Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Those who seek crystal waters swim upstream
I AM the advocate of the here and now. The far-off worlds are only so far as you make them. Life’s transcendent experiences are meant to be lived in the forever moments of the Presence. And the I AM Presence is the measure of molecules of time and space wrapped in a blanket of eternity.
Can you experience God today? Then be at peace. You will know Him forever. And if you have not found Him, I pray thee seek Him while there is yet time and space. For this compartment of consciousness is assigned to thee for that self-discovery in Him which is so necessary if you are to enter into the next modality of harmonic spectrum of consciousness.
Now we ponder the questions some have asked: How do I know when I know the Lord? How do I know that the Lord who appears to me is the God of very gods or some specter out of the house of astral memory? The testing is in the pure stream. Those who seek crystal waters swim upstream to the source.
One’s vision can be no greater than the clarity of one’s consciousness. But how does one measure that clarity when all is subjective? The heart of the matter is in the quest. It is never being content to remain where purest devotion is replaced by entertainment and motives of worship are self-gain.
Go alone to the mountain, O seeker for truth. There love Him for sheer sake of loving Him. Ask no favor. Expect no reward. Assume the mode of humble servant. Demand purification from Life. Seek to become one with the source of comfort. Measure thy heart’s quality by the ability to be alone with God, content.
The opening of third eye is not the measure of spiritual attainment, but the opening of heart. The door that is most used is the one that swings wide most easily.
Those who misuse third eye pay a not-so-pretty price. Follow them not. Neither follow the heart that is not pure love, but follow the stream instead—that pure life that leads to the source of the I AM Presence. Do not measure your strides each day, but only once a year compare thy footsteps to those of yesteryear. The angel of the Lord watches thy footstep. It is enough.
Elohim mince not words. To them the Word is ultimate power of creation. We measure the law of God manifest in man by the geometry of being.
Lose thyself in service, but let it be holy service in consonance with the Cause. Serve no man’s carnal mind, neither thine own. Watch thy thoughts, trace thy feelings. Know when thou art bombarded by a mind that is not mind of God. Eradicate selfishness by violet flame. Be free to swim in the sea of God’s being. Worship the Lord in the real Person of friend, but never confuse outer man with the hidden man of the heart for this is the pitfall of idolatry.
If you would see God face to face, then expect to be stripped of all that is anti-God within thee.
Most men are uncomfortable without accouterments of human personality. They prefer their jokes and their mockery to pure truth that would wither the mask of their hauteur and leave them naked before their friends. Their mockery is as hollow as their bones, and the echo of their own murmurings is a torment to what was once a soul. Their vain talk, each idle word, consumes a portion of soul awareness until the mouse that roared is heard no more and the myopia of a minus vision underestimates and distorts the scale of elephant’s ear.
We are assembling the components of the capstone—souls who would be fused as one body and become as fixed stars in the firmament of God’s all-seeing Eye. It has not been accomplished in twelve thousand years except in ascended master octaves. Let those who identify self as the servant of God’s vision, which crystallizes the creation as above so below, meditate upon the Eye and understand the necessity for the single pyramidal stone in matter to cradle Eye of God.
Who are the lively stones
who no longer crave separation, apartness or wayward independence of wayfarer, always faring but never finding the way? The Order of the Capstone was known of the Masons and pyramid builders. Was there once a stone that was destroyed by those who were about to be destroyed by its power, or did the manipulators succeed in preventing its manifestation before it ever crystallized in matter?
It does not seem to matter now. What matters is that Keepers of the Flame make their vow not only to be the eye of God but to provide the capstone glistening white, a miniature pyramid that must complete the Great Pyramid of lives, of community, of Earth’s initiatory steps ere the whole foundation can transcend itself and pass through the open door.
The door that leads to immortality is the door of God’s all-seeing Eye. Man has found other ways to enter the Great Pyramid, but unless he pass through the open door he cannot enter into the Permanent Atom of Being.
Now this is the riddle of the hour: If there be no capstone, then there is no door. And if there is no door, how will the children find the way out of human dilemma?
