Wednesday, June 29, 2022
on insanity
Therefore as I speak to you so I plant my rod in the earth and I send angels of God, fully armored in the armor of Justinius of the seraphic hosts. I send angels to the levels of the astral plane, to levels of minds insane, distorted, disjointed, minds incapable of holding to the honor flame of God–the very flame of honor, order and sanity, beloved.-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 36:13
Sacred vessels are these four bodies of man, of woman–yea, even the habitation of the Most High God. But when the vision of oneness descends to the level of relativity in matter, engendering a sense of separation from the central flame of life, then the door of consciousness is opened not to the Christ but to the dweller on the threshold and to fallen ones–discarnates, demons and entities who seek a dwelling place in the tabernacle of God that has become the tomb of the living dead. Now we see in the one who is marked by society as insane only the extreme manifestation of what those who are sane experience as the parallel manifestation of the Christ mind and the carnal mind side by side in evolving soul-consciousness. -Lanelello, Pearl 17:26
Thus continuing the theme of Hope I show you how these golden pearls of souls at all levels and planes of Earth are the true coordinates that hold together a world in chaos, a world that is insane with its madness, multiplied by Martian misqualifications of anger and aggression
-Archangel Raphael, Pearl 35:2
And error leads to unreality. And unreality leads to insanity. Thus the insane stalk the Earth taking innocent life. The insane take the life of the unborn and call it woman’s right. Woman’s right to murder her child! Is she liberated? No! She is enslaved to a pain that gnaws within her for the rest of her life and in future incarnations until it is resolved. -Morya, Pearl 27:47
Blessed ones, it will never bring the seed of the wicked to sanity; for the original sin, which is their original sin of rebellion against God, is insanity. And from the moment of that rebellion the individual remains insane until the hour comes of forsaking of rebellion, the bending of the knee, the calling upon the law of forgiveness, and invoking of the violet flame whereby by the Holy Spirit one is washed clean from one’s insanity. -Goddess of LLiberty, Pearl 32:41
Beloved ones, Jesus did not remain reciting parables. He went into the midst of the “generation of vipers.” He went into the midst of the lawyers, Sadducees and Pharisees, and he accused them of that which they held in their hearts of hatred, of that which they held in their minds. And they declared him insane, even as they declare the dissidents in the Soviet Union this day to be insane when they speak with the will of God. -Morya, Pearl 49:17
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