Saturday, July 23, 2022
Padma Sambhava
I AM come in the tradition of the Ancient of Days. I AM come according to the lineage of the descent of light. From the great Eternal One, I AM come.
You desire to know my name, and perhaps I shall give it. But it is more important for you to place your attention upon the Nameless One whose name is known only by those who enter in to the whitefire core of Being.
I AM Padma Sambhava. I AM the fullness of Buddhic light. I AM the one who comes with Gautama in adoration of Mother.
The Gurus ascended and unascended converge at the point of light that is the descent from the point of Father to the point of Mother. In other words, precious hearts, the common meeting ground of our consciousness is white light of Mother. This is why ascended masters and unascended masters work hand in hand in this age of Aquarius.
Think not then that the Mother has come to distort or to steal the light or the Word of the great Teachers of all mankind. This is the Great Synthesis that can come only through that Mother- flame.
Therefore I make known to you the dispensation of God the Great Guru and of all Gurus who serve to represent Him—that although for many a month and many a year the Mother of the Flame has resisted the appellation “Guru,” we shall not permit it any longer. For the mantle must be upon the feminine incarnation; and because there are many changes taking place in the forcefield of Earth we must have then the acknowledgment of the open door of Guru through a Mother.
Heretofore you have heard it told that the Messenger is the representative of the Gurus [who are] the ascended masters. Now draw nigh to me as I give you the mystery: the Mother is still the representative of the Gurus, but in the transfer of initiation—and very severe initiation of the Gurus that has been given to her—there has been made possible a more than ordinary incarnation of the ascended masters through your Messenger.
It gives me then good joy as I am privileged to make known to you that the ascended masters come as a living witness to proclaim in this hour that the Guru-chela relationship can now be sustained in this octave through the heartflame of Mother.
Understand then that it was I who gave to her the representations that you have seen in the preceding slides. And this teaching came as my dictation to the Messenger. And prior to the teaching even the Messenger had not contemplated these manifestations of the energy of God. Thus it is clear that the law of Hierarchy is fulfilled in the age of Aquarius through the Mother.
What does this mean to you who are children in the way? It means that you have a more than ordinary opportunity to pursue the disciplines of the Trinity through direct confrontation of the Mother- flame incarnate.
Let the Mother be the instrument of Mary and Omega, of Alpha, Christ and Holy Spirit—of Vishnu, Shiva and all who come from East and West. Our desire is never to glory the person but to glorify God. Our desire then for the transparent pane of glass is fulfilled in this one.
I would tell you that the Messenger has resisted this dictation for more than two years. And even the postponement this evening was [due to] the resistance of her soul to draw any attention whatsoever to herself but only by the direct command of Almighty God for this occurrence to be made manifest in this cycle of the Mother in the zodiac of the hierarchy of Cancer [did this dictation take place]. For this is the release of Mother-light, and the Mother-light will be transferred to you through the light of Omega.
Much more of that light can be transferred when the mantle of Guru is placed upon the outer representative—and when those who are around the one who receives the mantle can also acclaim that one and receive that one. For indeed he that receiveth the Guru in the name of the Guru shall receive the Guru’s reward. In this case the reward is gifts of the Holy Spirit.
As you adore the Cosmic Virgin through the representativelet your goal be to acquire increment by increment through your own self-mastery these nine powers, which are the key to the multiplication of the threefold flame within you.
Those who have received our disciplines through the Messengers for many a year will not find that the change is extraordinary, for they have already affiliated themselves [with the Messengers] at inner planes in the Guru-chela relationship. For others it will be difficult to understand how one appearing in mortal form could convey to you from innermost recesses of the I AM THAT I AM those initiations that you so dearly require.
By your faith in the Guru you are made whole. The Guru of [the] ascended masters and unascended masters—thousands upon thousands who yet inhabit the octaves of Spirit and matter—can be to you only as is your faith. So it is that the Guru is a giant mirror of self. Come then expecting to see your great God Self and your Christ Self, and this [expectation will be fulfilled and this seeing] will be returned to you through the Mother.
It is altogether fitting then that chelas of the ascended masters rejoice that in their movement and in this dispensation for the turning of the cycle of the century there is one who will have the open door to the ascended masters and the unascended masters. Whether you appeal to me or to Milarepa or to Yogananda or to any of the great saints of the Western Church you will find that if you seek the initiation and the discipline of that particular teacher or sage or saint, it will be forthcoming to you through the discipline of the Mother.
