Wednesday, July 27, 2022
initiations of ruby cross
And therefore did Godfre come on the occasion of the founding of this activity to bring you the tremendous heart of General George Washington and President George Washington and truly the Messenger of the end of this age. Blessed hearts, with that fervor and that light and that causal body, that causal body of Richard the Lion-Hearted, you can understand that there is a great heart even in this one ascended master who has been a part of the sponsoring of this community of light.
-Morya, Pearl 33:35
But the house of Israel will not hearken unto thee; for they will not hearken unto me: for all the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted.
Behold, I have made thy face strong against their faces, and thy forehead strong against their foreheads.
As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks though they be a rebellious house.
Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart and hear with thine ears.
And go, get thee to them of the captivity, unto the children of thy people, and speak unto them and tell them, Thus saith the Lord God; whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear.
Then the Spirit took me up, and I heard behind me a voice of a great rushing, saying, Blessed be the glory of the Lord from His place.
I heard also the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, and the noise of the wheels over against them, and a noise of a great rushing.
So the Spirit lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my Spirit; but the hand of the Lord was strong upon me.
Then I came to them of the captivity at Telabib that dwelt by the river of Chebar, and I sat where they sat and remained there astonished among them seven days
-Ezekiel 3
Beloved Who Have the Courage to Accept the Lord’s Commission:
Be thou not afraid! Neither of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flieth by day; neither of pestilence that walketh in darkness nor of destruction that wasteth at noonday! For I the Lord thy God AM with thee.
O America, O nations of Earth! I AM Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days. I live forevermore within thy midst to show unto thee the way of the watchmen on the wall of the Lord. I call the sons and daughters of light to mount their positions on the north gate, the east gate, the south gate and the west gate of the City Foursquare. For destruction lieth in wait at the comings and the goings of the children of God. And the hosts of the Lord are encamped round about for the victory.
The seven holy Kumaras enlist the support of numberless numbers from every walk of life, every path of initiation, to join and enjoin the legions of light in the battle for preservation of the flame of freedom on Earth. Let the child choose to become the Son and invoke the full inheritance of his joint-heirship with Christ to put down the slayers and betrayers of an infant humanity aborning in the womb of the Mother.
Sons of God in the vanguard of the victory, I AM come to release to you the sacred science of the Mother for your embodiment of the four faces of Christ. Now study the cosmic clock that has been given to you by Mother Mary through the Messengers. For the foundation of the building of the City Foursquare has already been laid in her outline of the four quadrants of being and in the four Persons of the Godhead to be crystallized within soul through the alchemical elements fire, air, water and earth.
Now let us use this cosmic clock to diagram the offices of the Four Cosmic Forces: the Lion as the Father, the Calf as the Holy Spirit, the Man as the Son and the Eagle as the Mother. Initiators of the soul under the hierarchies of Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio, they make the sign of the ruby cross.
These Four Persons of Cosmic Christhood are the initiators–through Lord Maitreya, Lord Gautama, Lord Jesus and me through the 0ffice of the Mother and the two witnesses–of the initiations foursquare on the path of the ruby ray. These initiations are: the initiation of sacrifice under the Lion, the Initiation of service under the Calf, the initiation of surrender under the Man and the initiation of selflessness under the Eagle.
Now if you are in accord to enter the path of the ruby ray and to receive its initiations, you must address the Incarnate Word in the following order of your soul’s submission to the hierarchy of light to whom the Nameless One has entrusted the ruby ray in your behalf:
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Holy Christ Self and beloved Holy Christ Selves of the saints of the Church, beloved two witnesses, Lanello and Mother, beloved Jesus the Christ, beloved Maitreya Buddha, beloved Gautama Buddha, beloved Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, beloved hosts of the Lord serving unto the throne of the Lord God Almighty: I AM Thy living potential become Thy quickening Spirit. I AM Thy child who has claimed Thy Sonship. In Thy name I AM THAT I AM I therefore invoke the initiations of ruby ray through Thy emissaries and Thy messengers above and below, in Spirit and in matter. For I and my Father are one, and I will to be
Thy witness on the path of sainthood.
