Sunday, July 10, 2022
unholy alliances and self-deception
Beloved ones, this is the path; walk ye in it. For all else is illusion and all else is of the human, which has no power and no reality! And you must take this opportunity in the mountains to dwell upon your Presence, to meditate upon your Presence, and to give the call to your beloved I AM Presence, as it is written.….O my angels of the flame of God-obedience, teach my beloved to listen to the promptings of the eternal Christ within. O voice of the One, speak to Thy children! …Deceive not yourself. Deceive not your Mother or your heavenly Father but rather embrace the cosmic honor flame of God and find in the intensity of the light the fulfillment of all that you desire…. They can never identify who is the enemy, who is the friend, and which way is up. Be not discouraged. The one predictable thing about them is that they always hang around!
…And the dearest one of all is your conquest of your own self-love that blinds you to the glory just beyond the turn in the road….(The one messenger is the eternal Christ.)…
It is good to be jovial in the face of the dead seriousness of the fallen ones. And they are aghast that your laughter can blow them away like the gust of a strong wind of a beautiful spring morning in the Rockies…..I seal you in the honor of God. As you give your allegiance to that honor so the honor of God will never forsake you. Remember this, my children.
-Godfre, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet July 6, 1984 at RTR, Montana, Pearl 2750
Through the whirlpool of human consciousness the downward pull of the senses and the oft-repeated failure of the human to look up, mankind completely overlook this divine intent; and God’s love, our love—which is a precious ointment—is often spilled in wasteful self-pity and selfish self-love. …Guilt is a vibration which is related to condemnation of self and others; and when you accept it or entertain it in any form you become disturbed unless the thought be swiftly changed….spiritual senses are best quickened by a pure spirit free from feelings of condemnation and guilt. To all sincere chelas of the great Law I AM therefore saying Thy sins be forgiven thee! and again, “Go and sin no more”…. Thus each life mission is important to the Father.
It must be realized that distortions in connection with my mission have been almost overwhelming. … it is the sacrifice of wayward and willful human qualities. As beloved Kuthumi and I have stated before, the path to God is never so much a sacrifice as it is a sacrament, never so much sacrificial as sacramental….
know that:
I AM the fullness of God/Good!
I AM walking into daily oneness with the Father.
I AM made ever new in God’s image, the similitude and likeness of all that is Good.
I AM the justice of the divine Law which reaches out to fulfill the true spirit of both human and divine Law.
I AM the manifestation of that sacred Law, and in the joy of the ascended Jesus Christ consciousness
I AM illumined to know that this living, inner Law is the Golden Rule!
-Jesus the Christ
Pearl 4:47
……… unto all who are of the light an initiation of the heart.
Therefore in this period you have or should have accelerated the sense of attunement of the inclination of the ear to the vibrations, five distinct vibrations of the Dhyani Buddhas, of the secret rays and of Cosmos. And, of course, beloved, calling forth the violet flame with Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays is surely the action whereby there does increase in you a permeation, a percolation through those five secret-ray spheres surrounding the heart chakra, spheres of the consciousness of Cosmos, spheres for the entering in not only to the innermost place of being, the secret chamber of the heart, but also to the Holy of Holies of the Most High God. This, then, is the goal of the path of this life.
Heed well then the call to internalize and outpicture the goal of individual Christhood on the seven rays, for upon this foundation of the rainbow rays of God, in this balance of the seven planes of being in your chakras here below you are able first to balance the Threefold Flame and then to increase the light of the Divine Mother rising that becomes the magnet of the Buddha descending…. the great need of the hour is the balancing and strengthening of the Threefold Flame of the heart. …Guard the heart. Do not allow it to be bombarded by [dissonant] sounds whether through media or one’s ill-chosen companions in life who do not contain the reverence of the heart of God with them….
Let us understand then that those who will endure are those who do not allow the encroachment upon the heart and who stop short of [expressing] the word, the vibration and the feeling that is a sharp and searing, tearing attack upon the heart of self and others.
Love the flame of the heart above all self and self-defense, beloved, and then you shall see how a spark does become a Threefold Flame, how the very breath of the Holy Spirit as intense love does fan that fire and that Threefold Flame until so great a flame does reveal the manifestation of light-emanation of God in form.
