Sunday, July 24, 2022
Those who sidestep the true and only path
1) I make a plea then this day for the great blessings of pure truth. The world is filled with subtlety and deceit and often the consciousness of man crawls upon its belly and by sinuous and devious ways seeks even to subvert the morality of self-honesty and self-appraisal.
None should search themselves for the purpose of condemnation, but all should be willing to acknowledge streaks of discord that have discolored their worlds -Pallas Athena, Pearl 9:25
2) Devious and ingenious are the ways of the purveyors of destruction who continue to create a battery of conflicting mortal opinions that assure mankind there will be no end of struggle. Yet in the realm of the Father, in the realm of the ascended masters, in heavenly realms joy without end resounds; and the fair magnitude of that city continues to draw the heads of men upward from destructive elements that appear upon the mortal screen to the new hope that beams from the sky. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 10:52
3) When men lost hope in unseen glories and turned outwardly rather than within to affirm the real they felt the prick of foreign objects upon the matrix of consciousness. At first this distortion was uncomfortable, but as devious patterns became implanted in consciousness the dutiful faculties of nature quickly molded themselves around them as easily as they had embraced pristine elements of their divine origin. Thus through habit mankind found comfort in the familiar albeit imperfect world he had superimposed upon his true inheritance. The rebellion of the spirit then must be understood as rejection of the distortions of past-age concepts, the heaving of the soul to shatter the clay mold that encases its identity. -Paul the Venetian, Pearl 11:3
4) “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Do you not see that peace must be forged by action? This does not mean the cessation of activity but rather a stepping up of the tempo of life’s purposes and the exhibition of courage and grace in all that you do. It is never wise to attempt to stamp out violence by violence, as some say, “to fight fire with fire”; rather quench the hot coals of hotheadedness by pouring cool refreshing water of life upon the burning, seething emotional vortex of man’s devious energies. For the patterns of hate creation always issue out of the void where there is no love or understanding. -Archeia Mary, Pearls of Wisdom 11:9
5) Those who sidestep the true and only path of attainment learn by devious methods and misuse of the chakras to create vortices of darkness on the astral as well as physical plane; thus they establish hypnotic47 forcefields57 (=104=4x26) of control whereby they exert an unwholesome influence over embodied and disembodied souls. Unwilling to surrender their human will and thereby receive the reward of the faithful–conscious dominion over the earth–these practitioners68 of black 11 arts 13 usurp23
(=115=5x23) the authority of the Godhead and plunge headlong into the pits19 of astral 17 delusion36 (=72=self-justification). -Hilarion, Pearl 14:37
6) The spiritual garnering of holy wisdom from the heart of God requires the mind of a little child. All sophistication of the world that has unfortunately become a part of the learning process has been a 1+ trick25 (=26)–and a very bad one at that–played upon mankind by serpentine mind. God is not devious, beloved hearts; He is as clear as a bell, pouring forth the notes of the magic flute of spiritual comprehension. -Nada, Pearl 14:20
7) In those days the manipulators of the law of the fifth ray were as devious in their despisings of the sons of light as they are today. They entered not into the consciousness of God, and they exerted a destructive influence upon those who were entering in as neophytes under the initiates of the mystery schools. -Nada, Pearl 23:6
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