Monday, July 11, 2022
the Spirit of unity and oneness
1) The deceits that are practiced in the world today which are intended to make puppets out of humanity cause them to scoff at truth and at things of Spirit. They laugh, but their mirth shall be cut short. Their boldness comes from those archenemies of righteousness who themselves believe and tremble but would tutor mankind otherwise. They create reservoirs of intellectual defenses for doctrines of atheism and agnosticism. They spawn doubt, fear and all manner of lies; they create confusion and spread it abroad, but their end will surely come....
Surely the goodness and mercy of God can be seen in the glory of the Sun, in the cycles of nature and in the perfection in life. Surely the honest of heart can discern the unreasoning face that seeks to spread mischief abroad in the land and in the world. The psychology of the Spirit sweetly and simply reveals the Law as the arbiter of man’s destiny and as the fruit of sowing of righteousness
-Morya, Pearl 12:42
2) The holy grail which holds the cherished power of our Savior’s life will put an end to strife, to gossip, to deceit, to defeat, to unholy alliances. It will determine for all time—for the merry domain of the old world made new—that we shall seal mankind in the heart of God as we once again seek to build a Camelot, where the light—the wondrous light of God—can be esteemed as the light that never fails to give its beams to lonely hearts. -Morya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on February 22, 1970 at Colorado Springs, Colorado, Pearl 62:4
3) I say sympathize not with human consciousness in all of its dismay and all of its sense of struggle. For I say to you this day that the carnal mind has a million and one ruses to trick outer consciousness that desires to be tricked. But those who desire to do the will of God--these cannot be tricked into an unholy alliance with darkness. For these know the voice that is in the wind and that is in the whitefire core of being.
My sheep know my voice. The devotees of the Mother know her voice, and they know the ever-present help of the Holy Spirit
-El Morya via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 10, 1973 at Colorado Springs,
Pearl 52:18
4) Men and women must understand that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give unto them every blessing including the blessings of His kingdom. They must understand that the Spirit of unity and oneness which is the eternal power of God is flowing into the world of form and is coupling souls together, not in an unholy alliance but in an alliance of holiness and wholeness where there is a clean manifestation of divine friendship, where mankind’s souls are exalted and they seek to bring out the best qualities in one another.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 50:27
5) For all who are hungry shall be filled, and none shall be left empty. Do you understand the meaning of this? It signifies the abundance of heaven. Do you understand the meaning of this, O great hearts of light, O transcendent ones saturated with the infinite power of God—you to whom is given to know the destiny of man, to whom is given to know how you can descend upon man with those great cosmic cords of love to bind those recalcitrant conditions in man until such a day as, of his own freewill he can at last understand that even though these recalcitrant conditions in man should be loosed upon the world, that because of the polarization of humanity toward the light they will not accept it, and evil will die of its own accord and unholy alliances will actually be destroyed because no one will feed them? -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 26:18
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