Saturday, June 4, 2022
orthodoxy 3
I, Magda, come to you in the urgency of the hour when so many are in ignorance in so many quarters of Earth and in churches–some in the very churches where I preached! And I say to you: know that every book that you publish, every tape that you release may mean the difference as to whether a soul ascends or drowns in the astral sea. For if the soul is not taught true teachings of the Sun of Righteousness, her mighty I AM Presence, if the soul does not know that she has a Holy Christ Self and therefore gives up in despair, unsatisfied by the husks of orthodoxy and not knowing where to look for her Bridegroom, not only may she not ascend but she may in fact drown in the astral sea. -Magda, Pearl 36:27
There in deliberations of councils of the people, in civic affairs, in government and in culture, in art and in music let this light be a renaissance. And let the renaissance go forth from that body of God upon Earth—that mystical body of the Lord Christ that is found, lo, here and there, that is not bound by any preference of orthodoxy or of sects but rather finds the true light of God in the people who are one with him. Whether Jew or Gentile, Christian or Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, Zoroastrian, let all souls of light feel this day the undulations of the miracle light of the eternal Christos. -Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, March 26, 1978 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 55:7
Let’s have a look at the real Mikhail Gorbachev. It was he, the student at Moscow University, who eagerly took part in Stalin’s anti-Semitic policies. According to Vladimir Solovyov and Elena Klepikova, Soviet journalists who defected to the West, “At Komsomol and later at Party meetings, [Gorbachev] ‘exposed’ professors and students of Jewish origin and demanded their expulsion from university....Gorbachev also looked into personnel files of other students and professors of non-Jewish origin and exposed as ‘enemies of the people’ those who, from his point of view, were lacking in Stalinist orthodoxy.” -Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 32:7
Our violet flame angels shall not leave this sanctuary. They shall tarry in this inn where the Christ may be born in you. Therefore not in the cathedrals of the world, the mosques or synagogues do we appear, but we appear here in this hour where an innkeeper has said “Make room for the birth of the living Christ.” Thus outside of a dead and dying doctrine and orthodoxy we stand to deliver the true Christ message of your victory. -Archangel Zadkiel, on November 25, 1987 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 30:77
This temple, this inn, this holy church is to us the new wineskin for the new wine. It would be impossible, beloved, to deliver the magnificent teachings on marriage, the balancing of karma, the transcending of human marriage and entering into the marriage made in heaven given the old wineskins of orthodoxy.
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 30:21
And these false hierarchies of fallen angels desire to see not one son of God ascend to the Father. Therefore they have seen to it that locked into the theology of the West is the denial of this experience in toto. But beyond this, beloved, unto those who do not accept orthodoxy, there are the most subtle distractions taking the soul away from this mighty work of the ages that is for the sustaining of the Word.
-Morya, Pearl 30:14
Those who do not then acknowledge the Christ of me as the Christ of Maitreya may not receive the kingdom of God, for it is the chain of Hierarchy-- and not an isolated favorite son that conforms to a fabricated orthodoxy-- that can win [the victory] for the individual. Just as the denial of my Mother, Mary, is the denial of my own seed and incarnation through her, so, beloved, to think that flesh and blood can reveal that Christ or be that
Christ is an error that does not convey salvation. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 31:88
Their love is great for you, for they see in you the key to reach those who are caught in the [traps of ] world religions of East and West. They see in the violet flame and your soul’s liberation from an orthodoxy or an intellectual or an emotional religion without sacred fire, they see in you, beloved, an example and a way that many may follow. And they will follow you, beloved, by the increase of the heart[flame] and by the light. -Lanello, Pearl 31:86
Now, beloved, as you can well imagine we look to an Earth that can receive these souls whom we are preparing. Our plans are vast for the incarnation of these ones who, if left alone by fallen ones and [left] unobstructed in their own soul’s awareness by a false hierarchy and an orthodoxy that is dead and long dead, they will enter. They will claim the Christ-flame! They will claim their Mighty I AM Presence! And you might find yourselves even as their leaders, hastening to catch up to your followers, as one among you was wont to say one fine day.
-Morya, Pearl 32:33
Beloved hearts, we do not desire to see [such calamity] happen. Yet we cannot support a Christianity, a doctrine of orthodoxy that has led to perpetual reincarnation of souls who thought they were going to heaven [yet] could not and did not. You see, the Law acts and [the Law requires that] there must be the intercessor in physical embodiment. -Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Pearl 32:9
It is the hour then when we from the ascended and unascended state can bequeath to you and the world profound teaching and a great deal of it that will surely last through the age of Aquarius for many souls who [through this organization] will find freedom from the locked chain of orthodoxy. -Lanello, Pearl 34:15
This illumination, beloved, can come through all mystical paths of the world’s religions that are being revealed to you. But I tell you, orthodoxy in every world religion and a priest class who are not servants of light and not Sons of the Solitude do block the true revelation of the indwelling God. Therefore expand the paths of mysticism. Renew them, intensify them, review them so that you may understand how it is that a soul [journeying] on one of these [mystical] paths will more clearly understand union with God [through her religion]. -Sarasvati, Pearls of Wisdom 35:39
Lanello, Kuan Yin, Messenger from Himalayas by N. Roerich:
Yes, Lanello who embodied as Messenger Mark Prophet and as Crown Prince of Romanov family before the Bolshevik Revolution took over, that revolution built on the foundation of Romanov blood.
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