Having made this invocation, you are now ready to receive the two witnesses as the person of Christ Jesus come in the flesh. This confession is your calling and necessary conviction for your beginning on the path.
As the two witnesses bear to you my good tidings and true teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ so the Lord Jesus, in the advent of this his Second Coming into your heart, speaks to you of initiations of his great Guru, the Lord Maitreya:
First you must show forth, my beloved, the face of the Lion, archetype of the Great Baptizer by water and by fire. Through the initiation of sacrifice–the sacrifice of the self–your soul shall slay the beast of self-indulgence and enter into the baptism of the Lord.
To be baptized of him is to experience with him the opening of the heavens and descent of the Spirit of God lighting upon you in Him and Him in you “like a dove.” To be baptized of Him is to hear the voice from heaven saying “This is my beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased. This is my beloved Son of man in whom I AM in the indwelling Son of God.” To be baptized with Him is to be the instrument with Him of the transfer of fire and water unto the multitudes through the mastery of the heart. It is to teach the mastery of the Self, the soul in the Christ, in the etheric (memory) fire body.
The Lion is the wayshower through the hierarchy of Leo and the fire element. He is the archetype of the Christ in the fire quadrant of the Spirit/matter universe. He teaches the command of sacred fire in heaven and in earth through the angels of fire and elementals of fire. Thus through the sacrifice of the mutable self in small ways and in great you shall gain self-mastery of the immutable Self: the Lion. And you the Lion shall discover the Self to Be the “ION of Light.” You the “free electron” who by free election will become the “Permanent Atom” having the positive charge, saying, “I AM that I AM.” And behold, the Lion’s ION is with God! “I and my Father are One.”
Second, my beloved, you must show forth the face of the Calf, archetype of Christ crucified. Through the initiation of service your soul shall slay the beast of self-love and enter into the crucifixion of the Lord.
To be crucified with him is to be with him on the ruby cross in the death of the human ego and in the life of the divine Ego. To be crucified with him is to be with him in the alchemy of Self-transcendence whereby this mortal shall put on immortality and this corruptible shall put on incorruption. To be crucified with him is to be sealed with him, chela with the Guru, in the tomb of Spirit/matter.
This tomb is the ruby cube suspended as the sarcophagus within the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Within the center of the ruby cube suspended at the two-thirds level where the fire burns brightly the crucified one declares to thy soul:
I in thou and thou in me
Before Resurrection’s Spirit we bow,
Thou in me and I in thee
To Resurrection’s flame we vow.
I in the Father, the Father in me
Now, O soul, we make our abode with thee.
Come forth, O Threefold Flame of Life,
Be now the resurrection of the Lamb
Within the Lamb’s wife.
Come forth, O light of immortality,
Consume the dark of that mortality.
Descend, O Spirit of Living Fire,
Thou Incorruptible One!
Descend, consume all death desire
Snuff out the corruptible one.
To be crucified with him is to be with him this day in paradise in the bliss of Alpha and Omega within the nexus of the rose cross. To be crucified with him is to be the instrument of the water, the blood and the wine unto the initiates of sacred fire processioning to the Sphinx, the Great Guru in Taurus. It is to teach the mastery of the Self, the soul in Christ, in physical (earth) body.
The Calf is the wayshower through the hierarchy of Taurus and the earth element. The Calf is the archetype of the Christ in the earth quadrant of the Spirit/matter universes, the Christ of Alpha/Omega come in the fohat (fire) of the El (Elohim). He teaches the command of the earth form and formless, of the Mother and the Father in the base and crown chakras, through angel devas of earth and elementals of earth.
