Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Rabia of Basra
In the sixth century dwellers in the city of Basrah in the land now known as Persia were often startled at the sight of a woman walking the streets carrying a pitcher of water in one hand and a flaming firebrand in the other, all the while fervently proclaiming, “I will throw fire into heaven, and water into hades in order to destroy these two veils and take them away from the eyes of men: for if men worship God for fear of hades, he shall be consumed therein; and if he worship Him in hope of heaven—he shall be excluded therefrom—but the ones who shall worship God for His own sake only and the sake of God’s eternal beauty shall have passed beyond these two veils...into God’s presence itself”!
Beloved ones, how clear and sweet in her day was the message of Rabia, for that was her name. In a very real sense her message remains a timely one today, showing as it does the power that lies like a gift in your hands when you use your attention to adore the immaculate concept which the Presence is and thus escape manifold hallucinations of human creation. Through attunement with your own God Presence I AM you will find clear understanding that the identity of that so-called God Presence itself—and the expressed term “image and likeness of God” is one and the same. This divine likeness He, God, intends all men to manifest right here and now, today, sustaining, renewing and transforming every man by the glory of that one’s own electronic God Presence—the I AM\ light dwelling in each human heart as a focus of the Presence.
As you accept the full measure of divine understanding which the Presence wants to bestow upon you—and welcome with joy the flow of golden healing oil of divine intelligence, comfort and healing as it drops like gentle rain from the hands of your own I AM\ Presence with infinite mercy you will clearly see as we do that the Presence beholds only the perfection of each part of the entire creation, and that this divine vision—sustained by God HJimself is the immaculate concept lying beyond the veil of human appearance and thought. Now every ascended being had to recognize their own God-perfection (no one can do this for another), and it is this perception of perfection expanding in ever-living light substance that will enable you to do what we have done and escape completely from the viselike grip of the appearance world.
Too long have imperfections moulded men in lesser human concepts. The old habits of the mind must give way to a new persistence in holding the attention on heaven’s own God-obedient light substance which always knows the perfect thing to do.
As you reach up to your Presence for more and more of God it will be of great benefit if you always try to be conscious that the expression “the Presence of God I AM’ in you” refers solely to God; for the I AM is ever only all of God. When the term “made in his image and likeness” was used in ancient writings—it referred to the I AM in whose pattern (or image) man was created as a God-free being which is the selfsame thought or divine conception which He, God, still holds for the creation of His own heart.
In order to derive the greatest benefit from the immaculate concept I AM lovingly directing that you think of yourself as knowing that I AM the perfect goal for which God is fitting me daily! Remove from your consciousness self-condemnation for past mistakes you have made—they are over and past; avoid repetitions as you move forward in the light. You belong to God and He wants to claim His own. Therefore always hold this immaculate concept for yourself! Practice too holding an immaculate concept for all others of the children of men (so often those who do find fault with others need the same correction themselves). We always hold the concept of perfection for each of our chelas, although we are aware of their limitation and always know just what is needed there.
Beloved ones, did you ever realize the great spiritual benefit to be obtained by the practice (in addition to holding the immaculate concept for yourself and others) of holding an immaculate concept of God? Men often worship a God made in their own image, do you see? Then too it is vital that our chelas be ever conscious of the goodness of God and that their own I AM Presence always knows the right thing to do each day. One should guard against feelings of rebellion which are always born of ignorance. The real purpose in holding an immaculate concept of God is to fulfill the law of reciprocity by lovingly and willingly doing for God that which He has so long done for you—completing the law of the circle. As you do this you will find flowing into your world daily a greater portion of His love, His light and His life, even as we do. Welcome greater abundance of heaven’s grace!
I wish you God-success in anchoring a unified trinity of existence (self, others and God) in an immaculate concept, an integrated wholeness that holds all that is in arms of unfailing light! Persistently so doing, you will find breaking forth into your own world the reality of a wider field of consciousness wherein you will see and retain an abundantly lovely vision of God in man, in the universe and in you.
I AM progressively guiding you,
In the name of my own beloved I AM Presence I decree:
My heart is now on fire
I AM the light of God,
No fear or doubt can hold me
Or chain me to the sod.
I AM the pulse of heaven’s love,
The song of victory,
The truth that never can be hid,
The Word that sets men free!
Immaculate concept ever true,
O keep me keeping on
Till victory in light’s full view
Seals all with ‘well done’!
Pearls of Wisdom 2:41
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