Monday, July 18, 2022
Aha and Omega dictation via Messenger E C Prophet
\Holy Ones of God—so we choose to address you, for we hold you, each one, this day in the hollow of our hand, extolling, solidifying, wrapping then the essence of holiness of thyself from the Beginning unto the Ending, which I AM THAT I AM within you.
Know then the Presence of thy Father and thy Mother, true God-Parents. Know then and remember the moment of thy descent from our Presence, some going forth on a rescue mission after others who had gone astray, some going astray thinking also to lead others back.
Blessed ones, from the moment of that parting there has extended from our heart to your own interlacing, continuous figure-eight [spirals]. These spirals then have been an avenue of our transmission of our light. Yet, beloved, there has occurred in your very own psyche a breach of that oneness through loss of trust—then fear, then doubt, then anger for the succeeding separation.
Now acquaint thyself with us. Know Elohim. Know angelic hosts of light and sense a letting go of all tensions that have beset the unconscious and blocked the soul from renewal of oneness and a tidiness of crystal cord without frays, without compromise.
Blessed ones, the absence of resolution with the divine Parent is one of the classic conditions of the psychology of the evolutions of this Earth; though not limited thereto, [it is] often reflected in the child’s parental relationship. And therefore in parenting oneself one does find the repetition in a chain of being that is more than hereditary: it is indeed karmic.
Were I then to tell you the greatest single block to self-discovery and realization, it would be the confusion of the human parent and one’s relationship thereto in this and previous lives with one’s relationship to the God- Parents. These God- Parents take the form of the Manus, the individual Guru, [and] the twin flames of an age and a sun- center sponsoring your evolution. But ultimately the God-Parent that seems farthest away, that is closest at hand, is the God-Parent of ourselves.
Lo, we are Alpha and Omega, truly in the white fire core of thy being. To restore divine Oneness we come.
Blessed ones, we have forgiven to the uttermost where forgiveness has been asked for and sought and where the great Law did see fit to fulfill [such forgiveness] for meritorious deeds and a heart of love and remorse. Some however have never asked. Not thinking they require forgiveness, they have instead failed to forgive us for supposed wrongs, for the long long absence—not willing, not desiring to know or to hear or to see akasha and to recognize that the separation is the doing of the child and not the parent.
Thus, beloved, if you believe that we as God-Parents have wronged you somewhere down the long chain of thy evolution in these matter spheres consider in this hour whether, if indeed we be guilty of this, you should desire truly to embody the mercy-flame and to forgive. In so doing then there is a healing within thyself and an [opportunity for] rapprochement to our own Three-in-One of grace.
Beloved, having sealed that forgiveness in the mantras of Kuan Yin, you shall also know healing, healing within the psyche, and the beginning, beloved—the beginning of the age of reason, of accountability and magnanimity whereby you yourselves say “What has been the part that I have played, O my Father and my Mother, whereby I find myself in this aloneness, this separation and this sense of enmity with my point of origin?”
Blessed hearts, some may be dismayed and consider that I speak to another. But you see, you have not truly examined or encountered all the layers of the subconscious; and after all there is a great trauma in the division between parent and child, for to deny one’s parents is to deny one’s self and one’s own reason for being. And so, beloved, this is a very buried record.
I speak of it initially because out of the great desire of our hearts we would forge a stronger cord of love [between ourselves and our sons and daughters]. We would prepare you for our Son Gautama’s blessing and bonding of love within this Community. We would see consumed by the violet flame all schism [between the child and the God-Parent]. And you would do well to tarry in that violet flame and the Kuan Yin mantras, for the need of the hour [for forgiveness and surrender of unreality] is great.
I speak on this topic and I come to you not because the world has any greater need of us, [in terms of] the forty-eight months spoken of, but that the lightbearers indeed have need for the acceleration [in the face] of [the] darkness [which arrays itself] against the oncoming light.