Third, my beloved, you must show forth the face of a Man, archetype of the living Savior who saves his own through the resurrection of the soul unto your God and my God, your Father and my Father, ‘your’ I AM Presence who is also ‘my’ I AM Presence; for “I AM THAT I AM.” Through the initiation of surrender–the surrender of the self–your soul shall slay the beast of selfishness and enter into the resurrection of the Son of man.
To be resurrected with him is to be the Christ mind in the air quadrant. The literal inner meaning of Man–M-a-n–is the one who has become the Mother- atom with the negative charge. In other words the Son of God (+) who is incarnate in the Son of man (-) is become the archetype of androgynous (+/-) being in \matter (-). To be the Son of man means to evince the face, the jmage, of the only begotten Son of God. To be resurrected with him is to resurrect that image in whose likeness every living soul was made. And every living soul who is quickened must be quickened by that image, and without that image was not any thing made that was made. It is an engram impressed upon the rods and cones of consciousness.
Souls moving to the fount of the living waters of the Ancient of Days, borne by the Christ of Aquarius, know that face shining through the prophets and saints. To be with him in the resurrection is to be with him in the tomb of matter for the victory of life over hell and death, for the proving unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel that death is not real and that the soul can transcend itself and the cycles of karma in time and space by the glorious Spirit of the Resurrection. To be with him in the tomb is to invoke the flame of the Resurrection with angelic representatives of Alpha and Omega standing at the ‘beginning’ and the ‘ending’, in Aries and in Pisces, at the ‘head’ and the ‘feet’ of the body of the Lord.
To be with the man of Pisces who in you and in Saint Germain is become the man of Aquarius is to descend into hell, into astral plane to exhort that impudent and hardhearted house of Israel–to warn the wicked from his wicked way and to warn the righteous man from his iniquity. To be the initiate of the Great Guru in Aquarius, the blessed and beloved Saint Germain, the Son of man in the Son of God, the ascended master, is to teach and to preach to the whole body of God during forty cycles from the hour of thy resurrection until the hour of thy ascension. It is to transfer the entire contents of the “roll of a book” given to Ezekiel and the “little book” given to John to the children of God on earth.
Therefore keepers of the flame of God-freedom in Aquarius who would resurrect the full glory of the person of the Ancient of Days, of his memory and \ mind of God in him, must be responsible for all of the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood that have gone before in this dispensation of our two witnesses. Let them then wisely study to show themselves approved unto God in order that they might receive, day by day, the initiations of ruby ray. Let them secure our Word published in book and tape and lesson. Let them eat it up unto the ‘bitterness’ and ‘burning’ in the belly and the bowels until the whole man is made whole in the face of a Man.
The face of a Man is the wayshower through the hierarchy of Aquarius and the air element. This image of the Christ fashioned as a Man teaches the command of the air in form and formlessness, of the soul in the seat-of-the-soul and \ third-eye chakras, through angels of the terrible crystal and the Great Silent Watchers of the all-seeing Eye immaculate.
Fourth, my beloved, you must show forth the face of the flying Eagle, archetype of the Great Regenerator of water and of earth, Energy (Spirit) of Alpha/Omega in the Geometry of the El in Earth (matter). Through the initiation of selflessness your soul shall slay the beast of self-idolatry and self-love and enter into the ascension of the flying Eagle.
To be with him in the ascension you must first show yourself alive with him after your crucifixion and your resurrection “by many infallible proofs...and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.” To be regenerated of him is to be baptized of the Holy Ghost. To partake of his ascension is to be witnesses of his ascension “both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” by the power of the Holy Ghost.
To be with him in the ascension is to follow him
From the three crosses of Golgotha that he bore,
To the hill of Bethany where he wore
Transparent garments of living light
And the Cloud received him out of their sight.
To be with him in the ascension
Is to tarry in the New Jerusalem
Until ye see him come, the King of Glory,
“In like manner as ye have seen him go.”
