Tuesday, July 5, 2022
THOU SHALT NOT contaminate the elements by outpoured discord! Rather, do call for their release unto the precious Spirit of comfort from the heart of the Maha Chohan, the mighty representative of the Holy Spirit to the Earth! Appreciation stems from the heart whose cup flows over the brim to bring a veritable extension of the expanding power of life to all who are recipients of that outpouring. Become then self-widening channels for expanding love of the nature kingdom by pouring highly qualified devotion to the elementals and receive in return the wonderful blessing of their highly serviceable friendship.
Saint Germain as well as beloved Eriel and many another ascended master have utilized the love and harmony of elemental life to help fulfill the immortal plan of God. The elementals are the natural manifestation of divine care in action. Beloved, the Father created these brothers so constant for the manifest purpose of sustaining and blessing mankind and those who dwell upon this loving broad expanse of sea, sky and land. “THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S, AND THE FULLNESS THEREOF: THE WORLD AND THEY THAT DWELL THEREIN” (Ps.24:1).
... Let the idea of immortality release you from pain, heal your diseases, enlighten your mind, ease your burden and flood you forever with the mighty rising tide of indomitable life waiting to shatter the calcinated rocks of decadent human ideas. The mighty roots of truth push through the cloistered gloom of men’s unnatural concepts of death in order that man might arise, robed in radiant white of immortality, through cycles of omnipresent harmony, back to the very heart of love that created deathless life!
Cherished offering of victory, O lilies of the field that toil not, floral trumpets of resurrection, I AM the promise of light fulfilled in every hue of nature, bold and minute, crowned and uncrowned servants of the eternal purposes. LET THE GLORY OF RESURRECTION BLOSSOM NOW IN EVERY HEART IN THE FOREVER OF THE ETERNAL SPRING!
I AM a being of love’s promise fulfilled,
I am come this day to renew within your hearts that feeling of divine love which shall carry you in all bliss to the victory of your ascension. When you know the power of love you can persevere, as Serapis has told you. For love is the power to change the universe, to break down the recalcitrance and calcination of human concepts, of past karma, of past ties. Man needs only to cleave unto his God to understand the fullest meaning of love and to impart it unto all. Even the birds of the air know sweet communion of divine love.
-Queen of Light, Pearl 5:13
The Law does not apply itself. You as heirs of Christ and as sons of God must invoke, convoke and harmonize with all who have this supreme understanding. Social and religious mores ought not to prove pits of destructive calcination but rather become springboards toward an integrated God- consciousness on the part of the least as well as the greatest of His children. -Chananda, Pearl 5:20
This is the emergence of the Corpus Christi, the body of Christ out of the tomb of materiality. It is the rolling away of the stone of matter which signifies calcination of carnal mind with all of its densities. It is the purification of countenance, the refusal of soul to be enslaved by legions and tribunals of Caesar or the power of the Sanhedrin. -Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 10:10
And O, because of the hardship and struggle that men have engaged in they feel from time to time that they cannot summon any more energy to fight the encroachment of calcination, of the enclosure of substance in banal ideas.
-Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 42:32
When men have impure substance in their worlds, precious ones, unfortunately this impure substance interferes with oxygenation of blood. And therefore there is not a manifestation of the pristine state of good health in consciousness of that one but rather a darkening densification which causes calcination in many parts of body and being. You must understand that as men sow so shall they reap.
For actually, what takes place [when the threefold flame is not sufficiently expanded], blessed ones, is that there is stoppage of release of this immortal substance and its flow through your worlds. This is what causes the aging condition and calcination of the physical form. -Saint Germain, Pearl 50:27]
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