Referring then to our proclamation and our dictation we would tell you that [where there is] the hastening of the day of nondefense—where the circle of fire is not drawn, where the capacity to maintain one’s integrity as a nation has been denied—there the need of the lightbearers to be one in the bosom of God is ultimate: there also there cannot be further intercession [for the nations]. For when a people deny their own defense and refuse to champion it and allow a rudderless ship without captain to be their fate, then Hierarchy must intercede [on behalf of the lightbearers].
How can the Father-Mother God, who love you as we do, fail to return to warn that, as we have considered and as we did foreknow, the judgment of the Trinity upon the fallen ones \ has only made them more insane, more angry, more raging, more determined to deny the Manchild before it is born—[even] the Cosmic Christ consciousness of a planet?
We come to extol fiery hearts, true disciples. Let all who fit this matrix know that we know and we appreciate that we have fiery devotees, beautiful hearts of light within this Community; and thus these must receive our appreciation, our gratitude. And you must know our good report that because you have been willing to strive with and to vanquish that anti-decree momentum that is carried by the subconscious, because you have cut through and invoked the light of God you have increased numbers of rings on the Tree of Life, you have performed services that have merited you literally a cosmic protection.
Those who have not believed our report who are yet lightbearers and who have not literally moved heaven and earth to determine to make the calls daily, your light has not been compromised but nor has it increased. But what is compromised, beloved, is protection. The protection that you require [but do not have] is the reason I have returned.
You will take note that at this conference and of recent hours we have taken great care to give to you very specific instructions for your spiritualization, for your increase in God- consciousness, literally goading you to accelerate in a path of God-mastery, mindful [as we are] that each and every day brings you nearer to the encounter plotted by fallen ones.
We say then that those who have increased mightily have proven our point and set an example at inner levels for all to see that if one has a will to wrestle and win over the beast of the not-Self, one may do so; and if one is lacking in that will, then that sanctum [of self], that hallowed circle [of free will] will never be violated by any member of Hierarchy.
It is our desire that you consider [as it] has been our desire for you to hear the reports which have come to you concerning the subjects of aliens and manipulation of viruses and microbes to the death, [for so it is plotted by the sinister force], of the human race. In past ages cataclysms have been intensified by interference of aliens and their technology where they have desired to subjugate or supplant a race; and the karmic return of a civilization has likewise been multiplied by evil minds who have brought plagues upon peoples and nations who have made themselves vulnerable by their neglect of their God and the warnings of their prophets whom we have sent again and again to [admonish the people to] “prepare ye the day of the Lord and His coming.”
It has ever been thus that only to a certain extent and level have our representatives been able by [cosmic] Law to tell a planet and a people what they might expect if they would not return to their God. Perhaps you have a comprehension of this beyond many on this planet, but in some cases this [forewarning] has not increased a fiery intensity and zeal of the Lord [the Mighty I AM Presence] within you. Thus it has ever been so, that the knowledge of threatening woes has been a goad only to those who are already in contact with the secret love star by virtue of the love of the threefold flame.
Beloved ones, the exhaustive nature of the release of information [by the Messengers] is most necessary, and your continuing research as well as you recognize that there are those who are tampering with all levels of the planet, including weather, temperature, atmospheric conditions, the poles and under the poles, the seas and under the seas.
Long ago a document was written by Sanat Kumara stating the illegality of those invaders who come to disrupt a planetary lifewave and consider its evolutions to be subject to their control. Concerning then galactic and intergalactic law, this interference is not in keeping with these rules of conduct of a cosmos. Those who have no allegiance to Sanat Kumara disregard these laws as long as they can get away with it.
When you look at an intergalactic conspiracy of forces of Gog and Magog, the plus and the minus, those who pervert the Mother and those who pervert the Father, you come to realize that these individuals continue on their course, whether in science, whether in the controls of power [or] physical bodies of planets or of men or of nations. They will be relentless until checked by the hosts of the Lord—through those who are in physical incarnation.