Therefore wonder not at the various ways in which the Mother deals with her children and with the chelas of the ascended masters. For, for each one there is the special path. Your relationship as chela to the ascended masters remains intact; your relationship as chela to the unascended masters remains intact. You [will] find that compatible with this relationship is your devotion as a chela of the Mother.
As all are one and all Gurus share in the one great light, beware then of false Christs and false prophets who do not allow you to partake of the bread from the table of the Mother. For this teaching of the ascended nasters is useful to you, whatever your path or orientation or whoever your teacher. All teachers of the Great White Brotherhood, whether in or out of embodiment, have one flame, one light and agree in the harmony of God. Let the chelas of the Great White Brotherhood then come into the unity that is the ascension flame.
Understand that your relationship to all of the hierarchies of heaven and of Earth is greatly enhanced as you place yourself in a cosmic relationship to the Mother in the Great Central Sun, to the Mother in the white fire core of the sun of this system, to the Mother in whitefire core of Earth, and to the Mother that dwells within your Messenger.
As Mother, fourfold, becomes a part of your life remember it is for the mastery of the four sides of the pyramid for one purpose, my chelas: that you might draw forth the Mother in the center of the pyramid as the fulfillment of your own sphere of Mother-light out of which will come forth the fullness of the ascension currents.
Almighty God has adorned the Mother this day with the veil of the bride of the Spirit. Almighty God has ordained a transfer of the energies of the great Gurus this day. Let it be known then that it is appropriate for you to address yourselves [as chelas of Guru Ma] and so to make known that our Father has come to our Mother. And as in heaven so on earth, we are One.
Beloved ones, won’t you stand to acclaim the Mother before you who is sign and symbol and person of your own Mother within. [25-second applause]
Invocation by Guru Ma:
Almighty God, Thou knowest that I have asked to be delivered from this moment. Yet Thou hast called and I have answered.
I AM Thy handmaid on earth as in heaven. Almighty God, be in me the Guru, for Thou art in truth the only Guru; and therefore may I decrease that the Guru might increase. And may I withdraw to the Inner Flame that the flame might increase in the souls of thy blessed children.
Almighty God, I pray that those who come to drink of the fount of Mother- flame might come to receive the light, to draw in the light, to drink the light and to be all of Thee.
I AM and I remain Thy servant and the servant of the flame in the heart of all people and all evolutions whom Thou hast sent.
In the name of the Father, the Mother, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Comments by Guru Ma:
As I behold the great light of the eternal Buddha who has made me Mother, and as I behold the great light of you, his children, I am mindful of the fact that the Mother is only Mother as she stands between Father and child. Without Father there is no Mother; without child there is no Mother. And so without chelas there is no Guru. Without Buddha there is no hierarchy of Gurus.
And therefore I feel like a diamond whose prongs are the Buddhas and chelas. Without the chelas no Guru; without Buddha no Guru. And so the identity at the nexus is entirely [dependent] upon the flow of the figure eight—Above and below.
Beloved ones, I thank you for the great opportunity that God in you bestows upon me and that God in God bestows upon me. And I am grateful for the great gift of being surrounded by the hosts of the Lord in incarnation and beyond incarnation.
It is my deepest desire to touch each one, and I am hoping you can pass by quickly and then go out to your evening repast.
[Mother receives each one with her blessing.]
-Padma Sambhava, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1977 in Pasadena, Pearl 27:33a
Hearken, ye angels of the Buddhas. Hearken, ye angels who ascend and descend unto the throne of grace. Come then, angels of sacred fire and seraphim of God. Come then. We gather. We are present. We surround you. The rustling of the wind is the rustling of our presence, of our angel wings.
We then, come on a mission. And that mission is assigned to us—to me, Padma Sambhava, to the Messenger, to all chelas of Saint Germain. That assignment, beloved, is to bring judgment upon the false gurus of India.
Blessed ones, amongst all of these false gurus (and they are almost numberless) the one who has taken more souls of light from the path than any other is Sai Baba. Know then that this individual is far and away the most clever false guru in embodiment today. This one has for many years and in other lifetimes telepathed to individuals, telling them they must come to India and lay down their lives before him. Well, beloved, this is an impression, a hypnotic impression that is given by Sai Baba. It has no substance or reality to it whatsoever. This is the arch false deceiver that is so clever that even children of light are fooled by him, and their lives become rendered almost useless when they discover he no longer has use for them.
