Sunday, June 5, 2022
entrenched by design
We do not consider that entrenched forces that seize the minds of children from the cradle will lightly give them up. Certainly the Armageddon of spiritual warfare will continue—error fighting against truth and truth standing alone in the world as the means of man’s deliverance. -MERU, PEARLS OF WISDOM 11:42
Myriad doctrines, dogmas and entrenched concepts have drained mankind of strength and made him a victim of satanic myth. The father of lies has spun many an idle dream and used it as a psychic net to divide and conquer large blocks of individuals in the religious community. Often the seeker for truth is made merchandise of and the very hunger in his soul for righteousness causes him, in fanatical zeal, to disclaim his own birthright and to proclaim as truth the teachings of the synagogue of Satan.
The question from the standpoint of Hierarchy concerning the release to our students of controversial subjects involving truth is never one of our devotion to the truth- seeker but simply how to best pierce moldy misqualified substance that surrounds men with entrenched ideas and old momentums of mingled truth and error. By the continuing process of revelation we hope to yet throw great light upon the almost jealously guarded shadows which individuals ignorantly preserve. -SAINT GERMAIN, PEARL 7:33
Turn then your attention to gross injustice which has been done against the woman in the Philippines who has lawfully secured the support of light and of the people and whose victory has been stolen by one entrenched who has sought to tear the crown from the Divine Mother in this election. Realize, beloved ones, that the attack upon the Mother is upon the entire lifewave of the Philippines and upon children and families and the economy of the nation, which is a shambles as a result of the manipulation of one
Marcos and his wife.
Others, beloved, are sorely entrenched, sorely entrenched. For these you must invoke Elohim Astrea. You must invoke mighty buddhas and bodhisattvas. You must invoke even the ruby ray.
These alchemists pursued their experiments under the duress of persecution led by entrenched reactionary forces of their day, and it is a tribute to their lives and honor that they persisted in the search. Thus they brought forth and bequeathed to humanity the bona fide results of their efforts as acknowledged scientific achievement and annotated philosophic knowledge to bless the culture and archives of the world order. -SAINT GERMAIN, PEARL 5:28
May I throw a beam of my heart’s light upon Saint Germain’s timely words? As a result of a recent probing by Hierarchy into mortal affairs the decision to seek the means to reach mankind came about; for we have detected a number that is mighty indeed in the evolution of this planet presently in embodiment who would assist the divine plan if they knew how to do so. We know that whereas the students of greater light have much understanding that is out of the ordinary and that is not given through orthodox religious endeavors, few of you realize what an entrenched religious and social system exists today. With a greater intensity than the control used in the days of the Roman Empire by Caesarian legions or the tightly knit restraint of the ancient Jewish Sanhedrin, conservative cliques have marshaled their forces to almost prohibit progressive revelation to the mankind of Earth. -ARCHEIA MARY, PEARL 8:36
Every electron has a trajectory of purpose, and the arch of triumph is the victory of faith in the soul. Unless men believe that they can do a specific act, and indeed every act that the Law requires that they must do as an act of faith in order to produce their own doorway to freedom, they will be unable to cope with the long entrenched, historical destinies of the present world order. -ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, PEARL 10:35
When the great Master Jesus on Good Friday commended his spirit to God and darkness covered the land it was an outpicturing in nature of the frightful elements of materialism which confused and clouded the very issues He sought to reveal. The blessings of the Beatitudes and his Sermon on the Mount, his magnificent exposition entitled “The Lord’s Prayer” and his marvelous employment of the gift of healing were all used by him to usher in the kingdom of heaven. But men preferred the entrenched regime of Caesar and religious influences already established to progressive teachings of the great Master. And the cruelties practiced against early Christians in the form of the most ungodly persecutions were the result. -HILARION, PEARL 7:34
This doctrine of Christ-principle is intended to teach mankind that when the forces of negation are deeply entrenched within mind and heart of man (within the four lower bodies and personality, for they can never abide within the real Self), they hold an iron rule over the psyche. Because of long association with their subject and deeply ingrained habits that he has taken on under their influence, the demons who actually live off of his energy violently oppose any attempt of Christ to enter in and take dominion in the individual consciousness. -MAHA CHOHAN, PEARL 9:34
Where will all this lead mankind in the future? Where indeed, for as I spake long ago, men do not gather grapes of thistles. The consciousness that wanders in search of the curious—searching for approval of mankind—hides itself from the face of God. As in olden days they who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind. But what direction shall we exhort men to take in order to reverse these currents that destroy in consciousness the pure purposes of life? Is it not within the realm of education? Yet is not education controlled by a curricula more rigid than strata of the rock? Entrenched within mankind’s minds are their firm concepts of right evolved in ignorance of spiritual law, for the purpose of satisfying their greed for the wealth of the world and attainment of recognition by men. -JESUS CHRIST, PEARL 9:15
Do you realize that the entrenched system of organized medicine continues to suppress natural healing methods even in those areas where the common denominator of public opinion has overwhelmingly forced the issue and produced a relative state of freedom to those who practice healing arts according to more natural methods?
Beloved ones, I stand before you to make known to you that this effort–the manifest effort of many hearts in the Middle East, around the world and of the ascended masters–will not draw the logical conclusion of a contract of peace, a covenant between these peoples unless there is ignited in their very midst a fervent action of violet flame. For centuries of hatred, an entrenched hatred scarcely understandable still exists as record and in the hearts and souls of some among these evolutions; but I say, not all. -SAINT GERMAIN, PEARL 21:5
Those who may see by an inner sight raised up will note that I have placed my hands over this Messenger’s hands and I am releasing through her chakras in this hour healing light, and therefore I am carving out new channels of her being for healing and I am releasing that light to the Earth for the healing of the psyche of nations. For nations are beset by a national consciousness that does prevail, a characteristic burden of karma, attitude and profile of a people. So entrenched are these limitations, beloved, that scarcely can the Universal Christ appear. -ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL, PEARL 31:35
entrenched 51 + madcaps 21=72=SELF-JUSTIFICATION. VATICAN 25 +SANHEDRIN 47 =72.
entrenched 51 + idea 21
=72. -r.
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