Considering all of the planetary homes and spheres that they have violated and on which they have overturned the truth and where they have subjugated peoples genetically by warping =brain and ability of the mind to think or to contact the Mind of God (as such manipulation has gone on upon this planet as well), you can begin to draw conclusions that though there may be many planetary spheres of similar lifewaves, few there be of lightbearers who have retained in physical consciousness and through their mental bodies a conscious awareness of the balance of truth.
The prophets have been solitary figures who have dotted the ages, and the wise ones and Christed ones. They have come. They have entered an evolution, yet [they remain] independent of the genetic\ engineering
of these gods; for we have sent them, we have protected them.
And beware of the liars in their spacecraft who lay claim that those who have been sent by God are their own. Yes, there are benign emissaries who come in spacecraft, but few, and whether the level of their benignity does reach the level of spirituality of the Great White Brotherhood is another question indeed. For even the milk of human or alien kindness is not adequate to establish a pillar of fire thrusting into the ground the light necessary to demagnetize a planet of all the ploys and mechanisms used for mind manipulation and control.
Blessed ones, I will tell you that the fundamental lesson which I required your beloved Mark to give to your present Messenger was the absolute and thorough knowledge of the continuous, round-the-clock attempt23 of fallen23 angels22 to8 manipulate40 the mind22 and heart25 and soul13 and desires34
(=210=spiral 30x7) of every lightbearer on the planet and especially [of] those who did form the nucleus of this our final endeavor in this century on Earth. I reiterate it here, for each and every one of you does deserve to receive the training of a Chela of God.
Chelas of God I Call you and [Chelas] of the God flame. Chelas I Call you with a capital C for Chela and a capital C for Call. When you consider yourself a Chela of God, then remember, in the T’ai Chi of that God we are Alpha and Omega, your God- Parents, Guru in the Masculine and in the Feminine vessels of Being.
We come to restore twin flames. We come to restore right-mindfulness. We come to pierce the silly notions of silly25 psychic38 men14 and women25
(=102=6 x astral 17). We come to realign you by the magnet of our heart to the central theme of Life, which in this hour is and must be and can be no other but spiritual survival that may become, physical survival.
The signing away of the defenses of Europe, of America, of theWest and contemplated signing away again of even greater defenses \ is a dire prophecy to all people of light who above all require time and space [in order to fulfill their destiny]. And if they but have time and space and clean food and air and a circle of fire and a spiritual sponsorship and a living Messenger, all of which you enjoy in this hour, they will make their ascension!
How Saint Germain has called for fifty years! How we would call for it! Give me 100 years123 and a true heart45 (=168=coil21 x 8) and I can stand here this day and guarantee your ascension, each and every one of you. Think of it, beloved. But I cannot guarantee that if there remain but twenty-four months.
And I tell you, what you have not gained in the next eighteen [months] of spiritual balance concerning the power of the Three-Times-Three, which does mean a balanced heartflame, you will find it next to impossible to gain in the decade of the nineties. For the very karma that shall descend and threatening woes that shall descend shall be that momentum that can be withstood only by those who have that threefold flame balanced or by those who have the good sense to affiliate themselves with those who do have the balanced threefold flame and therefore may present themselves as plant runners, one with the parent plant, one in grid of light, one in heart chakra yet understanding that that balance is constantly kept by the living Guru, by the ascended masters [and] by the initiates who comprise the whitefire core.
Yes there is indeed a whitefire core of this Community worldwide and in this center. We have not named them, but if the Messenger should place her attention upon it, we may be so disposed to name them. Yet they shall not yet be revealed.
We prefer then to contemplate the threefold flame of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and, as the term applies, the threefold flame of the Community wherein all who are one in the bond of love share their collective attainment of that threefold flame and therefore reinforce one another’s comings and goings, protecting one another from [the conditions of] insanity39 and aberration49 and foolhardiness64 (=152=vain19 x 8) that are projected upon them.
