Thursday, July 21, 2022
you will be in the spotlight
This is your hour and the manifest power of all light you have stored in your causal body since you set foot on planet Earth, beloved! So I ask you again each one to play your role and play it well on the stage of the twenty-first century. For you will be in the spotlight whether or not you choose it to be so. -Saint Germain, Pearl 39:28
Beloved hearts, all of the Great White Brotherhood has paused in this interval as our Father Alpha did play this piece on the grand organ in the Great Central Sun. And He did release to all of cosmos this hymn of the soul and sounding of the tones that remind the soul of home and of the great throneroom and of Alpha and Omega, who await thy return. -God Harmony, Pearl 32:53
While the vagaries of men’s carnal nature play upon the screen of life with a will-o’-the-wisp 63
action26 resembling a display of the aurora borealis and entertaining the human mind with a constant inconstancy
47 of 12 earthly35 expression54 (=148=4 x 37), I AM certain that the devout and eternal mercy of God awaits the awakening of man to the truth of his internally magnificent divine nature. -Morya, Pearl 6:8
Blessed hearts, whether you are parent or community member, do not point the finger at our decision, our discrimination and our discernment. The battle at hand is frightful. We draw a circle of light and we demand that those who choose to be in it cease their bellyaching, cease their fantasies concerning members of the opposite sex, cease their human consciousness and recognize that in the time it took to play this piece, the Rakoczy March, blessed hearts, in that short a time you could cease to exist through a nuclear first strike. -Saint Germain, Pearl 30:2
Lanello’s retreat is over the city of Bingen on the Rhine River in Germany. The vibration of the retreat is felt throughout the entire city and surrounding valley. In a 1981 Pearl of Wisdom Lanello said: “When you enter our home of light, beloved, you will know indeed that you are home. For our retreat on the Rhine is ever thine. And in those moments or hours when you fancy that as a child you would hang from bowers of trees with flowers—realize that we too have swings and fairy gardens and places for children to peekaboo and play hide-and-seek and waterfalls and fountains and ponds and lilies. And there are swans of light and angels and elementals. And therefore in our gardens and in the surroundings of our retreat you will find miniature replicas as well as a cross-section of life that comes out of the cooperative venture, and I will say adventure, of our experience together in the service of the Great White Brotherhood.... Blessed hearts, how very close are the inner octaves of light—and how much closer many of you are.” Pearl 47:39
The process of initiation is a continuing one for all. Some fail to realize that even a babe is not bereft of God. A lack of sensorial development or mental maturity is no indication that the soul does not comprehend through the light in the window of being life in its infinite ranges. The never-failing light of God posited within the heartflame of man always knows and cannot be deceived. -Maitreya, Pearl 14:41
Hail O Immaculate Concept! The nativity of a divine idea in immortal manifestationis measured by each one’s comprehension of that blessed idea. At the portal of the new year cycle for planet Earth I AM drawing nigh this day with a message of import for all who love life, for all who are imbued with the thought that God intends all joy for all the world. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 4:52
The relation of reality to being is ever equated by one for all, and yet the all do not ever focus on one individual except through the idea of God. The attention of a cosmos abides upon the Deity, for wherever enlightenment occurs this is necessarily an accompanying factor, but where a lack of understanding exists the flame of illumination nevertheless continues to blaze behind the opaque consciousness of human identity with all of its personalized obstructions, even as the Sun shines in all its splendor behind the murky clouds of human creation. -Pearl 6:37
Excellence in all one does denotes a candidate for the ascension. Let no one dwell upon mortal imperfection as though it were the rule of the day. Do not the heavens declare the glory of God while Earth alone remains a blessed but sorrowful star? The cries for deliverance heard around the planetary body with increasing clamor have assumed all proportion of a cosmic travail, and I think the Universal Mother awaits with intense expectation the maturing of those individuals who long ago entered the kingdom and became as little children, accepting then simplicity and humility, knowing full well that heaven’s everlasting dominion over all things human would one day be their lot. -Divine Director. Pearl 32:20
Genuine lightness of heart and spirit is intended to be a boon and blessing for all to enjoy. If then it fails to manifest it is often held in abeyance simply because the human clings to outworn ideas. Blessed ones, divine radiant energy which has the power to make each day one of sheer delight for all mankind must first be invoked or called into action and then allowed to fulfill its perfect work. -Saint Germain, Pearl 4:44
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