To be ascended with him and yet to remain unascended is to witness unto Christ’s teachings yea his demonstration of the ascension that is promised in the end of this age to all who shall preach his gospel to every nation and every plane of being. To ascend with him is to move in and among the multitudes with a message of the soul’s liberation through Mother-light–the white light of her ascending currents within thy body. Ascending with her, with him, “thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.”
The flying Eagle, archetype of the Woman, is the wayshower through the hierarchy of Scorpio, teaching the children of God how the path of human generation becomes the path of divine regeneration through raising up of \ sacral energies of life through all chakras of being from the base of the spine unto the crown.
The flying Eagle is the vision of the Woman united with the Holy Ghost, the shakti of Shiva teaching her children soul-mastery through single-minded, single-eyed purpose: union with the God-Self through the soul’s self-effacement on the path of selflessness. The hierarchy of Scorpio through Elohim and angels and elementals of water in earth teach the mastery of self in the desire body through the solar plexus and the soul’s self-immersion in the Christ in the water quadrant whose mastery in Mother is the spoken Word in the full power and authority of the throat chakra. To ascend with Christ in the Woman is to be translated into the kingdom of the Father’s dear Son and to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints who have ascended in light.
The ascension, my beloved, is the goal of the path of ruby ray. But we have many steps to cover until that day and many steps to uncover as you direct, in the name of the Lord and the hierarchy of His hosts, the ruby ray into the footsteps of your karma and your dharma that you have left as imprints on the sands of time and space.
Some of these you will efface
By violet fire of thy soul freedom in the Holy Spirit, the Calf.
Some of these you will trace
By the blue lightning of thy goodwill in the Father, the Lion .
Some of these you will embrace
By the flame of Resurrection, of thy inner Word,
Submitting the markings of your words and deeds
to love/wisdom of the Son, the Man.
But in the end of your beginning you will replace
All those footprints in the sands of time and space
With leaping lights as lantern markers
for all who will come that way.
And thou, the soaring Eagle, will receive winged sandals of light
As thy soul takes flight,
Once more earthward to catch the eaglets of the Mother
In the swell of thy ascending garment.
Then, heaven-bound, this final round
Will ope the door in heaven
That another may find what thou hast found.
And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?
And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.
And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
Revelation 5
Beloved Who Are of the Lion of the Tribe of Juda
and Who Know the Root of David as the Living Christ:
Behold he cometh unto thee, O children of the Most High God. Behold he is in thy midst, and I AM in the midst of thee, and we are one in the Lion, the Calf, the Man and the flying Eagle.
The book is the book of the living Christ. The seven seals seal the seven spheres of the Cosmic Christ consciousness which are his to transfer through the path of initiation on the ruby ray to the sons and daughters of God. Ye cannot receive these initiations except ye become as a little child, and the little child then choose to become the Manchild, accepting the proffered gift of Sonship according to the covenants of the God of Israel.
Thus I the Ancient of Days have dwelt upon the mysteries of Sonship before proceeding with the understanding of the opening of the book and loosing of the seven seals. The seven seals are upon the seven planes of heaven and seven spheres of the Universal Causal Body of God and the individual causal bodies of those who elect to be God because they are of God. The seven seals seal the path of initiation and the light of the Cosmic Christ from all except those who are the true heirs of the white light of the ascension because they have submitted to the fiery furnace of the rose cross and initiations foursquare and the four initiators on the path of the ruby ray. These are they who are made unto our God kings and priests: and they shall reign on earth as in heaven.
No man is found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon, save the Manchild fully clothed with the light of the Ancient of Days and the descent of that light through the progressive order of hierarchical revelation. The Root of David is the lineal descent of Christed being marked by the seven planes of heaven, the seven spheres of the causal body and the seven chakras in the body of God. The seven-sealed book is the record of the Great Pyramid of Life of which each individual Christed Son is at once the whole and the part–the All in the all, the geometry of the Pyramid and a single, lively stone within it.