… for fear is indeed the destruction of the heart and the delicate filigree membranes that are being formed and then rewoven and then mended by angels when they are torn again and again.
Blessed ones, there is an emotional rut! …Pass your tests and if karma is a part of them, it shall be dissolved by sacred fire, and if it be not, then woe to those who condemn another for having a so-called heavy karma! We have a right to test! You have a right to be tested.
And therefore I did initiate the testing of the heart. I did initiate the initiations of the heart in this place, for America must pass her tests.,,,
Blessed ones, I for one stand with El Morya holding [up] the profile [of the Christed one] to you and your own for those who must be raised up that there might still be a standard and a cosmic honor flame as one holds the light of Saint Thérèse and another of Saint Thomas More and another of Becket or of Merlin or of Samuel, another of Krishna and another and another and another that the Lords of Karma might say the saints live today eeon planet Earth, and in embodiment are those who are equal to and may bear the triangle, the equilateral triangle, here below of the saints of the etheric octave, the heaven-world and the absolute octaves of light….Behold, I AM Gautama. I stoop this day. I bend to you. I incline my ear and my heart. In this mode, beloved, I come in one of my lower bodies and manifestations that you might know me in this hour as Brother and that you might also remember that your Brother, so near to you, also does occupy the office of Lord of the World.
I desire you to know me as Brother, not in the familiarity or intimacy that breeds contempt or the taking for granted of my Presence but in the sense that one who has been accorded this office by Sanat Kumara and the Cosmic Council, being entrusted with the fate of all lifestreams of a planet, does also know you intimately as a chela of the heart of God’s will, as a disciple and as one who yet must pass through even the burdens of the flesh, even the burdens of mortality….
Deceive not! Belittle not, mock not the Christ in oneself or another, beloved, by the very depredation of the light.
Take your stand then for the victory of the moment and you will have the ictory of eternity. If you compromise the moment and procrastinate acts of victory, I assure you there will be no tomorrow that can contain you and no tomorrow which you yourself can contain.
Take control then of the body and you will find that the body will be a faithful servant. Take control of the mind and the mind will serve you as a vessel for infinite thoughts. ….
I say therefore there must be a judgment in this hour upon those parents who are literally spoiling the opportunity of their offspring for the victory in this life…. I AM Gautama. Let the purpose to which this Teaching Center was founded in this city be fulfilled and let all who hear that call so contribute, for by the heart chakra of a nation and of a people shall Divine Intervention come in the hour of greatest need. And if the heart be not raised up, how shall the heavenly host descend for the rescue of the soul in the seat-of-the-soul chakra?
I AM Gautama Buddha. I claim you as my brothers and sisters. I ascend to the heart of the Western Shamballa. May you know me as I AM: the Keeper of the Hearts of the Faithful.
I seal you with the sign of the heart, the sign of the head, the sign of the hand, signifying that by the love of your heart the mind shall be illumined and by the illumination of the mind multiplied by love of the heart the right hand in action shall be the Work of God in the Omega cycle that did descend to you in the beginning as the living Word [in the Alpha cycle].
Lo, I AM THAT I AM the Oneness, the Oneness, the Oneness of the Community, of the Teaching outpictured, delivered as example. I AM the Presence of the Buddha and the mantle of the Buddha upon the witness of the eternal Guru in the midst thereof.
Pearls of Wisdom
As a point of spiritual discernment the students of light ought to examine carefully the activities of the spoilers, so-called by reason of their immature conduct and their alliance with the powers of darkness, who utter unfounded statements against the laborers in the Father’s vineyard.
He who said “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” also spoke these words: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” While we advocate that the student of cosmic law become as harmless as a dove, flooded with the milk of human kindness tethered to divine kindness, we also advocate that he should learn to be wise–even wiser than a serpent –in this era of great social cleavage when the hearts of men are nigh failing them for fear.
