Thursday, August 11, 2022
How you cry out and cherish the moment and the hour of thine innocence!
allow the soul with renewal to stand before God as if going forth for the very first time in the flame of holy innocence. How you cry out and cherish the moment and the hour of thine innocence! O blessed heart, truly by the Divine Mother Mary is innocence restored as the fountain of the soul’s purity, as the blessedness.
“Lord, I AM worthy of thy purity”—indeed thou art if thou wilt with the archangel bend the knee and confess that our God is great and unto His glory we live, we sing praises, by the grace of the Sun of righteousness who shall indeed arise with healing in his wings —healing for the soul! healing for the body! healing for the nations! and the raising up of the scepter of the abundant life.
Therefore may the world know—may the world know that the prophecy unto Noah is for then and for now! For truly in the days and the of the flood of the Earth the prophecy was given and unto him again a vision of the last days and of the west and of a mighty river flowing.
How is it that that river, beloved hearts, does turn to sacred fire? It is the river of water of Life descending out of the throne of the I AM Presence. And in the frequencies of matter behold—now the water, now the fire! And the sacred alchemy of melting of the elements of the earth is a vision of the acceleration of cycles, of vibrations—truly of the righting of the axis of the Earth and the transcendence of these lower planes of density!
For is it not into the Earth that the fallen angels were cast? —is it not into these dense bodies that are not native to the sons of light, even to the children of the light? And all were brought low by their degradations and their vibrations and their cults of Satanism and their misuse of white light of the Mother.
Therefore you see, when the fallen angels are brought to the judgment, even as the tares are separated from the wheat—in that hour there is the hand of God and a mighty sheet that is lowered, symbolically. And there is the acceleration of the very vibrations of Earth. And there is the catching up of the children of God in a mighty rapture! For they are rapturous in the new wave of light and new vibration of the light.
Blessed hearts, the rapture is the descent of the Lord Our Righteousness into the temple of his people thereby accelerating their vibration that they no longer see death because they no longer wear bodies subject unto the laws of mortality and death. And there is a planetary raising by the power of the resurrection even by the mighty power of the archangels who stand as coordinates in Earth! And there is a raising. And there is a sacred fire. And you will see that all pollutions of the Earth and rivers and waters and atmosphere and the earth body are accelerated and purity is restored!
And therefore the golden age cometh. It will come, beloved hearts, in the wavelength and vibration that is not in this dense plane but accelerated from it. And all those who are of the light will be found together in that rapture of union with the beloved Christ Self. And all who have received him as the God of very gods within the temple are fused by the Holy Ghost and know themselves forever and forever as one—truly as the Flaming One, truly as the marriage of the Lamb.
So is the soul elevated to that portion whereby he himself was called Christ Jesus—the archetype and the example of the Son of God. So shall you be in the twinkling of an eye if you hear and read and run with the prophecy and the path of your soul’s initiation.
Thus, beloved hearts, there is the period before the judgment of the angels who fell and the period after the judgment of fallen angels. These periods are known in heaven as the dark ages preceding the great golden age which cannot manifest upon earth except the judgment come.
Therefore understand the meaning of the acceleration of light! Therefore understand the new light within thy body and soul! Therefore understand that this people must rise unto the holy mountain of God and therefore come apart from the world that is yet controlled by fallen angels.
This then is the hour for the preaching of the Word. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, buoyed up by the archangels, visited by Sanat Kumara in the person of the Messenger—you therefore have the opportunity to yourselves repent and to be truly the instrument of the Lord Christ and then to preach the Word unto those who have been influenced by the Watchers, to call them unto repentance, and to bring them back to the alignment of God whereby they might kneel and be saved.
Listen then unto the words of Enoch and of Noah—how they beheld, as prophecy of the future, the kings and princes and exalted ones. Even they were to praise the Lord, but they knew in their hearts that they had not repented of their evil ways. Thus by mere crying of “Lord! Lord!” and “Peace! Peace!” they were not to be saved.
Blessed hearts, it is the justice of God, it is of the mercy of God that those in whom the light of God has gone out—for they have aborted that light, they have abused it!—thus, by their own self-denial of the King of kings, they are no more but become as shadows and as ghosts of former selves that no longer dwell in reality.
This the great mystery of God, this is the pain of the Woman in travail who has travailed to give birth to the divine Manchild, even in those who have gone astray. And yet they would not—not by the wooing of the Christ, not by the preaching of the prophets, not by the sacred fire of Zarathustra, not by the peace! peace! of Gautama Buddha, not by the wisdom and love of Maitreya. Therefore the travail of the Mother comes to an end. And in the figure of the Mother is seen the figure of the instrument of the judgment. And therefore our Kali has many faces.
