Monday, July 11, 2022
1) Human errors must be corrected through the student’s willingness to face every wrong condition, strip it of all power with which it has been wrongly vested and then requalify that blessed energy with righteousness. In this manner enduring harmony and comfort is created and sustained! To be like an ostrich which buries its head in the sand, blessed people, may keep you from clearly seeing the impending cosmic swing toward balance and world adjustment. Instead of ignoring evil\ it is your divine prerogative and responsibility to militantly assert your God-given victory over every humanly discordant manifestation on the planet as well as in your personal world for the cause of light, peace and freedom.
-Chananda, Pearl 5:5
2) The only danger here lies in cliques whereby competition and false protection is exercised, contrary to the Law of Love and playing one spiritual team against another. Each inter-group relationship should be based on ascended master friendship which always serves first for the good of all and then the group, lastly for the personal self. -Morya, Pearl 6:5
3) May I throw a beam of my heart’s light upon Saint Germain’s timely words? As a result of a recent probing by the hierarchy into mortal affairs, the decision to seek the means to reach mankind came about; for we have detected a number that is mighty indeed in the evolution of this planet presently in embodiment who would assist the divine plan if they knew how to do so. We know that, whereas the students of the greater light have much understanding that is out of the ordinary and that is not given through orthodox religious endeavors, few of you realize what an entrenched religious and social system exists today. With a greater intensity than the control used in the days of the Roman Empire by the Caesarian legions or the tightly-knit restraint of the ancient Jewish Sanhedrin, the conservative cliques have marshaled their forces to almost prohibit progressive revelation to the mankind of Earth.
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 8:36
4) One day the world must always turn against the living Christ. And I do not think that any among you would consciously turn down the light of your Christ consciousness to be accepted by men, yet some of you do this unconsciously to avoid the challenge or the hurt or the public criticism. Beloved ones, you can only go so far with this little game as you fit yourself in and out of society’s cliques. Sooner or later they will make demands upon you, and sooner or later you will realize that you just compromised your soul and your relationship to me to be popular with some potentate. -Saint Germain, Pearl 27:39
5) With his assassination the balance of power shifted from “we the people” to a power elite that has controlled the higher levels of government, economy and our cultural life ever since. As a result the Union for which Lincoln gave his life has been steadily subverted in an ongoing revolution that has nearly destroyed the delicate architecture of the American republic with its limited powers, checks and balances and individual sovereignty. Concurrently, the people of America have become progressively disenfranchised. -messenger ecp, Pearl 31:9
6) Now the whole world lieth in this wickedness--all of them. And I can truthfully say that the religious activities of the world, including large activities and great big churches, are guilty of having cliques--little groups that are friends. They get together and one clique is played against another. This has caused disunity and inharmony down through the ages. -messenger mark prophet, Pearl 44:32
power32 +clique31=63 in numerology. -r
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