Clearly some must be selflessly the rods and cones for the building of the Eye and for the sealing of the capstone. Clearly mankind have built a house from which there is no escape, and the grandest monument to the ascension lacks the greatest mystery of all.
Shall the tireless work of stone on stone and all who have given their lives to build the pyramid line upon line now come to naught because those to whom God has brought sacred vision of the law of self-transcendence fail to fulfill their role to point the way of appointed goal?
Life trembles in the cup while the Great Dramatist awaits the coming of the quick who will replace the dead and raise up a sevenfold flame instead of squandering life and sacred fire in diversions of base desire.
Where is the man who can capture the vision of the capstone and then visualize himself seated in the center by purest love, by crystal stream, by non-attachment to any lesser dream?
Where is the man who understands at last that if this vision so vast is to be beheld by other men, that he and he alone must give and give the all, that there is no other save the Self that is one’s own that can sacrifice and for sins of all the world atone?
Where is the man who will look to no other save to the very God within, whose soul is free from struggle and from sin, and place himself unhesitatingly upon the altar of the pyramid saying
“Here I am, Lord.
I AM thine eye beholding all of life,
All of cosmos, all of Thee.
Love unfolding, life ennobling,
I AM Thyself in the center
Of Eye of creation.
I AM in the superior manifestation
Of spirals ascending and descending,
Creation creating and uncreating,
Life coming and going,
With all love bestowing
Upon each lesser self-awareness
A fuller measure of Be-ness
Until each lively stone that once did build
The foundation of our Pyramid of Love
Passes through the gate of higher consciousness.
And I, keeper of the gate,
Am suspended at the nexus of heaven and earth
And all that which is below is now above.
Thus I too pass through
Unto the throne of Love.”
Show me the man who can understand the role of keeper of the gate and I will show you the man whose purest vision, confirmed by action and interaction with God and His flame of immortality interpenetrating mortality, has seen the Lord face to face and not some specter out of night of astral non-existence.
Show me the man who can understand the path and calling of the Word and I will say to thee: Trust that man. He is a messenger of light. His experience in the Central Sun confirmed by his devotion upon the One reveals the crystal stream, the Source, the fount. Look into his face and behold the face of the Son of man.
Behold the emissary of God, the ascended and ascending one. Trust in the light within his heart. He will take thy soul where you too can start to mount spiral from base unto the crown until upon your own head the Son of God will place the crown of Life worn by those who have resolved the equation of being in the all-seeing Eye of God.
For fairer seeing I AM the pure stream of purity’s light to all.
In the Eye of the Capstone
Come and find me! via Messenger ECP, Pearl 23:13
It is fear of personal loss that provides incentive for their rigor mortis. We encourage freedom from the vain ideas they have sought to implement. Watching while the world weeps and destroys herself, they sometimes even rejoice in the destruction. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 12:15
I know that you desire this teaching and yet I must ask you, do you want it enough to bear adversity that will come because sometimes you will have to stand alone and alone with each other?
Can you take the vision from my third eye that I extend to you in a very intense action in this moment? Can you take my vision and Morya’s vision of the future of this activity? Can you take that vision then and not count hours of sacrifice or of waiting--waiting for that teaching to be delivered in its perfected form? ...
The energies of the heart chakra are very powerful and we cannot expand the heart chakra when you still have untransmuted substance of the third eye, for they work hand in hand. In fact if you allow any of your chakras to be laggards in the race for the victory, you are hindering the expansion of heartflame.
Understand then as I pass to you the energies of my being that I will and I can come to you through the Mother to initiate you and to clear you and to work with Summit University students in their own clearances. But I must tell you now, the burden our Messenger has borne by taking on the energies of Summit University students can no longer be borne by her. She is carrying the maximum weight of world karma and karma of the students.
Morya and I have noted in many instances that those who have come forth to be cleared at Summit University have given their misqualified energies to the Mother, taken her light and gone forth with her light on a new spree of enjoyment of the things of this life.
