Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Individuals sometimes feel as though life is cheating them or passing them by. In all cosmic honor—which they know not of—they do not realize that it is they themselves who are passing life by; and life is returning to them the very quality of indifference that they are sending out. Those who seek to save their lives by pursuing the phantom of human identity which would put all other personalities in orbit around themselves as if they were the Sun of the system must ultimately find that by their attempted interference with freewill of others they have only hampered the expansion of their own life-flame. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 7:10
With this thought in mind therefore I advocate intense application to the known Laws of divine grace and the avoidance of carelessness or indifference toward matters which are of such towering significance as to escape notice by the average individual whose head is perhaps slanted in a direction other than straight up. I do not imply here that our blessed chelas belong to the category of those who walk head downward, but I do choose to be most practical and admit that a compromising position does not always give man, embodied with all his mortal coil nature, complete freedom to exercise the fulness of his spiritual abilities, at least not as much as either we or he may desire! -Morya, Pearl 6:35
Hundreds of religions serve to confuse the seeker as to what is right and what is truth. The exponents of diverse political systems add to the general melee. Confusion so often causes inertia and indecision which in turn give rise to apathy, indifference and a careless attitude based on a loss of hope concerning divine matters frequently leading to a negative cynicism and enmeshment in the pitfalls of materialism. -Saint Germain, Pearl 5:4
I cannot help but stress the beauty of divine friendship! By divine friendship I do not mean a studied aloofness or indifference to one’s fellowmen simply because divine heights are reached. On the contrary we advocate a natural warmth which is always generated by cosmic fires ...yet divine summitry must be consistently practiced. By this I mean precisely that all unascended beings are yet (until ascended) combinations of both light and shadow in the world of form; they usually combine elements of the high road and of the low, but it is to the best elements one must give recognition! If friendship becomes a mere yoke fashioned to link the personality of one lifestream to another piecemeal it may tie both the good and so-called bad manifestations together in one package—resulting in a state of spiritual lukewarmness. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 4:3
Now in the very face of progress life-expectancy rises so that men and women look forward hopefully to longer and more useful periods of embodiments, endowed with more abundant health and that keenness of the Spirit which adds relish and zest to mankind’s daily experiences. Yet an ever-present danger is the propensity to vegetate, to lose sight of spiritual goals as tangible and real purposes—to permit by complacency and indifference a rise in crime and sorrow which come into special prominence when either youth or age are neglected. Those too young to know, and those no longer able to summon their full vitality look for protection to that segment of society who are crowned with vital God-maturity of the age! Those who do have true spiritual understanding of responsibility then see each day as an opportunity to respond to all who need assistance. Such are divinely guided to find their pleasure and happiness in service and cooperation with the forces of light! I know how great is this need! -Nada, Pearl 4:5
There is a tradition among the yogis of the East. One aspect of the initiation is to go into the cemeteries or near burning ghats where cremation takes place and to meditate there on the impermanence of life in a transient form. And there in India where there are not the niceties of burials as you experience here they know the stench of the corpse, they know the grief of the family, they see the vultures that come to tear apart the remains. They see life in its stark reality. Their meditation is to free elemental life, the body elemental and the soul and to gain the quality of the Buddha, the Tenth Perfection of the Law—the flame of indifference to suffering, to sorrow, to pleasure and pain of the world. -Maha Chohan, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 15, 1976 in Los Angeles, Peaarl 63:27
I come to seal you in the heart of God, to raise the levels of your consciousness and to intensify your fervor for the flame of freedom.
Take your stand, O souls of light. Enter into the company of the saints and realize what practical teachings you have received from my Messenger in these hours we have shared. For instance you now know that when you are right with God He will answer your every call, your every prayer.
Therefore climb Jacob’s ladder and enter into the communion of the saints as you do God’s work on Earth. For, as President John F. Kennedy said “Here on Earth God’s work must truly be our own.” Do not wait to be asked to serve in your communities but jump right in wherever the need is greatest. Work to solve the problems that fester in your homes, your schools and your jobs and to alleviate the burdens of indigenous and mestizo peoples who make up 80 percent of the population of Ecuador.
