Saturday, July 9, 2022
firstfruits unto oneness
Therefore on that occasion when I went before the Cosmic Council they gave to me the interrogation which is given unto one ascended who comes before that council on behalf of an embodied initiate. And they asked me to give my guarantee of the light which they would authorize in this process of the acceleration of balancing of karma and depositing of the ascension flame within the heart of the Messenger—to guarantee that light that it would not be misqualified. Therefore in full awareness of the lifestream of my chela and my embodied Messenger I vowed my own attainment before the Cosmic Council that my chela would not misqualify that light and that dispensation. I tell this to you, beloved, because you are the firstfruits of them that slept, because you in your body comprise the electronic fire rings surrounding this manifestation of the Word. This event may be considered extraordinary in some levels and entirely unextraordinary in others.
-Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 56:13
And now I say, let the children come forward as firstfruits. Let them come forth as members of the new church. And let them be the foundation for child mind and child heart. The innocence and purity of these holy ones is for the building of the new age. I shall stand before you as you bring them forth to be anointed with the flame of the Holy Spirit. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 53:12
I appeal to you then as culmination and as firstfruits of the New Jerusalem. I appeal to you as the hope of every patriot and every saint who has walked this soil—all who have gone before and who have lived to enshrine freedom and to stand for God and thereby often to lose their physical lives for the stand they have taken. I appeal to you and I say, you are the hope of hundreds and thousands of souls who have been removed from the screen of life through manipulations of the Illuminati. -Elohim Cyclopea, Pearl 53:22
Why have you allowed Belial to enter in and turn you from your first love and firstfruits that blossomed from your Tree of Life and that you saw in yourself when you followed that path as a little child?
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 36:72
This is for a reason. Do not think it is because you are special in the sense of attainment but simply assume that it is because you are special in the sense that you have an extraordinary need for an extraordinary help from those of us of higher octaves. And because you have that need, beloved, and can make it [back to your home of light in] no other way except by our intercession, we have called you to be firstfruits of those who should receive the light from the altar.
-Archangel Michael, Pearl 35:50
There are days and hours and times when choices must be made. And you the firstfruits of the ascended masters’ calling in this the second half of the twentieth century–you, beloved, must make your choices. The will of God is set plainly before you. We will therefore not allow our Messenger to have a direct heart-tie to those who yet compromise the will of God and wish to bend it to their own devices by their own pride. -Elohim Hercules, Pearl 34:16
By the power of the firstfruits of the labor of our own love and your own there is a uniting and a oneness that does take place and it is conveyed by devas of the will of God, angels of the first ray. This day Earth has a blue aura as so many of the first ray gather to give their homage to Saint Germain and to enter in to assist him in that noble purpose to which he has set his life so many hundreds of thousands of years. -Morya, Pearl 31:42
We seek to save that which has lost the First Estate, those who were once in the kingdom of joy. It is our hope that in saving these there might be an engrafting of the Word unto those who have it not. Unless then the firstfruits be saved from psychicism and all manner of false prophecy, how then can there be another opportunity for humanity at large? -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 30:1
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