Wednesday, July 6, 2022
osing orthodoxy
Know then\ that in the fullness of joy of angels I come to gather my own unto the victory of life everlasting, to call you and to call you again to return to my heart and to see me as I truly AM in the victory of the ascension–one who walks midst those who are of the light and does not necessarily enter those paths of organized religion and orthodoxy [whose hierarchs] have closed out my heart and my Teaching behind their garrisoned walls where they render themselves impervious to the cries of the people or to their proper role of challenging the evildoer. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 31:88
Let it be then that you embrace my Teaching and that you recognize that the persecution of sacred mysteries and those who bear them in this age does require that all who catch the spirit of the message here stated therefore band together and present themselves as a movement of light that may not be set aside—whose members apart might have been put down or persecuted, but as one fervent heart, one sacred heart dedicated to my Mother through me might then be a magnet to magnetize a world, to literally pull it up and away from the old magnetism of lower levels of orthodoxy that truly have entombed me and left me upon the cross crucified and therefore left my sons and daughters and my children crucified on a cross of iron and steel and a Cain civilization with all of its burdens -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 30:56
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 30:21
Those who do not then acknowledge the Christ of me as the Christ of Maitreya may not receive the kingdom of God, for it is the chain of Hierarchy, and not an isolated favorite son that conforms to a fabricated orthodoxy that can win [the victory] for the individual. Just as the denial of my Mother, Mary, is the denial of my own seed and incarnation through her, so, beloved, to think that flesh and blood can reveal that Christ or be that Christ is an error that does not convey salvation. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 31:88
Now, beloved, as you can well imagine we look to an Earth that can receive these souls whom we are preparing. Our plans are vast for the incarnation of these ones who, if left alone by fallen ones and [left] unobstructed in their own soul’s awareness by a false hierarchy and an orthodoxy that is dead and long dead, they will enter. They will claim the Christ-flame! They will claim their Mighty I AM Presence! And you
might find yourselves even as their leaders, hastening to catch up to your followers, as one among you was wont to say one fine day. -Morya, Pearl 32:33
It is the hour then when we from the ascended and unascended state can bequeath to you and the world profound teaching and a great deal of it that will surely last through the age of Aquarius for many souls who [through this organization] will find freedom from the locked chain of orthodoxy. -Lanello, Pearl 34:15
This illumination, beloved, can come through all mystical paths of the world’s religions that are being revealed to you. But I tell you, orthodoxy in every world religion and a priest class who are not servants of light and not Sons of the Solitude do block true revelation of the indwelling God. Therefore expand the paths of mysticism. Renew them, intensify them, review them so that you may understand how it is that a soul [journeying] on one of these [mystical] paths will more clearly understand union with God [through
her religion -Sarasvati, Pearl 35:39
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