I, Saint Germain, deliver to the people of South America my concluding dictation for this tour. God willing, the Messenger and her team will return at such time as the Lords of Karma and Darjeeling Council will sponsor them. This will require a special dispensation as did this tour. And I am well pleased with the results of our 1996 seven-city tour.
You as well as many others have for thousands of years been a part of my work on behalf of world freedom. Therefore, beloved, I make my final appeal of this tour to you, for the fate of South American civilization is not in my hands but yours. I remind you that as long as you are in embodiment this is your world and your planet. And when you leave it another shall take up the slack and carry on where you left off.
I speak to the nobility of your hearts and to the cosmic honor flame that you have championed throughout the ages. May you concentrate your collective virtues and pour the distillation of lifetimes of stalwart service into vessels that have been empty too long and must now be filled that all may drink from the fountain of your love.
Now as Archangel Michael joins me on this stage I bid you enter the ranks of him whom Joshua knew as Captain of the Lord’s host. And I instruct you according to the ministry of Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul to compel this awesome Archangel and the heavenly hosts in his command to wage continuous warfare against the Devil and his angels.
And yes, compel Archangel Michael to shackle these reprobate ones at the thirty-third level of death and hell and to keep them shackled in the bottomless pit as they await their trial and final judgment before the Court of Sacred Fire. Therefore before you engage in spiritual warfare against the Evil One remember that you must put on the whole armor of God.
Likewise bid the Seven Archangels enter the arena of the world condemnation of the saints. And command the Lord’s hosts to bind the fallen angels who have heaped their fiery coals upon the heads of sons and daughters of God.
In another vein summon Archangel Michael and his legions to escort you around the world nation by nation that you might observe the horrendous suffering that the good and evil alike endure. Our purpose in this exercise is that you might develop greater compassion for all who suffer under the weight of their karma and karma of the nations. Pray especially for those with terminal illnesses who die a heavy death with none nearby to succor them in their final moments.
It is necessary that the saints whom I have called–and I include you in their number–be aware of the impending darkness. This darkness is the planetary outcropping of mankind’s negative karma which can no longer be held back. I would that you and all saints on earth and in heaven might invoke violet flame from my purple fiery heart and use it to transmute mankind’s many “outrages, sacrileges and indifferences” which they have committed against the sacred heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary.
Truly world darkness, in the form of world karma, is descending. But do not forget that one’s personal darkness, in the form of one’s personal karma, is also descending. Jesus taught that if one would dwell solely in the light one must have single-eyed vision through the use of the third eye. But in order to achieve that state one must garner the light in his chakras. The goal is to fill one’s whole body so full of light that no darkness may enter.
According to the Gospel of Matthew Jesus said “The light of the body is the eye: If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”
The fact that one has a conscious choice either to embrace light or to embrace darkness underscores the sanctity of freewill which is championed by every ascended master. You are empowered by God’s gift of freewill to choose which side you are on. Make no mistake; the teaching is clear: there are no in-betweens. Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
This is cosmic law and it cannot be abrogated. Therefore I trust you will make your freewill choice and that your choice will be to run with the violet flame! For only thus can you solve the dichotomy of God and mammon. You see, the violet flame is both a plus and a minus. It is the wholeness of the T’ai Chi. Whatever side of the violet flame you are on you are still centered in violet flame. So it is a win-win situation.
The violet flame is the individed wholeness of the cloven tongues of fire of Alpha and Omega, our Father-Mother God. Whereas Good and Evil represent duality and a perpetual division in your members, the white sphere of Alpha and Omega–whence come the spheres of the seven rays, the eighth ray and the five secret rays is eternal, unbroken causation.
Thus I ask you to intensify the violet flame in your four lower bodies, in your communities, in your prayers. Meditate often upon this wondrous gift from the Holy Spirit that I reintroduced to the world in this century through the Messengers Guy and Edna Ballard.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 39:33
The painful sense of struggle that men establish all about themselves either through indifference or a sense of unworthiness often results in grey tones in the aura, a muddying of the cosmic stream as it passes through individualized form and consciousness and a failure to externalize cosmic patterns. Inasmuch as the struggle of this age is very great and the crucible of life filled with poignant experiences, some enlightening and some destructive, men must seek to wend their way through time-space barriers into the eternality of God by faith in right action. -Maitreya, Pearl 20:34
It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric? -Godfre, Pearls of Wisdom 25:18
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