Thursday, June 16, 2022
when men do not prune themselves
1) In this hope of a new world I appeal to men and women of all religions upon Earth to live according to the principle of love and according to higher teachings, to cease their condemnations of one another, to let go of the sense of struggle and to shun cutthroat competition that breeds gossip and hypocrisy of psychological tricks….
When there is constant bickering among various factions of the so-called body of God upon Earth, when men do not prune themselves of gossip and destructive releases of thought and feeling, when they seek human control of the lives of others through what is actually witchcraft, black magic and psychological treachery—masquerading as innocence while imputing guilt to the innocent—they themselves will surely come to judgment; yet their judgment will not produce the miracle of the new heaven and \ new earth. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 12:51
2) The frost that appears on the window vanishes with the Sun. But purifying attempts of nature are not to whitewash or to miscolor manifestation. Manifestation speaks for itself. Its utterances through some may at times appear chameleon-like as they present through internal processes of deceit a false coloration. But only the stone, the white stone of absolute truth, can honestly convey that which is. -Morya, Pearl 14:52
3) Materialism is a disease which is as debilitating to the human spirit as is that of Communism. Both of these products of the minds of the manipulators have affected millions of lightbearers, and their acceptance of the philosophy of the Serpent has left them in a euphoric nightmare. Their psychic peace, the product of their psychological separation from the I AM Presence, has left them non-threatened in an era when all around them permeating the economic crisis of the decade are the most threatening conditions to the human spirit which have ever existed in modern history. -Saint Germain, Pearl 23:7
4) Due to the absence of violet flame we see imbalance in nature. And due to this imbalance in nature not checked by violet flame you see the imbalance in the psyche [of the people]. You see mounting conditions of psychological problems, divisions within the self, within the four lower bodies. You see moodiness, moroseness [and] split personality, as you say. And then you see the body affected; [for inasmuch] as the environment is not balanced by violet flame through the threefold flame of the heart there is resulting imbalance in chemistry of the body. -Omri-Tas, Pearl 27:50a
5) We speak then of that second-most pernicious affliction of the human consciousness which is anxiety, fear, doubt, hesitation [and] absence of will or determination or conviction or drive [to do what is needed, to rise to the occasion, to respond to crisis. This essential will to be and to do] is set back by the very anxiety, fear and doubt that begets confusion. Those of you who understand the cosmic clock of the Sun realize I am speaking of [karmic and psychological] conditions that gather and form islands of darkness on the two and six o’clock lines of your electronic belt, thereby perverting the water of Life and flow of that living water. -Helios, Pearl 27:48b
6) During the Korean War from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953 54,000 Americans and over three million Koreans (both North and South) died. Many were killed because the United States, fighting on behalf of South Korea, was under the United Nations Command and under the United Nations flag. There is considerable evidence that the Soviets, who were supporting the North Koreans, used their position at the UN to gain intelligence about American operations and use it to their advantage in the war. The North Koreans knew General MacArthur’s plans as fast as he made them. Thus many Americans died needlessly and we were pushed out of North Korea. Our only achievement was to essentially preserve the pre-war borders. It should have been the war (and it would have been had MacArthur had his way!) to claim and win all of Korea for freedom! …
When war broke out Zinchenko became de facto UN minister of war, communication and information in charge of all legal, military and judicial affairs relating to the subsequent UN operations in Korea. The UN required American commanders on the battlefield to make frequent and detailed reports to UN headquarters. And according to one undocumented source, reports from General MacArthur in the battlefield went directly to Zinchenko. It wasn’t until 1952 that UN Secretary General Trygve Lie began to suspect that Zinchenko was passing MacArthur’s information on to the Soviets and directed that reports from the front bypass the Soviet officer.
-Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 31:23
7) The American people must defend their right to fulfill their dharma. The only way they can attain enlightenment, the only way they can attain Christhood is if they have a place prepared where there is a guaranteed opportunity to be free to walk the spiritual path. Therefore America must defend her freedom. And to do that she needs physical as well as spiritual defenses! [10-second applause] And let us not neglect the mental, emotiona and psychological defenses as well. -Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 32:27
8) The scenario, which purportedly follows a period of escalating tension between the superpowers, is as follows:
When the tone of Western rhetoric reached its culmination, the launch orders would be issued to the missile force, and 300 SS-18s would launch, allocating three warheads to each of the American Minuteman silos. Smaller weapons would go after the submarine and bomber bases to limit collateral casualties as much as possible–the Soviets had no wish to exacerbate the situation more than necessary. Simultaneously lasers would disable as many American reconnaissance and navigation satellites as possible but leave the communications satellites intact–a gamble calculated to show good intent. The Americans would not be able to respond to the attack before the Soviet warheads struck. (Misha worried about this, but information from KGB and GRU said that there were serious flaws in the American command-and-control system, plus the psychological factors involved.) Probably the Americans would keep their submarine weapons in reserve and launch their surviving Minutemen at Soviet missile silos, but it was expected that no more than two to three hundred warheads would survive the first strike; many of those would be aimed at empty holes anyway, and the defense system would kill most of the incoming weapons.
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 33:11
9) When you find the key to my heart in this prayer and many other prayers that were dictated by the ascended host through Mark Prophet you will come to understand, beloved, that you can fulfill all of your goals–human, material, physical, spiritual, mental, psychological. Yes, you can fulfill all these goals and at the same time retain what you are in God and not lose one iota of your spirituality or your inner attainment. And the talents of your God-mastery will descend from your causal body in this life when you are ready to receive them and when you have balanced certain karmas that you made since you had that attainment of light in ages past and applied it to many good works. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 36:26
10) Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Do not whitewash the deeds of the seed of the Wicked One. Do not sympathize with the sorrows of Satan or his cohorts. But meditate upon the wondrous love of God and contemplate His wisdom. Go to the altar and let God tell you through your Mighty I AM Presence what is truth, what is error, what is real, what is unreal. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 38:38
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