Thus Kali descends for the rescue of the children of the light. And the fallen ones know when the Mother becomes the instrument of the dividing of the way. Therefore children of the Sun, preach the Word unto the righteous. Preach the Word unto the unrighteous—preach it into the very teeth of the wicked and let them hear the testimony of truth!
By thy word thou art justified. By thy word thou art also judged. Therefore let thy word be out of the stream of God’s Word and the instrument of holiness.
Holiness unto the Lord —Holiness unto the Lord is the sign of the eternal priesthood. Kings and priests unto God, I anoint you to raise up the rod and serpent of Moses in the wilderness of America and the world!
Go forth then in church and in state! For I, Uriel, anoint you and seal you by the light of the seven archangels! Let our message be carried abroad in the earth and in the waters, in the sea, in the atmosphere! Let it be carried throughout the systems of worlds! For the archangels are come for the initiation of the chakras of all life—every part of God, every part of His descent, including that of the angels!
Chakra by chakra does the initiation go forth! And with the playing of these messages again and again you will experience the acceleration of light of the seven rays in the seven centers of being from out the Great Causal Body of Sanat Kumara, from out the great light of your own I AM THAT I AM. And the acceleration of light will be for the flushing out of darkness and misuses of the chakras that in the hour of the archangels’ pouring out of the seven vials, you shall stand and still stand because the seven rivers of God within you—confluent with the river of Life—are purified!
And therefore your centers must be flushed out!—and this is accomplished by our Word and by meditation on the law of God through our Word. By visual and eye contact with those videotapes of our Word, you will have the transfer also of our Electronic Presence. Therefore understand that Sanat Kumara has sent forth the decree that these dictations should be played to all nations of the Earth, to all the tribes of the Earth that mourn, to the descendants of Noah, to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and even to the descendants of Ishmael that they might also choose to leave off from service unto the Watchers and fallen angels and rejoice in the birth of Immanuel.
Therefore let there be the sending of sacred fire! Therefore let there be the action! Therefore let there be the choice! For when light accelerates and flushes out darkness, you are required to behold the twain in thine own temple—to choose between God’s love and hate and hate creation of the fallen ones, to choose between truth and error, to choose between the blessedness of humility in the grace of the Son of God and the pride of the fallen ones.
Take care then that when the ego is exposed as the pseudoself apart from God you stand on the line of defense of the divine Ego who is Christ the Lord within you and that you do not champion the pride and ambition of that former self, that created synthetic self, that went after the ways of foolishness of these deceivers. For even yet the beast may be bound and put down and you may stand as a champion of Life. Thus as you know, blessed hearts, with the coming of the archangels as it is prophesied so is the coming of the hour of the separation, the hour of the judgment. And this is the mystery of the Word.
Therefore understand that I came and I delivered my dictation in Santa Barbara concerning the call to repentance of angels of my band who went after and followed that Fallen One. I called unto them to be saved and to repent. Thus, I call again to all angels who have come in our name and to the children of the light: Recognize the hour of immortal opportunity at hand. Truly the portal of unity stands. Walking the way of oneness with God, thine own God Self, is the only way.
We would see deliverers of our people rise up. And we would clear this activity of those who have gathered to sip the nectar of God, yet to dally and dangle their feet in the ways of the world simultaneously! You cannot serve God and mammon. You cannot pretend to be pretenders to the throne of grace and yet hide thy face and thy evildoings at the coming of Sanat Kumara!
Let those who will serve the Lord therefore remain secure in His house—and let those who are of the spirit of compromise go
elsewhere! I cast them out! They may no longer drink of the fountain of our Word, for too many have come to amplify their own pleasure by our light. Thus let our communion be as the bitter waters, thereby turning their misuse of the light unto their own judgment.
Take heed, children of the Sun. For the era has turned. Opportunity is nigh.
Let us therefore march through the gate of thanksgiving. For there is a planet and a people crying out for deliverance and we must send forth our deliverers—true shepherds of the people anointed by the Shekinah glory of His Presence from the very ark of the covenant! As it was promised so is it fulfilled in this hour.
Let all then consider deeply the calling of life and the assignment of the Lords of Karma in the hour of thy birth. Let all consider then this gift of God of this incarnation. And let the decisions be rendered. By thy word, by thy word, blessed heart—so shalt thou be justified or judged.
