Friday, August 26, 2022
all discordant feelings and wrong thinkin
Of course whenever war entities or hate entities and other mass-created, malign influences which cause the world so much personal and planetary unhappiness are removed or transmuted, the world or individual breathes free for a moment—but only long enough for someone to again start the chain reaction of misqualified freewill in the same old discordant pattern which for centuries and millenniums has made suffering on Earth and in mankind’s experiences. Therefore only by universal acceptance by the world at large can final victory come to Earth and its multitudes, and only by rising in consciousness to your own ascension can you find personal escape. There is no other way! -Maitreya, Pearl 4:10
Now divine love is not always obvious. Sometimes it is but a feeling in the heart. How foolish are they who judge without knowing what really is in the heart of another, for so often their judgments are unfounded save in mass creation of darkness that spreads as an infectious plague amongst the people, causing them to eye one another suspiciously and to doubt the integrity of the inner man. -John the Beloved, Pearl 14:14
Whenever energy is misused by the mass mind of mankind it creates by universal Law a record in the astral realm where it is fed daily by all7 discordant44 feelings41 and wrong32 thinking47
(=171=3 x Duffy clique57) of men on Earth. It is easy to see that this composes a rather extensive and poisonous residue which adversely affects all who contact it. It can be a1 trap19 to8 those22 who19 possess22 undue20 human21 obstinacy36 (=168=8 x blacken21), for when these pass from the body they sometimes refuse the help offered by angels and helpers of the Christ and are then left face to face with the unhappy effects and causes of their own human creation remaining untransmuted, and sometimes, too, portions of the mass creation until such a time as they accept the guidance of divine beings sent in mercy, or the residue they have created dissipates by natural law -Morya, Pearl 2:44
The Seven Spirits of God who sang together as the morning stars are the Elohim who responded to the great command: “Let there be light: and there was light.” Thus out of the Void came form; and God in the materialization of His consciousness became man; and the flow of being as above so below became the warp and woof of creation.
Now the whole creation groans and travails in birth, for each man and each woman is required to give birth to the Christ consciousness. How can you neglect so great a salvation, O mankind? The Elohim come forth with the power of purity that will set you free. For purity is the light to draw you into the center of the awareness of the original blueprint,
-Elohim Purity, Pearl 21:8
For, beloved, my word and your response, your very preparedness, is the one condition that can prevent the almost inevitable scenario of nuclear war.
Therefore, beloved, the grave danger to devotees in this hour is truly not the Law or light that does send forth such intensity but it is actually that which does return [as reactionary force] which goes unchallenged, unheeded. For the return of mass creation of a planet is indeed a warning to all who yet abide in this octave that until the permanent atom of being be won and the soul one in it there is the danger of the returning wave breaking upon the devotees....
And so where the light that is the positive polarity of the Great White Brotherhood and our Messengers does contact then the negative manifestation of Mater as materialism, as inordinate attachment, possessiveness, where souls have made themselves a part of the mudball of human creation—so the light beats upon the shores of anti-matter and anti-Self. -Gaitama Buddha, Pearl 30:24
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