Wednesday, August 10, 2022
means to mitigate effects of their conspiracy
More than fifty thousand years ago Saint Germain was the ruler of a thriving golden-age civilization located in a fertile country where the Sahara Desert now is. When its people became more interested in the pleasures of the senses than in the larger creative plan of the great God Self, a cosmic council instructed the ruler to withdraw from his empire; henceforth their karma would be their Guru. The king held a great banquet for his councillors and public servants during which a cosmic master, identifying himself solely by the word Victory upon his brow, addressed the assembly. In his message broadcast from the banquet room throughout the realm he warned the people of the crisis they had brought upon themselves by their faithlessness and rebuked them in their neglect of their great God-source. The Master prophesied that the empire would come under the rule of a visiting prince and that the people’s recognition, all too late, of their non-alignment with their God-reality would be of no avail. The king and his family withdrew seven days later to the golden-etheric-city counterpart of the civilization; the prince arrived the next day. Assessing the condition of the empire he13 subtly18 planned30 to8 become25 its12 ruler29 (=135=5 x conceals27) and took over without opposition. -in Pearl 31:32
I remind you that you were with me in the golden-age civilization that was where the Sahara Desert now is more than fifty thousand years ago. I remind you that you have known this era of peace and abundance and light. And I remind you that once before you have been in a civilization whereby the entrance of the prince of darkness has caused the undoing of that civilization and the severing of the tie of the ascended masters with those unascended ones.
I remind you that it is because of the folly of the enjoyment of such golden ages–even as America has had, as it were, a golden age of technology and science and an abundance of material things by my sponsorship [–to the exclusion of the worship of the Lord God and the love of His Laws that their downfall and disobedience came about]. It is [at] the point and the moment when a people turn their attention from their I AM Presence because they are beguiled by materialism which was given to them only that they might be free from drudgery to master their own fate, [that they lose both the Presence and material benefits of that Presence].
It is at that moment that they fall prey to the visiting princes, to those who come from the realms of darkness. It is then [that] they become passive and are not willing to defend that freedom, that light and that golden age that they have achieved. It is then, beloved, that cycles [of opportunity] are broken and the process of earning that freedom must begin all over again.
I tell you, beloved, you must live to teach your children and your children’s children and new souls who will embody what are the plots and ploys of fallen ones and how they did set aside the greatest nation upon Earth and cause her to come to ruin, how they did takeover the major nations of Earth with their philosophies of communalism and worship of the gods of the state and gods of the churches.
Beloved hearts, some must pass on to new souls what can come upon them at the hour of their attainment of mastery when they too must choose to embody the light and not take the left-handed path. They must know the wiles of every serpent-force and consciousness, beloved, else all that you will have passed through will have been in vain.
Living midst and amongst those who are the archdeceivers come again in every field of human endeavor and knowledge you should be the most astute of all people for having suffered at their hand with such a long-suffering that I say to you, you should not longer endure it.
Thus, beloved, teachers are required that these evolutions may ascend and not likewise lose their souls and become castaways for want of some who can relight and rekindle the fervor of heart that has gone out in them, as Mother Mary’s report through Raphael [was] given to you on the ninth of April. This report, beloved, shows that in the astral plane and on earth souls are in jeopardy of losing their souls and are losing their souls due to the fact that they have not seen the darkness [for what it is] and [therefore] their light is being siphoned from them [by dark ones].
Thus you have received a plea from the heart of Mother Mary and Raphael to call for [the saving of] these souls. Thus I make my plea also. They will lose the way not only [by9 treachery49 of12 dark16 ones17 and false16 gurus23=142=arrogant clique71 x 2] in this hour and in this day and age but they will lose the way if the shepherds are not in physical embodiment to assist them.
Beloved ones, as far as divine Intercession is concerned that may come through the call where there is the physical vessel we can use. And I mean not alone the individual but his surroundings, his environment and that which he does prepare. And so, beloved, to be in the right situation and safe situation is what is before you. This is why 2,000 years ago Jesus did prophesy to Martha the establishment of the Inner Retreat and that Place Prepared that is found today near Yellowstone Park. That is why, beloved, moving to the mountains and coming apart from those areas of vulnerability does increase survivability; and yet we have not said or decreed that all should do so.
But, blessed ones, it is important that a home of light and a place for preservation of the Teachings and path be sustained. For this in itself does allow the Great White Brotherhood more opportunity for dispensations from the Great Central Sun to assist those who sustain it.