Saint Paul referred to those who become hypercritical of individuals and organizations dedicated to the beautiful purposes of God, saying “There are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake.” Let the students of light understand then that unfortunate though it may be, there are those who move among the brethren, professing that they come in the name of God, who participate in evil rituals of gossip and slander and thereby tie themselves at inner levels to forces not of light. A word of explanation is due from our level to those sincere students who desire to know the truth about the deceivers.
It was recorded by John in the Book of Revelation “The accuser of our brethren is cast downwhich accused them before our God day and night.” This passage refers to those fallen angels who were cast out of heaven and, for reasons best known to the Lords of Karma, were sent into embodiment to balance their karma among the very ones upon earth they had sought to overcome from their astral vantage. “Clouds they are without water,” noted Saint Jude, “wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.” The presence of individuals upon the planetary body who espouse the cause of darkness should therefore come as no surprise to the students of light. Let them be wary then of such as these; and let them see to it that they never underestimate the evil intent of these wolves in sheep’s clothing!
Their modus operandi requires an explanation, and I shall give it. First let me say that the reason that the tactic of criticism, condemnation and judgment is used by evil powers upon this planet is that it has proved successful in “subverting whole houses” and turning individuals against the light of the Christ. The chastisement of the devotees of truth by those who brazenly speak out against their light is a token and a symbol of their un-Christlike state of consciousness. These slayers of the Lamb of God shall certainly give account for what they do; and those who heed them will find themselves caught in a web of darkness spun by those who have misappropriated the divine energy and entered into a negative fiat of their own egocentric creation.
…we expect that even the highest things of the Spirit will be placed under scrutiny by those who are unfamiliar with the teachings of the Masters, inasmuch as they have not experienced the rruth for themselves and have no a priori evidence to confirm what they hear.
Over the thread of the attention then the vortex is transferred from the aura of the speaker to that of the listener; in a flash there is a release of the crimson and black substance of criticism, condemnation and judgment, which leaps the gap between monads or even between groups and quickly subdues the enthusiasm, the joy and the great impulses of love and truth with which the Masters have imbued the innocent of heart….
Thus they forget that there is undoubtedly more to the spectrum of the devotee’s service than meets the eye; and they even forget the virtue that they themselves may have witnessed in the life of the one in question.
Absorbing then the negative concepts of the condemner, those who lend their ears to ungodly conversation are no longer in a position of judging righteous judgment. Failing to realize that they may lose their faculties of discernment by even listening to gossip, they become the unwitting victims of a hypnotic influence, a magnetic forcefield that spews from the aura of the betrayer as a smoke screen of deception. And if they are not wary little by little this forcefield will permeate their entire consciousness until at last they cast all their hopes into a sea of bitterness and discouragement.
These are among the most important and more obvious reasons why Saint Germain has so often admonished the students of light to avoid the criticism, condemnation and judgment of individuals and their activities. There are other reasons involving karma and the second death which I shall not go into at this time: suffice it to say that the return to the sender of such virulent energies directed against the children of God is fraught with grave danger. Knowing this law, the Master said: “Whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!”
Then there are those who are overly cautious and carry their reserve to an extreme. Let them not forget that God has given man the faculty of spiritual discernment through the Christ Self and the Threefold Flame within the heart. You therefore have the divine authority to discern the fruit of the Spirit in the lives of others, to apprise yourself of what is right and what is wrong, to shun evil and to expose its lie wherever manifest. But when you exercise this right you should do so impersonally and with humility–sitting not in the seat of the scornful, but ever beholding the reality of the Christ in those who have temporarily come under a sinister influence. ….= Unfortunately because of the nature of human habit, patterns entering the mind from the earliest years often seem correct when they are not, simply because of their long acceptance by the mind and feelings.
It is highly improper that students of the light should be impugned by those who do not understand that the kingdom of God is truly within all who will open the door of their hearts to Love and Light, to peace and joy, to forgiveness and the beautiful thoughts of others, consciously created and upheld….. Let the students of the light be aware not only of the subtleties of the dark powers but also of the salvation of our God, by whose grace all who follow in the Master’s footsteps shall be raised. -Divine Director, Pearl 14:35
unholy alliances in numerology counts to 63, same as ambitious, Neroli Duffy -r
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