Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Blessed ones, our voice has come to you with the piercing of secret rays and has entered your heart. You must now commune with your God. I pray then that you will understand how important is your life, how important is your physical temple to God, how important [is your preparedness] to the American people themselves, the majority of whom are not prepared mentally, psychologically, emotionally or in any way to face such consequences as could come to pass. -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 32:55
The dilemma of good and evil was put to naught by Jesus Christ when he addressed the rich young man who came and said unto him, “Good Master, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” The Master replied: “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God. But if thou wilt enter into Life, keep the commandments.”
As the councils of the Great White Brotherhood have surveyed the scene of the world and as they have pondered the dilemma of seeking the chalice in which to pour more light the logical conclusion is to bring God-harmony to nature, to enlist the support of Keepers of the Flame to keep the vigil with elemental life so that millions upon millions upon millions of fiery salamanders, sylphs, undines and gnomes may carry a greater portion of life and of light and therefore bring balance, beloved ones, to the four lower bodies of Earth and to hold that balance in time of need.
-Oromasis and Diana, 49:7
I then ask you to consider and do basic research as to what are the skills that will endure in our children of this community, in the chelas that are mine who are in other situations around the world or simply in American homes. You must know what will be the definable area, and it will no doubt be technology, and that area of technology can secure jobs for our youth up to a certain point. But when technology increases and there is less and less of a labor force involved because that technology is able to accomplish more you will have to rethink the entire equation. Do not think you are insulated in this place. You are not insulated and you will all have to deal with these changes. They are right before your very eyes. -Morya,
I say tap—tap your resources and do not wait another moment to discover that within you is the key whereby you may access highest knowledge that is required in order for humanity to come through the present dilemma of deadness and dying even of brain cells and of cells of the body. -Gautama Buddha, 37:23
Precious ones of sacred fire, I am known as a cosmic being. And by the very definition of cosmic being you will know that I have been keeping the flame of divine direction for many aeons and therefore my observations of the cyclings of the will of God have been, as it were, forever and forever and a day. And therefore is there anything new under the Sun except the Lord God Himself making all things new?1 This is the enigma that faces Keepers of the Flame—nothing new under the Sun, the sameness of day-to-day karma, of day-to-day living. The enigma becomes the dilemma; the dilemma becomes the challenge of initiation. The challenge of the Keeper of the Flame is to infuse Mater (which is as old as the hills) with a vibrancy of Spirit, new each moment, pouring forth from the fount of Life, from the very heart of God new energy and new life, new love to infuse the planes of Mater. -Divine Director, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1975 in Anaheim, Pearl 63:1
Through the years we have observed that many are content to let others live their lives for them, to think for them, to guide their destiny; consequently, many fail to participate in the great battle for freedom. We are convinced that one of the causes behind mankind’s present dilemma in world politics is the failure of God-oriented people, the people who want to have a beautiful world, to do their part in creating it.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 13:22
How good will begets more in kind! And I, El Morya, am inclined to discourse with you this evening upon a subject most favorite to my heart. It is of course the path of personal Christhood that is the way out of the planetary dilemma. But for the time being it is the point of identification of every son of God caught between the love of the Father and love of emergent souls. -Morya, Pearl 26:53
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