May you consider all things and know that your life and lifestream is of ultimate value and of ultimate worth to the Lord God but especially to those souls who have not sufficient light or life in their lifestreams to save themselves. May12 you16 have18 compassion44(=90=sun9 x test10) upon those who are not even where you are on the path, who are sweet precious hearts, who are the very children of God who stand to lose the most in this warfare of rivalries of fallen ones. For if they have a war, beloved ones, it is their33 war15 of12 rivalry42 (=102=6 x plans17) of who shall amass territory and wealth and nations and who amongst them shall control once again the people of a planet.
My vision is for the victory, beloved. And my vision for you is that you will find [in] the ingenuity of your souls [means] to8 mitigate39 effects28 of12 their33 conspiracy51=171 and to8 raise25 up10 the15 green31 shoot23 of12 new15 life23 on11 earth25 (=198+171=
369=9 x a harmony41). Let the green shoot be the sign of Aquarius and let the emerald31 ray17 and emerald matrix31 seal10 the third32 eye17 (=138
=6 x clear23) amongst you.
I AM Saint Germain. And you will not know until all is said and done on planet Earth just how much you have counted for the light and for the victory. I send you forth, for you alone can pass your tests. You alone must figure out and calculate how you will achieve your victory given the equation of an age.
Be it known that I am with you. And when your aura is charged and supercharged with violet flame you will easily hear my words of guidance specifically for you individually and you will know the footsteps of my angels at your side. Heaven is prepared to give to you all assistance that the great Law will allow; yet heaven does promise you [that] it will never take from you your own challenge to achieve your own victory.
Let the can-do spirit and spirit of ingenuity remain in this race and people. For I stand in the wings, beloved, having played my role on the stage of life; and I am the prompter. And I stand to see what your performance will be. That performance will tell what is the vision and victory of Aquarius.
As I bow before the light within you so there is strengthened the tie of our hearts and its renewal in some who have not seen or known me for hundreds of years since our last service together.
Beloved, I receive you now at this altar to [give you] the transfer of light through my heart from your own I AM Presence and the Central Sun that you might be sealed as servants of God in their foreheads.
I bring you greetings from my beloved Portia who sends the cord of divine Justice whereby you might be the instruments of that justice and her flame in Earth.
In the joy of a victory that is to the strong I salute you.
In the name of cosmic freedom I AM Saint Germain!
Pearl 32:32
Perhaps you have an idea, perhaps you have no idea as to the venom and revenge that can be unleashed by laggard evolutions unchecked. Thus with the spinelessness that we see in the West, advances are made both by terrorists and by Communist/
Capitalist conspiracy that need not be. It has not been necessary that the Soviets should have the upper hand. And I pray that all of you realize what [potential] grave danger lies ahead for the West as the outcome of the meeting of Reagan and Gorbachev. Understand, beloved hearts of light, that there is the need to call forth our Electronic Presence and that of the mighty archangels to thwart the intent of darkness. -Saint Germain and Portia, Pearl 28:59
Now you’ve got Gorbachev who’s running rings around us with his glasnost and his perestroika and a lot of people saying that the cold war is over and let’s forget about it. But they haven’t stopped as far as I can determine. I haven’t got any evidence that they’ve slowed down significantly their production lines with regard to major equipment. Now they may do that. They’ve got bureaucratic problems like we do. It takes time to shut faucets off. But it hasn’t happened yet. messenger ecp in Pearl 32:27
Falling in the tenth house, which rules the government, the ruling class—in this case the party, particularly the General Secretary Michael Gorbachev—national prestige and how the nation is viewed by its neighbors, Pluto signified negative international reaction to the Soviet’s handling of the crisis. At the time of the accident, the Sun was in Taurus in the fourth house. As the tenth house rules the government, so the Sun rules the leaders. But since the Sun also rules nuclear contamination once again the Soviet leadership was associated with the nuclear disaster.
Furthermore one of the negative qualities of Taurus is stubbornness; when the disaster began the Soviet leadership dug in its heels and kept it secret (Pluto in Scorpio) until international detection of radioactive wastes compelled them to reveal there had been an accident. The fourth house rules the area in and around the place where an event occurs—lands, buildings, crops and produce—and in mundane astrology the people of a nation.
Discussing the interaction of the two planets David Williams says that Pluto “in the violent water sign Scorpio indicates ruptures and bursting in the water cooling system of the nuclear reactor.... The Sun, representing the Chernobyl power plant, was in Taurus in the fourth house of the people. Under normal conditions this position would have been of benefit to the people; but at the time of the accident it was not, for the Sun was in opposition to destructive Pluto. Therefore the people, the land, the environment around the plant suffered from radiation thrown into the atmosphere by Pluto. That the cost of the accident would be very great is indicated by the Sun in the money sign Taurus conjunct the Moon’s North Node in the fourth house” (Horoscope, 10/86).
-in Pearl 29:50
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