Friday, June 3, 2022
on orthodoxy
We must have some means to directly disseminate our light, and this must be graded in such a manner as to reach the various states of consciousness expressed by men. We can hardly seek to please the orthodox concepts or to influence people with an appeal which will strengthen their own ego, seeing that the blessed ego, when wrongly pampered, is the cause of all human suffering. Therefore, in blazing forth the Flame of Illumination with that full potency for which the students of higher Law have called, We recognize that some offense may be given to the human consciousness. This is not only a calculated risk, but it is a forthright act of virtue and courage!
-Meru, Pearls of Wisdom 6:43
Now it seems right unto me to deal with the subject of mantrams and their use by both orthodox and unorthodox individuals upon the planet in invoking the descent of the Holy Spirit. The repetitive use of sacred words and names has proven to be efficacious for many reasons in drawing down the radiation and inflow of the blessed Holy Spirit and Its currents. Of course, this Law is based on the simple fact that two thoughts cannot occupy the mind simultaneously. When sacred names are continually pronounced, with the view to drawing very close to God and contacting His mighty Presence, this process is effective in shutting out or excluding the veil of shadows and discordant energies which, under normal human circumstances, prevent divine contact.
Maha Chohan, Pearl 7:47
Yet I come this Christmas season to breathe anew into the planetary body an infusion of Christ love, those transfusing elements of the celestial octaves that are the requirements of God for the survival of the planetary body. I know that the world at large, even the great orthodox religious world, has in the security of its own doctrine continued to feel that the Earth abideth forever, that all things continue as they are from the first. Yet they reckon not with the fashion of karma or with the scale of cosmic realization. Therefore they know not the great planetary need for a continual renewing of the body of the earth and of all elements with the great flame of resurrection and the great flame of the ascension.
Reembodiment refers to the placing of the soul into new and successive temples of greater usefulness in order that it might evolve progressively toward Godhood. (“Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,/While the vast seasons roll.” ) The teaching of reembodiment has been spiked by the orthodox clergy, and their followers have been taught to believe that they have but one fleeting chance to grasp at the coattails of Deity. Should they fail they are to be placed in a state of torment forever; if they succeed, they are to be place in a state of blessedness forever. -Goddess Meru 11:41
We call to the lame, the halt, the blind and to all those who have need of our healing hands and we say, Come. The Spirit and the bride say, Come. Let all who are athirst say, Come. And let a new outreach go forth into the world bearing the tidings of truth. As Saint Francis taught the law of reembodiment in the public squares, so let us now have teachers who are willing to brave the censure of the merging orthodox movements that would unify all churches into one great church in order to intensify their power of religious control in the world. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 11:34
Many in the orthodox churches are naïve concerning these facts. They are entirely too standpat in matters of the self. Quite frankly, as you have been told in this series, the self is little understood. This is why people often work against their own best interests and against the best interests of humanity, why they are so easily captivated by the idea of massive social gain and why the dark forces are able to create so much unrest in the world
-Lanto, Pearl 12:32
The greatest tragedies of life have arisen from those dogmas that through the years have aborted mankind’s true sense of reality–ideas, for example, that create feelings of distrust, doubt and fear. In the matter of reembodiment, how frequently those in orthodox circles whose fathers and forefathers before them have leaned upon what they term Christian traditions feel that any instruction on the subject is a dividing of the way. They but pinpoint the fact that their devotion to my Son and to his great example is secondary to their devotion to a false teaching based upon the doctrines of those who have proved themselves to be lovers of man rather than lovers of God. This is a great misfortune; for when individuals have believed a certain thing for many years, their feelings gradually intensify concerning the absoluteness of their belief. This often prevents a clear seeing of the structures of Life. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 15:39
Now is the time for the elect to determine so to be! I cannot say in cosmic honor that many orthodox institutions are serving aught else than the causes of Satan. That they have summoned some appearance of goodness yet have denied the power thereof in no way provides them with a valid excuse in the eyes of the living God.
materially through forms of government control.
-ArcheiaMary, Pearl 15:35
Never at any time were the admonishments of the apostles or of my Son intended to be wrongly divided. Yet how frequently the Word–which is both a sword to divide good from evil and a shield to protect eternal truth from the onslaught of error’s divisive ways–is misunderstood in the realm of applications. We know full well that there are many tenets of cosmic law recorded in scripture that ought to be regarded as the living Word of God. But of a truth theologians who are part of orthodox movements have overlooked many concepts that are the pure teachings of the Spirit because of false premises injected into the printed word in early centuries of the Christian dispensation and into later interpretations thereof. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 15:31
Let us take for example a manifestation of that which is often prevalent in orthodox churches: self-righteousness and defense of that righteousness. The followers of various religions do not hesitate to level at one another the most vile accusations involving twists of human doctrine and justifications of their own pet version of the will of God. They fight and spat like feline creatures and cast out of the window of their lives gentle thoughts of forgiving love as well as opportunity for increased understanding. Can you not see how silly this is for mankind who profess to do the will of God, to espouse the cause of brotherhood and healing ministry of the Christ to allow themselves to enter into a frame of mind wherein they consider heaven itself unable to defend the living truth? -Saint Germain, Pearl 15:26
Frankly, outworn garments must be cast aside as the allure of psychic intrigue. It is unfortunate that some do not understand the measure of a man. The arhat is not entwined in the snare of human accusations or struggles. He points the way out of the human sense of involvement in the maya of mass confusion that in its swirl does not fail to trap the unwary metaphysician as well as the orthodox traditionalist in the morass of personality. Trapped by personality, man fails to sense the universal reservoir of fiery hope revealed in the ongoingness of the Brotherhood. -Morya, Pearl 16:1
As we enter the new era with the Teachings of the Ascended Masters as our guide to the individualization of the God-flame we see a most unfortunate resistance to change on the part of orthodox hierarchies of both Christianity and Buddhism as well as the other world religions. And nowhere is this resistance more evident than in the attitudes toward the Coming of Christ or Buddha. -Archangel Uriel, Pearl 26:52
Now, beloved, understand how the fallen ones traduced my own message, hence in effect me personally. They erected a church, an edifice, an institution that was a prisonhouse for my sheep. This edifice did not bear likeness either to my causal body or to the New Jerusalem which John saw descending out of heaven from God. They used the form of the citadel to create the illusion of the authority and authenticity of the offices and hierarchies and eventually the orthodox tradition.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 29:67
Blessed ones, the mysteries I have taught have been banned and denounced as heresy, and therefore you are as shorn lambs today, having accepted the orthodox lie of sin and condemnation. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 31:38
My beloved, it is this gospel of salvation that must be preached in every nation before the end shall come–the end of opportunity for souls of light to be bonded to their Lord. Therefore understand that many have thought that it is the orthodox Christian message that had to be preached in every nation, but I tell you, it is the true mysteries of Jesus Christ that must be preached. -Hilarion, Pearl 33:39
O devotees of light in the Earth, be quickened then, for you have not known the direct fire of my heart. For you have been kept apart from me by a [2,500-year-old Buddhist orthodox tradition] that is no longer satisfying nor complete, for we have moved beyond, incorporating [the corpus of the Buddha], refining [the flour], kneading the dough. And now the bread [of doctrine] is baked. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 36:4
Today much of orthodox religion is a man-made religion that worships a man-made God. Often those who follow it do not find the true path of salvation but instead they are circumscribed by a rote orthodoxy that binds them to the wheel of rebirth. -Archangel Uriel and Aurora, Pearl 40:8
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