Wednesday, July 20, 2022
alien technology
1) And I speak not of nuclear war but of spacecraft and those who do not consider the value of life in any form but rather [consider] this life of this planet as expendable and as a means to their ends, even as a laboratory of experimentation. You well understand that even were there to be in existence today in hand and ready for use all technologies whereby to defend a planet from an alien invasion the holocaust of such an eventuality should be ultimately almost more than the psyche could bear.- Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 31:62
2) We know that Martians embodied on this planet today carry the consciousness of war. The ancient warlords of Japan are an example of those who descended from the false hierarchy of Mars. Not only does the exploration of Mars advance the technology of the Soviets but it also probes the astral belt and opens up astral records of war that spill out into the solar system and pollute Earth. Each time we have had an encounter with Mars through space exploration we have seen the increase on Earth of Martian consciousness and Martian misuses of the base chakra of the Divine Mother, turning the sacred fire to war–thus the appearance of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that have been used in past ages in rival wars of the gods on Mars, Maldek, Hedron and Earth.
-Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl31:7
3) Canaan therefore became the symbol of the ringing about of the people of God by an alien force. And as you have been told by Lord Gautama Buddha, even Abraham stood before them unflinching, bowing not to their gods. Even when his father Terah did worship other gods, he himself denounced these aliens. By their fruits he knew them, for he was the representative of the Ancient of Days. -Saint Germain, Pearl 28:34
4) You have heard that there are on Earth remnants of laggard and alien races from other systems of worlds who were invited here by unsuspecting citizens of Earth. They came and tarried here, bringing with them their momentums of materialism and their preoccupation with science and technology to neglect of the threefold flame of the heart. And these laggards and alien races have succeeded in influencing both older and younger members of the fourth, fifth and sixth root races to support a status quo of materialism. It is almost as if they had been hypnotized to lag behind their own root races, so entranced have they become by the next technology and the next. For they no longer seek the watering of the soul by the waters of the Word. They no longer desire the path or the ascension or a life that spiritually surpasses the norm on Earth in this day.
-Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 32:27
5) The records and artifacts of ancient Sumer, Egypt, India and even Incan civilization bear witness to these visitors from distant planets. They arrived here with superior technology some 500,000 years ago. The aliens were not benevolent, and they manipulated the evolutions of Earth. They practiced genetic engineering and taught men the arts of war. -Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 39:5
6) Therefore know, you who come with the lust of America in your heart—the lust of her light, her civilization and her technology—you who mount your armaments to defeat her, you shall not stand in the Day of Judgment! For the all-seeing Eye of God is upon you and that which you inflict shall be inflicted upon you by the angel of the Lord as it was inflicted upon you in the days of Sennacherib when the angel did come and thousands did fall at his hand!
-Archangel Uriel, Pearls of Wisdom 30:78
7) The theme of the Old Testament prophets is: Cease your worship of alien gods, your immorality, your child sacrifice and oppression of orphans and widows. Cease your excesses. Return to your God. Keep His commandments. If you do so, these calamities that I have foretold will not come upon the nation. -Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 34:63
8) The emotions of the nation affect the economy as does faith of the people in God and faith of the people in themselves and in the free enterprise system. This system must not be put down by easy giveaway of technology and secrets to the enemy; it must not be deterred or discouraged by inappropriate tariff systems or an attempt to equalize international trade at the expense of the American manufacturer.
As we have mentioned before we are greatly concerned regarding the fact that the nation’s resources are not being used as a deterrent to world war. This is not as it should be. You ought to decree for the technology I have given for the preservation of world freedom to be used for the defense of America and free world against a nuclear strike by the Soviets or other hostile powers. And you ought to make your position known to your representatives. -Saint Germain, Pearl 27:31a
9) The war that must be fought and won is the war of those who are the sons of God, children of God and root races that have been sent forth by Elohim. Therefore, beloved, your calls for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of fallen angels have never been more important in your entire history. For insofar as you give those calls and reduce the momentum of these fallen ones in their ultimate science and technology, so you will see the diminishing of their power. You shall see the liberation of Earth. And you shall see that you will have protected the new sixth root race and ultimately the seventh root race from having to engage in these ancient wars, warriors and warfares, such as the war that cost ultimately the sinking of the continent of Lemuria. -Lord Himalaya, Pearl 47:1
10) What is so sad, beloved, is that it is Saint Germain who has carefully given this technology to this nation only to see it piece by piece, point by point transferred to the enemy.
How then do you feel? How then do you feel when you are an ascended master who has to be told by the Lords of Karma, “No more scientific dispensations until the protection is raised up.” Well, at least you know you have already given to a nation the means for its defense and protection and for deterrence. At least you know if the will be there, the technology is already secured.
-Archangel Michael, Pearl 31:8
11) Yes, Atlantean technology is returning. Atlantean technology is at the very door with computer science, with reengineering, with the rethinking of ways and means of pushing right through barriers of limitation. Yes, modern technology is pushing through ignorance. But you must see to it that it comes out on the other side with a unity of the Mind of God that can inspire you day by day to accelerate and bring to new heights every lofty endeavor. -Elohim Peace and Aloha, Pearls of Wisdom 40:22
12) A great gamble is being taken by the leadership of this nation and of the Soviet Union. And those who stand to lose most are those who have most both of freedom and of technology of this world and of a civilization unparalleled since certain times on Atlantis. -Saint Germain, Pearl 34:64
13) Many of you are beset by tangled vines, jungled substance, and require much work of the legions of light to disentangle you from the anti-Mother forces abroad in this world, beginning with war and manipulation of the abundant life and of technology. Thus violations of the body of the Mother are rampant. These are only the beginning—outcroppings of a soul compromised yet affecting that soul from without. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 30:12
14) The history of the descent of these ones is known. Thus they are not free but bound to Earth bodies. And therefore they take their technology and their science, stolen from the Ancient of Days and sons of God, to wreak havoc in the physical octave—their sole determination to see to it that the sons of God in embodiment should not rise and take dominion and learn to invoke the judgment and call to us for the binding of these fallen ones. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 30:60
15) Blessed hearts, all must be instruments and therefore join him as one body of light to defeat once and for all the rock music so-called, of the fallen angels on this Earth. The foundations of hell have entered society at every level through misuse of sound systems, electronics, and technology. -Surya, Pearl 30:33
16) Be prepared to illumine a world not by technology but by your heartflame. And even in the darkest night of a darkened world that light raised up will draw all similar lightbearers unto you -Lord and Lady Meru, Pearl 33:26
17) Therefore do not underestimate this massive conspiracy against your governments and nations, including rays so powerful as to lull the people themselves to sleep. Therefore they have demonstrated sufficiently to themselves that they are capable of putting rockets and planes out of commission by this misuse of ancient technology of Atlantis brought to modern man through Nikola Tesla and yet perverted again by black magicians in the USSR -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 31:32
18) Speaking then of these blessed beings on the second ray, remember, remember and remember, beloved, the burdens upon the youth of this and every nation who do not receive highest levels of education that they must receive in order to enter an age of vast technology and a future unknown where they must be able to deal with any circumstance and condition, including that of war or cataclysm or, by the grace of God, moving into an age of peace and enlightenment. -14 Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 1, 1996 at RTR, MT, Pearl 46:10
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