Thy word is the consonance of thy soul with the living Word. Therefore understand the meaning that every man shall be judged by his word and his works. Understand that it is not written that he shall be judged by his beliefs. For his beliefs and his belief system are manifest in his word and in his works.
Understand the further opening of the mystery: those who love the Lord thy God even as the Elect One who cometh as the Lord Our Righteousness, the blessed Christ Self, will be in harmony with that Lord. And their word and their works will be endowed with a pure vibration of living love and living truth. Their word cannot be tinged with the liar and his lie. Their work cannot be tinged with the murderer and his murder. Therefore by vibration does the judgment descend! And those who are in the center of their own Christ Self fear not, for they are with the Lord upon the Lord’s day.
I come to pray with you as I am also an angel of the annunciation. I come then that you might realize that every word that goeth forth out of thy mouth, every work of thy hands is charged with the totality of thy being!
If therefore there is rebellion against God, all of thy words, all of thy works—whether they be high-sounding phrases or quoting of Scripture or of the right signs and manifestations—will be tinged by these fallen ones! And thou shalt not enter in. Thou shalt not enter in! For it is written and it is spoken of God: “They shall not pass!”—because of their disobedience, their disrespect of the Elect One.
Those who are the imitators of their ways, beloved hearts, therefore cannot enter in because when there is the acceleration of the light they are not able to accelerate. For the very intensity of the light is all-consuming and it consumes this very vibration of the liar and his lie tingeing their word, the murderer and his murder tingeing their works!
Thus, beloved hearts, when the works of the hand are tinged with condemnation and criticism for thy fellowservants on the path it is a murderous vibration. For it is the denial of the soul itself—and the consequences are upon thee. Every manifestation of hatred and of mild dislike is a curse of death upon another. And therefore the accounting is upon thine own head! Separate thyself apart from these fallen angels who blatantly defile the name of God and defile the innocence of his blessed servants!
Blessed hearts, we have stood in this nation’s capital. We have stood for the inauguration—of what? A man? I tell you, nay. It is the inauguration of the Person of Christ in every American—and that is the wavelength and light of God that would speak through the president of the United States of America! And the fallen ones tremble at the coming of the Lord Our Righteousness. They do not tremble before a man. They tremble before the Lord God Almighty within His people.
Understand then that the fallen ones are in a state of shock as the Earth reels by the exposure of truth through the Christed One of all! Let us then be vigilant in the protection of the office of the president of the United States and the one who bears its mantle.
Beloved hearts, I have shown unto the messenger in this very week—behind the scenes already brewing—those plots of assassination. For they think that in destroying the man they can destroy the Son of God. Though they cannot, blessed hearts, nevertheless the projection of death and the consciousness of death upon America and those who represent her is grave upon the face of the Earth in this hour. Only by the raising up of the light of Life in the best servants of God will these calamities at the hand of the international conspirators be stayed!
Even so the archangels warned the Messengers before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy—and thus it came to pass, for the people were not prepared. And you have heard the discussion of these assassinations of President Lincoln and President Kennedy.
I would proclaim to you that the necessity of assassination comes upon a nation when that nation blinds its eyes to the reality of the fallen angels and of the Watchers spoken of in the Book of Enoch—when a people of God no longer heed their prophets and do not read these words because they are painful, painful to their sensitivities because, beloved hearts, they cannot face the truth that life upon Earth is and will be Armageddon until the victory of light and life over darkness and death!
Therefore, in hours when a nation is bowed down by the oppressors and when the people themselves do not repent of their going after the ways of the fallen angels then it becomes necessary for one to give his life that they might be shaken and awakened and disturbed from their surfeiting in pleasure that they might see that all is not well! And it is to this cause that we encourage the exposure of the conspiracy against both Lincoln and Kennedy at top echelons of government itself!—from within and without.
Blessed hearts, this is the early crucifixion of the Son of God in the name of Jesus Christ and every other avatar and prophet who has ever laid down his life that Life itself might be victorious in the hearts of those who remain upon Earth to carry its banner. Therefore Saint Germain has told you that unless there be the exposure of the conspiracy behind the assassinations, they will indeed continue! For it becomes the karma of the nations and the karmaof the people who do not follow the prophecies of God and rise up to invoke the judgment of these fallen angels who will surely, surely as I stand—as long as they remain undetained and unbound by cords of the Lord —continue their unrighteousness, their ungodly deeds\ and their murder of the sons of God.
