Thursday, August 4, 2022
BEST10 LAID17 PLANS 17 OF12 mice21 MEN10 OFT14 GANG 20 ALEY 14. =132=33x4= 3 x best laid plans44. -ROBERT33 BURNS20
oft14 go13 astray21=48=
oft gang aley48 ………………………… Burns was Aquarian, no?
Whether best laid plans derive from high or low, course-changes may upset the given sheme26, o yeah…. mum’s12 the15 word24=51=3x laid17 or plans17. Darjeeling49=
Dorjeling49. Dorje is Tibetan word, ling is “place of” or “focus”,
which reminds me that the 8-11-1999 solar eclipse, full fixed cross—the eclipse path was over Asia, no? Asia is involved, no?
Vajra16, “the East9 is10 always18 within38 (=75).”
So duality31 is not everything . Where is China, Mama? said the little girl, and her Ma said not a word back.
Why was not Notovich’s Issa tale of the early 1900s better received in the West? i tink you know.
numerology of some words:
feckless, fiasco, schism, Lazarus, action (each one) 26. abysmal19 plot18=37=impure.
impure+ action=63.
After the voodoo of Moscow 2003, we get the tripe of “White Paper on the Summit Lighthouse, 2004, no author given but quite probably Duffys at root. “There is no way to tell who has the highest consciousness” (hence right to rule) comes from that.
So someone may not find Kuthumi’s 19:13-15 Pearls on Ignatius Loyol/Lenin; however in the time of Christ the soul of Loyola was in the Sanhedrin, hence anti-Christ that time. As Loyola it was anti-Father; as Lenin anti-Holy Spirit.
Now Geraldine Innocente was Morya’s Messenger of Bridge to Freedom as Hierarchy attempted to unify the several activities in 1952. But within a year or two Innocente delivered a dictation on Mary and Joseph of Arimethea’s voyage. Unfortunately Innocente placed the soul of Loyola in that rudderless boat (supposing somehow that “Saint” Loyola needed to be there, but Martha and Lazarus not there. Yes, Magdalene with that pair went to the Marseille area, n’est-ce pas?
So the false hierarchy likes to mess around; “spiritual director”91 (which coincidentally is also the tally for “peter
neroli duffy”91) can be shown to be yet another idiot piece of voodoo, but what would you have, mes amis, maybe more pretentious54, orthodoxy54,
54, self-deceived54? Well, have at it. -r.
O, did I forget to give the count for Sanhedrin? Maybe you could help: psychotics,
director, Sanhedrin—47 maybe; what do you think? Darjeeling49 Council32 altar16 + nucleus23=
120=3x4x10, which resemble closely pyramid numbers like perhaps Morya, Paul the Venetian and Serapis of 10,500 B.C. at Giza.
The 7 chohans comprise the board of spiritual directors of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity, according to Master Morya. Are YOUR wires crossed or something? Uncross them, straighten up, repent and that other one about sin no….
August 4, 2022 at Siskiyou County, CA\
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