They have allowed their old ways to return, even those that were consumed in sacred fire, and have recreated them, allowing those old patterns to come again to envelop them. So we have said in deliberation with the Lords of Karma “Let Summit University students, with joy in overcoming, perform their own clearances. Let them be relieved of that weight of misqualified energy by their own individual attainment.”
The Lord Buddha and the Lords of Karma cannot sponsor the Mother taking upon herself these energies because of the number of individuals who have misused the light. The light that is given to each chela in our university is the very light of the body and blood of the Messenger unascended and the Messenger ascended. It is the literal transfer of our life to you.
Some have taken that life and then have turned around and used it against our embodied self. They have taken that large increment of fire so generously and abundantly given and qualified it with hatred of the Messenger, condemnation, gossip and all types of lies spoken in the very midst of their own astral creation.
These then have wielded enormous energies against the Messenger; for, you see, they wielded the Messenger’s own energy, and until that energy ran out they qualified it with a full fury of hatred, as they had within them the energy, even the momentum of light of the teacher.
You see then why the Masters of the Himalayas go into retreat and into the caves, why they leave their bodies for extended periods and allow only a few chosen chelas to surround them in a given lifetime. It is because they are endowing and investing their chelas with their very life.
They know that the power conveyed is a power that also may be misqualified and misused against their very office and position, and so they put their chelas through a very intense period of proving the self. Many times chelas must prove for years that they are worthy of the teacher and the teaching.
Here in the outer dispensation then the students of Summit University come directly from the world, from every phase of life and living to sit in the very presence of the Ascended Masters, to receive directly our ascended momentum and consciousness. We must then extend our hand of protection to our very life in this octave.
We must inform those of you who do not realize it that our embodied Messenger has the attainment of many of the Masters of the Himalayas who long ago left the midst of the cities and multitudes for this very reason. We must, you must then shelter this aura and this forcefield so that it can be the instrument to give you the teaching and healing.
It is then the responsibility of Ascended Masters with their unascended chelas to determine what will happen to the Office of the Messenger, the body of the Messenger, the life and opportunity of the Messenger to continue to be that Messenger.
I would like you to know that there are beings newly ascended and some who have been ascended for a number of decades, angel devas, elementals and servants of Buddha who are chelas at Shamballa who come to attend the lectures given at Summit University. [This is] because the teaching and lectures transcend the octaves and are literally teachings given forth simultaneously by the Messengers in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood to newly Ascended Masters, for it is training that they have not had prior to their ascension. It is teaching on our agenda that has also been taught by Ascended Masters to newly ascended beings.
Therefore you who are in this octave and who are unascended are actually attending class with Ascended Masters who are just as eager and ready to hear the teaching as you are. Perhaps you have not realized or known that such a dispensation was present. Well, I tell you about it so that you can see the great love of the Lord of the World and the Cosmic Council who are determined that mankind should have every opportunity for salvation and who are determined that this teaching should be set forth.
Now then when you think of this eagerness of Ascended Masters can you who come from the world as newly appointed chelas not match the eagerness of the Ascended Masters with God-determination in your own life to publish abroad this teaching, to make it available to many, many more who ought to be candidates for the ascension in your very midst?
We are spanning the octaves by the figure- eight of the Buddha and the Mother! We are making all life one so that soon there will be no distinction between Spirit and matter and more and more people will see the Masters, will see angelic hosts and will have opportunity for personal contact with them.
I will come personally, as I do many a day to Summit University to perform a general and a group clearance of all students. It will be according to the dispensation of the Lords of Karma that replaces the former procedure of individual clearance. It will be opportunity extended by the Lords of Karma through the Messengers to set aside misqualified substance so that you can go forth into the world with a flame of mastery to prove the teaching and thereby transmute the energy that was set aside.
You will have the sense of being cleared and a certain action of being cleared, but the Messenger will not take on that energy or give you that light--that very blood of the Messenger--until a number of years and cycles have passed and, according to the dispensations of Himalayan Masters, you can be taken on as a very personal component of the body of the Messenger on Earth.