This is their malintent from the beginning. They are the archdeceivers and destroyers who are not seen for what they are until they themselves begin to devour the people by their manipulation and their murder. Therefore side by side with the rejoicing of the homecoming of those who have been in prison is the warning given: Let America be on guard! Let the children of the light be as the watchman of the night with Saint Germain—even the Holy One, the prophet of Israel, Samuel.
Let all recognize themselves as devotees of Saint Germain and therefore with him as watchmen in the night of the Dark Cycle appearing. For with the oncoming of the Dark Cycle April 23, 1981 is also the turning of the cycle of Serapis Bey who has accorded to you by the grace of Sanat Kumara two fourteen-month cycles—the first, out of the whitefire of the ascension flame, the amplification of whitefire of the causal body; the second the amplification of the ray of wisdom by the light of ascension flame.
Now then coming forth from Luxor there will be at the appointed hour the acceleration of the flame of the Holy Spirit, even the flame of love by the action of purity and of ascension’s flame. When ascension’s flame then—by the heart of Serapis Bey—does multiply love in the Earth there will be a flushing out of the hate and hate creation of the fallen angels against the sons of light, even their hatred of Saint Stephen and of the prophets of old!
Therefore that hatred as the perversion of love will come upon them and be upon their heads. And the blood of the prophets will be required of them in this hour. And you will see how love devouring anti-love will intensify light and darkness and the hour of the choosing.
Thus it is ever in the hour of the judgment. And ray by ray the fourteenmonth cycles of Serapis Bey are for the acceleration and accentuation of light in the chakras of the seven rays of your being until all is fulfilled! Thus with anticipation you can realize that the return to the twelve o’clock line and the hierarchy of Capricorn unto the Great Divine Director is for the coming in the Earth of the very judgment of the condemnation of the seed of the wicked upon the seed of Christ. And it is for the judgment of love.
Blessed hearts, inasmuch as these conditions are at the very foundation of abortion, the slaying of the holy innocents, and war itself—realize that the violet-flame wave of light and the acceleration of your own oneness with God are prerequisites for your survival as the wave of light from the Great Central Sun does intensify. Therefore behold! For the serpents in the Soviet Union are exposed and they cannot defend their own word and their own lie. Therefore those sympathizers with fallen ones are in that condition of shock.
Beloved ones, shock at the presence of truth in the person of the sons of God precedes their revenge. In this hour there is shock and consternation at the daring, the courage of the president to speak out against the infamy of these international conspirators nation by nation. The next step which you can see by reviewing the course of history itself is the rallying in the counterrevolution—a revolution against the light and against the revolution of the sons of God. Therefore I say unto all: watch. For the fallen ones and sympathizers with mechanization man and with the godless will not stand still while the legions of light march.
They will not hand over their torch. They will not pass the torch. They will not lay down their arms. But they will enjoin. They will be engaged in Armageddon. And they will not go down except the sons of light raise the sacred fire of the Mother and conquer by the science of the spoken Word itself and by action of the Word incarnate!
There is only one defense against fallen ones who know that their end is the final judgment—and that is the Word incarnate within you! Unless you bow to that Word and surrender as I do each and every day, blessed hearts, you will not be able to stand in the hour of the travail of the Woman or of the coming of the Manchild or of the coming of the fallen ones as they attempt to cover the Earth with the hordes of death and hell. There is only one way to survive. And that way is in the flame of God.
Children of the Sun, this then is the sealing of the Class of the Archangels! Rise then and take dominion over the Earth! For I, Uriel, would seal you by the light of your own God flame!
Note well how those in the land pray to the one whom they call “my God!” Blessed hearts, when this word is uttered you may know that in their souls they pray to the mighty I AM Presence—the very personal divinity of each one.
My God and thy God therefore bless thee! In the name of Sanat Kumara, let the I AM Presence be revealed unto all sons and daughters of light in the nations! And let each one be sealed now in the blessed Eye of God that you may no longer be blind or blinded to the fallen ones and archdeceivers or to vibrations of those who are their imitators.
I raise the sword as we stand [Messenger raises the sacred sword], seven in number, for the inauguration of the light of the Lord God and His holy office in thy temple. It is the sign of the sword that cleaves asunder the real from the unreal within you. Now separate thyself by free will and God-determination! And see that the sword is truly the sign of peace and of cosmic cross of whitefire in the name of Sanat Kumara—in thy name, O blessed one, when thou art fastened unto him. By this sign, we go forth to conquer!
Let the rallying cry of the sons of God be forevermore:
Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM, Sanat Kumara!
Praise the Lord I AM THAT I AM, Sanat Kumara!
It is done, it is finished, it is sealed!
Prepare to meet thy God.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 24:15
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