Monday, July 4, 2022
Martian energy perversions
Do not re-create ties with those who are on the left-handed path, no matter what your sympathy, no matter what you think your loyalties are. We are here to tell you that your loyalties are to God and God alone and that not one ounce, one fraction of an ounce of your energy should go in sympathy to those individuals who have turned their back on the altar of God, who have turned love into anger and into all of the Martian misqualifications. -Archangel Uriel and Aurora, Pearl 35:55
I am here in the Earth to see this community, other spiritual communities of the light and all lightbearers of the planet be able to survive whatever may be coming on the agenda of Elohim and agenda of the peoples of the world who have set up for themselves a horrendous karma in abortion, a horrendous karma of anger and all Martian energies that you have named.
-Padma Sambhava, Pearls of Wisdom 46:9
Some of you have holes in your four lower bodies. Mend them! Mend them like you would a fisherman’s net to make certain they don’t fall apart. If you have holes in any one of your four lower bodies, you must mend them. Yes, sew up the holes and stick right to the task as you use your violet-flame needle to sew them up and sew them up and sew them up until negative vibrations cannot enter your forcefield. (Unless of course you rend your garment once again by allowing the Martian A’ (anti
factors) to penetrate your forcefield.) Legions of Justinius
Therefore war as an element of all perversions of Martian energy of the Divine Mother, that war, beloved, is yet there. And until it is wiped from Earth by your calls (that you know so well) to Astrea and Archangel Michael there is the propensity of outer war simply because there are many in the Earth who have no dedication to God or to peace or to the Christ in me or the Christ in them or to Buddha or to any of the avatars who have come. -Jesus Christ. Pearl 49:4
One of the most deadly traps the fallen angels have laid to catch the soul off- guard is the collection of offenses that I refer to as the “Martian A’s.” These offenses, each in its own turn, are a blasphemy against God the Father, Alpha. They all begin with the letter A, and they are a perversion of everything that our Father Alpha stands for. By venting them through any of your four lower bodies or your chakras, you can be the unwitting tool through which they enter and poison the planetary stream of consciousness–to the degradation of every living soul.
The Martian A’s by name are aggression, anger, arrogance, argumentation, accusation, agitation, apathy, atheism, annihilation, aggravation, annoyance and aggressive mental suggestion.
-Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 38:29
Thus continuing the theme of Hope, I show you how these golden pearls of souls at all levels and planes of the Earth are the true coordinates that hold together a world in chaos, a world that is insane with its madness, multiplied by Martian misqualifications of anger and aggression.
-Archangel Raphael,
Pearl 35:2
If the Maha Chohan or I, your Knight Commander of Keepers of the Flame Fraternity, should choose to give you, an individual lifestream, a grant of energy, then, beloved, that energy would amplify everything that is in your aura and your psyche. That energy would amplify not only your positive good but your negatives, such as anger you have stored at deep-seated levels of unconscious mind and all Martian energies which you can name.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 38:4
If you ask and receive of the Maha Chohan sponsorship to be instruments of healing, then you must resolve in your heart to never again violate the flame of the Holy Spirit. This means that you must control what we have called the Martian energies and hold in check any tendencies you might have to manipulate others. Subtle, unresolved elements of psyche prevent would-be chelas of the Maha Chohan from receiving the gifts of the Spirit, including the gift of healing. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 38:1
As I have said “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.” If you will cease kicking against the pricks, beloved ones, and only obey the commandments, then you will begin to understand how vital, how necessary it is for you to forge ahead and be mindful in your inner being of how you can lose good, positive karma through any of the Martian A’s, especially anger.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 40:35
Then there are those below the level of the calling “children of God,” and these are they who have lost the flame mostly through anger and the Martian A’s, which the Messenger has taught you about. They then are definitely on the minus side of point zero. And in that minus side they could descend many levels into the astral plane. These are to be pitied, for they have nothing. And therefore they call themselves the “have-nots” and they expect the haves to give to them that which they have lost. And sometimes that loss is conscious and sometimes it is unconscious; but, beloved ones, whichever it is, the Law records the failed test. -Elohim Purity and Astrea, Pearl 46:49
Yet you see, beloved, if in the process of this you are not processing unconscious anger, which you do not even recognize as anger, and all Martian perversions that you name, then you will set aside your very tending of the flame at the altar of God and you will find yourselves not building fiery coils that must be in place in the chakras. For the descending karma accelerates, and this cycle of the ride of the Four Horsemen surely does bring to the Earth great burden. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Pearl 36:20
Let me have your understanding, beloved, that this empowerment we have been speaking about and that we would give you is an initiation. There are some among you who have not engaged in negative Martian energies for a long time. Now I say to you, you who are worthy of empowerment, use blue-flame decrees to increase El Morya’s power in your auras and in your lives. Let that power and those blue-flame decrees become a magnet whereby you can receive a mantle of permanent empowerment. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 37:45
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