There is no question that fallen ones in spacecraft seek determinedly to control the minds of yourselves through digressions into self-concern, time wasting, projecting inordinate desire, sensual desire and any possible means of taking you from the sacred altar of alchemy where hour by hour Alpha does, Omega does assist you in
recreating yourself out of the image and likeness of the Great Lawgiver and the
Great God- Parents of your evolution.
We then have come. We then have come and we radiate the Earth with a vibration of protection for lightbearers such has not been known before. We come to pour out maximum offering whereby you may walk in individuality of your God- flame and know externalization of a mastery that will restore to you that dignity, that self-respect, that Christhood portion by portion whereby you shall not be traduced.
Seek and find and make haste for balance in the physical body. This is needful, for the body must become heartily strengthened and restored to the place of the power, the wisdom and the love of initial creation where your bodies were not quite as dense as they are now, not quite as burdened with karma or planetary karma and you truly had the sense of walking the Earth as though in golden-age civilizations where not a pain or a worry or a limitation was known by you in the physical dimension all the days that you occupied that body. To be without the condition of discomfort or disease or pain, impairment [or] lost faculties is almost unknown on this planet, yet [such infirmity] is not at all a natural state and not one which you should longer tolerate.
The keys have been given. They simply require application and sense that you will need the strongest bodies you can wear and maintain to anchor maximum spirituality of your being. To defeat, beloved ones, the powers that be which are visible, those which are astral and alien and those which hide behind many screens and masks will surely take all of your loving, all of your oneness, all of your work.
I counsel you not to postpone the day of the commitment to this which we call the Pure Land, the place of the return of the Buddha, the place of the Community, even the golden shore of the West. If you wait until you have need of it to protect, defend, develop and prepare it, it will be too late.
This is an age of sudden appearances of Cosmic Christ and Maitreya to you, and of darkness and Earth-changes and war. Thus it is and it is ever with secret-ray initiations; and these are they which you are experiencing even in this hour in the fourteen-month cycles of Serapis Bey.
Let all remember then the power of geometry, the wisdom of geometry, the love of geometry of the “Power of the Three-Times-Three” and know that you shall be called upon to demonstrate that God-mastery. While there is time seek counsel, know the Lord, ask to be shown.
I did give you my Mantle to accomplish goals—goals then of dissemination of the Teaching and the Word and all other endeavors to which you have been called. Now that Mantle in this year is qualified with the practicality, ingenuity and supply necessary to achieve the direction of Saint Germain for the preparedness of lightbearers and Community.
This Mantle is extended for these eighteen months [July 3, 1988-December 3, 1989]. May you use it wisely and understand that this is not a cycle for the going out, going out into the world to begin new endeavors and new cycles, but this is a time to go within, to discover one’s self-sufficiency in God, one’s inner equilibrium and one’s highest gift and attainment that can be offered on the altar of Community as service to the cause of the Great White Brotherhood.
Some have said “The Hierarchy no longer speaks of threat or danger or survival.” Listen well. For we have warned that we shall cease speaking on that subject and indeed almost the last word has been spoken on it.
We turn our attention to ultimate spiritual preparation of the psyche, [i.e., the soul], that you might understand that when a planet and a nation is beyond the point of delivering the physical defenses necessary, there must come a moment of realization that \ lightbearers must fortify themselves unto the victory.
Is the hour past then when America could be defended from the timetables of returning karma, from the ripcord pulled by aliens or Soviet or other unknowns?
This timetable, beloved, has everything to do with the momentum that does continue in the Call for the judgment of these fallen ones who do plot their devices. The response to those calls and the quality of heart of devotee who does offer the Call may mean that there is time.
But [there is, there can be no time], absent the physical confirmation of the judgment of these fallen ones who are abject liars, incarnate murderers, those who have not a drop of mercy or a desire to spare any. These, beloved, unless bound will carry out their agenda, even desiring to accelerate it, for they know that swift as swift does fly, what they precipitate physically becomes the sooner the safer.
