Friday, June 24, 2022
How came thou into the midst of sacred fire?
Now then, see how they have been caught and distracted and how all manner of false teaching has also invaded the temples and the mosques. And see the divisive elements as I show you the infiltration of demons and fallen ones who pit their darkness against the light of the Mother. -Chananda, Pearl 59:23
We have seen the pillaging of the Earth even by interplanetary beings who have come and taken that wealth from Earth. We have seen the infiltration of laggard souls. We have seen the desecration of the little ones through pornography, through sex education in the schools, through indoctrination behind the Iron Curtain, through the tearing of these little ones from their mothers and their fathers. -Keeper of the Scrolls, Pearl 61:31
Where else should we initiate our spiral of victory and of the vision and of light of the Divine Mother for transformation of this economic system, these Luciferian controls, the infiltration of the Federal Reserve and control and spawning of that octopus over America through the Federal Reserve banks? -Saint Germain, Pearl 61:39
The extent of the evil of these hordes and that of their mechanical creations has been very great, and the oppression they have wreaked upon mankind has been terrible to behold. The infiltration of the planet by these creatures is indeed a manifestation of human creation, not of the divine creation. God did not create evil, neither did He create destruction nor hatred nor egoism nor any form of vanity whatsoever. -Master R, Pearl 8:15
Precious ones, this earth is a powder keg. But I tell you that even those bombs and even those missiles and even that infiltration can be nullified. It can be nullified by your decrees if you but have the vision, if you but have the determination that the light which you invoke can nullify that energy, can render it powerless. It can be done, but it must be done by concerted action and by specific calls.
Precious ones, this earth is a powder keg. But I tell you that even those bombs and even those missiles and even that infiltration can be nullified. It can be nullified by your decrees if you but have the vision, if you but have the determination that the light which you invoke can nullify that energy, can render it powerless. It can be done, but it must be done by concerted action and by specific calls. 0Saubt Germain, Pearl 20:47
How came thou into the midst of sacred fire? How came thou, O soul of God’s desire? Came thou by love or by the flame of truth, or by the presence of victory? By the light of God came thou in, O soul of fire. Therefore, soul, do not lay claim to thy accomplishment in that sacred fire but know that it is because the Lord thy God hath led thee into the place hallowed by the flame of Victory! ...
I say to you, when you go forth to cut humanity free do not expect to be welcomed by the archdeceivers or those who have been referred to as these “experts.” I tell you, they will not welcome you with open arms, but they will use the full power and money and energy that they have amassed away from the Mother and her children to deter you from your path. And they will cause all manner of grief to come upon you and every method that is available in their hands, as it has been done already to the messengers and prophets and teachers throughout the ages.
And therefore, expect no hilarious reception. Become accustomed to the fact, therefore, that the sword of illumination’s flame will cut to the quick those ones who must rely on the carnal mind and its game. -Victory , via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Pasadenaon December 31, 1976
We would see the children of the light, the sons and daughters of God rally by this preference. We would warn of the infiltration of selfishness in the body of God and in the true Church. These are the cracks that come between you and your God; this is the erosion of the cosmic cube. Beware then lest the temptation of fallen ones beset the light of the chosen ones. Choose then to elect this day the law and light and joy of abandon in God and see how God will fulfill in you every joy, every comfort, every need. -Nada, Pearls of Wisdom 20:1
The spirit of terrorism, anarchy and assassination abroad in this world must not go unchecked, for it is the wedge which the fallen ones seek to drive between the soul and ordered evolution of the incarnating Word....
The children of God are all too trusting, and theirs is often a misplaced trust given unto the ones who pose as angels of light. They see not beyond the mask of a performed pleasantness the treachery of armed hordes, so jealous of the bliss of innocent children of God who have never lost their innermost intimate communion with the Lord Christ and his Holy Spirit....
This circus of the fallen ones has been repeated again and again throughout the ages while self-centered and naïve children of God, who have failed to give their undying commitment to the flame of Life within themselves and all people, have become susceptible to the ruses of Satan’s spoiled children and even amenable to their demand for rights to the taxpayers’ money to underwrite their guerrilla training....
The connection is one of a common vibration of individuals who have long ago rebelled against their own real Self and the God-government of that Christ, who have thence fallen from grace, the state of oneness with the inner Christ through the World Savior. Thus they are called the fallen ones, and their fall is from higher consciousness of the God within, the I AM Presence whom they reject as their Lord and Master....
We stand midst the congregation of the righteous, nation by nation waiting to hear the challenging word of the sons and daughters of God that will set to naught the blasphemies of the wicked and the droning on of the self-made slaves of the welfare state. ...
Thus from pornography to guerrilla warfare to violence, kidnapping, assassination, and mechanized murder the strategies of the fallen ones are connected by Satanic rite on the astral plane. ...
Pearl 21:51
I would like to point out to the beloved ones that are hearing this address that the agents of insincere foreign powers have ever so frequently sought to find a place of operation within those nations of the world where economic instabilities exist. Where hunger for food and the living standard is lowered, there they send forth their nefarious agents to make every attempt to plant seeds of communism and atheism. These are so contradictory to the plans of the ascended masters that I am certain that every sincere chela will immediately grasp the concept that it is necessary to guard South America against the infiltration of those hordes of shadow and darkness. Yet these also are children of the light within. -Elohim Amazonia, Pearls of Wisdom 21:18
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