bed of habit’ and walk, realigned with the will of God, must bear a flood of regret in the event of their return to the human habit of mediocrity; but nevertheless some do go for the questionable comfortability of familiarity! -Kuthumi, Pearls of Wisdom 5:47
Through linking together of the great and trivial in human consciousness mankind defeat evermore the manifestation of true spiritual transcendence. The ongoingness of the nature of God as it manifests in man is a study in individual development. As one star differs from another star in glory, so by the process of linking together mediocrity58 of12 man10 and sublimity40 (=120=3 x arrogant40) of God, the latter is compromised beyond recognition. -Kuthumi, Pearl 14:31
You can be freed through the light and fire of the cloud from mediocrity of the present age and from degradations of past ages and their cumulative effects upon the human psyche. You can as it were rend the veil of the Holy of Holies if your purpose be communion with the Most High, as was Moses’ in the Sinai Desert. You can realize through the cloud the full perfection of your glorious I AM Presence. -Saint Germain, Pearl 13:17
Abortion has taken a heavy toll. And the toll is this--that great souls of light who ought to be sitting in this very place, who ought to be listening for the hour of Wesak, for the hour of the coming of summer solstice, winter solstice [are not here]. In these hours, beloved, there is that sensing, there is that knowing that so many children of light, children of mediocrity, all kinds of children are missing their calling. They are missing their calling and therefore their cities, their worlds are missing their calling. -Saint Germain, Pearl 44:47
We have not lost sight of the requirements for victory nor have we counted any soul unimportant along the way of the path of initiation. Though we may receive thousands at our gates, yet we look at the individual and we look to each one for that excellence which must never be lost or diluted30 in14 mediocrity58
(=102=6 x game17) or in the sense of a mass consciousness. For though there be ten thousand or ten billion souls it is always to the individual that the Lord God will look for manifestation of the victory.
-Alexander Gaylord, Pearl 52:16
Now I come to give you the oil of gladness from my heart, the gladness and rejoicing that because universal mind is so in you, with you, a part of you and all around you there is hope for self-transcendence. You do not have to be stuck in the mud of mediocrity: you can transcend the self moment by moment, day by day. -Lanto, Pearl 38:32
So it is, beloved–the people have magnetized candidates on the right, on the left, in two parties and more, and these candidates are indeed profiles in mediocrity. They have risen from the system, from the entertainment world, they have risen from educational houses; they have come out of this continent fed by a food not adequate for heroes and conquerors. These are products of a modern America, not like the one founded upon those great principles of individualism as in the profile of your first president, George Washington. -Morya, via Messenger ECP on 12-31-1987 at RTR, Montana, Pearl 31:1
Wise is the historian who learns the art of sorting out the wanted from unwanted as he peruses archives of the race memory. If permitted to invade the bastions of heaven’s peace, man’s delvings into the macabre which he allows to parade upon the screen of his mind would cause the very ethers to tremble; and the web of contact if allowed to exist at all would pollute the pristine purity of higher spheres with the mire of humanity’s fascination for the unreal. Therefore man’s containment within the confines of his own musings and mediocrity is clearly a part of the divine plan for which all should be grateful. If the halter pinches, blessed ones, if the corral seems to curb your freedom, remember that the pursuit of the perfection of God, the highest adventure possible to anyone, must be guarded for the few in every age–yourselves included–who come apart from the world because nothing else will satisfy their souls. -Kuan Yin, Pearl 14:40
Disabuse26 your minds of the idea that all things come swiftly to him who waits. To preserve intact the consciousness is an effort of each moment. It is a struggle against insidiousness, against mediocrity, against boredom, against tiredness and fatigue of human consciousness.-Morya, Pearl 15:42
And yet lifewaves must go on, manifestations must occur, ages come and go; and whatsoever a lifewave may manifest that is what it shall reap. For there is a certain group karma in each root race that manifests upon Earth. And there is a lowest common denominator of consciousness within a root race that holds back the highest manifestation of Christic light in that root race. And thus the golden mean of consciousness is found somewhere between the two; and that golden mean becomes a mediocrity that goes neither up nor down but walks the middle of the road and thinks that it is highly42 clever29=61 and that it cannot be touched. -Divine Director, Pearl 17:5
Have mercy! Have compassion upon those parts of life
Who live not in the ritual of the flame
But in the rote22 of mediocrity58 for21 selfish33 gain22=156=13 x mar14. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 19:48
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