Sunday, July 17, 2022
human nonsense
I speak of your feeling world. How quickly and easily the feeling world becomes depressed or excited or enangered. How easily emotions become a tempest in a teapot. And suddenly the sea begins to roar. This illustrates that the individual yet identifies with mass human emotions and with emotions that come upon the rock of his being, as it were, beating upon the rock of the lighthouse that is your mighty I AM Presence. I say, be not moved by these conditions. The measure of your God-mastery must be your ability to hold the flame when all assails you, when riptides of human emotion, condemnation or persecution or outright lies assail you or this activity of light. -Serapis Bey, Pearls of Wisdom 49:3
Let us all then put our shoulder to the wheel—the wheel of cosmic law. And as it begins to spin at a new rate let us determine that the manifold blessings of the days to come shall exceed banalities of the past until they are forgotten by God’s own radiance disseminated in all nations to feed the hungry, to house those who are homeless, to comfort the tempest- tossed, to extend the banner of freedom over the Earth as God intends to do. -Saint Germain, Pearl 60:6
Evaluation by consciousness shows forth the worth of our instruction as shadow after shadow of human nonsense is dissipated by the great power of light and divine illumination which penetrates illusions of sense consciousness and is the source of each man’s freedom when accepted and rightly understood. -Divine Director, Pearl 9:40
“Oh yes,” you say, “while the consciousness of Victory is buoyantly, joyously buoying me up I am able to do all of that.” Well, let me tell you something tonight: When you understand that the God-power of Victory is literally alive within you, when you keep that consciousness enshrined as though it were an icon upon the wall of your being it will transform you! But when you let slip from your consciousness all of these things because the bugaboo of human nonsense stands there and says: “Oh, you’re a terrible person; you are an egotistical person; you are a person of darkness and deceit; you have this fault and you have that fault”—so long as you accept that you probably will -Mighty Victory, Pearl 19:46
To capture the sense of sacred breath requires diligence on the part of the seeker. There is no room for nonsense when one ponders the meaning of life. A vapid consciousness mulls over the trivial and bypasses the thunder from Olympus. The holy mount of attainment beckons. Men are busy. They go their separate ways. They flow as dust blown by a strong wind. And they remain the unformed, the uninformed and the formless to whom has been given outer form. -Morya, Pearl 11:38
You see, the thoughts come through and they say: “Life will no longer be happy. Life will be somber. None of the old things I used to do will I now be able to do.” This is nonsense, beloved, sheer nonsense. For the joy of God and joy of that feeling, of that flame of Jesus or Maitreya in your heart must be the ultimate Christmas gift—to suddenly feel, feel the warmth of that threefold flame, feel the energy, feel the pulsation, knowing and knowing again, beloved, that you are rising tier upon tier into higher dimensions of being. -Vaivasvata Manu, Pearl 45:35
We of the angelic hosts are happy that such momentums can still be generated, and we take \ fullest advantage of the spirit of the season; in many cases we are obliged to tread lightly when approaching those who would be startled to know that our existence is real. Ours is the task—and not an easy one at that—of awakening a distraught humanity whose hopes for peace and reality have again and again been dashed to pieces by human nonsense. For what else can you call it but human nonsense when individuals constantly create a jangle of sounds and scenarios that tense the nerves and create a sinking feeling in the belly of their captive audiences? These are the vibrations that lead to hopelessness in the lives of many who do not see beyond their own noses or the experiences of a moment -Archangel Michael, Pearl 12:47 possibly
“I cannot pour out of my Spirit,” saith the Lord, “into a leaky vessel.” Simply remember that, beloved. If you are a leaky vessel, opening up yourself to all kinds of nonsense, then it is the nonsense that will occupy you. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 37:38
Great is the compassion of God. And the fashion of His light is manifesting in the cells of men’s bodies and in the cells of their brains when those brains are cleansed by the power of the descending light of God from all manifestation of mortal thought and feeling. When the cells of the brain are cleansed the dura mater and pia mater do not manifest the thickness and density induced by \ accumulation of nicotine and other substances deposited as impurities upon the brain of man. [Because of these impurities] the great rippling power of regeneration cannot spread and manifest in the continents of the mind but is dammed up and the flow controlled by activity of human nonsense.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 60:27
Our violet flame angels shall not leave this sanctuary. They shall tarry in this inn where the Christ may be born in you. Therefore not in the cathedrals of the world, the mosques or synagogues do we appear, but we appear here in this hour where an innkeeper has said “Make room for the birth of the living Christ.” Thus outside of a dead and dying doctrine and orthodoxy we stand to deliver the true Christ message of your victory.
-Archangel Zadkiel, Pearl 30:77
Let it be then that you embrace my Teaching and that you recognize that the persecution of sacred mysteries and those who bear them in this age does require that all who catch the spirit of the message here stated therefore band together and present themselves as a movement of light that may not be set aside—whose members apart might have been put down or persecuted, but as one fervent heart, one sacred heart dedicated to my Mother through me might then be a magnet to magnetize a world, to literally pull it up and away from the old magnetism of lower levels of orthodoxy that truly have entombed me and left me upon the cross crucified and therefore left my sons and daughters and my children crucified on a cross of iron and steel and a Cain civilization with all of its burdens. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 30:56
This illumination, beloved, can come through all of the mystical paths of the world’s religions that are being revealed to you. But I tell you, orthodoxy in every world religion and a priest class who are not servants of light and not Sons of the Solitude do block the true revelation of the indwelling God. Therefore expand the paths of mysticism. Renew them, intensify them, review them so that you may understand how it is that a soul [journeying] on one of these [mystical] paths will more clearly understand union with God [through her religion -Sarasvati, Pearl 35:39
I, Magda, come to you in the urgency of the hour when so many are in ignorance in so many quarters of the earth and in the churches–some in the very churches where I preached! And I say to you: Know that every book that you publish, every tape that you release may mean the difference as to whether a soul ascends or drowns in the astral sea. For if the soul is not taught the true teachings of the Sun of Righteousness, her mighty I AM Presence, if the soul does not know that she has a Holy Christ Self and therefore gives up in despair, unsatisfied by the husks of orthodoxy and not knowing where to look for her bridegroom, not only may she not ascend but she may in fact drown in the astral sea. -Magda, Pearl 36:27
Think of yourselves, beloved, when you were with me two thousand years ago, when you had all of these teachings and you knew them well. And suddenly, lifetime after lifetime they were not there, and so you came under the woes of orthodoxy, the heavy weight of dogma and doctrine which continually stripped away from your Tree of Life that strong and healthy bark of the Teaching itself, stripping and stripping and stripping. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 36:26
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Beloved ones, there are those who maintain their spiritual pride and their orthodoxy and who will not be moved from the old dispensations that have been surpassed by the new. They will not budge to the right or to the left and are not willing to receive Saint Germain or his teachings, especially not through a woman, namely the Messenger. Until these are willing to bend the knee and open their hearts to their founders who today are the ascended masters they will not have the violet flame or dispensations of the new age. -Morya, Pearl 37:40
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