Let all then who in these years have received so freely and liberally of the teachings and energies of Ascended Masters realize that this amazing acceleration of transfer of light is largely dependent upon the aura of the Messenger, expanded to include your aura and thereby sustaining in you attainment that you do not necessarily have.
Now then you see when the aura of the Messenger is withdrawn, either to another continent or to another octave through the ascension, those who are left behind often return to their former state--that is if they do not catch the descent of Holy Spirit. You see then we would like you to have a much more realistic assessment of your life and your ability and your place on the ladder.
This is not to say that many of you do not have attainment and position in Hierarchy, but it is to say that all must realize what that position is and thereby go from there to accelerate by expansion of heart within.
Now then I must ask you on this occasion of my ascension anniversary to take upon yourself a morsel, a crumb of the energy and momentum of world karma that our Messenger has borne that the Messenger may receive the rejuvenation, regeneration and resurrection fires for this new cycle and dispensation.
Those of you who accept opportunity to bear this increment of energy will find in bearing it that it will push out of your four lower bodies a certain amount of misqualified substance manifesting as toxins in the physical body, rebellion in the mental body, sluggishness from the etheric body and a certain amount of emotional energy from the feeling body.
I tell you this so that you can deal with it, put it into the flame and keep vigilant day by day. This increment is not something you cannot bear but is something you will have to brace yourselves to bear. In that little transfer of substance there will be then new opportunity for life [for the Messenger] for acceleration and for carrying off of those projects, dictations and writings for which you have waited.
I ask you all to realize that we are grateful when you refrain from condemnation of our Messenger for duties you perhaps think ought to be performed. For that little grain of condemnation is pressed down upon the cross of world karma that she bears already, and it is because of that cross that sometimes you do not have all you think you should have of the presence of the Mother.
Now then if you will share just a small portion of that burden, you will need to make an adjustment whereby you come to grips with your daily tasks and your work, for you will not find it as easy to accomplish your work as it has was before. Within a week however you will make the necessary adjustment and will find that you will be functioning as well as ever.
I can assure you that we have much information at inner levels concerning these matters, which we will not release, for, you see these dictations often come into the hands of some who would take delight in the fall of the Messenger or removal of the Messenger. Therefore I will say to you that it is because of information we have at hand concerning this dispensation that we extend to you opportunity to bear a portion of that weight.
Now then the occasion of the ascension of the Messenger is the occasion for rejoicing for all, for you see when you follow in the footsteps of the Messenger you must also go up as the Messenger goes up. My ascension then is your ascension, and your entering in to the whitefire core of the Mother brings you closer to the action of secret rays in your own causal body.
I bring my dictation to a close, for I have accomplished the purpose for which I came, and the hour is late. I have come to you in love and in the love of our heart. I have come to say thank you for making this world a place to which we could continue to send souls of light.
Precious ones, keep on keeping on, for your victories are many and are unseen by you. The whole world is moving toward the heart of the Holy Spirit because you have stood fast, because you are standing for that flame.
I love you and I will see you again in the morning. -Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 26, 1977 at Pasadena
Grace as that element of the Holy Spirit descends only to the level of a certain frequency of vibration of light and consciousness. And as long as the soul is attuned with that level that soul is draped in the grace and graciousness of the Person of God, of the holy office and of the garments worn. But when there is subtle slipping away from that office and from its vibration so it is as the slip of the cup. And therefore there are moments when those who ought to be in the grace of Almighty God lose that grace. And it is then that they cry “My right!” and they claim authority which is not theirs except when they are under the shadow of their own Christ Self who is indeed the most gracious King of kings, the Immanuel—“God with us.”
-Maitreya, Pearl 23:51
Blessed hearts of light, it is the office of the military to protect the people of the nation. And I demand in the name of Serapis Bey, chohan of the ray of purity, that you understand your divine and holy office as devotees of Mother- flame, as devotees of ascension flame to protect life in its fullest manifestation! -Archangel Michael, Pearl 25:28
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