Sunday, June 19, 2022
what the
tyrant, conceal,
fife, stupid, doors, decoys,
ditch, train, disease, cancer, think, Babylon, buggy, image, blubber, negates, shift, insane, conduct. detain, unity, schism, noise, ruin, sports, secure, strict, gloom, prod, irate, nuanced, grunt, frames, sewers. legacy, mortals. demote. denude, bewails, exalted, defames, hapless. clepto. depth, hope, Putin, Loyola, adorns. compact, rigs, ranch, bullies, spoil, spied, falsely, devils, betray, burnt. stifle. subvert. reduces. sturdy, sharp. Duffy, peeve--each one counts to 26.
perfect. correct, Ignatius, swindler, warlord, grumpy, sorrows . comforts. Rasputin, Godfre, pretend, gripe
=each one 37.
blatant 16 + evil21=37.
STINKY, FLEUR--these each come to 26.
each to 37.
PORKY PIG 54. PETER 28 DUFFY 26=54. The above is all via numerology (a=1, b=2, j=1, etc).
THE EIGHTFOLD PATH IS RIGHT MINDFULNESS OR KNOWING, RIGHT CONCENTRATION, RIGHT VIEWS, RIGHT ASPIRATION, RIGHT LIVELIHOOD, RIGHT EFFORT, RIGHT SPEECH, RIGHT ACTION. On the last point one can see that right action does not = impure action. In fact right action is the white ray, and there are 7 other rays, each of a color/tone. Impure37 + action26=
63=Neroli Duffy. numerology.
Neroli Duffy might be assumed by somebody to be in the lineage of Gautama Buddha, but let us not be hasty, nor should one hurry to claim Peter Duffy is in the lineage of Gautama Buddha. The Christ Self IF ADHERED TO IN TRUE DHARMA STYLE MIGHT WELL BE IN A LINEAGE, BUT LET THAT REST FOR NOW.
Sheer CLAIMS are a dime a dozen at best. -r.
Solstice comes on 6-21-2022 at 8:14 a.m. PDT. That's what.
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