I trust that the combined releases of this conference will convince everyone of the intensity of ardor and fervor and service required to attain the full prize in this hour.
I trust you will realize that inasmuch as many lifewaves have been compromised, there are but a few by cosmic standards, a handful of lightbearers across the galaxy who have evolved to the position in Community to which you have to be able to offer in concerted manner, as you do, the Call for the judgment and binding of the seed of the wicked who if left unchecked would surely create a planetary holocaust.
They are indeed checked by your calls but they must be checked again and again daily. And as you give yourselves to these calls you gain momentum, you earn good karma, your being is lighter and in so doing [when] combined with service the chakras are cleared. Thus day by day you become a more powerful instrument of the very same calls you offer. This is our only hope for mitigation. We repeat it again.
Thus in the lightbearers who have responded extraordinary gains have been made. And this is the most gratifying [news] of all and [it] does truly justify the maintenance of this organization if we needed no other or had no other justification, which we do.
For [among] those who have taken to heart all that we have said any number have become within this twelve-month period actual candidates for the ascension, whereas [formerly] they were not. And, beloved, in many cases this was because their service so assisted world evolution of lightbearers that they accrued a very high degree and percentage of balanced karma and of increase of light by offsetting darkness and displacing it through that service.
Those then who have an awareness of a considerable karma that remains, I tell you, there has never been an age when one could so accelerate through service to our cause—so desperate is the need, so grateful is our God, so multiplied are the results. And it is for this reason that they have entered into that league of ascension candidates. And so they shall also continue in violet flame, [in] illumination’s golden flame and [to] seek to attain in this year that God-mastery which is commensurate with the great good karma they have made as well as [that which they have] balanced.
By the time we address you again the head of state of this nation shall have changed. Leaders who have betrayed will be displaced by still others who shall betray.
Inasmuch as there has not appeared in the land one who could bear the mantle of that office at the level of Christhood required (and unless by some miracle one should displace the candidates who have lined up), we say that the Mantle of Alpha, the Mantle of Omega, of Saint Germain and Portia shall not descend upon the next holder of that office.
As in the days of Israel when all looked for the Messiah and the birth thereof and parents prepared themselves as initiates on the path so in this day every chela of El Morya, out of compassion for his heart and Presence and burden, ought to consider himself in preparation to receive that mantle.
Blessed ones, you may think you are not the one, [and] therefore [you may] not prepare, but if you are [the one] and you are not prepared, upon whom then shall the mantle fall?
Thus when it does come to the end of an age, as Morya has set the example, all must look to the heart, all must look to the Holy Christ Self and say “I will prepare myself to bear this mantle or perhaps a portion thereof. I must represent my nation under God and somehow bear physically the virtues required of one who enters the office of the President of the United States.”
Spiritually speaking, beloved, see yourselves as candles on a giant cake, each one bearing that office; for the office itself must not perish from the Earth. It must not, we say. To retain therefore the aura, the mind, the heart, even calling to Godfre and Lanello and the ascended Sons and Daughters of God [to place their Electronic Presence over you] is to secure then a continuity whereby the torch may again be passed to one who does arise and is qualified.
Every mother ought to raise her child upon her knee and dedicate that child to representing the people of a country, a state, a locale. Every child must be reared then with an appreciation for representative government, honesty, fair play, teamwork (also the Holy Spirit and [esoteric] traditions of the history of this land, those traditions of light and darkness, and to know the separation of the twain) and to recognize that every child of God, every son of light descending in this hour is dedicated by Saint Germain and Portia to embodying all of the ideals, the full momentum with which Saint Germain has endowed this nation and which is about to be lost.