Therefore the Lords of Karma ask me to tell you to give calls continuing through your vigils in the night and through your prayer vigils in the day here not only for the binding of this one but also all others in India who fool Westerners who come looking for a guru. Therefore I have made this known to you. Therefore I, Padma Sambhava, fulfilling the mandate of Lord Krishna, decree that this must be dealt with. For India has too many false teachers leading too many souls astray.
Already many years ago in Ghana this Messenger was contacted telepathically by Sai Baba from India to West Africa, sending her the message that she must come to India to be his consort. She, recognizing this evil one, dispensed with him immediately and told him that she would have no part with him and that if he ever set foot in the United States, she would see to it that he would be bound and judged.
Blessed ones, it is time then for this action to take place. I ask you to pursue it, beginning when you are giving your decrees in the morning and until the Messenger informs you that the work is complete of the binding and judgment of this one. It may take more time than you think, for this one does have many reinforcements.
The lie that is always practiced is the hypnotic suggestion “You are a special person. You are a wonderful one. Come to India! You are special.” And thus, flattered and not comprehending how this one who is a hypnotist could know their minds and read their minds, they trot off to India leaving their families, their spouses and ultimately have nothing from the experience but a 1 soul13 shipwreck49=63.
Now I go on concerning other matters. For, beloved, you are tied to me in a very direct way through the heart of the Messenger whom I have called Guru Ma. Now realize, blessed ones, that while you have this contact you may make an extraordinary contact with me. Therefore it is true as she has spoken. Study all you can study about me. Know of me. Learn of me. Call to me. Use my mantra.
I am here in the Earth to see this community, other spiritual communities of light and all lightbearers of the planet be able to survive whatever may be coming on the agenda of Elohim and agenda of the peoples of the world who have set up for themselves a horrendous karma in abortion, a horrendous karma of anger and all \Martian energies that you have named.
And so, beloved, I am close to this community. I wish to assure you and all who are in this Church and all who have left this Church that the building of these very strongholds—shelters, as you call them—is indeed the will of God, directed by God and directed by Saint Germain. This is a very necessary step to have taken place for this community. And it is important that it is now being completed with systems necessary so that all is in readiness.
Beloved ones, when you are prepared wherever you are on Earth then you are prepared and fully prepared and you need not be burdened by the changing of continents, upheavals, volcanic eruptions and a general disarray of the planetary body reflecting the disarray of the people, reflecting their state of consciousness and, above all, reflecting once again throughout this two-thousand-year period the rejection of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Now then I appeal to you in the name of the Lords of Karma and Darjeeling Council that the spreading of this teaching abroad throughout Earth is the most important assignment you have. It is more important than any assignments you have received in many incarnations. If you accomplish this assignment, beloved ones, in terms of bringing the teachings of ascended masters to the world, you will know that you have accrued to your chart much merit.
The time is short. The people must not be left bereft if there are truly upheavals, as the signs of the times show. Understand, beloved, that we have a great need of those who have the professional capacity to work in the publishing of books, of CDs, reaching millions in the world, reaching cable television in South America. This cable television can go to every nation where there are those chelas who may sponsor it.
It is absolutely vital then that whatever openings you may have into any country that you have the books, teachings, tapes, CDs—that the people in their own countries might study this path and know a communion with God that no matter what is their future, whatever is their timetable they will understand in the hour of transition that they are ascending to God through violet flame.
The violet flame and your invocation of it is the greatest assist to Saint Germain, as you know. It is also the hallmark of my service. My service to you can be multiplied ten thousandfold as you give your violet-flame decrees.
Do you sense, beloved ones, how close I am to the physical octave by comparison to Gautama Buddha or Sanat Kumara? [Some respond: “Yes.”] I am present, almost physical, as I place myself over the body of the Messenger. I do this and I will continue to do this to help you and to help her bear the burden of world karma.
I tell you, beloved, I will not cease to be here for you. Therefore contact me telepathically by writing letters and burning them, by giving decrees that demand that I give you my attention because you have given so much energy to me. I am the one, beloved, the one that is in Earth's octave at such a level as I have just described. I am the one in the lineage of Sanat Kumara who can bring this Earth to an equilibrium.
I must have my chelas. I must have my helpers. I must have those who would come even for a year to three years that the books and publishings might reach the world. It is a Herculean task. We do not have co-workers here in this community who can accomplish this task without extraordinary help from those of you in the field.