The lineal descent from the great white throne to the soul/saint moving in time and space is a seven-tiered spiral, reaching from earth to heaven and heaven to earth. The fourth tier is the mystical light in the center of the Pyramid, the flame in the heart of the Great Pyramid of Life that is the inner spiral of man, woman incarnate. The fourth tier is the point of integration wherein the multiplication of lesser consciousness realizes individuality in Christ. Without the initiations of ruby ray within the King’s Chamber, the Holy of Holies of the Great Pyramid of Life, there is no transition from the base of the Pyramid to the aell-seeing Eye of God.
The fourth tier is the emerald of the fourth foundation of the Holy City and the fourth, the emerald stone in Aaron’s breastplate. Now you know why I AM the emerald.
Ponder well and put on my words thus far revealed to you in these discourses on the opening of the seventh seal. For I have placed therein the keys to the mystical reunion of thy soul with the living Spirit. All of this must go before the opening of the six seals and of the seventh seal of thine own Pyramid of Life.
I stand in the midst of the earth in the heart of the prophets and the saints. I AM the mighty deliverer of the seven spheres of immortal life whereby those yet bound by the law mutable shall be unbound by the law immutable. And mortals whose origin is of God shall put on immortality, and that flesh and blood which is corruptible shall be translated to share the inheritance of the Incorruptible One.
Let all reckon with the white flame of the Mother and the fiery furnace white-hot. Let all heed the Word of my son Serapis who delivers the mandate of the ascension coil and ascension sword. His Word is the golden Word for the golden age. He is the strong angel who proclaims with a loud voice “Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?” And my answer to him is my answer to the seven chohans, “Lo, thou art worthy because I AM worthy, because thou art myself in the seven planes of being.”
Thus the order of the hierarchy of the Ancient of Days is revealed and the seven Sons of God, the Lords of the Rays, become the initiators in my name, in the name of Jesus Christ, of the Son of man within you, Keepers of the Flame of Life. And all ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood who have followed in the way, the truth and the life of the attainment of Christ Jesus occupy the Office of the Man–the Son of man who is become the Son of God. For he has chosen to make them no longer servants but friends, and if friends then co-equals, joint-heirs, co-creators with him.
Indeed they have become the Son of God. Their light is the brilliance of the sun at noonday. Any lesser appellation is blasphemy of denial of the all-power in heaven and earth of Jesus Christ to transfer full and co-equal Sonship to the sons and daughters of God. He the firstfruit and quickening Spirit is become the All-in-all in every pyramidal line and in the lineage of the Great Pyramid of lives.
We cast out the demons and wolves in sheep’s clothing who have entered the Temple Beautiful of the soul and there denied the living witness of the abundant life of Jesus Christ in the person of all sons and daughters of God who have submitted, utterly and totally, their being unto his being. Thus the seven chohans with the Maha Chohan, the representative of the Holy Spirit, serve with the World Teachers Jesus Christ and Saint Francis, known today as the Ascended Master Kuthumi. Thus the Savior has chosen to share his body and his blood with Francis on earth in the visitation of the seraph in the stigmata, supreme rite of Christ crucified in the body and soul and heart and mind, yea, in the flesh and blood of Francis. He who accorded him in my name the honor of the reenactment of the crucifixion, which was in him bodily, has so accorded him in heaven the same oneness bodily.
This oneness is earned by love, self-sacrificing love, selfless love, a love that walks daily in the order of Saint Francis the path of surrender and service through the vows of obedience of heart, chastity of mind and poverty of soul. Thus the east side of the City Foursquare and the three gates thereon are held by the ascended masters for and on behalf of their unascended chelas, the embodied disciples of Christhood, the pilgrims of peace and truth and freedom and enlightenment whose emblem is the rose cross.
Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Great Initiator, the Guru, the Father, the first and the last incarnation of the Teacher and the Teaching. With him are bodhisattvas of East and West, the holders of the light of the heart. They are the Keepers of the Flame of the indwelling Christ in the heart who chant the chant of the “Abba, Father” in the many languages of the Word and in the tongues of angels. As the ascended masters hold the image of the Christ as a face of a Man within the souls of the body of God so the Buddhas in the becoming and the initiates of the White Goddess hold the image of the Lion as the definer and refiner of sacred fires of the heart.
The Lion of the tribe of Juda is the Christ, the Great Initiator in your midst, without whom there is no path. As the ascended masters serving with the Savior Jesus Christ open the seven seals in the level of the soul–the solar awareness–of individual identity so the ones anointed on the path of the Cosmic Christ and planetary Buddhas open the door of the heart to those who pass the initiations of the seven chohans, the Maha Chohan and the World Teachers within the seat of the soul.
Through the ritual of becoming, O my soul,
Through the to and fro running of the Cosmic Forces Four,
Thou shalt put on the garment of the saints robed in white
And enter into the communion of the heart
Which thou hast known before thy descent from grace,
The Great Rebellion and the Fall.
Now don the wedding garment,
Prepare to meet the All-in-all.
All of those described by the angel messenger of Jesus Christ who spoke to John and gave to him the seven-sealed Book of Revelation, all of those robed in white gathering round about the throne of the Lamb and under the altar of the Threefold Flame are initiates of ruby ray whose names are written in the Book of Life, who day by day are getting the victory over the beast by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony.
They know the Root of David. They know his soul who has become the quickening Spirit, the Savior of the world unto Jew and Gentile. They know the Lion of the tribe of Juda as the Guru in the garden who is come again to initiate them in the mysteries of the indwelling Christ. This Father Maitreya, this Son Jesus are one. Behold, I and my Father are one.
No argumentation or carnal logic can deny the oneness of the living Lord in manifestation. For he has ordained it and it is so by the logic of his Word. And that which is, is. And that which is real is real. And no false doctrine or dogma can confute the Cosmic Christ in manifestation in the heart of the initiate.
Lo, I AM Sanat Kumara. I AM the intensification of ruby ray within you, my beloved. And when the son Serapis proclaimed with a loud voice “Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof?” lo, I answered, “I AM worthy. And because I AM worthy thou art worthy, O my son.” Therefore Serapis is opening the book on the law of the ascension in the lodestone of the Mother. Hear him well. For there are openings and there are openings. There are seals and there are seals. There are veils and there are veils. And thou, O soul, O initiate, must remove the veils of illusion, the seals of thy karma which have effectively sealed thee from the Great Throne Room.
There are doors of pride barricaded by rebellion that effectively imprison Selfhood. Therefore the ascended masters come with the vision of the Son of man to teach thee the way of the balancing of karma and transmutation of energies misqualified in lower chakras. These initiations are preparatory to the initiations of the heart. They must be submitted to. They cannot be bypassed.
Guard thy patience, and in that patience possess thy soul. For many have left the Mother, the Messenger and the ascended masters for exalted heights of which they fancied themselves a part, believing their way to be superior to the fundamental steps of truth, the studying of the Law, the ritual of sacred labor and the childlike sweetness which day by day becomes the ripened fruit of true manhood and true womanhood. They have counted themselves superior. They have desired to enter the retreat of the heart without receiving the initiation of washing of feet by Savior Jesus Christ.
“If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.” Thus rings his Word to the present hour. It is spoken to all disciples of Christ. Tarry then in the city of Jerusalem, the citadel foursquare of the Mother’s mastery of the matter body. Tarry with the Woman and learn her wisdom and become it. When thy feet are washed, and only then, mayest thou enter into ruby ray initiations of the heart.
Sanat Kumara
I AM proceeding day by day with the initiation fourfold of sons and daughters of light in the soul, in the heart, in the mind and in the universal body of God worlds without end.
-Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 22:24
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