Blessed ones, so long as the flame is carried in heart, so long as that cake representing the collective consciousness of the spiritual community worldwide has thousands of candles burning upon it, keeping alive this continuity of God-government in Earth, so long shall there endure the opportunity for the representatives of the God- star to take incarnation, to take up again the calling of restoring and reestablishing the original intent of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Where shall we go to find the traditions of Liberty on Farth? We shall go to the hearts of those who keep the flame of Liberty and we shall abide there. We shall come. We shall give counsel. We shall send our angels and our legions.
Let those to whom is given so mighty a salvation, a concomitant of Hierarchy, a presence so dear, throw now the refuse of their human creation once and for all into the consuming fire of God and, hearing the call of the Angel of Unity, remember that you are brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of Alpha and Omega.
Ye are one! Show that oneness to a world. Show that mutual support, upholding one another in love. Show a unity that does tell us that all separation from our throne is collapsed, as time and space will indeed be collapsed for you in the ritual of your ascension.
O show us, beloved, that the remembrance of our love in the beginning, restoring also your twin flames, is worthy in the ending of your fondest sacrifice, your noblest surrender, your selflessness and your service toward the one-pointed goal of victory! [14-second applause]
It is not pessimistic—it is not pessimistic to live every day as though it were your last. It is not only wise but it is fortuitous. For such a goal-fitting does allow oneself to keep one’s affairs tidy, to remember to forgive, to be kind and to speak the word of comfort, for another day may not dawn when the opportunity should [again] arise.
Blessed ones, this is the spirit of the conquerors who move across planets with the high step of Archangels, who grasp a planetary sphere and who know that one day their steps shall move on to the stars and [who] are determined to gain a planet for those of lesser comprehension.
It is time for bigness, bigness of thought, largesse of heart. It is time to make your decision to fulfill your destiny, for I have come. I have come to call you home and to enumerate the requirements for your homecoming, and [foremost among them] is to rescue every lightbearer on Earth, every child of God marked by the Lord your God for the victory. Thus let not a day pass that you do not intensify the endeavor and show to yourself some good gain that should please our hearts immensely.
Your eyes are opened. You have seen the relative good and evil of a planet and of your time. You have received the gift of the Holy Spirit of wisdom. You know the method of taking wise dominion over self and society. Exercise the spoken Word and command light and darkness in their proper spheres.
O destiny, thou dost call thine own from the mountains! O soul, see thyself now stepping across the high peaks of these mountains, moving north—north to the Polestar of Being, north to the I AM Presence. O come up out of the folly of selfishness and self-concern.
Indeed, beloved, indeed, beloved, I call [upon] you now to sing and sing again to the Wonderful One who comes to minister to you, the Lord Buddha of the Ruby Ray. He does literally rise from his secret chamber in the heart of Earth for this occasion. And I fancy in singing that song that you shall begin to embrace coils of his wonder and the fullness of his wonder that he would impart through ruby ray initiation.
Hosts of Alpha and Omega, come now, for we return to the Central Sun, having so marked Earth as a “Love- star of our Oneness.” We hold in our hearts a replica of the planet and of all lightbearers, and you shall know our nourishment even as you pursue the resolution by mercy’s flame of forgiveness in all directions.
Let it be real, my dears.
Let it be real.
Let mercy be a living thing,
A tender bird on wing.
Let mercy be thy prize,
Thy softness.
Let mercy be the dove
That carries you beyond the skies
To the heart of Alpha,
To the heart of Omega.
Beloved, do prepare for the collapse of time and space. For in an instant in the hour of thy ascension thou shalt know true Oneness which we celebrate now, and it is indeed a celebration of an event not known but one to be known, to be anticipated, to be entered into in meditation.
I raise my scepter and it shall remain raised. The scepter is the scepter of opportunity. So long as it is raised from here to the Central Sun so shall thy opportunity be.
In the heart of Saint Germain and Portia you will always find us close at hand. [21-second pause]
Adieu, until we meet again. Our trysting place the living heart of mercy, I trust, thine own.
]-Alpha and Omega, Pearls of Wisdom 31:68
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