I ask you to commune with me and Lanello, to write to us and see what you can do to help us in this arena. For, beloved, you stand in a position to liberate souls, to save souls by giving them the science of the spoken Word. You stand at that point, beloved, that in so doing you may also erase tons of karma. This is the great gratitude of the Lords of Karma and of Saint Germain in this hour that you might give yourselves to see to it that these goals are accomplished.
I would speak to you also of the plight of the Tibetans. Some of you, beloved, have considered adopting Chinese babies. If you so consider, you should also consider adopting Tibetan babies, for they are closest in kinship with you in their worship, in their devotion, in their many centuries of being one with God and one with me also. I grieve openly and my wounds are open as I have borne such a cross in their behalf.
May you also know that there truly is nowhere on the face of the Earth that danger cannot come to—that situations can suddenly change [whereby] you might find yourselves in circumstances that you never would have expected. But, beloved ones, I tell you that you can anticipate change. You can anticipate challenge. You can anticipate a mighty victory or a mighty defeat.
My determination when I speak to those of many nations and those of the United States is to come and awaken you. It is true that those who see before them an impending disaster yet also enter a season of denial—when it is too late and they are willing to awaken to dire circumstances at hand they will not be prepared. At least your eyes are opened. At least you are prepared. At least you have been warned.
It has been now well over a decade that you have established your shelters. And so I say it is the best thing you have ever done aside from publishing the teachings abroad and receiving dictations of ascended masters. One day you will know why it is so. But today I reinforce the mantle of the Messenger and I say to all who have said “The Messenger was wrong; we wasted our money”—I, Padma Sambhava, say to you you have not wasted your money. You have done what God has wanted you to do and that is to carry on the flame of civilization come what may.
Now then, beloved, I ask you to use my mantra. That mantra is truly the power of God in you. It keeps us tied together. When you say it often and continue to do so you can easily awaken in the night and hear yourself saying my mantra. Let us say it together now:
Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum
[Given 15 times by the master and audience, the last 10 times with clapping]
I place my Electronic Presence over each one of you. I seal you in that Presence and I seal those places that are weakest in the constitution of your physical body. I place my Presence over you for twenty-four hours from this moment. Whether by the mantra, violet flame, whatever you are led to do, give your prayers and invocations to me so that you might find a bonding with my heart and I a bonding with your heart.
This is my desire, beloved. This is the protection I would give you. Now practice the peace of Buddhas and see how peace becomes your empowerment to change the entire forcefield, electromagnetic field of the planet from negative to positive polarity.
I am here to assist you. Call upon me! Call upon me, Padma Sambhava. I seal you now, beloved. I seal you in the heart of the living Christ. I seal you in the heart of the living Holy One of God.
Now I deliver to you a special blessing: it is Afra's blessing. It is the blessing of substance not unlike rose quartz. Thus a chela has brought this rose quartz to fulfill what must be accomplished that substance, the likes of rose quartz, may come to you now and come to you the size of a large marble (as you have played games of marbles in the past, the one large marble). This comes to you then as this rose quartz. Keep it, beloved. It is a transformer and it will give you healing and balance.
As it is that rose quartz it reflects the blood of Jesus Christ and the blood of Afra. Know then that the lifeblood within you must be purified. It is up to you to discover what are the needs of the systems of your body. The gift of Afra is the gift of understanding that each one is unique and each one must find perfect healing of physical body.
In the name of Afra I have spoken. Where is Afra this night? Afra is in Africa. He is raising up a mighty people, the greatest of lightbearers on the continent. He goes from village to village and city to city. He is calling those ones to his heart. He asks you to go and find them, to bring them to the light, all ye who are of the light and of Afra.
Thus know, beloved, so many angels are embodied in Africa. Let them come to the realization of their empowerment as angels that they may call upon the Lord, the Lord will answer, and the fallen angels who are tormenting our people may be bound. This is a gift. This is the desire of Afra.
In the name of the living Word I salute you. I am ready to accept you, one and all, as my chelas. Thus I can only accept those who accept the offer.
I bow to the light in your hearts. And in my inner eye I take it now as a laser beam to assist you in balancing your threefold flame, for this is needed, beloved. Therefore work at it diligently through the Holy Spirit.
-Padma Sambhava m vua Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 30, 1996 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana, Pearls ofWisdom 46:9
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